InputMethodInfopublic final class InputMethodInfo extends Object implements android.os.ParcelableThis class is used to specify meta information of an input method.
It should be defined in an XML resource file with an {@code <input-method>} element.
For more information, see the guide to
Creating an Input Method. |
Fields Summary |
static final String | TAG | final | mServiceThe Service that implements this input method component. | final String | mIdThe unique string Id to identify the input method. This is generated
from the input method component. | final String | mSettingsActivityNameThe input method setting activity's name, used by the system settings to
launch the setting activity of this input method. | final int | mIsDefaultResIdThe resource in the input method's .apk that holds a boolean indicating
whether it should be considered the default input method for this
system. This is a resource ID instead of the final value so that it
can change based on the configuration (in particular locale). | private final android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodSubtypeArray | mSubtypesAn array-like container of the subtypes. | private final boolean | mIsAuxIme | private final boolean | mForceDefaultCaveat: mForceDefault must be false for production. This flag is only for test. | private final boolean | mSupportsSwitchingToNextInputMethodThe flag whether this IME supports ways to switch to a next input method (e.g. globe key.) | public static final Parcelable.Creator | CREATORUsed to make this class parcelable. |
Constructors Summary |
public InputMethodInfo(android.content.Context context, service)Constructor.
this(context, service, null);
| public InputMethodInfo(android.content.Context context, service, Map additionalSubtypesMap)Constructor.
mService = service;
ServiceInfo si = service.serviceInfo;
mId = new ComponentName(si.packageName,;
boolean isAuxIme = true;
boolean supportsSwitchingToNextInputMethod = false; // false as default
mForceDefault = false;
PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager();
String settingsActivityComponent = null;
int isDefaultResId = 0;
XmlResourceParser parser = null;
final ArrayList<InputMethodSubtype> subtypes = new ArrayList<InputMethodSubtype>();
try {
parser = si.loadXmlMetaData(pm, InputMethod.SERVICE_META_DATA);
if (parser == null) {
throw new XmlPullParserException("No "
+ InputMethod.SERVICE_META_DATA + " meta-data");
Resources res = pm.getResourcesForApplication(si.applicationInfo);
AttributeSet attrs = Xml.asAttributeSet(parser);
int type;
while (( != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT
&& type != XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {
String nodeName = parser.getName();
if (!"input-method".equals(nodeName)) {
throw new XmlPullParserException(
"Meta-data does not start with input-method tag");
TypedArray sa = res.obtainAttributes(attrs,;
settingsActivityComponent = sa.getString(;
isDefaultResId = sa.getResourceId(, 0);
supportsSwitchingToNextInputMethod = sa.getBoolean(,
final int depth = parser.getDepth();
// Parse all subtypes
while (((type = != XmlPullParser.END_TAG || parser.getDepth() > depth)
&& type != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
if (type == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {
nodeName = parser.getName();
if (!"subtype".equals(nodeName)) {
throw new XmlPullParserException(
"Meta-data in input-method does not start with subtype tag");
final TypedArray a = res.obtainAttributes(
final InputMethodSubtype subtype = new InputMethodSubtypeBuilder()
.InputMethod_Subtype_label, 0))
.InputMethod_Subtype_icon, 0))
.InputMethod_Subtype_isAuxiliary, false))
.InputMethod_Subtype_overridesImplicitlyEnabledSubtype, false))
.InputMethod_Subtype_subtypeId, 0 /* use Arrays.hashCode */))
.InputMethod_Subtype_isAsciiCapable, false)).build();
if (!subtype.isAuxiliary()) {
isAuxIme = false;
} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
throw new XmlPullParserException(
"Unable to create context for: " + si.packageName);
} finally {
if (parser != null) parser.close();
if (subtypes.size() == 0) {
isAuxIme = false;
if (additionalSubtypesMap != null && additionalSubtypesMap.containsKey(mId)) {
final List<InputMethodSubtype> additionalSubtypes = additionalSubtypesMap.get(mId);
final int N = additionalSubtypes.size();
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
final InputMethodSubtype subtype = additionalSubtypes.get(i);
if (!subtypes.contains(subtype)) {
} else {
Slog.w(TAG, "Duplicated subtype definition found: "
+ subtype.getLocale() + ", " + subtype.getMode());
mSubtypes = new InputMethodSubtypeArray(subtypes);
mSettingsActivityName = settingsActivityComponent;
mIsDefaultResId = isDefaultResId;
mIsAuxIme = isAuxIme;
mSupportsSwitchingToNextInputMethod = supportsSwitchingToNextInputMethod;
| InputMethodInfo(android.os.Parcel source)
mId = source.readString();
mSettingsActivityName = source.readString();
mIsDefaultResId = source.readInt();
mIsAuxIme = source.readInt() == 1;
mSupportsSwitchingToNextInputMethod = source.readInt() == 1;
mService = ResolveInfo.CREATOR.createFromParcel(source);
mSubtypes = new InputMethodSubtypeArray(source);
mForceDefault = false;
| public InputMethodInfo(String packageName, String className, CharSequence label, String settingsActivity)Temporary API for creating a built-in input method for test.
