BasicTextInputSession.javaAPI DocphoneME MR2 API (J2ME)17803Wed May 02 18:00:20 BST 2007com.sun.midp.chameleon.input


public class BasicTextInputSession extends Object implements TextInputSession, InputModeMediator
The BasicTextInputSession represents the relationship between the system's key input, the TextInputComponent, the available InputModes, and the graphical display.

Fields Summary
protected InputMode
The currently "active" InputMode
protected InputMode[]
The set of all possible InputModes
private javax.microedition.lcdui.Display
The current Display object
private javax.microedition.lcdui.Displayable
The previous Displayable
protected InputMode
If the user has specifically chosen an InputMode, that choice becomes sticky when the InputSession chooses the InputMode to make active.
protected TextInputComponent
The text component receiving the input
Constructors Summary
public BasicTextInputSession()
Construct a new BasicTextInputSession

        inputModeSet = InputModeFactory.createInputModes();
Methods Summary
public voidbeginSession(TextInputComponent component)
Start a text input session for the given TextInputComponent. The TextInputComponent can be used to determine the initial input mode, constraints, etc.

component the TextInputComponent which is receiving text input

        if (component == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Null TextInputComponent in beginSession()");
        if (this.textComponent == null) {
            this.textComponent = component;
        } else if (this.textComponent != component) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                "InputModeHandler in use by another TextInputComponent");
        // Select a suitable InputMode
public voidclear(int num)
Clear the particular number of symbols

num number of symbols

        if (num == 0) {
            if (Logging.REPORT_LEVEL <= Logging.INFORMATION) {
      , LogChannels.LC_HIGHUI,
                    "WARNING: BasicTextInput.clear calld with 0");
public voidcommit(java.lang.String input)
Called by an InputMode in order to automatically commit the given input to the Text component. For example, when the timer expires in an AlphaNumeric InputMode it will commit the current pending character.

input text to commit

        if (input != null && textComponent != null) {
private voidendInputMode(InputMode mode)
End the expired input mode.

mode expired input mode

        if (mode != null) {
            if (mode.hasDisplayable() && textComponent != null) {
                previousScreen = null;
                currentDisplay = null;
public voidendSession()
End the current text input session and do not commit any pending characters to the buffer.

        if (Logging.REPORT_LEVEL <= Logging.INFORMATION) {
  , LogChannels.LC_HIGHUI,

        if (currentMode != null) {
        textComponent = null;
        stickyMode = null;
public InputMode[]getAvailableModes()
List the appropriate InputModes available for the current input session. This method may be used by UI components in order to make certain input mode choices available to the user for selection. If this handler is not currently in an active text input session, this method returns null.

an array of InputModes which are available to use given the current TextInputComponent and its input constraints

        if (textComponent == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                "Call to InputModeHandler while outside of a valid session");
        int constraints = textComponent.getConstraints();
        Vector v = new Vector();
        for (int i = 0; i < inputModeSet.length; i++) {
            if (inputModeSet[i].supportsConstraints(constraints)) {
        if (v.size() == 0) {
            return null;
        InputMode[] modes = new InputMode[v.size()];
        return modes;
public intgetAvailableSize()
Returns the available size (number of characters) that can be stored in this TextInputComponent.

available size in characters

        return textComponent != null ? textComponent.getAvailableSize() : 0;
public InputModegetCurrentInputMode()
Retrieve the InputMode which is the current "active" mode for this TextInputSession. This does not necessarily mean there is any pending input with the InputMode itself, it means that if this TextInputSession receives key input, the returned InputMode will be the mode which processes that input.

the currently "active" InputMode

        return currentMode;
public java.lang.String[]getMatchList()
Gets the possible string matches

returns the set of options.

        return currentMode != null ? currentMode.getMatchList() : new String[0];
public java.lang.StringgetNextMatch()
An iterative method to return the next available match given the key processing thus far. If the return value of hasMoreMatches() is true, this method will return a non-null String and will iterate through the entire set of available matches until the set is exhausted. Each subsequent call to processKey() will reset the iterator over the set of available matches regardless if the key resulted in a change to the set. The two methods, hasMoreMatches() and getNextMatch(), can be used by the User Interface system to retrieve the current set of pending inputs and possibly present a chooser option to the user.

a String representing the best possible pending input, or null, if there is no pending input

        try {               
            return currentMode.getNextMatch();
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            // Since InputModes are pluggable, we'll catch any possible
            // Throwable when calling into one
            // IMPL_NOTE : log the throwable
        return null;
public chargetPendingChar()
return the pending char used to bypass the asynchronous commit mechanism e.g. to immediately commit a char before moving the cursor

return the pending char

        return currentMode != null ? currentMode.getPendingChar() : 0;
public booleanhasMoreMatches()
If the InputMode supports multiple matches and more matches are available this method will return true, false otherwise.

