// Print out a report of the context's membership state.
// Is the context empty?
System.out.println("Is the context empty? " + context.isEmpty());
// Has the context been set for the child bean?
boolean result = (bean.getBeanContext()!=null);
System.out.println("Does the bean have a context yet? " + result);
// Number of children in the context
System.out.println("Number of children in the context: " + context.size());
// Is the specific bean a member of the context?
System.out.println("Is the bean a member of the context? " + context.contains(bean));
// Equality test
if (bean.getBeanContext() != null) {
boolean isEqual = (bean.getBeanContext()==context); // true means both references point to the same object
System.out.println("Contexts are the same? " + isEqual);