Methods Summary |
public void | act(RemoteMudPerson actor, java.lang.String msg)This remote method sends a message to everyone in the room. Used to
do things that people can see. Requires that the actor be in this place.
String name = verifyPresence(actor);
tellEveryone(name + " " + msg);
public void | close(RemoteMudPerson who, java.lang.String exit)Close an exit that leads out of this place.
It does not close the return exit from there back to here.
Note that this method does not destroy the place that the exit leads to.
In the current implementation, there is no way to destroy a place.
// check that the person closing the exit is actually here
String name = verifyPresence(who);
synchronized(exits) {
// Check that the exit exists
int i = exits.indexOf(exit);
if (i == -1) throw new NoSuchExit();
// Remove it and its destination from the lists
// Let everyone know that the exit doesn't exist anymore
tellEveryone(name + " has closed exit " + exit);
public void | createPlace(RemoteMudPerson creator, java.lang.String exit, java.lang.String entrance, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description)Create a new place in this MUD, with the specified name an description.
The new place is accessible from this place through
the specified exit, and this place is accessible from the new place
through the specified entrance. The creator must be in this place
in order to create a exit from this place.
// Verify that the creator is actually here in this place
String creatorname = verifyPresence(creator);
synchronized(exits) { // Only allow one client to change exits at a time
// Check that the exit doesn't already exist.
if (exits.indexOf(exit) != -1) throw new ExitAlreadyExists();
// Create the new place, registering its name with the server
MudPlace destination = new MudPlace(server, name, description);
// Link from there back to here
// And link from here to there
// Let everyone know about the new exit, and the new place beyond
tellEveryone(creatorname + " has created a new place: " + exit);
public void | createThing(RemoteMudPerson creator, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description)This remote method creates a new thing in this room.
It requires that the creator be in this room.
// Make sure the creator is here
String creatorname = verifyPresence(creator);
synchronized(things) {
// Make sure there isn't already something with this name.
if (things.indexOf(name) != -1) throw new AlreadyThere();
// Add the thing name and descriptions to the appropriate lists
// Tell everyone about the new thing and its creator
tellEveryone(creatorname + " has created a " + name);
public void | destroyThing(RemoteMudPerson destroyer, java.lang.String thing)Remove a thing from this room. Throws exceptions if the person
who removes it isn't themselves in the room, or if there is no
such thing here.
// Verify that the destroyer is here
String name = verifyPresence(destroyer);
synchronized(things) {
// Verify that there is a thing by that name in this room
int i = things.indexOf(thing);
if (i == -1) throw new NoSuchThing();
// And remove its name and description from the lists
// Let everyone know of the demise of this thing.
tellEveryone(name + " had destroyed the " + thing);
public void | enter(RemoteMudPerson who, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String message)This method puts a person into this place, assigning them the
specified name, and displaying a message to anyone else who is in
that place. This method is called by go(), and the client should
call it to initially place a person into the MUD. Once the person
is in the MUD, however, the client should restrict them to using go()
and should not allow them to call this method directly.
If there have been networking problems, a client might call this method
to restore a person to this place, in case they've been bumped out.
(A person will be bumped out of a place if the server tries to send
a message to them and gets a RemoteException.)
// Send the message to everyone who is already here.
if (message != null) tellEveryone(message);
// Add the person to this place.
synchronized (names) {
if (people.indexOf(who) != -1) throw new AlreadyThere();
public java.lang.String | examineThing(java.lang.String name)This remote method returns a description of the named thing, or
throws an exception if no such thing is in this place.
synchronized(things) {
int i = things.indexOf(name);
if (i == -1) throw new NoSuchThing();
return (String) descriptions.elementAt(i);
public void | exit(RemoteMudPerson who, java.lang.String message)Remove a person from this place. If there is a message, send it to
everyone who is left in this place. If the specified person is not here,
this method does nothing and does not throw an exception. This method
is called by go(), and the client should call it when the user quits.
The client should not allow the user to invoke it directly, however.
String name;
synchronized(names) {
int i = people.indexOf(who);
if (i == -1) return;
if (message != null) tellEveryone(message);
public java.lang.String | getDescription()This remote method returns the description of this place return description;
public java.util.Vector | getExits()This remote method returns a Vector of names of exits from this place return exits;
public java.util.Vector | getNames()This remote method returns a Vector of names of people in this place return names;
public RemoteMudPerson | getPerson(java.lang.String name)This remote method returns a RemoteMudPerson object corresponding to
the specified name, or throws an exception if no such person is here
synchronized(names) {
// What about when there are 2 of the same name?
int i = names.indexOf(name);
if (i == -1) throw new NoSuchPerson();
return (RemoteMudPerson) people.elementAt(i);
public java.lang.String | getPlaceName()This remote method returns the name of this place return placename;
public RemoteMudServer | getServer()This final remote method returns the server object for the MUD in which
this place exists. The client should not allow the user to invoke this
method. return server;
public java.util.Vector | getThings()This remote method returns a Vector of names of things in this place return things;
public RemoteMudPlace | go(RemoteMudPerson who, java.lang.String direction)This remote method moves the specified RemoteMudPerson from this place
in the named direction (i.e. through the named exit) to whatever place
is there. It throws exceptions if the specified person isn't in this
place to begin with, or if they are already in the place through the exit
or if the exit doesn't exist, or if the exit links to another MUD server
and the server is not functioning.
