Permissions.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API18022Fri Aug 26 14:57:14 BST


public final class Permissions extends PermissionCollection implements Serializable
This class represents a heterogeneous collection of Permissions. That is, it contains different types of Permission objects, organized into PermissionCollections. For example, if any objects are added to an instance of this class, they are all stored in a single PermissionCollection. It is the PermissionCollection returned by a call to the newPermissionCollection method in the FilePermission class. Similarly, any java.lang.RuntimePermission objects are stored in the PermissionCollection returned by a call to the newPermissionCollection method in the RuntimePermission class. Thus, this class represents a collection of PermissionCollections.

When the add method is called to add a Permission, the Permission is stored in the appropriate PermissionCollection. If no such collection exists yet, the Permission object's class is determined and the newPermissionCollection method is called on that class to create the PermissionCollection and add it to the Permissions object. If newPermissionCollection returns null, then a default PermissionCollection that uses a hashtable will be created and used. Each hashtable entry stores a Permission object as both the key and the value.

Enumerations returned via the elements method are not fail-fast. Modifications to a collection should not be performed while enumerating over that collection.

1.58, 04/05/05
Marianne Mueller
Roland Schemers

Fields Summary
private transient Map
Key is permissions Class, value is PermissionCollection for that class. Not serialized; see serialization section at end of class.
private transient boolean
private PermissionCollection
private static final long
private static final ObjectStreamField[]
Constructors Summary
public Permissions()
Creates a new Permissions object containing no PermissionCollections.

	permsMap = new HashMap(11);
	allPermission = null;
Methods Summary
public voidadd( permission)
Adds a permission object to the PermissionCollection for the class the permission belongs to. For example, if permission is a FilePermission, it is added to the FilePermissionCollection stored in this Permissions object. This method creates a new PermissionCollection object (and adds the permission to it) if an appropriate collection does not yet exist.

permission the Permission object to add.
SecurityException if this Permissions object is marked as readonly.

	if (isReadOnly())
	    throw new SecurityException(
              "attempt to add a Permission to a readonly Permissions object");

	PermissionCollection pc;

	synchronized (this) {
	    pc = getPermissionCollection(permission, true);

	// No sync; staleness -> optimizations delayed, which is OK
	if (permission instanceof AllPermission) {
	    allPermission = pc;
	if (permission instanceof UnresolvedPermission) {
	    hasUnresolved = true;
public java.util.Enumerationelements()
Returns an enumeration of all the Permission objects in all the PermissionCollections in this Permissions object.

an enumeration of all the Permissions.

	// go through each Permissions in the hash table 
	// and call their elements() function.

	synchronized (this) {
	    return new PermissionsEnumerator(permsMap.values().iterator());
private p, boolean createEmpty)
Gets the PermissionCollection in this Permissions object for permissions whose type is the same as that of p. For example, if p is a FilePermission, the FilePermissionCollection stored in this Permissions object will be returned. If createEmpty is true, this method creates a new PermissionCollection object for the specified type of permission objects if one does not yet exist. To do so, it first calls the newPermissionCollection method on p. Subclasses of class Permission override that method if they need to store their permissions in a particular PermissionCollection object in order to provide the correct semantics when the PermissionCollection.implies method is called. If the call returns a PermissionCollection, that collection is stored in this Permissions object. If the call returns null and createEmpty is true, then this method instantiates and stores a default PermissionCollection that uses a hashtable to store its permission objects. createEmpty is ignored when creating empty PermissionCollection for unresolved permissions because of the overhead of determining the PermissionCollection to use. createEmpty should be set to false when this method is invoked from implies() because it incurs the additional overhead of creating and adding an empty PermissionCollection that will just return false. It should be set to true when invoked from add().

