TestSSTRecord.javaAPI DocApache Poi 3.0.118853Mon Jan 01 12:39:46 GMT 2007org.apache.poi.hssf.record


public class TestSSTRecord extends TestCase
Marc Johnson (mjohnson at apache dot org)
Glen Stampoultzis (glens at

Fields Summary
private String
private static final String
Constructors Summary
public TestSSTRecord(String name)
Creates new TestSSTRecord



        super( name );
        _test_file_path = System.getProperty( _test_file_path_property );
Methods Summary
public static voidmain(java.lang.String[] ignored_args)
main method to run the unit tests


        System.out.println( "Testing hssf.record.SSTRecord functionality" ); TestSSTRecord.class );
public voidtestHugeStrings()
Test capability of handling mondo big strings


        SSTRecord record = new SSTRecord();
        byte[][] bstrings =
                    new byte[9000], new byte[7433], new byte[9002],
                    new byte[16998]
        UnicodeString[] strings = new UnicodeString[bstrings.length];
        int total_length = 0;

        for ( int k = 0; k < bstrings.length; k++ )
            Arrays.fill( bstrings[k], (byte) ( 'a" + k ) );
            strings[k] = new UnicodeString( new String(bstrings[k]) );
            record.addString( strings[k] );
            total_length += 3 + bstrings[k].length;

        // add overhead of SST record
        total_length += 8;

        // add overhead of broken strings
        total_length += 4;

        // add overhead of six records
        total_length += ( 6 * 4 );
        byte[] content = new byte[record.getRecordSize()];

        record.serialize( 0, content );
        assertEquals( total_length, content.length );

        //Deserialize the record.
        RecordInputStream recStream = new RecordInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(content));
        record = new SSTRecord(recStream);

        assertEquals( strings.length, record.getNumStrings() );
        assertEquals( strings.length, record.getNumUniqueStrings() );
        assertEquals( strings.length, record.countStrings() );
        for ( int k = 0; k < strings.length; k++ )
            assertEquals( strings[k], record.getString( k ) );
        record = new SSTRecord();
        bstrings[1] = new byte[bstrings[1].length - 1];
        for ( int k = 0; k < bstrings.length; k++ )
            if ( ( bstrings[k].length % 2 ) == 1 )
                Arrays.fill( bstrings[k], (byte) ( 'a" + k ) );
                strings[k] = new UnicodeString( new String(bstrings[k]) );
                char[] data = new char[bstrings[k].length / 2];

                Arrays.fill( data, (char) ( '\u2122" + k ) );
                strings[k] = new UnicodeString(new String( data ));
            record.addString( strings[k] );
        content = new byte[record.getRecordSize()];
        record.serialize( 0, content );
        assertEquals( total_length, content.length );

        recStream = new RecordInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(content));
        record = new SSTRecord(recStream);

        assertEquals( strings.length, record.getNumStrings() );
        assertEquals( strings.length, record.getNumUniqueStrings() );
        assertEquals( strings.length, record.countStrings() );
        for ( int k = 0; k < strings.length; k++ )
            assertEquals( strings[k], record.getString( k ) );
public voidtestProcessContinueRecord()
test processContinueRecord


