MimeUtilityTestpublic class MimeUtilityTest extends TestCase This is a series of unit tests for the MimeUtility class. These tests must be locally
complete - no server(s) required. |
Fields Summary |
private final String | SHORT_UNICODEup arrow, down arrow, left arrow, right arrow | private final String | SHORT_UNICODE_ENCODED | private final String | PADDED2_UNICODEdollar and euro sign | private final String | PADDED2_UNICODE_ENCODED | private final String | PADDED1_UNICODE | private final String | PADDED1_UNICODE_ENCODED | private final String | PADDED0_UNICODE | private final String | PADDED0_UNICODE_ENCODED | private final String | SHORT_PLAINa string without any unicode | private final String | LONG_UNICODE_SPLITlong subject which will be split into two MIME/Base64 chunks | private final String | LONG_UNICODE_SPLIT_ENCODED | private final String | SHORT_SUPPLEMENTALstrings that use supplemental characters and really stress encode/decode | private final String | SHORT_SUPPLEMENTAL_ENCODED | private final String | LONG_SUPPLEMENTAL | private final String | LONG_SUPPLEMENTAL_ENCODED | private final String | LONG_SUPPLEMENTAL_2 | private final String | LONG_SUPPLEMENTAL_ENCODED_2 | private final String | LONG_SUPPLEMENTAL_QP | private final String | LONG_SUPPLEMENTAL_QP_ENCODED | private final String | HEADER_NO_PARAMETERa typical no-param header | private final String | HEADER_MULTI_PARAMETERa typical multi-param header | private final String | CALENDAR_SUBJECT_UNICODEa string generated by google calendar that contains two interesting gotchas:
1. Uses windows-1252 encoding, and en-dash recoded appropriately (\u2013 / =96)
2. Because the first encoded char requires '=XX' encoding, we create an "internal"
"?=" that the decoder must correctly skip over. | private final String | CALENDAR_SUBJECT_PLAIN | private final String | CALENDAR_DEGENERATE_UNICODE_1Some basic degenerate strings designed to exercise error handling in the decoder | private final String | CALENDAR_DEGENERATE_UNICODE_2 | private final String | CALENDAR_DEGENERATE_UNICODE_3 | private final String | CALENDAR_DEGENERATE_UNICODE_4 |
Methods Summary |
public void | testComplexDecode()test decoding complex string from google calendar that has two gotchas for the decoder.
also tests a couple of degenerate cases that should "fail" decoding and pass through.
String result1 = MimeUtility.unfoldAndDecode(CALENDAR_SUBJECT_UNICODE);
assertEquals(CALENDAR_SUBJECT_PLAIN, result1);
// These degenerate cases should "fail" and return the same string
String degenerate1 = MimeUtility.unfoldAndDecode(CALENDAR_DEGENERATE_UNICODE_1);
assertEquals("degenerate case 1", CALENDAR_DEGENERATE_UNICODE_1, degenerate1);
String degenerate2 = MimeUtility.unfoldAndDecode(CALENDAR_DEGENERATE_UNICODE_2);
assertEquals("degenerate case 2", CALENDAR_DEGENERATE_UNICODE_2, degenerate2);
String degenerate3 = MimeUtility.unfoldAndDecode(CALENDAR_DEGENERATE_UNICODE_3);
assertEquals("degenerate case 3", CALENDAR_DEGENERATE_UNICODE_3, degenerate3);
String degenerate4 = MimeUtility.unfoldAndDecode(CALENDAR_DEGENERATE_UNICODE_4);
assertEquals("degenerate case 4", CALENDAR_DEGENERATE_UNICODE_4, degenerate4);
| public void | testDecodeSimple()Test that decode is working for simple strings
String result1 = MimeUtility.decode(SHORT_UNICODE_ENCODED);
assertEquals(SHORT_UNICODE, result1);
| public void | testEfficientFoldAndEncode()Test that fold/encode is efficient when it can be
String result1 = MimeUtility.foldAndEncode(SHORT_PLAIN);
String result2 = MimeUtility.foldAndEncode2(SHORT_PLAIN, 10);