this(buildDummyResolveInfo(packageName, className, label), false, settingsActivity, null,
0, false /* forceDefault */, true /* supportsSwitchingToNextInputMethod */);
| public InputMethodInfo( ri, boolean isAuxIme, String settingsActivity, List subtypes, int isDefaultResId, boolean forceDefault)Temporary API for creating a built-in input method for test.
this(ri, isAuxIme, settingsActivity, subtypes, isDefaultResId,
forceDefault, true /* supportsSwitchingToNextInputMethod */);
| public InputMethodInfo( ri, boolean isAuxIme, String settingsActivity, List subtypes, int isDefaultResId, boolean forceDefault, boolean supportsSwitchingToNextInputMethod)Temporary API for creating a built-in input method for test.
final ServiceInfo si = ri.serviceInfo;
mService = ri;
mId = new ComponentName(si.packageName,;
mSettingsActivityName = settingsActivity;
mIsDefaultResId = isDefaultResId;
mIsAuxIme = isAuxIme;
mSubtypes = new InputMethodSubtypeArray(subtypes);
mForceDefault = forceDefault;
mSupportsSwitchingToNextInputMethod = supportsSwitchingToNextInputMethod;
Methods Summary |
private static | buildDummyResolveInfo(java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String className, java.lang.CharSequence label)
ResolveInfo ri = new ResolveInfo();
ServiceInfo si = new ServiceInfo();
ApplicationInfo ai = new ApplicationInfo();
ai.packageName = packageName;
ai.enabled = true;
si.applicationInfo = ai;
si.enabled = true;
si.packageName = packageName; = className;
si.exported = true;
si.nonLocalizedLabel = label;
ri.serviceInfo = si;
return ri;
| public int | describeContents()
return 0;
| public void | dump(android.util.Printer pw, java.lang.String prefix)
pw.println(prefix + "mId=" + mId
+ " mSettingsActivityName=" + mSettingsActivityName);
pw.println(prefix + "mIsDefaultResId=0x"
+ Integer.toHexString(mIsDefaultResId));
pw.println(prefix + "Service:");
mService.dump(pw, prefix + " ");
| public boolean | equals(java.lang.Object o)Used to test whether the given parameter object is an
{@link InputMethodInfo} and its Id is the same to this one.
if (o == this) return true;
if (o == null) return false;
if (!(o instanceof InputMethodInfo)) return false;
InputMethodInfo obj = (InputMethodInfo) o;
return mId.equals(obj.mId);
| public android.content.ComponentName | getComponent()Return the component of the service that implements this input
return new ComponentName(mService.serviceInfo.packageName,;
| public java.lang.String | getId()Return a unique ID for this input method. The ID is generated from
the package and class name implementing the method.
return mId;
| public int | getIsDefaultResourceId()Return the resource identifier of a resource inside of this input
method's .apk that determines whether it should be considered a
default input method for the system.
return mIsDefaultResId;
| public java.lang.String | getPackageName()Return the .apk package that implements this input method.
return mService.serviceInfo.packageName;
| public | getServiceInfo()Return the raw information about the Service implementing this
input method. Do not modify the returned object.
return mService.serviceInfo;
| public java.lang.String | getServiceName()Return the class name of the service component that implements
this input method.
| public java.lang.String | getSettingsActivity()Return the class name of an activity that provides a settings UI for
the input method. You can launch this activity be starting it with
an {@link android.content.Intent} whose action is MAIN and with an
explicit {@link android.content.ComponentName}
composed of {@link #getPackageName} and the class name returned here.
A null will be returned if there is no settings activity associated
with the input method.
return mSettingsActivityName;
| public InputMethodSubtype | getSubtypeAt(int index)Return the Input Method's subtype at the specified index.
return mSubtypes.get(index);
| public int | getSubtypeCount()Return the count of the subtypes of Input Method.
return mSubtypes.getCount();
| public int | hashCode()
return mId.hashCode();
| public boolean | isAuxiliaryIme()
return mIsAuxIme;
| public boolean | isDefault(android.content.Context context)Return whether or not this ime is a default ime or not.
if (mForceDefault) {
return true;
try {
if (getIsDefaultResourceId() == 0) {
return false;
final Resources res = context.createPackageContext(getPackageName(), 0).getResources();
return res.getBoolean(getIsDefaultResourceId());
} catch (NameNotFoundException | NotFoundException e) {
return false;
| public | loadIcon( pm)Load the user-displayed icon for this input method.
return mService.loadIcon(pm);
| public java.lang.CharSequence | loadLabel( pm)Load the user-displayed label for this input method.
return mService.loadLabel(pm);
| public boolean | supportsSwitchingToNextInputMethod()
return mSupportsSwitchingToNextInputMethod;
| public java.lang.String | toString()
return "InputMethodInfo{" + mId
+ ", settings: "
+ mSettingsActivityName + "}";
| public void | writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel dest, int flags)Used to package this object into a {@link Parcel}.
dest.writeInt(mIsAuxIme ? 1 : 0);
dest.writeInt(mSupportsSwitchingToNextInputMethod ? 1 : 0);
mService.writeToParcel(dest, flags);