calendar.javaAPI DocExample1787Mon Sep 11 19:09:54 BST 2000None


public class calendar extends Applet

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidpaint(java.awt.Graphics g)

		int y_position = 60;
		int y_add = 20;  // The 'y' (or vertical) display position of each date
		                 // is moved by this amount.
		int x_add = 20;  // similarly for the horizontal 'x'.
      int days = 31;  // Default number of days - used in most of the months
      int startday = 0;
      String month_string = "";
		// August
		startday = 2;		
		month_string = "August 2000";
      // This will shift the printing of the first day of the month along by
      // the relevant number of days... E.g. Tuesday in the 2nd position, wed = 3rd
    	int x_position = 20 + x_add * startday;
      // Select the Courier font, in which all the characters have equal spaces
	   g.setFont(new Font("Courier",Font.PLAIN,12));
      // Display the month
 		g.drawString( month_string, 20, 20);
		// Display the days
		g.drawString("M  T  W  T  F  S  S", 40, 40);
		// Loop through all the days of the month
	   for (int date = 1; date <= days; date++)
         g.drawString(date + "   " , x_position , y_position);
         x_position = x_position + x_add;  // Shift the display position for the next date
         startday++;           // step to the next day
         if ( startday > 7)    // See if the day is greater than 7 (Sunday)
            x_position  = 40;      // Yes it is, move the x display position back
            y_position = y_position + y_add;  // and move the y display position down.
            startday   = 1;         // Put the day back to 1 (Monday)
         }  // End of if startday > 7
      }  // End of for