//jmh        byte[] testdata = HexRead.readData( _test_file_path + File.separator + "BigSSTRecord" );
//jmh        byte[] input = new byte[testdata.length - 4];
//jmh        System.arraycopy( testdata, 4, input, 0, input.length );
//jmh        SSTRecord record =
//jmh                new SSTRecord( LittleEndian.getShort( testdata, 0 ),
//jmh                        LittleEndian.getShort( testdata, 2 ), input );
//jmh        byte[] continueRecord = HexRead.readData( _test_file_path + File.separator + "BigSSTRecordCR" );
//jmh        input = new byte[continueRecord.length - 4];
//jmh        System.arraycopy( continueRecord, 4, input, 0, input.length );
//jmh        record.processContinueRecord( input );
//jmh        assertEquals( 1464, record.getNumStrings() );
//jmh        assertEquals( 688, record.getNumUniqueStrings() );
//jmh        assertEquals( 688, record.countStrings() );
//jmh        byte[] ser_output = record.serialize();
//jmh        int offset = 0;
//jmh        short type = LittleEndian.getShort( ser_output, offset );
//jmh        offset += LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE;
//jmh        short length = LittleEndian.getShort( ser_output, offset );
//jmh        offset += LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE;
//jmh        byte[] recordData = new byte[length];
//jmh        System.arraycopy( ser_output, offset, recordData, 0, length );
//jmh        offset += length;
//jmh        SSTRecord testRecord = new SSTRecord( type, length, recordData );
//jmh        assertEquals( ContinueRecord.sid,
//jmh                LittleEndian.getShort( ser_output, offset ) );
//jmh        offset += LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE;
//jmh        length = LittleEndian.getShort( ser_output, offset );
//jmh        offset += LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE;
//jmh        byte[] cr = new byte[length];
//jmh        System.arraycopy( ser_output, offset, cr, 0, length );
//jmh        offset += length;
//jmh        assertEquals( offset, ser_output.length );
//jmh        testRecord.processContinueRecord( cr );
//jmh        assertEquals( record, testRecord );
//jmh        // testing based on new bug report
//jmh        testdata = HexRead.readData( _test_file_path + File.separator + "BigSSTRecord2" );
//jmh        input = new byte[testdata.length - 4];
//jmh        System.arraycopy( testdata, 4, input, 0, input.length );
//jmh        record = new SSTRecord( LittleEndian.getShort( testdata, 0 ),
//jmh                LittleEndian.getShort( testdata, 2 ), input );
//jmh        byte[] continueRecord1 = HexRead.readData( _test_file_path + File.separator + "BigSSTRecord2CR1" );
//jmh        input = new byte[continueRecord1.length - 4];
//jmh        System.arraycopy( continueRecord1, 4, input, 0, input.length );
//jmh        record.processContinueRecord( input );
//jmh        byte[] continueRecord2 = HexRead.readData( _test_file_path + File.separator + "BigSSTRecord2CR2" );
//jmh        input = new byte[continueRecord2.length - 4];
//jmh        System.arraycopy( continueRecord2, 4, input, 0, input.length );
//jmh        record.processContinueRecord( input );
//jmh        byte[] continueRecord3 = HexRead.readData( _test_file_path + File.separator + "BigSSTRecord2CR3" );
//jmh        input = new byte[continueRecord3.length - 4];
//jmh        System.arraycopy( continueRecord3, 4, input, 0, input.length );
//jmh        record.processContinueRecord( input );
//jmh        byte[] continueRecord4 = HexRead.readData( _test_file_path + File.separator + "BigSSTRecord2CR4" );
//jmh        input = new byte[continueRecord4.length - 4];
//jmh        System.arraycopy( continueRecord4, 4, input, 0, input.length );
//jmh        record.processContinueRecord( input );
//jmh        byte[] continueRecord5 = HexRead.readData( _test_file_path + File.separator + "BigSSTRecord2CR5" );
//jmh        input = new byte[continueRecord5.length - 4];
//jmh        System.arraycopy( continueRecord5, 4, input, 0, input.length );
//jmh        record.processContinueRecord( input );
//jmh        byte[] continueRecord6 = HexRead.readData( _test_file_path + File.separator + "BigSSTRecord2CR6" );
//jmh        input = new byte[continueRecord6.length - 4];
//jmh        System.arraycopy( continueRecord6, 4, input, 0, input.length );
//jmh        record.processContinueRecord( input );
//jmh        byte[] continueRecord7 = HexRead.readData( _test_file_path + File.separator + "BigSSTRecord2CR7" );
//jmh        input = new byte[continueRecord7.length - 4];
//jmh        System.arraycopy( continueRecord7, 4, input, 0, input.length );
//jmh        record.processContinueRecord( input );
//jmh        assertEquals( 158642, record.getNumStrings() );
//jmh        assertEquals( 5249, record.getNumUniqueStrings() );
//jmh        assertEquals( 5249, record.countStrings() );
//jmh        ser_output = record.serialize();
//jmh        offset = 0;
//jmh        type = LittleEndian.getShort( ser_output, offset );
//jmh        offset += LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE;
//jmh        length = LittleEndian.getShort( ser_output, offset );
//jmh        offset += LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE;
//jmh        recordData = new byte[length];
//jmh        System.arraycopy( ser_output, offset, recordData, 0, length );
//jmh        offset += length;
//jmh        testRecord = new SSTRecord( type, length, recordData );
//jmh        for ( int count = 0; count < 7; count++ )
//jmh        {
//jmh            assertEquals( ContinueRecord.sid,
//jmh                    LittleEndian.getShort( ser_output, offset ) );
//jmh            offset += LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE;
//jmh            length = LittleEndian.getShort( ser_output, offset );
//jmh            offset += LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE;
//jmh            cr = new byte[length];
//jmh            System.arraycopy( ser_output, offset, cr, 0, length );
//jmh            testRecord.processContinueRecord( cr );
//jmh            offset += length;
//jmh        }
//jmh        assertEquals( offset, ser_output.length );
//jmh        assertEquals( record, testRecord );
//jmh        assertEquals( record.countStrings(), testRecord.countStrings() );
public voidtestReadWriteDuplicatedRichText1()
Tests that workbooks with rich text that duplicates a non rich text cell can be read and written.

