TestSSTRecordpublic class TestSSTRecord extends TestCase
Fields Summary |
private String | _test_file_path | private static final String | _test_file_path_property |
Constructors Summary |
public TestSSTRecord(String name)Creates new TestSSTRecord
super( name );
_test_file_path = System.getProperty( _test_file_path_property );
Methods Summary |
public static void | main(java.lang.String[] ignored_args)main method to run the unit tests
System.out.println( "Testing hssf.record.SSTRecord functionality" );
junit.textui.TestRunner.run( TestSSTRecord.class );
| public void | testHugeStrings()Test capability of handling mondo big strings
SSTRecord record = new SSTRecord();
byte[][] bstrings =
new byte[9000], new byte[7433], new byte[9002],
new byte[16998]
UnicodeString[] strings = new UnicodeString[bstrings.length];
int total_length = 0;
for ( int k = 0; k < bstrings.length; k++ )
Arrays.fill( bstrings[k], (byte) ( 'a" + k ) );
strings[k] = new UnicodeString( new String(bstrings[k]) );
record.addString( strings[k] );
total_length += 3 + bstrings[k].length;
// add overhead of SST record
total_length += 8;
// add overhead of broken strings
total_length += 4;
// add overhead of six records
total_length += ( 6 * 4 );
byte[] content = new byte[record.getRecordSize()];
record.serialize( 0, content );
assertEquals( total_length, content.length );
//Deserialize the record.
RecordInputStream recStream = new RecordInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(content));
record = new SSTRecord(recStream);
assertEquals( strings.length, record.getNumStrings() );
assertEquals( strings.length, record.getNumUniqueStrings() );
assertEquals( strings.length, record.countStrings() );
for ( int k = 0; k < strings.length; k++ )
assertEquals( strings[k], record.getString( k ) );
record = new SSTRecord();
bstrings[1] = new byte[bstrings[1].length - 1];
for ( int k = 0; k < bstrings.length; k++ )
if ( ( bstrings[k].length % 2 ) == 1 )
Arrays.fill( bstrings[k], (byte) ( 'a" + k ) );
strings[k] = new UnicodeString( new String(bstrings[k]) );
char[] data = new char[bstrings[k].length / 2];
Arrays.fill( data, (char) ( '\u2122" + k ) );
strings[k] = new UnicodeString(new String( data ));
record.addString( strings[k] );
content = new byte[record.getRecordSize()];
record.serialize( 0, content );
assertEquals( total_length, content.length );
recStream = new RecordInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(content));
record = new SSTRecord(recStream);
assertEquals( strings.length, record.getNumStrings() );
assertEquals( strings.length, record.getNumUniqueStrings() );
assertEquals( strings.length, record.countStrings() );
for ( int k = 0; k < strings.length; k++ )
assertEquals( strings[k], record.getString( k ) );
| public void | testProcessContinueRecord()test processContinueRecord
//jmh byte[] testdata = HexRead.readData( _test_file_path + File.separator + "BigSSTRecord" );
//jmh byte[] input = new byte[testdata.length - 4];
//jmh System.arraycopy( testdata, 4, input, 0, input.length );
//jmh SSTRecord record =
//jmh new SSTRecord( LittleEndian.getShort( testdata, 0 ),
//jmh LittleEndian.getShort( testdata, 2 ), input );
//jmh byte[] continueRecord = HexRead.readData( _test_file_path + File.separator + "BigSSTRecordCR" );
//jmh input = new byte[continueRecord.length - 4];
//jmh System.arraycopy( continueRecord, 4, input, 0, input.length );
//jmh record.processContinueRecord( input );
//jmh assertEquals( 1464, record.getNumStrings() );
//jmh assertEquals( 688, record.getNumUniqueStrings() );
//jmh assertEquals( 688, record.countStrings() );
//jmh byte[] ser_output = record.serialize();
//jmh int offset = 0;
//jmh short type = LittleEndian.getShort( ser_output, offset );
//jmh offset += LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE;
//jmh short length = LittleEndian.getShort( ser_output, offset );
//jmh offset += LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE;
//jmh byte[] recordData = new byte[length];
//jmh System.arraycopy( ser_output, offset, recordData, 0, length );
//jmh offset += length;
//jmh SSTRecord testRecord = new SSTRecord( type, length, recordData );
//jmh assertEquals( ContinueRecord.sid,
//jmh LittleEndian.getShort( ser_output, offset ) );
//jmh offset += LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE;
//jmh length = LittleEndian.getShort( ser_output, offset );
//jmh offset += LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE;
//jmh byte[] cr = new byte[length];
//jmh System.arraycopy( ser_output, offset, cr, 0, length );
