SurfaceTexture.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API18666Thu Mar 12 22:22:30 GMT


public class SurfaceTexture extends Object
Captures frames from an image stream as an OpenGL ES texture.

The image stream may come from either camera preview or video decode. A {@link android.view.Surface} created from a SurfaceTexture can be used as an output destination for the {@link android.hardware.camera2}, {@link}, {@link}, and {@link android.renderscript.Allocation} APIs. When {@link #updateTexImage} is called, the contents of the texture object specified when the SurfaceTexture was created are updated to contain the most recent image from the image stream. This may cause some frames of the stream to be skipped.

A SurfaceTexture may also be used in place of a SurfaceHolder when specifying the output destination of the older {@link android.hardware.Camera} API. Doing so will cause all the frames from the image stream to be sent to the SurfaceTexture object rather than to the device's display.

When sampling from the texture one should first transform the texture coordinates using the matrix queried via {@link #getTransformMatrix(float[])}. The transform matrix may change each time {@link #updateTexImage} is called, so it should be re-queried each time the texture image is updated. This matrix transforms traditional 2D OpenGL ES texture coordinate column vectors of the form (s, t, 0, 1) where s and t are on the inclusive interval [0, 1] to the proper sampling location in the streamed texture. This transform compensates for any properties of the image stream source that cause it to appear different from a traditional OpenGL ES texture. For example, sampling from the bottom left corner of the image can be accomplished by transforming the column vector (0, 0, 0, 1) using the queried matrix, while sampling from the top right corner of the image can be done by transforming (1, 1, 0, 1).

The texture object uses the GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES texture target, which is defined by the GL_OES_EGL_image_external OpenGL ES extension. This limits how the texture may be used. Each time the texture is bound it must be bound to the GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES target rather than the GL_TEXTURE_2D target. Additionally, any OpenGL ES 2.0 shader that samples from the texture must declare its use of this extension using, for example, an "#extension GL_OES_EGL_image_external : require" directive. Such shaders must also access the texture using the samplerExternalOES GLSL sampler type.

SurfaceTexture objects may be created on any thread. {@link #updateTexImage} may only be called on the thread with the OpenGL ES context that contains the texture object. The frame-available callback is called on an arbitrary thread, so unless special care is taken {@link #updateTexImage} should not be called directly from the callback.

Fields Summary
private final android.os.Looper
private android.os.Handler
private long
These fields are used by native code, do not access or modify.
private long
private long
Constructors Summary
public SurfaceTexture(int texName)
Construct a new SurfaceTexture to stream images to a given OpenGL texture.

texName the OpenGL texture object name (e.g. generated via glGenTextures)
Surface.OutOfResourcesException If the SurfaceTexture cannot be created.

        this(texName, false);
public SurfaceTexture(int texName, boolean singleBufferMode)
Construct a new SurfaceTexture to stream images to a given OpenGL texture. In single buffered mode the application is responsible for serializing access to the image content buffer. Each time the image content is to be updated, the {@link #releaseTexImage()} method must be called before the image content producer takes ownership of the buffer. For example, when producing image content with the NDK ANativeWindow_lock and ANativeWindow_unlockAndPost functions, {@link #releaseTexImage()} must be called before each ANativeWindow_lock, or that call will fail. When producing image content with OpenGL ES, {@link #releaseTexImage()} must be called before the first OpenGL ES function call each frame.

texName the OpenGL texture object name (e.g. generated via glGenTextures)
singleBufferMode whether the SurfaceTexture will be in single buffered mode.
Surface.OutOfResourcesException If the SurfaceTexture cannot be created.

