Address.javaAPI DocphoneME MR2 API (J2ME)17946Wed May 02 18:00:42 BST 2007gov.nist.siplite.address


public class Address extends GenericObject
Address structure. Imbeds a URI and adds a display name. This code is in the public domain.

Fields Summary
public static final int
Constant field.
public static final int
Constant field.
public static final int
Constant field.
protected int
Address type.
protected String
Display name field.
protected URI
Address field.
Constructors Summary
public Address()
Default constructor.

        this.addressType = NAME_ADDR;
Methods Summary
public java.lang.Objectclone()
Clone this structure.

Object Address

        Address retval = new Address();
        retval.addressType = this.addressType;
        if (displayName != null) {
            retval.displayName = new String(displayName);
        if (address != null) {
            retval.address = (URI) address.clone();
        return (Object) retval;

public java.lang.Stringencode()
Encodes the address as a string and return it.

String canonical encoded version of this address.

        if (this.addressType == WILD_CARD) {
            return "*";

        StringBuffer encoding = new StringBuffer();

        if (displayName != null) {
            // Now the quotes are added to the displayName in AddressParser
            // if they presented in the original header

        if (address != null) {
            if (addressType == NAME_ADDR || displayName != null) {
            if (addressType == NAME_ADDR || displayName != null) {

        return encoding.toString();
public booleanequals(java.lang.Object other)
Compares two address specs for equality.

other Object to compare this this address
true if the objects match

        if (!this.getClass().equals(other.getClass())) {
            return false;

        Address that = (Address) other;
        if (this.addressType == WILD_CARD &&
            that.addressType != WILD_CARD) {
            return false;

        // Ignore the display name; only compare the address spec.
        boolean retval = this.address.equals(that.address);
        return retval;
public intgetAddressType()
Gets the address type.

the addres type

        return addressType;
public java.lang.StringgetDisplayName()
Gets the display name.

the display name

        return displayName;
public java.lang.StringgetHost()
Gets the host name from the address.

the host name.

        // if the address is wildcard ("*"), all properties are null
        if (this.addressType == WILD_CARD) {
            return null;
        if (address.isSipURI()) {
            // IMPL_NOTE: why not SipURI.getHost()?
            return ((SipURI) address).getHostPort().getHost().getHostname();
        if (Logging.REPORT_LEVEL <= Logging.ERROR) {
  , LogChannels.LC_JSR180,
                           "getHost() for wrong URI");
        return null;
public HostPortgetHostPort()
Gets the host port portion of the address spec.

host:port in a HostPort structure.

        // if the address is wildcard ("*"), all properties are null
        if (this.addressType == WILD_CARD) {
            return null;
        if (address.isSipURI()) {
            return ((SipURI) address).getHostPort();
        if (Logging.REPORT_LEVEL <= Logging.ERROR) {
  , LogChannels.LC_JSR180,
                           "Wrong URI HostPort request");
        return null;
public java.lang.StringgetParameter(java.lang.String name)
Returns the value associated with the named URI parameter.

name - the name of the parameter
the value of the named parameter, or empty string for parameters without value and null if the parameter is not defined

        URI uri = getURI();
        if (uri.isSipURI()) {
            return ((SipURI)uri).getParameter(name);
        // IMPL_NOTE : return something for the tel URL
        return null;
public java.lang.String[]getParameterNames()
Returns a String array of all parameter names.

String array of parameter names. Returns null if the address does not have any parameters.

        if (addressType == WILD_CARD) {
            return null;
        Vector parameterNameList;
        if (address.isSipURI()) {
            parameterNameList = ((SipURI)address).getParameterNames();

        } else if (address.isTelURL()) {
            parameterNameList = ((TelURL)address).getParameterNames();
        } else {
            return null;
        if (null == parameterNameList || parameterNameList.size() == 0) {
            return null;

        String parameterNames[] = new String[parameterNameList.size()];

        for (int i = 0; i < parameterNameList.size(); i++)
            parameterNames[i] = (String)parameterNameList.elementAt(i);

        return parameterNames;
public java.lang.StringgetPlainURI()
Returns the URI part of the address (without parameters) i.e. scheme:user@host:port.

URI part of the address

        if (addressType == WILD_CARD) {
            return null;
        return address.getPlainURI();
public intgetPort()
Gets the port from the imbedded URI. This assumes that a SIP URL is encapsulated in this address object.

the port from the address.

        // if the address is wildcard ("*"), return 0
        if (this.addressType == WILD_CARD) {
            return 0;
        if (address.isSipURI()) {
            SipURI uri = (SipURI) address;
            int port = uri.getPort();
            if (port < 0) {
                port = uri.getDefaultPort();
            return port;
        if (Logging.REPORT_LEVEL <= Logging.ERROR) {
  , LogChannels.LC_JSR180,
                           "getPort() for wrong URI");
        // if the port is not set, return the default (5060)
        return 5060;
public java.lang.StringgetScheme()
Returns the scheme of SIP address.

the scheme of this SIP address e.g. sip or sips

        if (addressType == WILD_CARD) {
            return null;
        return address.getScheme();
public URIgetURI()
Returns the URI address of this Address. The type of URI can be determined by the scheme.

address parmater of the Address object

        return this.address;
public java.lang.StringgetUser()
Returns the user part of SIP address.

user part of SIP address. Returns null if the user part is missing or URI has unknown type

