BluecurveEnginepublic class BluecurveEngine extends GTKEngine
Methods Summary |
java.awt.Color | getFocusColor(javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext context, int state)
return ((BluecurveStyle)context.getStyle()).getGTKColor(
context.getComponent(), context.getRegion(),
SynthConstants.SELECTED, BluecurveColorType.OUTER3);
| public void | paintArrow(javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext context, java.awt.Graphics g, int state, int shadowType, int direction, java.lang.String info, int x, int y, int w, int h)
// Draw the arrow
int sizeW = w / 4 + 1;
int sizeH = h / 4 + 1;
int size = Math.max(2, Math.min(sizeW, sizeH));
switch (direction) {
case GTKConstants.ARROW_UP:
x += w / 2 - 1;
y += (h - size) / 2;
case GTKConstants.ARROW_DOWN:
x += w / 2 - 1;
y += (h - size) / 2 + 1;
case GTKConstants.ARROW_LEFT:
x += (w - size) / 2;
y += h / 2 - 1;
case GTKConstants.ARROW_RIGHT:
x += (w - size) / 2 + 1;
y += h / 2 - 1;
GTKStyle style = (GTKStyle)context.getStyle();
int mid, i, j;
j = 0;
mid = (size / 2) - 1;
g.translate(x, y);
// PENDING: this isn't the right color.
context.getRegion(), state, BluecurveColorType.OUTER5));
switch(direction) {
case GTKConstants.ARROW_UP:
for(i = 0; i < size; i++) {
g.drawLine(mid-i, i, mid+i, i);
g.fillRect(mid - size + 2, size, 1, 1);
g.fillRect(mid + size - 2, size, 1, 1);
case GTKConstants.ARROW_DOWN:
j = 0;
for (i = size-1; i >= 0; i--) {
g.drawLine(mid-i, j, mid+i, j);
g.fillRect(mid - size + 2, -1, 1, 1);
g.fillRect(mid + size - 2, -1, 1, 1);
case GTKConstants.ARROW_LEFT:
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
g.drawLine(i, mid-i, i, mid+i);
g.fillRect(size, mid - size + 2, 1, 1);
g.fillRect(size, mid + size - 2, 1, 1);
case GTKConstants.ARROW_RIGHT:
j = 0;
for (i = size-1; i >= 0; i--) {
g.drawLine(j, mid-i, j, mid+i);
g.fillRect(-1, mid - size + 2, 1, 1);
g.fillRect(-1, mid + size - 2, 1, 1);
g.translate(-x, -y);
| public void | paintBox(javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext context, java.awt.Graphics g, int state, int shadowType, java.lang.String info, int x, int y, int w, int h)
GTKStyle style = (GTKStyle)context.getStyle();
Region region = context.getRegion();
if (info != "trough" || region != Region.SLIDER_TRACK) {
paintBackground(context, g, state,
style.getGTKColor(context.getComponent(), region, state,
GTKColorType.BACKGROUND), x, y, w, h);
paintShadow(context, g, state, shadowType, info, x, y, w, h);
| public void | paintBoxGap(javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext context, java.awt.Graphics g, int state, int shadowType, java.lang.String info, int x, int y, int w, int h, int boxGapType, int tabBegin, int size)
_paintBoxGap(context, g, state, shadowType, x, y, w, h, boxGapType,
tabBegin, size, GTKColorType.BACKGROUND,
BluecurveColorType.OUTER3, BluecurveColorType.OUTER3,
BluecurveColorType.INNER_RIGHT2, true);
| public void | paintExtension(javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext context, java.awt.Graphics g, int state, int shadowType, java.lang.String info, int x, int y, int w, int h, int placement, int tabIndex)
_paintExtension(context, g, state, shadowType, x, y, w, h, placement,
BluecurveColorType.OUTER3, GTKColorType.BACKGROUND,
BluecurveColorType.OUTER3, BluecurveColorType.INNER_RIGHT2,
true, tabIndex);
| public void | paintHandle(javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext context, java.awt.Graphics g, int paintState, int shadowType, java.lang.String info, int x, int y, int w, int h, int orientation)
paintHashes(context, g, paintState, x, y, w, h, orientation, 5, 4);
| private void | paintHash(javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext context, java.awt.Graphics g, int state, int x, int y, int size)
GTKStyle style = (GTKStyle)context.getStyle();
context.getRegion(), state,
g.drawLine(x, y + size, x + size, y);
