MonitorTest.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API17029Fri May 04 22:24:06 BST


public final class MonitorTest extends AMXMonitorTestBase

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public MonitorTest()

Methods Summary
public voidcheckAllStats( objectName)

	    trace( "checkAllStats: " + objectName );
		final MonitoringStats	mon	=
		    getProxyFactory().getProxy( objectName, MonitoringStats.class);
		final Method[]	methods		= mon.getClass().getMethods();
		final Method	specificStatsMethod	= getSpecificStatsGetterMethod( mon );

		// the type of Stats returned from getStats() should be the same as the type
		// returned from the (only) specific getAbcStats()
		final Stats	plainStats	= mon.getStats();
		assert( specificStatsMethod.getReturnType().isAssignableFrom( plainStats.getClass() ) ) :
			"Stats returned from " + objectName + " getStats() should be assignable to " +
		checkStats( mon, plainStats );
		Stats	stats	= null;
			// verify that we can get it
			stats	= (Stats)specificStatsMethod.invoke( mon, (Object[])null );
		catch( Exception e )
			final Throwable rootCause	= ExceptionUtil.getRootCause( e );
				"Failure calling " + specificStatsMethod.getName() + "() on " + objectName + " = " +
				rootCause.getClass().getName() );
		assert( plainStats.getClass() == stats.getClass() );
		checkStats( mon, stats );
public voidcheckGetOpenStatistic( mon)

		final Stats	stats	= mon.getStats();
		final String[]	names	= mon.getStatisticNames();
		for( int i = 0; i < names.length; ++i )
			final String	name	= names[ i ];
			final CompositeData	d	= mon.getOpenStatistic( name );
			final Statistic	s		= StatisticFactory.create( d );
			final Statistic	s2		= mon.getStatistic( name );
			assert( s.getName().equals( name ) );
			// values may have changed, but check the static fields
		final CompositeDataSupport[]	all	= mon.getOpenStatistics( names );
		assert( all != null );
		assert( all.length == names.length );
public voidcheckGetStatistic( mon)

		final Stats	stats	= mon.getStats();
		final ObjectName	objectName	= Util.getObjectName( mon );
		final String[]	names	= mon.getStatisticNames();
		for( int i = 0; i < names.length; ++i )
			final String	name	= names[ i ];
			final Statistic	s	= mon.getStatistic( name );
			assert( s != null );
			assert( s.getName().equals( name ) );
			checkLegalStatistic( objectName, s );
public voidcheckGetStats( mon)

		final Stats	stats	= mon.getStats();
		final ObjectName	objectName	= Util.getObjectName( mon );
		final String[]	names	= stats.getStatisticNames();
		for( int i = 0; i < names.length; ++i )
			final Statistic	s	= stats.getStatistic( names[ i ] );
			assert( s != null );
			assert( s.getName().equals( names[ i ] ) );
			checkLegalStatistic( objectName, s );
private voidcheckLegalStatistic( objectName, s)

		assert( isLegalStatistic( s ) ) : "Statistic " + s.getName() +
			" in \"" + objectName +
			"\" is not a known type of Statistic";
		assert( isLegalStatisticImpl( s ) ) : "Statistic " + s.getName() +
			" in \"" + objectName +
			"\" uses an implementation not intended by the API: " +
public voidcheckMonitoringStats( objectName)

		final MonitoringStats	mon	= getProxyFactory().getProxy( objectName, MonitoringStats.class);
		checkNumStatistics( mon );
		checkStatisticNames( mon );
		checkGetStatistic( mon );
		checkGetStats( mon );
		checkGetOpenStatistic( mon );
		checkOpenStats( mon );
public voidcheckNumStatistics( mon)

		final Stats	stats	= mon.getStats();
		assert( stats != null ) : "null Stats from: " + Util.getObjectName( mon );
		final String[]	allNames	= mon.getStatisticNames();
		final Statistic[]	statistics	= mon.getStatistics( allNames );
		assert( statistics.length == allNames.length ) :
			"wrong number of statistics from: " + Util.getObjectName( mon ) +
			", got " + statistics.length + ", should be " + allNames.length;
public voidcheckOpenStats( mon)