        // RFC3261 p.222
        // SIP-URI   =  "sip:" [ userinfo ] hostport
        //             uri-parameters [ headers ]
        // SIPS-URI  =  "sips:" [ userinfo ] hostport
        //             uri-parameters [ headers ]
        // userinfo =  ( user / telephone-subscriber ) [ ":" password ] "@"
        // This function returns user name/telephon number + password if it is
        // existing
        // if the address is wildcard ("*"), all properties are null

        if (addressType == WILD_CARD) {
            return null;
        if (address.isSipURI()) {
            SipURI uri = (SipURI) address;
            String psswd = uri.getUserPassword();
            if (null != psswd) {
                return new String(uri.getUser() +
                                  Separators.COLON +
            } else {
                return uri.getUser();
        } else if (address.isTelURL()) {
            // IMPL_NOTE: Do we have TelURL only?
            return ((TelURL) address).getPhoneNumber();
        } else {
            return null;
public java.lang.StringgetUserAtHostPort()
Gets the user@host:port for the address field. This assumes that the encapsulated object is a SipURI.

string containing user@host:port.

        // if the address is wildcard ("*"), all properties are null
        if (addressType == WILD_CARD) {
            return null;

        if (address.isSipURI()) {
            SipURI uri = (SipURI) address;
            return uri.getUserAtHostPort();
        if (Logging.REPORT_LEVEL <= Logging.ERROR) {
  , LogChannels.LC_JSR180,
                           "getUserAtHostPort() for wrong URI");
        return address.toString();

public booleanhasDisplayName()
return true if DisplayName exist.


        return (displayName != null);
public booleanisSIPAddress()
Return true if the embedded URI is a sip URI.

true if the embedded URI is a SIP URI.

        return address.isSipURI();
public booleanisWildcard()
This determines if this address is a wildcard address. That is Address.getAddress.getUserInfo() == *;

true if this name address is a wildcard, false otherwise.

        return this.addressType == WILD_CARD;
public voidremoveDisplayName()
remove the displayName field

        displayName = null;
public voidremoveParameter(java.lang.String parameterName)
Removes a parameter from the address.

parameterName is the name of the parameter to remove.

        // if the address is wildcard ("*"), all properties are null
        if (this.addressType == WILD_CARD) {
        if (address.isSipURI()) {
            ((SipURI) address).removeParameter(parameterName);
public voidsetAddressType(int atype)
Sets the address type. The address can be NAME_ADDR, ADDR_SPEC or WILD_CARD.

atype int to set

        addressType = atype;
public voidsetDisplayName(java.lang.String dn)
Sets the display name member.

dn String to set
IllegalArgumentException if the name contains invalid characters

        if (null == dn) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null pointer argument");

        if (dn.equals("")) {
            // JSR180: Empty string "" removes the display name.
            //         getDisplayName() returns null if
            //         the display name is not available.
            displayName = null;
        } else {
            if (false == Lexer.isValidDisplayName(dn)) {
                throw new
                        IllegalArgumentException("Invalid display name " +
            displayName = dn;
            addressType = NAME_ADDR;
public voidsetHost(java.lang.String host)
Sets the host part of the SIP address.

host host part
IllegalArgumentException if the host part is formated wrong way

        if (address.isSipURI()) {
        } else
public voidsetParameter(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
Sets the named URI parameter to the specified value. If the value is null the parameter is interpreted as a parameter without value. Existing parameter will be overwritten, otherwise the parameter is added.

name - the named URI parameter
value - the value
IllegalArgumentException - if the parameter is invalid RFC 3261, chapter 19.1.1 SIP and SIPS URI Components "URI parameters" p.149

        // Validating the name.
        if (!Lexer.isValidName(name)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid parameter's name.");

        // Validating the value.
        if (!Lexer.isValidParameterValue(value)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid parameter's value.");

        URI uri = getURI();
        if (uri.isSipURI()) {
            try {
                ((SipURI)uri).setParameter(name, value);
            } catch (ParseException pe) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(pe.getMessage());
        // IMPL_NOTE : do something for the tel URL
public voidsetURI(URI addr)
Sets the address field.

addr SipURI to set

        address = (URI) addr;
public voidsetURI(java.lang.String URI)
Parses and creates the URI field.

URI SipURI to set

        URI uri = null;
        try {
            uri = StackConnector.addressFactory.createURI(URI);
        } catch (ParseException pe) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(pe.getMessage());

        if (uri == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The URI is invalid");

        if (uri.isSipURI()) {

            // copy parameters value from old uri
            if (address.isSipURI()) {
                SipURI addr = (SipURI)address;
                Vector names = addr.getParameterNames();
                String value;
                String name;
                for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
                    name = (String)names.elementAt(i);
                    value = addr.getParameter(name);
                    try {
                        ((SipURI)uri).setParameter(name, value);
                    } catch (ParseException ex) {
                        // intentionally ignored
                        // parameters were parsed already


public voidsetUser(java.lang.String user)
Sets the user part of the embedded URI.

user user name to set for the embedded URI.
IllegalArgumentException if the user part contains invalid characters

        // if the address is wildcard ("*"), all properties are null
        if (addressType == WILD_CARD) {

        if (address.isSipURI()) {
            SipURI uri = (SipURI) address;
            int colonPos;
            if (null != user && 
                (colonPos = user.indexOf(Separators.COLON)) != -1) {
                uri.setUser(user.substring(0, colonPos));
                uri.setUserPassword(user.substring(colonPos + 1));
            } else {
        } else if (address.isTelURL()) {
            // IMPL_NOTE : check if the tel number is valid
            ((TelURL) address).setPhoneNumber(user);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't set a user " +
                                               "for this type of address");
public java.lang.StringtoString()
Creates a string representation of the address object.

String canonical encoded version of this address.

        return encode();