LocalStoreUnitTestspublic class LocalStoreUnitTests extends android.test.AndroidTestCase This is a series of unit tests for the LocalStore class. |
Fields Summary |
private final String | dbName | private static final String | SENDER | private static final String | RECIPIENT_TO | private static final String | SUBJECT | private static final String | BODY | private static final String | MESSAGE_ID | private static final String | MESSAGE_ID_2 | private String | mLocalStoreUri | private LocalStore | mStore | private LocalStore.LocalFolder | mFolder | private File | mCacheDir |
Methods Summary |
private com.android.email.mail.internet.MimeMessage | buildTestMessage(java.lang.String to, java.lang.String sender, java.lang.String subject, java.lang.String content)Build a test message that can be used as input to processSourceMessage
MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage();
if (to != null) {
Address[] addresses = Address.parse(to);
message.setRecipients(RecipientType.TO, addresses);
if (sender != null) {
Address[] addresses = Address.parse(sender);
if (subject != null) {
if (content != null) {
TextBody body = new TextBody(content);
return message;
| private static void | createSampleDb(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase db, int version)
db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS messages");
db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE messages (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, folder_id INTEGER, " +
"uid TEXT, subject TEXT, date INTEGER, flags TEXT, sender_list TEXT, " +
"to_list TEXT, cc_list TEXT, bcc_list TEXT, reply_to_list TEXT, " +
"html_content TEXT, text_content TEXT, attachment_count INTEGER, " +
"internal_date INTEGER" +
((version >= 19) ? ", message_id TEXT" : "") +
db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS attachments");
db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE attachments (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, message_id INTEGER," +
"store_data TEXT, content_uri TEXT, size INTEGER, name TEXT," +
"mime_type TEXT" +
((version >= 20) ? ", content_id" : "") +
| private android.content.ContentValues | cursorToContentValues(android.database.Cursor c, java.lang.String[] schema)Helper function convert Cursor data to ContentValues
if (c.getColumnCount() != schema.length) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("schema length is not mach with cursor columns");
final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
for (int i = 0, count = c.getColumnCount(); i < count; ++i) {
final String key = c.getColumnName(i);
final String type = schema[i];
if (type == "text") {
cv.put(key, c.getString(i));
} else if (type == "integer" || type == "primary") {
cv.put(key, c.getLong(i));
} else if (type == "numeric" || type == "real") {
cv.put(key, c.getDouble(i));
} else if (type == "blob") {
cv.put(key, c.getBlob(i));
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported type at index " + i);
return cv;
| protected void | setUp()Setup code. We generate a lightweight LocalStore and LocalStore.LocalFolder.
// These are needed so we can get at the inner classes
// Create a dummy database (be sure to delete it in tearDown())
mLocalStoreUri = "local://localhost/" + getContext().getDatabasePath(dbName);
mStore = new LocalStore(mLocalStoreUri, getContext());
mFolder = (LocalStore.LocalFolder) mStore.getFolder("TEST");
// This is needed for parsing mime messages
mCacheDir = getContext().getCacheDir();
| protected void | tearDown()Teardown code. Delete the local database and any other files
// First, try the official way
if (mStore != null) {
// Next, just try hacking and slashing files
// (Mostly, this is actually copied from LocalStore.delete
URI uri = new URI(mLocalStoreUri);
String path = uri.getPath();
File attachmentsDir = new File(path + "_att");
// Delete any attachments we dribbled out
try {
File[] attachments = attachmentsDir.listFiles();
for (File attachment : attachments) {
if (attachment.exists()) {
} catch (RuntimeException e) { }
// Delete attachments dir
try {
if (attachmentsDir.exists()) {
} catch (RuntimeException e) { }
// Delete db file
try {
new File(path).delete();
catch (RuntimeException e) { }
| public void | testDbUpgrade18To20()Tests for database upgrade from version 18 to version 20.