context.getRegion(), state,
g.drawLine(x + 1, y + size, x + size, y + 1);
| private void | paintHashes(javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext context, java.awt.Graphics g, int state, int x, int y, int w, int h, int orientation, int count, int size)
// 3 diagonal lines 5x5
GTKStyle style = (GTKStyle)context.getStyle();
if (orientation == GTKConstants.HORIZONTAL) {
if (w < size * count + 4) {
int x0 = x + (w - size * count) / 2;
int y0 = y + (h - size) / 2;
context.getRegion(), state,
for (int counter = 0; counter < count; counter++) {
g.drawLine(x0 + counter * size, y0 + size,
x0 + (counter + 1) * size, y0);
context.getRegion(), state,
for (int counter = 0; counter < count; counter++) {
g.drawLine(x0 + counter * size + 1, y0 + size,
x0 + (counter + 1) * size, y0 + 1);
else if (orientation == GTKConstants.VERTICAL) {
if (h < size * count + 4) {
int x0 = x + (w - size) / 2;
int y0 = y + (h - size * count) / 2;
context.getRegion(), state,
for (int counter = 0; counter < count; counter++) {
g.drawLine(x0, y0 + (counter + 1) * size, x0 + size,
y0 + (counter * size));
context.getRegion(), state,
for (int counter = 0; counter < count; counter++) {
g.drawLine(x0 + 1, y0 + (counter + 1) * size, x0 + size,
y0 + counter * size + 1);
| public void | paintOption(javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext context, java.awt.Graphics g, int paintState, int shadowType, java.lang.String info, int x, int y, int w, int h)
if (info == "option") {
int componentState = context.getComponentState();
if ((componentState & SynthConstants.SELECTED) != 0) {
g.translate(x, y);
int centerY = h / 2 - 1;
JComponent component = context.getComponent();
Region region = context.getRegion();
GTKStyle style = (GTKStyle)context.getStyle();
if ((componentState & SynthConstants.MOUSE_OVER) != 0) {
g.setColor(style.getGTKColor(component, region, paintState,
else {
g.setColor(style.getGTKColor(component, region, paintState,
g.fillRect(5, centerY, 5, 3);
g.drawLine(6, centerY - 1, 8, centerY - 1);
g.drawLine(6, centerY + 3, 8, centerY + 3);
g.translate(-x, -y);
super.paintOption(context, g, paintState, shadowType, info, x, y,
w, h);
if (info == "radiobutton") {
if ((context.getComponentState() & SynthConstants.SELECTED) != 0) {
// PENDING: this should be a gradient.
int centerY = h / 2 - 1;
g.translate(x, y);
getComponent(), context.getRegion(), paintState,
g.fillRect(5, centerY, 5, 3);
g.drawLine(6, centerY - 1, 8, centerY - 1);
g.drawLine(6, centerY + 3, 8, centerY + 3);
g.translate(-x, -y);
| public void | paintShadow(javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext context, java.awt.Graphics g, int state, int shadowType, java.lang.String info, int x, int y, int w, int h)
if (info == "menubar") {
// This isn't really dark, but not sure what color they're using
// here
context.getComponent(), context.getRegion(), state,
g.drawLine(x, y + h - 1, x + w, y + h - 1);
if (info == "buttondefault") {
// YES, this appears to be special cased.
context.getComponent(), context.getRegion(),
state, GTKColorType.BLACK));
g.drawRect(x, y, w - 1, h - 1);
BluecurveStyle style = (BluecurveStyle)context.getStyle();
JComponent c = context.getComponent();
Region region = context.getRegion();
int xThickness = style.getXThickness();
int yThickness = style.getYThickness();
if (info == "trough") {
// YES, this appears to be special cased.
xThickness = yThickness = 1;
if (region == Region.SLIDER_TRACK) {
if (((JSlider)c).getOrientation() ==SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL){
if (h > 5) {
y = y + h / 2 - 2;
h = 5;
else if (w > 5) {
x = x + w / 2 - 2;
w = 5;
else if (info == "bar") {
if (xThickness < 2) {
x -= xThickness;
y -= yThickness;
w += xThickness + xThickness;
h += yThickness + yThickness;
xThickness = yThickness = 2;
if (xThickness < 0 && yThickness < 0) {
// nothing to paint.