		final CompositeDataSupport	openStats	= mon.getOpenStats();
		assert( openStats != null ) : "null OpenStats from: " + Util.getObjectName( mon );
		final StatsImpl	stats	= new StatsImpl( openStats );
		final Set<String>	fromOpenStats	= GSetUtil.newStringSet( stats.getStatisticNames() );
		final Set<String>	fromStats		= GSetUtil.newStringSet( mon.getStats().getStatisticNames() );
		assert( fromOpenStats.equals( fromStats ) ) :
			"openStats Statistic names don't match Stats Statistic names: " +
			fromOpenStats + " != " + fromStats;
public voidcheckStatisticNames( mon)

		final Stats	stats	= mon.getStats();
		final Set<String>	namesFromMon	= GSetUtil.newStringSet( mon.getStatisticNames() );
		final Set<String>	namesFromStats	= GSetUtil.newStringSet( stats.getStatisticNames() );
		assert( namesFromStats.equals( namesFromMon ) ):
			"statistic names from stats.getStatisticNames() != mon.getStatisticNames(): " +
			namesFromStats + " != " + namesFromMon;
public voidcheckStats( mon, stats)

		final ObjectName	objectName	= Util.getObjectName( mon );
	trace( "checkStats: " + objectName );
		final Method[]	methodsViaNames	= J2EEUtil.getStatisticGetterMethodsUsingNames( stats );
		final Method[]		methods		= stats.getClass().getMethods();
		final Set<String>	statisticNames	= GSetUtil.newSet( stats.getStatisticNames() );
		for( int methodIdx = 0; methodIdx < methodsViaNames.length; ++methodIdx )
			final Method	method	= methodsViaNames[ methodIdx ];
			final String	methodName	= method.getName();
			final Class<?>	returnType	= method.getReturnType();
			final String statisticName	= getterToName( methodName );
			if ( ! statisticNames.contains( statisticName ) )
				warning( "Statistic " + quote( statisticName ) + " as derived from " + method +
					" missing from " + quote( objectName ) +
					" available names = " + toString( statisticNames ) );
				final Object	o	= method.invoke( stats, (Object[])null );
				assert( o != null );
				assert( Statistic.class.isAssignableFrom( o.getClass() ) );
				assert( returnType.isAssignableFrom( o.getClass() ) ) :
					"Method " + methodName + " of MBean " + objectName +
					" returned object not assignable to " + returnType.getName();

				final Statistic	stat	= (Statistic)method.invoke( stats, (Object[])null );
				assert( method.getReturnType().isAssignableFrom( stat.getClass() ) );
				final Statistic s	= mon.getStatistic( stat.getName() );
				assert( returnType.isAssignableFrom( s.getClass() ) ) :
					"getStatistic() of MBean " + objectName +
					" returned Statistic not assignable to " + returnType.getName();
				//printVerbose( "Verified " + stat.getClass().getName()  + " " + stat.getName() );
			catch( Exception e )
				final Throwable rootCause	= ExceptionUtil.getRootCause( e );
				"Failure calling " + method + " on Stats for " + objectName + " = " +
					rootCause.getClass().getName() + "\n" + 
					"Statistic names = " + toString( stats.getStatisticNames() ) );
public voidcheckStatsClassSuppliesAllStatistics( objectName)

	    //trace( "testStatsClassSuppliesAllStatistics: " + objectName);
		final MonitoringStats	mon	= getProxyFactory().getProxy( objectName, MonitoringStats.class);
		final Method	m	= getSpecificStatsGetterMethod( mon );
		final Stats		stats	= (Stats)m.invoke( mon, (Object[])null );
		final Method[]	methodsViaIntrospection	= J2EEUtil.getStatisticGetterMethodsUsingIntrospection( stats );
		final Method[]	methodsViaNames	= J2EEUtil.getStatisticGetterMethodsUsingNames( stats );
		assert GSetUtil.newSet( methodsViaNames ).equals( GSetUtil.newSet( methodsViaIntrospection ) ) :
			"Statistic names for " + quote( objectName ) + 
				" obtained via Statistic names do not match those obtained via introspection: \n" +
				"via names:" + toString( methodsToNames(methodsViaNames) ) + 
				"\nvia introspection: " + toString( methodsToNames(methodsViaIntrospection) );
		final String[]	namesFromMethods	= methodsToNames( methodsViaNames );
		assert GSetUtil.newSet( namesFromMethods ).equals( GSetUtil.newSet( stats.getStatisticNames() ) ) :
			"MBean " + quote( objectName ) + " Stats object of class " + stats.getClass().getName() +
				" has Statistic methods that don't match getStatisticNames() =>\n" +
				toString( namesFromMethods ) + " != " +
				    toString( stats.getStatisticNames() );
	    catch( Exception e )
	        trace( "Caught exception for " + StringUtil.quote(JMXUtil.toString(objectName)) +
	            " = " +  e.getClass().getName() + ": " + StringUtil.quote(e.getMessage()) + "\n" + 
	            ExceptionUtil.getStackTrace( ExceptionUtil.getRootCause(e) ) );
private java.util.SetgetAllMonitoringStats()