//jmh offset += length;
//jmh assertEquals( offset, ser_output.length );
//jmh testRecord.processContinueRecord( cr );
//jmh assertEquals( record, testRecord );
//jmh // testing based on new bug report
//jmh testdata = HexRead.readData( _test_file_path + File.separator + "BigSSTRecord2" );
//jmh input = new byte[testdata.length - 4];
//jmh System.arraycopy( testdata, 4, input, 0, input.length );
//jmh record = new SSTRecord( LittleEndian.getShort( testdata, 0 ),
//jmh LittleEndian.getShort( testdata, 2 ), input );
//jmh byte[] continueRecord1 = HexRead.readData( _test_file_path + File.separator + "BigSSTRecord2CR1" );
//jmh input = new byte[continueRecord1.length - 4];
//jmh System.arraycopy( continueRecord1, 4, input, 0, input.length );
//jmh record.processContinueRecord( input );
//jmh byte[] continueRecord2 = HexRead.readData( _test_file_path + File.separator + "BigSSTRecord2CR2" );
//jmh input = new byte[continueRecord2.length - 4];
//jmh System.arraycopy( continueRecord2, 4, input, 0, input.length );
//jmh record.processContinueRecord( input );
//jmh byte[] continueRecord3 = HexRead.readData( _test_file_path + File.separator + "BigSSTRecord2CR3" );
//jmh input = new byte[continueRecord3.length - 4];
//jmh System.arraycopy( continueRecord3, 4, input, 0, input.length );
//jmh record.processContinueRecord( input );
//jmh byte[] continueRecord4 = HexRead.readData( _test_file_path + File.separator + "BigSSTRecord2CR4" );
//jmh input = new byte[continueRecord4.length - 4];
//jmh System.arraycopy( continueRecord4, 4, input, 0, input.length );
//jmh record.processContinueRecord( input );
//jmh byte[] continueRecord5 = HexRead.readData( _test_file_path + File.separator + "BigSSTRecord2CR5" );
//jmh input = new byte[continueRecord5.length - 4];
//jmh System.arraycopy( continueRecord5, 4, input, 0, input.length );
//jmh record.processContinueRecord( input );
//jmh byte[] continueRecord6 = HexRead.readData( _test_file_path + File.separator + "BigSSTRecord2CR6" );
//jmh input = new byte[continueRecord6.length - 4];
//jmh System.arraycopy( continueRecord6, 4, input, 0, input.length );
//jmh record.processContinueRecord( input );
//jmh byte[] continueRecord7 = HexRead.readData( _test_file_path + File.separator + "BigSSTRecord2CR7" );
//jmh input = new byte[continueRecord7.length - 4];
//jmh System.arraycopy( continueRecord7, 4, input, 0, input.length );
//jmh record.processContinueRecord( input );
//jmh assertEquals( 158642, record.getNumStrings() );
//jmh assertEquals( 5249, record.getNumUniqueStrings() );
//jmh assertEquals( 5249, record.countStrings() );
//jmh ser_output = record.serialize();
//jmh offset = 0;
//jmh type = LittleEndian.getShort( ser_output, offset );
//jmh offset += LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE;
//jmh length = LittleEndian.getShort( ser_output, offset );
//jmh offset += LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE;
//jmh recordData = new byte[length];
//jmh System.arraycopy( ser_output, offset, recordData, 0, length );
//jmh offset += length;
//jmh testRecord = new SSTRecord( type, length, recordData );
//jmh for ( int count = 0; count < 7; count++ )
//jmh {
//jmh assertEquals( ContinueRecord.sid,
//jmh LittleEndian.getShort( ser_output, offset ) );
//jmh offset += LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE;
//jmh length = LittleEndian.getShort( ser_output, offset );
//jmh offset += LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE;
//jmh cr = new byte[length];
//jmh System.arraycopy( ser_output, offset, cr, 0, length );
//jmh testRecord.processContinueRecord( cr );
//jmh offset += length;
//jmh }
//jmh assertEquals( offset, ser_output.length );
//jmh assertEquals( record, testRecord );
//jmh assertEquals( record.countStrings(), testRecord.countStrings() );
| public void | testReadWriteDuplicatedRichText1()Tests that workbooks with rich text that duplicates a non rich text cell can be read and written.
File file = new File( _test_file_path + File.separator + "duprich1.xls" );
InputStream stream = new FileInputStream( file );
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook( stream );
HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt( 1 );
assertEquals( "01/05 (Wed)", sheet.getRow( 0 ).getCell( (short) 8 ).getStringCellValue() );
assertEquals( "01/05 (Wed)", sheet.getRow( 1 ).getCell( (short) 8 ).getStringCellValue() );
file = TempFile.createTempFile( "testout", "xls" );
FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream( file );
wb.write( outStream );
// test the second file.