// Make sure the direction is valid, and get destination if it is
Object destination;
synchronized(exits) {
int i = exits.indexOf(direction);
if (i == -1) throw new NoSuchExit();
destination = destinations.elementAt(i);
// If destination is a string, it is a place on another server, so connect
// to that server. Otherwise, it is a place already on this server.
// Throw an exception if we can't connect to the server.
RemoteMudPlace newplace;
if (destination instanceof String) {
try {
String t = (String) destination;
int pos = t.indexOf('@");
String url = t.substring(0, pos);
String placename = t.substring(pos+1);
RemoteMudServer s = (RemoteMudServer) Naming.lookup(url);
newplace = s.getNamedPlace(placename);
catch (Exception e) { throw new LinkFailed(); }
// If the destination is not a string, then it is a Place
else newplace = (RemoteMudPlace) destination;
// Make sure the person is here and get their name.
// Throw an exception if they are not here
String name = verifyPresence(who);
// Move the person out of here, and tell everyone who remains about it.
this.exit(who, name + " has gone " + direction);
// Put the person into the new place.
// Send a message to everyone already in that new place
String fromwhere;
if (newplace instanceof MudPlace) // going to a local place
fromwhere = placename;
fromwhere = server.getMudName() + "." + placename;
newplace.enter(who, name, name + " has arrived from: " + fromwhere);
// Return the new RemoteMudPlace object to the client so they
// know where they are now at.
return newplace;
public void | linkTo(RemoteMudPerson linker, java.lang.String exit, java.lang.String hostname, java.lang.String mudname, java.lang.String placename)Create a new exit from this mud, linked to a named place in a named
MUD on a named host (this can also be used to link to a named place in
the current MUD, of course). Because of the possibilities of deadlock,
this method only links from here to there; it does not create a return
exit from there to here. That must be done with a separate call.
// Verify that the linker is actually here
String name = verifyPresence(linker);
// Check that the link target actually exists. Throw NoSuchPlace if not.
// Note that NoSuchPlace may also mean "NoSuchMud" or "MudNotResponding".
String url = "rmi://" + hostname + '/" + Mud.mudPrefix + mudname;
try {
RemoteMudServer s = (RemoteMudServer) Naming.lookup(url);
RemoteMudPlace destination = s.getNamedPlace(placename);
catch (Exception e) { throw new NoSuchPlace(); }
synchronized(exits) {
// Check that the exit doesn't already exist.
if (exits.indexOf(exit) != -1) throw new ExitAlreadyExists();
// Add the exit, to the list of exit names
// And add the destination to the list of destinations. Note that
// the destination is stored as a string rather than as a RemoteMudPlace.
// This is because if the remote server goes down then comes back up
// again, a RemoteMudPlace is not valid, but the string still is.
destinations.addElement(url + '@" + placename);
// Let everyone know about the new exit and where it leads
tellEveryone(name + " has linked " + exit + " to " +
"'" + placename + "' in MUD '" + mudname +
"' on host " + hostname);
private void | readObject( in)This method is used for custom de-serialization. Since the vectors of
people and of their names are transient, they are not serialized with
the rest of this place. Therefore, when the place is de-serialized, those
vectors have to be recreated (empty).
in.defaultReadObject(); // Read most of the object as normal
names = new Vector(); // Then recreate the names vector
people = new Vector(); // and recreate the people vector
public void | speak(RemoteMudPerson speaker, java.lang.String msg)This remote method sends a message to everyone in the room. Used to
say things to everyone. Requires that the speaker be in this place.
String name = verifyPresence(speaker);
tellEveryone(name + ":" + msg);
protected void | tellEveryone(java.lang.String message)Create and start a thread that sends out a message everyone in this place.
If it gets a RemoteException talking to a person, it silently removes
that person from this place. This is not a remote method, but is used
internally by a number of remote methods.
// If there is no-one here, don't bother sending the message!
if (people.size() == 0) return;
// Make a copy of the people here now. The message is sent asynchronously
// and the list of people in the room may change before the message is
// sent to everyone.
final Vector recipients = (Vector) people.clone();
// Create and start a thread to send the message, using an anonymous
// class. We do this because sending the message to everyone in this
// place might take some time, (particularly on a slow or flaky network)
// and we don't want to wait.
new Thread() {
public void run() {
// Loop through the recipients
for(int i = 0; i < recipients.size(); i++) {
RemoteMudPerson person = (RemoteMudPerson)recipients.elementAt(i);
// Try to send the message to each one.
try { person.tell(message); }
// If it fails, assume that that person's client or network has
// failed, and silently remove them from this place.
catch (RemoteException e) {
try { MudPlace.this.exit(person, null); }
catch (Exception ex) {}
protected java.lang.String | verifyPresence(RemoteMudPerson who)This convenience method checks whether the specified person is here.
If so, it returns their name. If not it throws a NotThere exception
int i = people.indexOf(who);
if (i == -1) throw new NotThere();
else return (String) names.elementAt(i);