		final long	start	= now();
		final Set<MonitoringStats>	all	= 
			getQueryMgr().queryInterfaceSet( MonitoringStats.class.getName(), null );
		for( final MonitoringStats stats : all )
		printElapsed( "getAllMonitoringStats", all.size(), start );
		return( all );
public java.lang.reflect.MethodgetSpecificStatsGetterMethod( mon)
Get the specific (non-generic) Stats getter. Example: getJVMStats() versus plain getStats().

		final Method[]	methods		= mon.getClass().getMethods();
		Method	result	= null;
		for( int methodIdx = 0; methodIdx < methods.length; ++methodIdx )
			final Method	method	= methods[ methodIdx ];
			final String	methodName	= method.getName();

			if ( JMXUtil.isGetter( method ) && ! methodName.equals( "getStats" ) &&
				Stats.class.isAssignableFrom( method.getReturnType() ) &&
				method.getParameterTypes().length == 0 )
				result	= method;
		if ( result == null )
			throw new NoSuchMethodException( "Can't find specific Stats getter in " +
				quote( Util.getObjectName( mon ) ) );
		return( result );
private java.lang.StringgetterToName(java.lang.String getterName)

		return StringUtil.stripPrefix( getterName, JMXUtil.GET );
private final booleanisLegalStatistic( s)

		// current, we do not allow MapStatistic as these types cover all
		return( (s instanceof CountStatistic) ||
			(s instanceof BoundaryStatistic) ||
			(s instanceof RangeStatistic) ||
			(s instanceof BoundedRangeStatistic) ||
			(s instanceof TimeStatistic ) ||
			(s instanceof StringStatistic ) );
private final booleanisLegalStatisticImpl( s)

		boolean	isLegal	= isLegalStatistic( s );
		if ( isLegal )
			final Class	theClass	= s.getClass();
			if( (theClass == CountStatisticImpl.class) ||
				(theClass == BoundaryStatisticImpl.class) ||
				(theClass == RangeStatisticImpl.class) ||
				(theClass == BoundedRangeStatisticImpl.class) ||
				(theClass == TimeStatisticImpl.class ) ||
				(theClass == StringStatisticImpl.class ) );
		return( isLegal );
private java.lang.String[]methodsToNames(java.lang.reflect.Method[] methods)

		final String[]	result	= new String[ methods.length ];
		for( int i = 0; i < methods.length; ++i )
			result[ i ]	= getterToName( methods[ i ].getName() );
		Arrays.sort( result );
		return( result );
public voidtestMonitoringStats()
Test the MonitoringStats interface.

		final long	start	= now();
		final Set<MonitoringStats>	all	= getAllMonitoringStats();
		testAll( Util.toObjectNames( all ), "checkMonitoringStats" );
		printElapsed( "testMonitoringStats", all.size(), start );
public voidtestStatsClassSuppliesAllStatistics()
Verify that the Stats class for each MonitoringStats supplies all Statistics found in itself, and that this matches those advertised by MonitoringStats.

	    //trace( "testStatsClassSuppliesAllStatistics: ");
		final long	start	= now();
		final Set<MonitoringStats>	all	= getAllMonitoringStats();
		testAll( Util.toObjectNames( all ), "checkStatsClassSuppliesAllStatistics" );
		printElapsed( "testStatsClassSuppliesAllStatistics", all.size(), start );
public voidxtestStats()

	    trace( "testStats: ");
		final long	start	= now();
		final Set<MonitoringStats>	all	= getAllMonitoringStats();
		assert( all.size() >= 10 ) : "Monitoring is not turned on";

		//final Set	all	= getQueryMgr().queryInterfaceSet(, null );
		testAll( Util.toObjectNames( all ), "checkAllStats" );
		printElapsed( "testStats", all.size(), start );