file = new File( _test_file_path + File.separator + "duprich2.xls" );
stream = new FileInputStream( file );
wb = new HSSFWorkbook( stream );
sheet = wb.getSheetAt( 0 );
int row = 0;
assertEquals( "Testing", sheet.getRow( row++ ).getCell( (short) 0 ).getStringCellValue() );
assertEquals( "rich", sheet.getRow( row++ ).getCell( (short) 0 ).getStringCellValue() );
assertEquals( "text", sheet.getRow( row++ ).getCell( (short) 0 ).getStringCellValue() );
assertEquals( "strings", sheet.getRow( row++ ).getCell( (short) 0 ).getStringCellValue() );
assertEquals( "Testing", sheet.getRow( row++ ).getCell( (short) 0 ).getStringCellValue() );
assertEquals( "Testing", sheet.getRow( row++ ).getCell( (short) 0 ).getStringCellValue() );
// file = new File("/tryme.xls");
file = TempFile.createTempFile( "testout", ".xls" );
outStream = new FileOutputStream( file );
wb.write( outStream );
| public void | testReaderConstructor()test reader constructor
/* JMH this test case data is crap because it does not contain a full record. Ie the last string
is missing a record
byte[] testdata = HexRead.readData( _test_file_path + File.separator + "BigSSTRecord" );
// byte[] input = new byte[testdata.length - 4];
System.arraycopy( testdata, 4, input, 0, input.length );
SSTRecord record = new SSTRecord( new TestcaseRecordInputStream(LittleEndian.getShort( testdata, 0 ),
LittleEndian.getShort( testdata, 2 ),
input) );
assertEquals( 1464, record.getNumStrings() );
assertEquals( 688, record.getNumUniqueStrings() );
assertEquals( 492, record.countStrings() );
assertEquals( 1, record.getDeserializer().getContinuationExpectedChars() );
assertEquals( "Consolidated B-24J Liberator The Dragon & His Tai",
record.getDeserializer().getUnfinishedString() );
// assertEquals( 52, record.getDeserializer().getTotalLength() );
// assertEquals( 3, record.getDeserializer().getStringDataOffset() );
assertTrue( !record.getDeserializer().isWideChar() );
| public void | testSSTRecordBug()test SSTRecord boundary conditions
// create an SSTRecord and write a certain pattern of strings
// to it ... then serialize it and verify the content
SSTRecord record = new SSTRecord();
// the record will start with two integers, then this string
// ... that will eat up 16 of the 8224 bytes that the record
// can hold
record.addString( new UnicodeString("Hello") );
// now we have an additional 8208 bytes, which is an exact
// multiple of 16 bytes
long testvalue = 1000000000000L;
for ( int k = 0; k < 2000; k++ )
record.addString( new UnicodeString(String.valueOf( testvalue++ )) );
byte[] content = new byte[record.getRecordSize()];
record.serialize( 0, content );
assertEquals(8224, LittleEndian.getShort(content, 2));
assertEquals(ContinueRecord.sid, LittleEndian.getShort(content, 8228));
assertEquals(8224, LittleEndian.getShort(content, 8228+2));
assertEquals( (byte) 13, content[4 + 8228] );
assertEquals(ContinueRecord.sid, LittleEndian.getShort(content, 2*8228));
assertEquals(8224, LittleEndian.getShort(content, 8228*2+2));
assertEquals( (byte) 13, content[4 + 8228 * 2] );
assertEquals(ContinueRecord.sid, LittleEndian.getShort(content, 3*8228));
assertEquals( (byte) 13, content[4 + 8228 * 3] );
| public void | testSimpleAddString()test simple addString
SSTRecord record = new SSTRecord();
UnicodeString s1 = new UnicodeString("Hello world");
// \u2122 is the encoding of the trademark symbol ...
UnicodeString s2 = new UnicodeString("Hello world\u2122");
assertEquals( 0, record.addString( s1 ) );
assertEquals( s1, record.getString( 0 ) );
assertEquals( 1, record.countStrings() );
assertEquals( 1, record.getNumStrings() );
assertEquals( 1, record.getNumUniqueStrings() );
assertEquals( 0, record.addString( s1 ) );
assertEquals( s1, record.getString( 0 ) );
assertEquals( 1, record.countStrings() );
assertEquals( 2, record.getNumStrings() );
assertEquals( 1, record.getNumUniqueStrings() );
assertEquals( 1, record.addString( s2 ) );
assertEquals( s2, record.getString( 1 ) );
assertEquals( 2, record.countStrings() );
assertEquals( 3, record.getNumStrings() );
assertEquals( 2, record.getNumUniqueStrings() );
Iterator iter = record.getStrings();
while ( iter.hasNext() )
UnicodeString ucs = (UnicodeString) iter.next();
if ( ucs.equals( s1 ) )
assertEquals( (byte) 0, ucs.getOptionFlags() );
else if ( ucs.equals( s2 ) )
assertEquals( (byte) 1, ucs.getOptionFlags() );
fail( "cannot match string: " + ucs.getString() );
| public void | testSimpleConstructor()test simple constructor
SSTRecord record = new SSTRecord();
assertEquals( 0, record.getNumStrings() );
assertEquals( 0, record.getNumUniqueStrings() );
assertEquals( 0, record.countStrings() );
byte[] output = record.serialize();
byte[] expected =
(byte) record.getSid(), (byte) ( record.getSid() >> 8 ),
(byte) 8, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0,
(byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0
assertEquals( expected.length, output.length );
for ( int k = 0; k < expected.length; k++ )
assertEquals( String.valueOf( k ), expected[k], output[k] );