	Class c = p.getClass();

	PermissionCollection pc = (PermissionCollection) permsMap.get(c);

	if (!hasUnresolved && !createEmpty) {
	    return pc;
	} else if (pc == null) {

	    // Check for unresolved permissions
	    pc = (hasUnresolved ? getUnresolvedPermissions(p) : null);

	    // if still null, create a new collection
	    if (pc == null && createEmpty) {

		pc = p.newPermissionCollection();
		// still no PermissionCollection? 
		// We'll give them a PermissionsHash.
		if (pc == null)
		    pc = new PermissionsHash();
	    if (pc != null) {
		permsMap.put(c, pc);
	return pc;
private p)
Resolves any unresolved permissions of type p.

p the type of unresolved permission to resolve
PermissionCollection containing the unresolved permissions, or null if there were no unresolved permissions of type p.

	// Called from within synchronized method so permsMap doesn't need lock

	UnresolvedPermissionCollection uc = 
	(UnresolvedPermissionCollection) permsMap.get(UnresolvedPermission.class);

	// we have no unresolved permissions if uc is null
	if (uc == null) 
	    return null;

	List unresolvedPerms = uc.getUnresolvedPermissions(p);
	// we have no unresolved permissions of this type if unresolvedPerms is null
	if (unresolvedPerms == null)
	    return null; certs[] = null;

	Object signers[] = p.getClass().getSigners();

	int n = 0;
	if (signers != null) {
	    for (int j=0; j < signers.length; j++) {
		if (signers[j] instanceof {
	    certs = new[n];
	    n = 0;
	    for (int j=0; j < signers.length; j++) {
		if (signers[j] instanceof {
		    certs[n++] = ([j];

	PermissionCollection pc = null;
	synchronized (unresolvedPerms) {
	    int len = unresolvedPerms.size();
	    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
		UnresolvedPermission up = 
		Permission perm = up.resolve(p, certs);
		if (perm != null) {
		    if (pc == null) {
			pc = p.newPermissionCollection();
			if (pc == null) 
			    pc = new PermissionsHash();
	return pc;
public booleanimplies( permission)
Checks to see if this object's PermissionCollection for permissions of the specified permission's type implies the permissions expressed in the permission object. Returns true if the combination of permissions in the appropriate PermissionCollection (e.g., a FilePermissionCollection for a FilePermission) together imply the specified permission.

For example, suppose there is a FilePermissionCollection in this Permissions object, and it contains one FilePermission that specifies "read" access for all files in all subdirectories of the "/tmp" directory, and another FilePermission that specifies "write" access for all files in the "/tmp/scratch/foo" directory. Then if the implies method is called with a permission specifying both "read" and "write" access to files in the "/tmp/scratch/foo" directory, true is returned.

Additionally, if this PermissionCollection contains the AllPermission, this method will always return true.

permission the Permission object to check.
true if "permission" is implied by the permissions in the PermissionCollection it belongs to, false if not.

	// No sync; staleness -> skip optimization, which is OK
	if (allPermission != null) { 
	    return true; // AllPermission has already been added
	} else {
	    synchronized (this) {
		PermissionCollection pc = getPermissionCollection(permission, 
		if (pc != null) {
		    return pc.implies(permission);
		} else {
		    // none found
		    return false;
private voidreadObject( in)

	// Don't call defaultReadObject()

	// Read in serialized fields
	ObjectInputStream.GetField gfields = in.readFields();

	// Get allPermission
	allPermission = (PermissionCollection) gfields.get("allPermission", null);

	// Get permissions
	Hashtable perms = (Hashtable)gfields.get("perms", null);
	permsMap = new HashMap(perms.size()*2);

	// Set hasUnresolved
	UnresolvedPermissionCollection uc = 
	(UnresolvedPermissionCollection) permsMap.get(UnresolvedPermission.class);
	hasUnresolved = (uc != null && uc.elements().hasMoreElements());
private voidwriteObject( out)

Default fields.

     * Writes the contents of the permsMap field out as a Hashtable for
     * serialization compatibility with earlier releases. allPermission
     * unchanged.
	// Don't call out.defaultWriteObject()

	// Copy perms into a Hashtable
	Hashtable perms = new Hashtable(permsMap.size()*2); // no sync; estimate
	synchronized (this) {

	// Write out serializable fields
        ObjectOutputStream.PutField pfields = out.putFields();

	pfields.put("allPermission", allPermission); // no sync; staleness OK
        pfields.put("perms", perms);