ZeroSizeInsn.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API1904Wed May 06 22:41:02 BST


public abstract class ZeroSizeInsn extends DalvInsn
Pseudo-instruction base class for zero-size (no code emitted) instructions, which are generally used for tracking metainformation about the code they are adjacent to.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public ZeroSizeInsn( position)
Constructs an instance. The output address of this instance is initially unknown (-1).

position non-null; source position

        super(Dops.SPECIAL_FORMAT, position, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY);
Methods Summary
public final intcodeSize()

        return 0;
public final DalvInsnwithOpcode(Dop opcode)

        throw new RuntimeException("unsupported");
public DalvInsnwithRegisterOffset(int delta)

        return withRegisters(getRegisters().withOffset(delta));
public final voidwriteTo( out)

        // Nothing to do here, for this class.