Fields Summary |
int | statusstatus of the last command |
int | initialCommandthe initial command so we can loop (autotest) |
int | nextCommandthe next command to after the initial command, set by the processor |
boolean | forceOverwriteoverwrite the existing version of the MIDlet suite when installing |
String | suiteURLlocation of the MIDlet suite to install |
String | suiteStorageNamethe storage name given to a suite when installed |
boolean | runOnceremove the suite after running it |
boolean | autotestrepeat the install-run-remove process until the suite is not found |
String | descriptorNamefilename of local descriptor, for development systems |
String | midletNamewhat midlet to run in the suite, by name, instead of class or number |
String | midletClassNameClass name of MIDlet, for development systems, instead of name. |
boolean | logoDisplayedDid we display the Java logo yet? |
String | runExceptionMessageMessage for the exception for the manager to display. |
String | securityDomainName of the security domain. |
String | midletNumberwhat midlet to run in the suite, by number, instead of class or name |
boolean | removeRMSForce the removal of old RMS data when updating. |