true if the current InputMode supports multiple matches and there are currently more matches available

        try {
            return currentMode.hasMoreMatches();
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            // Since InputModes are pluggable, we'll catch any possible
            // Throwable when calling into one
            // IMPL_NOTE : log the throwable
        return false;
public voidinputModeCompleted()
Called by an InputMode in order to signal that the input process has been completed with respect to the InputMode. Subsequent key input should be handled in a new input session, possibly by the same InputMode or by a different InputMode alltogether. For example, when the timer expires in an AlphaNumeric InputMode, the character is committed and the AlphaNumeric InputMode signals its completion. Further key input may start a new session with the AlphaNumeric InputMode or possibly some other InputMode.

        if (Logging.REPORT_LEVEL <= Logging.INFORMATION) {
  , LogChannels.LC_HIGHUI,
                "[Basic.inputModeCompleted()] >>> ");
        try {
            if (currentMode != null) {
                if (Logging.REPORT_LEVEL <= Logging.INFORMATION) {
          , LogChannels.LC_HIGHUI,
                        "[Basic.inputModeCompleted()] !=null");
            // Select a suitable InputMode
        } catch (Exception e) {
        if (Logging.REPORT_LEVEL <= Logging.INFORMATION) {
  , LogChannels.LC_HIGHUI,
                "[Basic.inputModeCompleted()] <<<< ");
public booleanisClearKey(int keyCode)
Returns true if the keyCode is used as 'clear'

keyCode key code
true if keu code is Clear one, false otherwise

        return textComponent != null &&
public booleanisSymbol(char c)
Check if the given char is symbol

c char
true if the char is symbol otherwise false.

        return SymbolInputMode.isSymbol(c);
public intprocessKey(int keyCode, boolean longPress)
This method abstracts key processing to a single call (from the assorted key press, release, repeat events). This method should be called from the TextInputComponent to pass along key input from the user. The TextInputComponent is responsible for determining what key events should be processed (ie, key events trigger processing on press or on release).

keyCode the numeric code representing the key which was pressed
longPress return true if it's long key press otherwise false
true if the current InputMode processed the key event, false if the key was not processed at all by the current InputMode (not all keys apply to input)

        try {
            return currentMode.processKey(keyCode, longPress);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            // Since InputModes are pluggable, we'll catch any possible
            // Throwable when calling into one
            // IMPL_NOTE : log the throwable
        return InputMode.KEYCODE_NONE;
protected voidselectInputMode()
Based on the constraints of the current TextInputComponent, select the most appropriate InputMode from the list available. This method will also start the session with the InputMode by calling the InputMode's beginInput() method.

        if (textComponent == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                "Attempted input on null TextInputComponent");

        int constraints = textComponent.getConstraints();
	InputMode newMode = null;
        if (stickyMode != null && stickyMode.supportsConstraints(constraints)) {
            if (Logging.REPORT_LEVEL <= Logging.INFORMATION) {
      , LogChannels.LC_HIGHUI,
                    "[BTIS.selectInputMode] setting mode to sticky:" +
            newMode = stickyMode;
        } else {
            if (Logging.REPORT_LEVEL <= Logging.INFORMATION) {
      , LogChannels.LC_HIGHUI,
                    "[BTIS.selectInputMode] not setting mode to sticky");
            for (int i = 0; i < inputModeSet.length; i++) {
                if (inputModeSet[i].supportsConstraints(constraints)) {
                    boolean[][] map = inputModeSet[i].getIsConstraintsMap();
                    int index = 0;
                    String is = textComponent.getInitialInputMode();
                    for (; index < INPUT_SUBSETS.length; index++) {
                        if (INPUT_SUBSETS[index].equals(is))
                    int constraint = constraints &
                    if (constraint < TextInputSession.MAX_CONSTRAINTS &&
                        map[index][constraint]) {
                        newMode = inputModeSet[i];

        if (newMode != null) {
            if (newMode != currentMode) {
        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
             "No InputMode found supporting the current constraints");
public voidsetCurrentInputMode(InputMode mode)
Set this TextInputSession's current "active" InputMode to the given mode. The given mode must be one of the InputModes listed in the array of InputModes returned from the getAvailableModes() method of this TextInputSession. Calling this method will terminate any existing input session with the current InputMode and will result in any subsequent key input being processed by the given InputMode. If the given mode is already the current "active" InputMode, this method has no effect. If this TextInputSession is not currently in an input session (ie, there is no active TextInputComponent), this method has no effect.

mode the InputMode to switch key processing to

        if (mode == null || mode == currentMode) {
        for (int i = 0; i < inputModeSet.length; i++) {
            if (inputModeSet[i] == mode) {
                try {
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    // IMPL_NOTE Log exception?
private voidsetInputMode(InputMode mode)
Set the required input mode. Sticky mode can be set as the old mode just in case it will have to be reverted back. Text component has to be notified about the mode change.

mode the required input mode

        InputMode oldMode = currentMode;
        currentMode = mode;

        if (currentMode != null && textComponent != null) {
            if (currentMode.hasDisplayable()) {
                currentDisplay = textComponent.getDisplay();
                previousScreen = currentDisplay.getCurrent();
                stickyMode = oldMode;
            } else {
                stickyMode = currentMode;
public voidsubInputModeChanged()
Called by an InputMode to inform a TextComponent of a sub-inputMode change.
