Fields Summary |
public static final String | J2EE_TYPEThe j2eeType as returned by
{@link}. |
public static final String | REQUEST_ID_KEYKey accessing a container-generated Unique ID used by
{@link #queryCallStackForRequest} and {@link #queryPieInformation} |
public static final String | TIME_STAMP_KEYTimeStamp obtained from {@link java.lang.System#nanoTime} |
public static final String | TIME_STAMP_MILLIS_KEY |
public static final String | REQUEST_TYPE_KEYThe type of the Incoming request. An incoming request is the container
that the request came into the Appserver.
Container types are the following types
- {@link #REMOTE_EJB}
- {@link #REMOTE_WEB}
- {@link #TIMER_EJB}
public static final String | REMOTE_ASYNC_MESSAGERemote Aysnchronous Message Request Type. Typically incoming {@link #MESSAGE_DRIVEN_BEAN} Calls |
public static final String | REMOTE_EJBRemote EJB Request Type |
public static final String | REMOTE_WEBRemote Web Request Type |
public static final String | REMOTE_WEB_SERVICERemote Web Service Request Type |
public static final String | TIMER_EJBTimer EJB Request Type |
public static final String | COMPONENT_TYPE_KEYThe type of the component where the call is in.
Container types are the following types
- {@link #SERVLET}
public static final String | SERVLETServlet Component Type |
public static final String | SERVLET_FILTERServlet Filter Component Type |
public static final String | STATELESS_SESSION_BEANStateless Session Bean Component Type |
public static final String | STATEFUL_SESSION_BEANStateful Session Bean Component Type |
public static final String | BEAN_MANAGED_PERSISTENCEBean Managed Persistence Component Type |
public static final String | CONTAINER_MANAGED_PERSISTENCEContainer Managed Persistence Component Type |
public static final String | MESSAGE_DRIVEN_BEANMessage Driven Bean Component Type |
public static final String | CONTAINER_TYPE_KEYThe type of the container where the call originated |
public static final String | WEB_CONTAINERWeb Container |
public static final String | EJB_CONTAINEREJB Container |
public static final String | ORBORB Container |
public static final String | WEB_APPLICATIONWEB Application Container |
public static final String | EJB_APPLICATIONEJB Application Container |
public static final String | OTHEROTHER Container, containers that are not monitored for callflow |
public static final String | USER_KEYUsername of the Caller making a request. |
public static final String | STATUS_KEYStatus of the request. |
public static final String | CLIENT_HOST_KEYThe client host from where the request came in. |
public static final String | METHOD_NAME_KEYName of the method invoked to service a request. |
public static final String | COMPONENT_NAME_KEYName of component invoked to service a request. |
public static final String | MODULE_NAME_KEYName of the module invoked to service a request. |
public static final String | APPLICATION_NAME_KEYName of application invoked to service a request. |
public static final String | RESPONSE_TIME_KEYResponse time for a particular request. |
public static final String | THREAD_ID_KEYThread ID used for a particular request. |
public static final String | TRANSACTION_ID_KEYTransaction ID for a particular request |
public static final String | EXCEPTION_KEYException (if any) for the request. String reprsentation of
{@link java.lang.Throwable} |
public static final String | CALL_STACK_ROW_TYPE_KEYThis is the key for the row type returned by the
{@link #queryCallStackForRequest} method.
There are four types of rows returned each signifying the RequestStart,
MethodStart, MethodEnd and RequestEnd information.
The values of the CallStackRowType are as follows
public static final String | CALL_STACK_REQUEST_STARTValue of type of a row returned by {@link #queryCallStackForRequest} method.
Keyed by {@link #CALL_STACK_ROW_TYPE_KEY}
This represents information pertaining to start of a incoming request
in the container. |
public static final String | CALL_STACK_REQUEST_ENDValue of type of a row returned by {@link #queryCallStackForRequest} method.
Keyed by {@link #CALL_STACK_ROW_TYPE_KEY}
This represents information pertaining to end of a incoming request
in the container. |
public static final String | CALL_STACK_METHOD_STARTValue of type of a row returned by {@link #queryCallStackForRequest} method.