Color upperLeft = null, innerLeft = null, bottomRight = null,
innerRight = null;
if (info == "menu" || (info == "trough" &&
(region == Region.PROGRESS_BAR || region ==
Region.SLIDER_TRACK)) || info == "entry") {
if (info != "menu" && info != "entry") {
g.setColor(style.getGTKColor(c, region, state,
g.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
upperLeft = bottomRight = style.getGTKColor(c, region, state,
if (shadowType == GTKConstants.SHADOW_OUT) {
innerLeft = style.getGTKColor(c, region, state,
innerRight = style.getGTKColor(c, region, state,
else {
innerLeft = style.getGTKColor(c, region, state,
innerRight = style.getGTKColor(c, region, state,
else if (info != "menuitem" && info != "bar") {
upperLeft = bottomRight = style.getGTKColor(c, region, state,
if (shadowType == GTKConstants.SHADOW_OUT) {
innerLeft = style.getGTKColor(c, region, state,
innerRight = style.getGTKColor(c, region, state,
else {
innerLeft = style.getGTKColor(c, region, state,
innerRight = style.getGTKColor(c, region, state,
else {
upperLeft = bottomRight = style.getGTKColor(c, region,
SynthConstants.SELECTED, BluecurveColorType.OUTER);
switch (shadowType) {
case GTKConstants.SHADOW_OUT:
innerLeft = style.getGTKColor(c, region,
SynthConstants.SELECTED, BluecurveColorType.INNER_LEFT);
innerRight = style.getGTKColor(c, region,
SynthConstants.SELECTED, BluecurveColorType.INNER_RIGHT);
case GTKConstants.SHADOW_IN:
innerRight = style.getGTKColor(c, region,
SynthConstants.SELECTED, BluecurveColorType.INNER_LEFT);
innerLeft = style.getGTKColor(c, region,
SynthConstants.SELECTED, BluecurveColorType.INNER_RIGHT);
assert true : "Unknown shadow type!";
_paintShadow(g, x, y, w, h, xThickness, yThickness, upperLeft,
innerLeft, bottomRight, innerRight);
if (info == "menuitem" || info == "bar") {
// Draw the GradientPaint
int gw = Math.min(2, xThickness);
int gh = Math.min(2, yThickness);
Color topColor = style.getGTKColor(c, region,
SynthConstants.SELECTED,BluecurveColorType. TOP_GRADIENT);
Color bottomColor = style.getGTKColor(c, region,
SynthConstants.SELECTED,BluecurveColorType. BOTTOM_GRADIENT);
GradientPaint paint = new GradientPaint((float)gw, (float)gh,
topColor, (float)gw, (float)(h - gh - gh), bottomColor);
g.translate(x, y);
g.fillRect(gw, gh, w - gw - gw, h - gh - gh);
g.translate(-x, -y);
| public void | paintSlider(javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext context, java.awt.Graphics g, int state, int shadowType, java.lang.String info, int x, int y, int w, int h, int orientation)
Region region = context.getRegion();
if (region == Region.SLIDER_THUMB) {
BluecurveStyle style = (BluecurveStyle)context.getStyle();
JComponent c = context.getComponent();
paintBackground(context, g, state, style.getGTKColor(
c, region, state, GTKColorType.BACKGROUND), x, y, w, h);
g.setColor(style.getGTKColor(c, region, state,
g.drawLine(x + 2, y, x + w - 3, y);
g.drawLine(x, y + 2, x, y + h - 3);
g.drawLine(x + w - 1, y + 2, x + w - 1, y + h - 3);
g.drawLine(x + 2, y + h - 1, x + w - 3, y + h - 1);
g.fillRect(x + 1, y + 1, 1, 1);
g.fillRect(x + w - 2, y + 1, 1, 1);
g.fillRect(x + 1, y + h - 2, 1, 1);
g.fillRect(x + w - 2, y + h - 2, 1, 1);
g.setColor(style.getGTKColor(c, region, state,
g.drawLine(x + 2, y + 1, x + w - 3, y + 1);
g.drawLine(x + 1, y + 2, x + 1, y + h - 3);
g.setColor(style.getGTKColor(c, region, state,
g.drawLine(x + 2, y + h - 2, x + w - 3, y + h - 2);
g.drawLine(x + w - 2, y + 2, x + w - 2, y + h - 3);
g.drawLine(x, y + 1, x + 1, y);
g.drawLine(x, y + h - 2, x + 1, y + h - 1);
g.drawLine(x + w - 2, y + h - 1, x + w - 1, y + h - 2);
g.drawLine(x + w - 2, y, x + w - 1, y + 1);
if (((JSlider)c).getOrientation() == SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL &&
w > 12) {
paintHash(context, g, state, x + w / 2 - 5, y + h / 2 - 2, 3);
paintHash(context, g, state, x + w / 2 - 3, y + h / 2 - 3, 6);
paintHash(context, g, state, x + w / 2 +2, y + h / 2 - 1, 3);
else if (((JSlider)c).getOrientation() ==
SwingConstants.VERTICAL && h > 12) {
paintHash(context, g, state, x + w / 2 - 2, y + h / 2 - 5, 3);
paintHash(context, g, state, x + w / 2 - 3, y + h / 2 - 3, 6);
paintHash(context, g, state, x + w / 2 - 1, y + h / 2 + 2, 3);
else {
super.paintSlider(context, g, state, shadowType, info, x, y, w, h,
if (context.getRegion() == Region.SCROLL_BAR_THUMB) {
paintHashes(context, g, state, x, y, w, h, orientation, 3, 5);