        mCreatorLooper = Looper.myLooper();
        nativeInit(false, texName, singleBufferMode, new WeakReference<SurfaceTexture>(this));
public SurfaceTexture(boolean singleBufferMode)
Construct a new SurfaceTexture to stream images to a given OpenGL texture. In single buffered mode the application is responsible for serializing access to the image content buffer. Each time the image content is to be updated, the {@link #releaseTexImage()} method must be called before the image content producer takes ownership of the buffer. For example, when producing image content with the NDK ANativeWindow_lock and ANativeWindow_unlockAndPost functions, {@link #releaseTexImage()} must be called before each ANativeWindow_lock, or that call will fail. When producing image content with OpenGL ES, {@link #releaseTexImage()} must be called before the first OpenGL ES function call each frame. Unlike {@link #SurfaceTexture(int, boolean)}, which takes an OpenGL texture object name, this constructor creates the SurfaceTexture in detached mode. A texture name must be passed in using {@link #attachToGLContext} before calling {@link #releaseTexImage()} and producing image content using OpenGL ES.

singleBufferMode whether the SurfaceTexture will be in single buffered mode.
Surface.OutOfResourcesException If the SurfaceTexture cannot be created.

        mCreatorLooper = Looper.myLooper();
        nativeInit(true, 0, singleBufferMode, new WeakReference<SurfaceTexture>(this));
Methods Summary
public voidattachToGLContext(int texName)
Attach the SurfaceTexture to the OpenGL ES context that is current on the calling thread. A new OpenGL ES texture object is created and populated with the SurfaceTexture image frame that was current at the time of the last call to {@link #detachFromGLContext}. This new texture is bound to the GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES texture target. This can be used to access the SurfaceTexture image contents from multiple OpenGL ES contexts. Note, however, that the image contents are only accessible from one OpenGL ES context at a time.

texName The name of the OpenGL ES texture that will be created. This texture name must be unusued in the OpenGL ES context that is current on the calling thread.

        int err = nativeAttachToGLContext(texName);
        if (err != 0) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error during attachToGLContext (see logcat for details)");
public voiddetachFromGLContext()
Detach the SurfaceTexture from the OpenGL ES context that owns the OpenGL ES texture object. This call must be made with the OpenGL ES context current on the calling thread. The OpenGL ES texture object will be deleted as a result of this call. After calling this method all calls to {@link #updateTexImage} will throw an {@link java.lang.IllegalStateException} until a successful call to {@link #attachToGLContext} is made. This can be used to access the SurfaceTexture image contents from multiple OpenGL ES contexts. Note, however, that the image contents are only accessible from one OpenGL ES context at a time.

        int err = nativeDetachFromGLContext();
        if (err != 0) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error during detachFromGLContext (see logcat for details)");
protected voidfinalize()

        try {
        } finally {
public longgetTimestamp()
Retrieve the timestamp associated with the texture image set by the most recent call to updateTexImage. This timestamp is in nanoseconds, and is normally monotonically increasing. The timestamp should be unaffected by time-of-day adjustments, and for a camera should be strictly monotonic but for a MediaPlayer may be reset when the position is set. The specific meaning and zero point of the timestamp depends on the source providing images to the SurfaceTexture. Unless otherwise specified by the image source, timestamps cannot generally be compared across SurfaceTexture instances, or across multiple program invocations. It is mostly useful for determining time offsets between subsequent frames.

        return nativeGetTimestamp();
public voidgetTransformMatrix(float[] mtx)
Retrieve the 4x4 texture coordinate transform matrix associated with the texture image set by the most recent call to updateTexImage. This transform matrix maps 2D homogeneous texture coordinates of the form (s, t, 0, 1) with s and t in the inclusive range [0, 1] to the texture coordinate that should be used to sample that location from the texture. Sampling the texture outside of the range of this transform is undefined. The matrix is stored in column-major order so that it may be passed directly to OpenGL ES via the glLoadMatrixf or glUniformMatrix4fv functions.

mtx the array into which the 4x4 matrix will be stored. The array must have exactly 16 elements.