Keyed by {@link #CALL_STACK_ROW_TYPE_KEY}
This represents information pertaining to start of a method for a
incoming request in the container. |
public static final String | CALL_STACK_METHOD_ENDValue of type of a row returned by {@link #queryCallStackForRequest} method.
Keyed by {@link #CALL_STACK_ROW_TYPE_KEY}
This represents information pertaining to method end of a incoming request
in the container. |
public static final String | EJB_CONTAINER_TYPEUsed in {@link #queryPieInformation}. Denotes the time spent by a
particular request in the EJB Container |
public static final String | WEB_CONTAINER_TYPEUsed in {@link #queryPieInformation}. Denotes the time spent by a
particular request in the Web Container |
public static final String | ORB_LAYER_EJB_CONTAINER_TYPEUsed in {@link #queryPieInformation}. Denotes the time spent by a
particular request in the ORB layer in EJB Container. |
public static final String | EJB_APPLICATION_TYPEUsed in {@link #queryPieInformation}. Denotes the time spent by a
particular request in a users EJB application code. This time is different
from the time spent in the EJB or ORB Container code. |
public static final String | WEB_APPLICATION_TYPEUsed in {@link #queryPieInformation}. Denotes the time spent by a
particular request in a users Web Application code. This time is different
from the time spent in the Web Container code. |
public static final String | CONNECTOR_CONTAINER_TYPEUsed in {@link #queryPieInformation}. Denotes the time spent by a
particular request in the connector layer. |
Methods Summary |
public void | clearData()Deletes all the data that was collected during the last callflow run
from the database
public boolean | deleteRequestIDs(java.lang.String[] requestId)Delete a list of request ids.
public java.lang.String | getCallerIPFilter()Gets the at-source IP filter set up on this particular Server Instance.
An At-source filter, filters the Call Flow Data at Data Collection Time.
of the type of filter and value is a String value.
public java.lang.String | getCallerPrincipalFilter()Gets the at-source Principal filter for this particular Server Instance.
public boolean | getEnabled()
public java.util.List | queryCallStackForRequest(java.lang.String requestID)Returns CallStackInformation for a particular RequestID. This list is
sorted on time to return a logical flow of calls through various containers
for a particular requestID. Each row in the list is a Map of key=value
pairs, each key and value is a @link java.lang.String respectively.
The keys are of the type
public java.lang.String[] | queryComponentTypeKeys()Returns a list of component types
{@link #SERVLET}
public java.lang.String[] | queryContainerTypeOrApplicationTypeKeys()Returns a list of Container types
{@link #ORB}
{@link #OTHER}
public java.util.Map | queryPieInformation(java.lang.String requestID)Returns the "PIE" information for a requestID. The "PIE" is a simple
Map with key=value pairs indicating the time spent
for each call in a particular container/
The keys are of the types
{@link #CONTAINER_TYPE_KEY} . There are four types
- {@link #ORB}
The values for the keys are String representation of time spent in each
container. Time is obtained using
{@link java.lang.System#currentTimeMillis}
public java.util.List | queryRequestInformation()Gets information for requests.
Each row in the list is a Map of key=value
pairs, each key and value is a @link java.lang.String respectively.
The keys are of the type
- {@link #REQUEST_ID_KEY}
- {@link #REQUEST_TYPE_KEY}. There are 5 types
- {@link #REMOTE_EJB}
- {@link #REMOTE_WEB}
- {@link #TIMER_EJB}
- {@link #USER_KEY}
- {@link #STATUS_KEY}
- {@link #CLIENT_HOST_KEY}
- {@link #METHOD_NAME_KEY}
public java.lang.String[] | queryRequestTypeKeys()Returns a list of all request types
- {@link #REMOTE_EJB}
- {@link #REMOTE_WEB}
- {@link #TIMER_EJB}
public void | setCallerIPFilter(java.lang.String filter)Sets the at-source IP filter for this particular Server Instance.
public void | setCallerPrincipalFilter(java.lang.String filter)Sets the at-source Principal filter for this particular Server Instance.
public void | setEnabled(boolean enabled)Turns CallFlow On or Off