TestXMLUtils.javaAPI DocApache Axis 1.417627Sat Apr 22 18:57:28 BST 2006test.utils


public class TestXMLUtils extends test.AxisTestBase

(Omit source code)

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public TestXMLUtils(String name)

Methods Summary
public java.lang.ObjectgetTestXml(java.lang.String gimme)
This is a utility method for creating XML document input sources for this JUnit test class. The returned Object should be cast to the type you request via the gimme parameter.

gimme A String specifying the underlying type you want the XML input source returned as; one of "string", "reader", or "inputstream."

        String lineSep = System.getProperty("line.separator");
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
          sb.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + lineSep)
        //The System ID will cause an unknown host exception unless you are
        //connected to the Internet, so comment it out for testing.
          //.append("<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC \"-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN\"" + lineSep)
          //.append("\"\">" + lineSep)
          .append("<web-app>" + lineSep)
          .append("<display-name>Apache-Axis</display-name>" + lineSep)
          .append("<servlet>" + lineSep)
          .append("<servlet-name>AxisServlet</servlet-name>" + lineSep)
          .append("<display-name>Apache-Axis Servlet</display-name>" + lineSep)
          .append("<servlet-class>" + lineSep)
          .append("org.apache.axis.transport.http.AxisServlet" + lineSep)
          .append("</servlet-class>" + lineSep)
          .append("</servlet>" + lineSep)
          .append("<servlet-mapping>" + lineSep)
          .append("<servlet-name>AxisServlet</servlet-name>" + lineSep)
          .append("<url-pattern>servlet/AxisServlet</url-pattern>" + lineSep)
          .append("<url-pattern>*.jws</url-pattern>" + lineSep)
          .append("</servlet-mapping>" + lineSep)

        String xmlString = sb.toString();

        if (gimme.equals("string"))
            return xmlString;
        else if (gimme.equals("reader"))
            StringReader strReader = new StringReader(xmlString);
            return strReader;
        else if (gimme.equals("inputstream"))
            ByteArrayInputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlString.getBytes());
            return byteStream;
        else return null;
public static voidmain(java.lang.String[] args)

        TestXMLUtils test = new TestXMLUtils("TestXMLUtils");
public voidsetup()

public static junit.framework.Testsuite()

        return new TestSuite(TestXMLUtils.class);
public voidtestDOM2Writer()

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        sb.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
        sb.append("<xsd:schema targetNamespace=\"\"");
        sb.append("            xmlns=\"\"");
        sb.append("            xmlns:xsd=\"\">");
        sb.append("  <xsd:annotation>");
        sb.append("    <xsd:documentation xml:lang=\"en\">");
        sb.append("      Purchase order schema for");
        sb.append("      Copyright 2000 All rights reserved.");
        sb.append("    </xsd:documentation>");
        sb.append("  </xsd:annotation>");

        StringReader strReader = new StringReader(sb.toString());
        InputSource inputsrc = new InputSource(strReader);
        Document doc = XMLUtils.newDocument(inputsrc);

        String output = org.apache.axis.utils.DOM2Writer.nodeToString(doc,false);
public voidtestDOMXXE()

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        sb.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
        sb.append("<!DOCTYPE project [");
        sb.append("<!ENTITY buildxml SYSTEM \"file:build.xml\">");
        sb.append("<xsd:schema targetNamespace=\"\"");
        sb.append("            xmlns=\"\"");
        sb.append("            xmlns:xsd=\"\">");
        sb.append("  <xsd:annotation>");
        sb.append("    <xsd:documentation xml:lang=\"en\">");
        sb.append("      &buildxml;");
        sb.append("      Purchase order schema for");
        sb.append("      Copyright 2000 All rights reserved.");
        sb.append("    </xsd:documentation>");
        sb.append("  </xsd:annotation>");

        StringReader strReader = new StringReader(sb.toString());
        InputSource inputsrc = new InputSource(strReader);
        Document doc = XMLUtils.newDocument(inputsrc);
        String output = org.apache.axis.utils.DOM2Writer.nodeToString(doc,false);
public voidtestDocumentToStream()
For explanation of the methodology used to test this method, see notes in previous test method.

        Reader reader = (Reader)this.getTestXml("reader");
        InputSource inputsrc = new InputSource(reader);
        Document doc = XMLUtils.newDocument(inputsrc);

        PipedOutputStream out = new PipedOutputStream();
        ConsumerPipe cpipe = new ConsumerPipe(out);

        XMLUtils.DocumentToStream(doc, out);
        String result = cpipe.getResult();

        String expected = (String)this.getTestXml("string");
        assertXMLEqual("Did not get the expected result", expected, result);
public voidtestDocumentToString()

        Reader reader = (Reader)this.getTestXml("reader");
        InputSource inputsrc = new InputSource(reader);
        Document doc = XMLUtils.newDocument(inputsrc);

        String xmlString = (String)this.getTestXml("string");
        String result = XMLUtils.DocumentToString(doc);
        assertXMLEqual("xmlString is not the same as result", xmlString, result);
public voidtestElementToString()

        Reader reader = (Reader)this.getTestXml("reader");
        InputSource inputsrc = new InputSource(reader);
        Document doc = XMLUtils.newDocument(inputsrc);

        NodeList nl = doc.getElementsByTagName("display-name");
        Element elem = (Element)nl.item(0);
        String expected = "<display-name>Apache-Axis</display-name>";
        String result = XMLUtils.ElementToString(elem);
        assertEquals("Element tag name is not 'display-name', it is: " + elem.getTagName(),
                     "display-name", elem.getTagName());
        assertEquals("Did not get the expected result", expected, result);
public voidtestElementToWriter()
This test method is somewhat complex, but it solves a problem people have asked me about, which is how to unit test a method that has void return type but writes its output to a writer. So half the reason for creating and using it here is as a reference point.