        File file = new File( _test_file_path + File.separator + "duprich1.xls" );
        InputStream stream = new FileInputStream( file );
        HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook( stream );
        HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt( 1 );
        assertEquals( "01/05 (Wed)", sheet.getRow( 0 ).getCell( (short) 8 ).getStringCellValue() );
        assertEquals( "01/05 (Wed)", sheet.getRow( 1 ).getCell( (short) 8 ).getStringCellValue() );

        file = TempFile.createTempFile( "testout", "xls" );
        FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream( file );
        wb.write( outStream );

        // test the second file.
        file = new File( _test_file_path + File.separator + "duprich2.xls" );
        stream = new FileInputStream( file );
        wb = new HSSFWorkbook( stream );
        sheet = wb.getSheetAt( 0 );
        int row = 0;
        assertEquals( "Testing", sheet.getRow( row++ ).getCell( (short) 0 ).getStringCellValue() );
        assertEquals( "rich", sheet.getRow( row++ ).getCell( (short) 0 ).getStringCellValue() );
        assertEquals( "text", sheet.getRow( row++ ).getCell( (short) 0 ).getStringCellValue() );
        assertEquals( "strings", sheet.getRow( row++ ).getCell( (short) 0 ).getStringCellValue() );
        assertEquals( "Testing", sheet.getRow( row++ ).getCell( (short) 0 ).getStringCellValue() );
        assertEquals( "Testing", sheet.getRow( row++ ).getCell( (short) 0 ).getStringCellValue() );

//        file = new File("/tryme.xls");
        file = TempFile.createTempFile( "testout", ".xls" );
        outStream = new FileOutputStream( file );
        wb.write( outStream );
public voidtestReaderConstructor()
test reader constructor


/* JMH this test case data is crap because it does not contain a full record. Ie the last string
       is missing a record

        byte[] testdata = HexRead.readData( _test_file_path + File.separator + "BigSSTRecord" );
//        byte[] input = new byte[testdata.length - 4];

        System.arraycopy( testdata, 4, input, 0, input.length );
        SSTRecord record = new SSTRecord( new TestcaseRecordInputStream(LittleEndian.getShort( testdata, 0 ),
                LittleEndian.getShort( testdata, 2 ),
                input) );

        assertEquals( 1464, record.getNumStrings() );
        assertEquals( 688, record.getNumUniqueStrings() );
        assertEquals( 492, record.countStrings() );
        assertEquals( 1, record.getDeserializer().getContinuationExpectedChars() );
        assertEquals( "Consolidated B-24J Liberator The Dragon & His Tai",
                record.getDeserializer().getUnfinishedString() );
//        assertEquals( 52, record.getDeserializer().getTotalLength() );
//        assertEquals( 3, record.getDeserializer().getStringDataOffset() );
        assertTrue( !record.getDeserializer().isWideChar() );
public voidtestSSTRecordBug()
test SSTRecord boundary conditions