String result3 = MimeUtility.fold(SHORT_PLAIN, 10);
assertSame(SHORT_PLAIN, result1);
assertSame(SHORT_PLAIN, result2);
assertSame(SHORT_PLAIN, result3);
| public void | testEfficientUnfoldAndDecode()Test that decode/unfold is efficient when it can be
String result1 = MimeUtility.unfold(SHORT_PLAIN);
String result2 = MimeUtility.decode(SHORT_PLAIN);
String result3 = MimeUtility.unfoldAndDecode(SHORT_PLAIN);
assertSame(SHORT_PLAIN, result1);
assertSame(SHORT_PLAIN, result2);
assertSame(SHORT_PLAIN, result3);
| public void | testFindPartByContentIdTestCase()Tests for findPartByContentId(Part part, String contentId)
final String cid1 = "cid.1@android.com";
final Part cid1bp = MessageTestUtils.bodyPart("image/gif", cid1);
final String cid2 = "cid.2@android.com";
final Part cid2bp = MessageTestUtils.bodyPart("image/gif", "<" + cid2 + ">");
final Message msg1 = new MessageBuilder()
.setBody(new MultipartBuilder("multipart/related")
.addBodyPart(MessageTestUtils.bodyPart("text/html", null))
// found cid1 part
final Part actual1_1 = MimeUtility.findPartByContentId(msg1, cid1);
assertEquals("could not found expected content-id part", cid1bp, actual1_1);
final Message msg2 = new MessageBuilder()
.setBody(new MultipartBuilder("multipart/mixed")
.addBodyPart(MessageTestUtils.bodyPart("image/tiff", "cid.4@android.com"))
.addBodyPart(new MultipartBuilder("multipart/related")
.addBodyPart(new MultipartBuilder("multipart/alternative")
.addBodyPart(MessageTestUtils.bodyPart("text/plain", null))
.addBodyPart(MessageTestUtils.bodyPart("text/html", null))
.addBodyPart(MessageTestUtils.bodyPart("image/gif", "cid.3@android.com"))
// found cid1 part
final Part actual2_1 = MimeUtility.findPartByContentId(msg2, cid1);
assertEquals("found part from related multipart", cid1bp, actual2_1);
// found cid2 part
final Part actual2_2 = MimeUtility.findPartByContentId(msg2, cid2);
assertEquals("found part from mixed multipart", cid2bp, actual2_2);
| public void | testFoldAndEncode2()Test that foldAndEncode2 is working for simple strings
String result1 = MimeUtility.foldAndEncode2(SHORT_UNICODE, 10);
assertEquals(SHORT_UNICODE_ENCODED, result1);
| public void | testFoldAndEncode2Supplemental()Tests of foldAndEncode2 that involve supplemental characters (UTF-32)
Note that the difference between LONG_SUPPLEMENTAL and LONG_SUPPLEMENTAL_2 is the
insertion of a single character at the head of the string. This is intended to disrupt
the code that splits the long string into multiple encoded words, and confirm that it
properly applies the breaks between UTF-32 code points.
String result1 = MimeUtility.foldAndEncode2(SHORT_SUPPLEMENTAL, "Subject: ".length());
String result2 = MimeUtility.foldAndEncode2(LONG_SUPPLEMENTAL, "Subject: ".length());
String result3 = MimeUtility.foldAndEncode2(LONG_SUPPLEMENTAL_2, "Subject: ".length());
assertEquals("short supplemental", SHORT_SUPPLEMENTAL_ENCODED, result1);
assertEquals("long supplemental", LONG_SUPPLEMENTAL_ENCODED, result2);
assertEquals("long supplemental 2", LONG_SUPPLEMENTAL_ENCODED_2, result3);
| public void | testFoldAndEncode2SupplementalQuotedPrintable()Tests of foldAndEncode2 that involve supplemental characters (UTF-32)
Note that the difference between LONG_SUPPLEMENTAL and LONG_SUPPLEMENTAL_QP is that
the former will be encoded as base64 but the latter will be encoded as quoted printable.
String result = MimeUtility.foldAndEncode2(LONG_SUPPLEMENTAL_QP, "Subject: ".length());
assertEquals("long supplement quoted printable",
| public void | testFoldAndEncode2WithLongSplit()Test that foldAndEncode2 is working for long strings which needs splitting.
