Fields Summary |
public static final int | YEARField number for get and set indicating the
year. This is a calendar-specific value. |
public static final int | MONTHField number for get and set indicating the
month. This is a calendar-specific value. |
public static final int | DATEField number for get and set indicating the
day of the month. This is a synonym for DAY_OF_MONTH . |
public static final int | DAY_OF_MONTHField number for get and set indicating the
day of the month. This is a synonym for DATE . |
public static final int | DAY_OF_WEEKField number for get and set indicating the
day of the week. |
public static final int | AM_PMField number for get and set indicating
whether the HOUR is before or after noon.
E.g., at 10:04:15.250 PM the AM_PM is PM . |
public static final int | HOURField number for get and set indicating the
hour of the morning or afternoon. HOUR is used for the
12-hour clock.
E.g., at 10:04:15.250 PM the HOUR is 10. |
public static final int | HOUR_OF_DAYField number for get and set indicating the
hour of the day. HOUR_OF_DAY is used for the 24-hour clock.
E.g., at 10:04:15.250 PM the HOUR_OF_DAY is 22. |
public static final int | MINUTEField number for get and set indicating the
minute within the hour.
E.g., at 10:04:15.250 PM the MINUTE is 4. |
public static final int | SECONDField number for get and set indicating the
second within the minute.
E.g., at 10:04:15.250 PM the SECOND is 15. |
public static final int | MILLISECONDField number for get and set indicating the
millisecond within the second.
E.g., at 10:04:15.250 PM the MILLISECOND is 250. |
public static final int | SUNDAYValue of the DAY_OF_WEEK field indicating
Sunday. |
public static final int | MONDAYValue of the DAY_OF_WEEK field indicating
Monday. |
public static final int | TUESDAYValue of the DAY_OF_WEEK field indicating
Tuesday. |
public static final int | WEDNESDAYValue of the DAY_OF_WEEK field indicating
Wednesday. |
public static final int | THURSDAYValue of the DAY_OF_WEEK field indicating
Thursday. |
public static final int | FRIDAYValue of the DAY_OF_WEEK field indicating
Friday. |
public static final int | SATURDAYValue of the DAY_OF_WEEK field indicating
Saturday. |
public static final int | JANUARYValue of the MONTH field indicating the
first month of the year. |
public static final int | FEBRUARYValue of the MONTH field indicating the
second month of the year. |
public static final int | MARCHValue of the MONTH field indicating the
third month of the year. |
public static final int | APRILValue of the MONTH field indicating the
fourth month of the year. |
public static final int | MAYValue of the MONTH field indicating the
fifth month of the year. |
public static final int | JUNEValue of the MONTH field indicating the
sixth month of the year. |
public static final int | JULYValue of the MONTH field indicating the
seventh month of the year. |
public static final int | AUGUSTValue of the MONTH field indicating the
eighth month of the year. |
public static final int | SEPTEMBERValue of the MONTH field indicating the
ninth month of the year. |
public static final int | OCTOBERValue of the MONTH field indicating the
tenth month of the year. |
public static final int | NOVEMBERValue of the MONTH field indicating the
eleventh month of the year. |
public static final int | DECEMBERValue of the MONTH field indicating the
twelfth month of the year. |
public static final int | AMValue of the AM_PM field indicating the
period of the day from midnight to just before noon. |
public static final int | PMValue of the AM_PM field indicating the
period of the day from noon to just before midnight. |
private static final int | FIELDS |
protected int[] | fieldsThe field values for the currently set time for this calendar. |
protected boolean[] | isSetThe flags which tell if a specified time field for the calendar is set.
This is an array of FIELD_COUNT booleans, |
protected long | timeThe currently set time for this calendar, expressed in milliseconds after
January 1, 1970, 0:00:00 GMT. |
private boolean | isTimeSetTrue if then the value of time is valid.
The time is made invalid by a change to an item of field[] . |
private TimeZone | zoneThe TimeZone used by this calendar. Calendar
uses the time zone data to translate between the current/default
system time and GMT time. |
private Date | dateObj |