        // create an SSTRecord and write a certain pattern of strings
        // to it ... then serialize it and verify the content
        SSTRecord record = new SSTRecord();

        // the record will start with two integers, then this string
        // ... that will eat up 16 of the 8224 bytes that the record
        // can hold
        record.addString( new UnicodeString("Hello") );

        // now we have an additional 8208 bytes, which is an exact
        // multiple of 16 bytes
        long testvalue = 1000000000000L;

        for ( int k = 0; k < 2000; k++ )
            record.addString( new UnicodeString(String.valueOf( testvalue++ )) );
        byte[] content = new byte[record.getRecordSize()];

        record.serialize( 0, content );
        assertEquals(8224, LittleEndian.getShort(content, 2));
        assertEquals(ContinueRecord.sid, LittleEndian.getShort(content, 8228));
        assertEquals(8224, LittleEndian.getShort(content, 8228+2));
        assertEquals( (byte) 13, content[4 + 8228] );
        assertEquals(ContinueRecord.sid, LittleEndian.getShort(content, 2*8228));
        assertEquals(8224, LittleEndian.getShort(content, 8228*2+2));
        assertEquals( (byte) 13, content[4 + 8228 * 2] );
        assertEquals(ContinueRecord.sid, LittleEndian.getShort(content, 3*8228));
        assertEquals( (byte) 13, content[4 + 8228 * 3] );
public voidtestSimpleAddString()
test simple addString

        SSTRecord record = new SSTRecord();
        UnicodeString s1 = new UnicodeString("Hello world");

        // \u2122 is the encoding of the trademark symbol ...
        UnicodeString s2 = new UnicodeString("Hello world\u2122");

        assertEquals( 0, record.addString( s1 ) );
        assertEquals( s1, record.getString( 0 ) );
        assertEquals( 1, record.countStrings() );
        assertEquals( 1, record.getNumStrings() );
        assertEquals( 1, record.getNumUniqueStrings() );
        assertEquals( 0, record.addString( s1 ) );
        assertEquals( s1, record.getString( 0 ) );
        assertEquals( 1, record.countStrings() );
        assertEquals( 2, record.getNumStrings() );
        assertEquals( 1, record.getNumUniqueStrings() );
        assertEquals( 1, record.addString( s2 ) );
        assertEquals( s2, record.getString( 1 ) );
        assertEquals( 2, record.countStrings() );
        assertEquals( 3, record.getNumStrings() );
        assertEquals( 2, record.getNumUniqueStrings() );
        Iterator iter = record.getStrings();

        while ( iter.hasNext() )
            UnicodeString ucs = (UnicodeString);

            if ( ucs.equals( s1 ) )
                assertEquals( (byte) 0, ucs.getOptionFlags() );
            else if ( ucs.equals( s2 ) )
                assertEquals( (byte) 1, ucs.getOptionFlags() );
                fail( "cannot match string: " + ucs.getString() );
public voidtestSimpleConstructor()
test simple constructor

        SSTRecord record = new SSTRecord();

        assertEquals( 0, record.getNumStrings() );
        assertEquals( 0, record.getNumUniqueStrings() );
        assertEquals( 0, record.countStrings() );
        byte[] output = record.serialize();
        byte[] expected =
                    (byte) record.getSid(), (byte) ( record.getSid() >> 8 ),
                    (byte) 8, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0,
                    (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0

        assertEquals( expected.length, output.length );
        for ( int k = 0; k < expected.length; k++ )
            assertEquals( String.valueOf( k ), expected[k], output[k] );