        /* Get the Document and one of its elements. */
        Reader xmlReader = (Reader)this.getTestXml("reader");
        InputSource inputsrc = new InputSource(xmlReader);
        Document doc = XMLUtils.newDocument(inputsrc);
        NodeList nl = doc.getElementsByTagName("display-name");
        Element elem = (Element)nl.item(0);
        String expected = "<display-name>Apache-Axis</display-name>";

        * Create a PipedOutputStream to get the output from the tested method.
        * Pass the PipedOutputStream to the ConsumerPipe's constructor, which
        * will create a PipedInputStream in a separate thread.
        PipedOutputStream out = new PipedOutputStream();
        OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(out);
        ConsumerPipe cpipe = new ConsumerPipe(out);

        * Call the method under test, passing the PipedOutStream to trap the
        * results.
        XMLUtils.ElementToWriter(elem, writer);

        * The output of the test will be piped to ConsumerPipe's PipedInputStream, which
        * is used to read the bytes of the stream into an array.  It then creates a
        * String for comparison from that byte array.
        String result = cpipe.getResult();
        //don't forget to close this end of the pipe (ConsumerPipe closes the other end).

        assertEquals("Did not get the expected result", expected, result);
public voidtestGetInnerXMLString()

        Reader reader = (Reader)this.getTestXml("reader");
        InputSource inputsrc = new InputSource(reader);
        Document doc = XMLUtils.newDocument(inputsrc);

        NodeList nl = doc.getElementsByTagName("display-name");
        Element elem = (Element)nl.item(0);
        String expected = "Apache-Axis";
        String result = XMLUtils.getInnerXMLString(elem);
        assertEquals(expected, result);
public voidtestGetNamespace()

        String testDoc = "<svg xmlns:svg=\"\"/>";
        InputSource inputsrc = new InputSource(new StringReader(testDoc));
        Document doc = XMLUtils.newDocument(inputsrc);
        assertNotNull("Got a null document", doc);

        NodeList nl = doc.getElementsByTagName("svg");
        Element elem = (Element)nl.item(0);

        String expected = "";
        String result = XMLUtils.getNamespace("svg", elem);
        assertEquals("Did not get the expected result", expected, result);
public voidtestGetPrefix()

        Document doc = XMLUtils.newDocument();

        Element elem = doc.createElementNS("", "svg");
        elem.setAttribute("xmlns:svg", "\"\"");
        elem.setAttribute("xmlns:xlink", "\"\"");
        elem.setAttribute("xmlns:xhtml", "\"\"");

        String expected = "svg";
        String result = XMLUtils.getPrefix("\"\"", elem);
        assertEquals("Did not get the expected result", expected, result);
        expected = "xlink";
        result = XMLUtils.getPrefix("\"\"", elem);
        assertEquals("Did not get the expected result", expected, result);
        expected = "xhtml";
        result = XMLUtils.getPrefix("\"\"", elem);
        assertEquals("Did not get the expected result", expected, result);
public voidtestNSStack()
Test for Bug 22980


        StringReader strReader3 = new StringReader(msg3);
        DeserializationContext dser = new DeserializationContext(
            new InputSource(strReader3), null, org.apache.axis.Message.REQUEST);
        org.apache.axis.message.SOAPEnvelope env = dser.getEnvelope();
        String xml = env.toString();
        boolean oldIgnore = XMLUnit.getIgnoreWhitespace();
        try {
        } finally {
public voidtestNewDocumentInputSource()

        Reader reader = (Reader)this.getTestXml("reader");
        InputSource inputsrc = new InputSource(reader);
        Document doc = XMLUtils.newDocument(inputsrc);
        assertNotNull("Did not get a new Document", doc);
public voidtestNewDocumentInputStream()

        InputStream iostream = (InputStream)this.getTestXml("inputstream");
        InputSource inputsrc = new InputSource(iostream);
        Document doc = XMLUtils.newDocument(inputsrc);
        assertNotNull("Did not get a new Document", doc);
public voidtestNewDocumentNoArgConstructor()

        Document doc = XMLUtils.newDocument();
        assertNotNull("Did not get a new Document", doc);
public voidtestNewDocumentURI()

        if(isOnline()) {
            String uri = "";
            Document doc = XMLUtils.newDocument(uri);
            assertNotNull("Did not get a new Document", doc);
public voidtestSAXXXE1()

        StringReader strReader = new StringReader(msg);
        InputSource inputsrc = new InputSource(strReader);
        SAXParser parser = XMLUtils.getSAXParser();
public voidtestSAXXXE2()

        StringReader strReader2 = new StringReader(msg);
        InputSource inputsrc2 = new InputSource(strReader2);
        SAXParser parser2 = XMLUtils.getSAXParser();
public voidtestSAXXXE3()
Confirm we can parse a SOAP Envelope, and make sure that the xml:lang attribute is handled OK while we're at it.


        StringReader strReader3 = new StringReader(msg2);
        DeserializationContext dser = new DeserializationContext(
            new InputSource(strReader3), null, org.apache.axis.Message.REQUEST);
        SOAPEnvelope env = dser.getEnvelope();
        SOAPBodyElement body = (SOAPBodyElement)env.getBody().getChildElements().next();
        MessageElement child = (MessageElement)body.getChildElements().next();
        Iterator i = child.getAllAttributes();
        PrefixedQName attr = (PrefixedQName);
        assertEquals("Prefix for attribute was not 'xml'", attr.getPrefix(), "xml");
        assertEquals("Namespace for attribute was not correct", attr.getURI(),