Constructs a proxyparamrequest The underlying request this.request = request;
this.request = request;
Gets the user idreturnThe user id return request.getRemoteUser();
return request.getRemoteUser();
Gets the request.returnThe requestdeprecatedTo obtain the HttpServletRequest in your action, use {@link org.apache.struts2.servlet.ServletRequestAware}, since this method will be dropped in future. return request;
return request;
Gets the user principalreturnThe principal return request.getUserPrincipal();
return request.getUserPrincipal();
Is the request using https?returnTrue if using https return request.isSecure();
return request.isSecure();
True if the user is in the given roleparamrole The rolereturnTrue if the user is in that role return request.isUserInRole(role);
return request.isUserInRole(role);