Constructs some form of non-scalar return descriptorparamalias The result aliasparampropertyResults Any user-supplied column->property mappingsparamlockMode The lock mode to apply to the return. this.alias = alias; if ( alias == null ) { throw new HibernateException("alias must be specified"); } this.lockMode = lockMode; if ( propertyResults != null ) { this.propertyResults.putAll( propertyResults ); }
this.alias = alias; if ( alias == null ) { throw new HibernateException("alias must be specified"); } this.lockMode = lockMode; if ( propertyResults != null ) { this.propertyResults.putAll( propertyResults ); }
Retrieve the defined result aliasreturnThe result alias. return alias;
return alias;
Retrieve the lock-mode to apply to this returnreturnThe lock mode return lockMode;
return lockMode;
Retrieve the user-supplied column->property mappings.returnThe property mappings. return Collections.unmodifiableMap( propertyResults );
return Collections.unmodifiableMap( propertyResults );