Methods Summary |
public int | beginConfigure()Begin the device configuration.
beginConfigure must be called before any call to deleteStream, createStream,
or endConfigure. It is not valid to call this when the device is not idle.
public int | cancelRequest(int requestId, android.hardware.camera2.utils.LongParcelable lastFrameNumber)
public int | createDefaultRequest(int templateId, android.hardware.camera2.impl.CameraMetadataNative request)
public int | createStream(int width, int height, int format, android.view.Surface surface)
public int | deleteStream(int streamId)
public void | disconnect()Keep up-to-date with frameworks/av/include/camera/camera2/ICameraDeviceUser.h and
public int | endConfigure()End the device configuration.
endConfigure must be called after stream configuration is complete (i.e. after
a call to beginConfigure and subsequent createStream/deleteStream calls). This
must be called before any requests can be submitted.
public int | flush(android.hardware.camera2.utils.LongParcelable lastFrameNumber)
public int | getCameraInfo(android.hardware.camera2.impl.CameraMetadataNative info)
public int | submitRequest(android.hardware.camera2.CaptureRequest request, boolean streaming, android.hardware.camera2.utils.LongParcelable lastFrameNumber)
public int | submitRequestList(java.util.List requestList, boolean streaming, android.hardware.camera2.utils.LongParcelable lastFrameNumber)
public int | waitUntilIdle()