        // Note we intentionally don't check mtx for null, so this will result in a
        // NullPointerException. But it's safe because it happens before the call to native.
        if (mtx.length != 16) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
private native intnativeAttachToGLContext(int texName)

private static native voidnativeClassInit()

private native intnativeDetachFromGLContext()

private native voidnativeFinalize()

private native intnativeGetQueuedCount()

private native longnativeGetTimestamp()

private native voidnativeGetTransformMatrix(float[] mtx)

private native voidnativeInit(boolean isDetached, int texName, boolean singleBufferMode, java.lang.ref.WeakReference weakSelf)

private native voidnativeRelease()

private native voidnativeReleaseTexImage()

private native voidnativeSetDefaultBufferSize(int width, int height)

private native voidnativeUpdateTexImage()

private static voidpostEventFromNative(java.lang.ref.WeakReference weakSelf)
This method is invoked from native code only.

        SurfaceTexture st = weakSelf.get();
        if (st != null) {
            Handler handler = st.mOnFrameAvailableHandler;
            if (handler != null) {
public voidrelease()
release() frees all the buffers and puts the SurfaceTexture into the 'abandoned' state. Once put in this state the SurfaceTexture can never leave it. When in the 'abandoned' state, all methods of the IGraphicBufferProducer interface will fail with the NO_INIT error. Note that while calling this method causes all the buffers to be freed from the perspective of the the SurfaceTexture, if there are additional references on the buffers (e.g. if a buffer is referenced by a client or by OpenGL ES as a texture) then those buffer will remain allocated. Always call this method when you are done with SurfaceTexture. Failing to do so may delay resource deallocation for a significant amount of time.

public voidreleaseTexImage()
Releases the the texture content. This is needed in single buffered mode to allow the image content producer to take ownership of the image buffer. For more information see {@link #SurfaceTexture(int, boolean)}.

public voidsetDefaultBufferSize(int width, int height)
Set the default size of the image buffers. The image producer may override the buffer size, in which case the producer-set buffer size will be used, not the default size set by this method. Both video and camera based image producers do override the size. This method may be used to set the image size when producing images with {@link} (via {@link android.view.Surface#lockCanvas}), or OpenGL ES (via an EGLSurface). The new default buffer size will take effect the next time the image producer requests a buffer to fill. For {@link} this will be the next time {@link android.view.Surface#lockCanvas} is called. For OpenGL ES, the EGLSurface should be destroyed (via eglDestroySurface), made not-current (via eglMakeCurrent), and then recreated (via eglCreateWindowSurface) to ensure that the new default size has taken effect. The width and height parameters must be no greater than the minimum of GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS and GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE (see {@link javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL10#glGetIntegerv glGetIntegerv}). An error due to invalid dimensions might not be reported until updateTexImage() is called.

        nativeSetDefaultBufferSize(width, height);
public voidsetOnFrameAvailableListener($OnFrameAvailableListener listener)
Register a callback to be invoked when a new image frame becomes available to the SurfaceTexture.

The callback may be called on an arbitrary thread, so it is not safe to call {@link #updateTexImage} without first binding the OpenGL ES context to the thread invoking the callback.

listener The listener to use, or null to remove the listener.

        setOnFrameAvailableListener(listener, null);
public voidsetOnFrameAvailableListener($OnFrameAvailableListener listener, android.os.Handler handler)
Register a callback to be invoked when a new image frame becomes available to the SurfaceTexture.

If a handler is specified, the callback will be invoked on that handler's thread. If no handler is specified, then the callback may be called on an arbitrary thread, so it is not safe to call {@link #updateTexImage} without first binding the OpenGL ES context to the thread invoking the callback.

listener The listener to use, or null to remove the listener.
handler The handler on which the listener should be invoked, or null to use an arbitrary thread.

        if (listener != null) {
            // Although we claim the thread is arbitrary, earlier implementation would
            // prefer to send the callback on the creating looper or the main looper
            // so we preserve this behavior here.
            Looper looper = handler != null ? handler.getLooper() :
                    mCreatorLooper != null ? mCreatorLooper : Looper.getMainLooper();
            mOnFrameAvailableHandler = new Handler(looper, null, true /*async*/) {
                public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
        } else {
            mOnFrameAvailableHandler = null;
public voidupdateTexImage()
Update the texture image to the most recent frame from the image stream. This may only be called while the OpenGL ES context that owns the texture is current on the calling thread. It will implicitly bind its texture to the GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES texture target.