String result = MimeUtility.foldAndEncode2(LONG_UNICODE_SPLIT, "Subject: ".length());
assertEquals("long string", LONG_UNICODE_SPLIT_ENCODED, result);
| public void | testGetHeaderParameter()Basic tests of getHeaderParameter()
Typical header value: multipart/mixed; boundary="----E5UGTXUQQJV80DR8SJ88F79BRA4S8K"
Function spec says:
if header is null: return null
if name is null: if params, return first param. else return full field
else: if param is found (case insensitive) return it
else return null
// if header is null, return null
assertNull("null header check", MimeUtility.getHeaderParameter(null, "name"));
// if name is null, return first param or full header
// NOTE: The docs are wrong - it returns the header (no params) in that case
// assertEquals("null name first param per docs", "Param1Value",
// MimeUtility.getHeaderParameter(HEADER_MULTI_PARAMETER, null));
assertEquals("null name first param per code", "header",
MimeUtility.getHeaderParameter(HEADER_MULTI_PARAMETER, null));
assertEquals("null name full header", HEADER_NO_PARAMETER,
MimeUtility.getHeaderParameter(HEADER_NO_PARAMETER, null));
// find name
assertEquals("get 1st param", "Param1Value",
MimeUtility.getHeaderParameter(HEADER_MULTI_PARAMETER, "Param1Name"));
assertEquals("get 2nd param", "Param2Value",
MimeUtility.getHeaderParameter(HEADER_MULTI_PARAMETER, "Param2Name"));
assertEquals("get missing param", null,
MimeUtility.getHeaderParameter(HEADER_MULTI_PARAMETER, "Param3Name"));
// case insensitivity
assertEquals("get 2nd param all LC", "Param2Value",
MimeUtility.getHeaderParameter(HEADER_MULTI_PARAMETER, "param2name"));
assertEquals("get 2nd param all UC", "Param2Value",
MimeUtility.getHeaderParameter(HEADER_MULTI_PARAMETER, "PARAM2NAME"));
| public void | testGetTextFromPartContentTypeCase()Tests for getTextFromPart(Part part)
final String theText = "This is the text of the part";
TextBody tb = new TextBody(theText);
MimeBodyPart p = new MimeBodyPart();
// 1. test basic text/plain mode
p.setHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain");
String gotText = MimeUtility.getTextFromPart(p);
assertEquals(theText, gotText);
// 2. mixed case is OK
p.setHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, "TEXT/PLAIN");
gotText = MimeUtility.getTextFromPart(p);
assertEquals(theText, gotText);
// 3. wildcards OK
p.setHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, "text/other");
gotText = MimeUtility.getTextFromPart(p);
assertEquals(theText, gotText);
| public void | testMimeTypeMatches()Tests for various aspects of mimeTypeMatches(String mimeType, String matchAgainst)
// 1. No match
assertFalse(MimeUtility.mimeTypeMatches("foo/bar", "TEXT/PLAIN"));
// 2. Match
assertTrue(MimeUtility.mimeTypeMatches("text/plain", "text/plain"));
// 3. Match (mixed case)
assertTrue(MimeUtility.mimeTypeMatches("text/plain", "TEXT/PLAIN"));
assertTrue(MimeUtility.mimeTypeMatches("TEXT/PLAIN", "text/plain"));
// 4. Match (wildcards)
assertTrue(MimeUtility.mimeTypeMatches("text/plain", "*/plain"));
assertTrue(MimeUtility.mimeTypeMatches("text/plain", "text/*"));
assertTrue(MimeUtility.mimeTypeMatches("text/plain", "*/*"));
// 5. No Match (wildcards)
assertFalse(MimeUtility.mimeTypeMatches("foo/bar", "*/plain"));
assertFalse(MimeUtility.mimeTypeMatches("foo/bar", "text/*"));
| public void | testMimeTypeMatchesArray()Tests for various aspects of mimeTypeMatches(String mimeType, String[] matchAgainst)
// 1. Zero-length array
String[] arrayZero = new String[0];
assertFalse(MimeUtility.mimeTypeMatches("text/plain", arrayZero));
// 2. Single entry, no match
String[] arrayOne = new String[] { "text/plain" };
assertFalse(MimeUtility.mimeTypeMatches("foo/bar", arrayOne));
// 3. Single entry, match
assertTrue(MimeUtility.mimeTypeMatches("text/plain", arrayOne));
// 4. Multi entry, no match
String[] arrayTwo = new String[] { "text/plain", "match/this" };
assertFalse(MimeUtility.mimeTypeMatches("foo/bar", arrayTwo));
// 5. Multi entry, match first
assertTrue(MimeUtility.mimeTypeMatches("text/plain", arrayTwo));
// 6. Multi entry, match not first
assertTrue(MimeUtility.mimeTypeMatches("match/this", arrayTwo));
| public void | testPaddingOfFoldAndEncode2()Test about base64 padding variety.
String result1 = MimeUtility.foldAndEncode2(PADDED2_UNICODE, 0);
String result2 = MimeUtility.foldAndEncode2(PADDED1_UNICODE, 0);
String result3 = MimeUtility.foldAndEncode2(PADDED0_UNICODE, 0);
assertEquals("padding 2", PADDED2_UNICODE_ENCODED, result1);
assertEquals("padding 1", PADDED1_UNICODE_ENCODED, result2);
assertEquals("padding 0", PADDED0_UNICODE_ENCODED, result3);
| public void | testUnfoldAndDecodeSimple()Test that unfoldAndDecode is working for simple strings
String result1 = MimeUtility.unfoldAndDecode(SHORT_UNICODE_ENCODED);
assertEquals(SHORT_UNICODE, result1);