final URI uri = new URI(mLocalStoreUri);
final String dbPath = uri.getPath();
SQLiteDatabase db = SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(dbPath, null);
// create sample version 18 db tables
createSampleDb(db, 18);
// sample message data and expected data
final ContentValues initialMessage = new ContentValues();
initialMessage.put("folder_id", (long) 2); // folder_id type integer == Long
initialMessage.put("internal_date", (long) 3); // internal_date type integer == Long
final ContentValues expectedMessage = new ContentValues(initialMessage);
expectedMessage.put("id", db.insert("messages", null, initialMessage));
// sample attachment data and expected data
final ContentValues initialAttachment = new ContentValues();
initialAttachment.put("message_id", (long) 4); // message_id type integer == Long
initialAttachment.put("mime_type", (String) "a"); // mime_type type text == String
final ContentValues expectedAttachment = new ContentValues(initialAttachment);
expectedAttachment.put("id", db.insert("attachments", null, initialAttachment));
// upgrade database 18 to 20
new LocalStore(mLocalStoreUri, getContext());
// added message_id column should be initialized as null
expectedMessage.put("message_id", (String) null); // message_id type text == String
// added content_id column should be initialized as null
expectedAttachment.put("content_id", (String) null); // content_id type text == String
// database should be upgraded
db = SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(dbPath, null);
assertEquals("database should be upgraded", 20, db.getVersion());
Cursor c;
// check message table
c = db.query("messages",
new String[] { "id", "folder_id", "internal_date", "message_id" },
null, null, null, null, null);
// check if data is available
assertTrue("messages table should have one data", c.moveToNext());
// check if data are expected
final ContentValues actualMessage = cursorToContentValues(c,
new String[] { "primary", "integer", "integer", "text" });
assertEquals("messages table cursor does not have expected values",
expectedMessage, actualMessage);
// check attachment table
c = db.query("attachments",
new String[] { "id", "message_id", "mime_type", "content_id" },
null, null, null, null, null);
// check if data is available
assertTrue("attachments table should have one data", c.moveToNext());
// check if data are expected
final ContentValues actualAttachment = cursorToContentValues(c,
new String[] { "primary", "integer", "text", "text" });
assertEquals("attachment table cursor does not have expected values",
expectedAttachment, actualAttachment);
| public void | testDbUpgrade19To20()Tests for database upgrade from version 19 to version 20.
final URI uri = new URI(mLocalStoreUri);
final String dbPath = uri.getPath();
SQLiteDatabase db = SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(dbPath, null);
// create minimu version 18 db tables
createSampleDb(db, 19);
// sample message data and expected data
final ContentValues initialMessage = new ContentValues();
initialMessage.put("folder_id", (long) 2); // folder_id type integer == Long
initialMessage.put("internal_date", (long) 3); // internal_date integer == Long
initialMessage.put("message_id", (String) "x"); // message_id text == String
final ContentValues expectedMessage = new ContentValues(initialMessage);
expectedMessage.put("id", db.insert("messages", null, initialMessage));
// sample attachment data and expected data
final ContentValues initialAttachment = new ContentValues();
initialAttachment.put("message_id", (long) 4); // message_id type integer == Long
initialAttachment.put("mime_type", (String) "a"); // mime_type type text == String
final ContentValues expectedAttachment = new ContentValues(initialAttachment);
expectedAttachment.put("id", db.insert("attachments", null, initialAttachment));
// upgrade database 19 to 20
new LocalStore(mLocalStoreUri, getContext());
// added content_id column should be initialized as null
expectedAttachment.put("content_id", (String) null); // content_id type text == String
// database should be upgraded
db = SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(dbPath, null);
assertEquals(20, db.getVersion());
Cursor c;
// check message table
c = db.query("messages",
new String[] { "id", "folder_id", "internal_date", "message_id" },
null, null, null, null, null);
// check if data is available
assertTrue("attachments table should have one data", c.moveToNext());
// check if data are expected
final ContentValues actualMessage = cursorToContentValues(c,
new String[] { "primary", "integer", "integer", "text" });
assertEquals("messages table cursor does not have expected values",
expectedMessage, actualMessage);
// check attachment table
c = db.query("attachments",
new String[] { "id", "message_id", "mime_type", "content_id" },
null, null, null, null, null);
// check if data is available
assertTrue("attachments table should have one data", c.moveToNext());
// check if data are expected
final ContentValues actualAttachment = cursorToContentValues(c,
new String[] { "primary", "integer", "text", "text" });
assertEquals("attachment table cursor does not have expected values",
expectedAttachment, actualAttachment);
| public void | testDbVersion()Tests for database version.
final LocalStore store = new LocalStore(mLocalStoreUri, getContext());
final URI uri = new URI(mLocalStoreUri);
final String dbPath = uri.getPath();
final SQLiteDatabase db = SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(dbPath, null);
// database version should be latest.
assertEquals("database version should be latest", 20, db.getVersion());
| public void | testMessageId_1()Test that messages are being stored with Message-ID intact.
This variant tests appendMessages() and getMessage() and getMessages()
final MimeMessage message = buildTestMessage(RECIPIENT_TO, SENDER, SUBJECT, BODY);
mFolder.appendMessages(new Message[]{ message });
String localUid = message.getUid();
// Now try to read it back from the database using getMessage()
MimeMessage retrieved = (MimeMessage) mFolder.getMessage(localUid);
assertEquals(MESSAGE_ID, retrieved.getMessageId());
// Now try to read it back from the database using getMessages()
Message[] retrievedArray = mFolder.getMessages(null);
assertEquals(1, retrievedArray.length);
MimeMessage retrievedEntry = (MimeMessage) retrievedArray[0];
assertEquals(MESSAGE_ID, retrieved.getMessageId());
| public void | testMessageId_2()Test that messages are being stored with Message-ID intact.
This variant tests updateMessage() and getMessages()
final MimeMessage message = buildTestMessage(RECIPIENT_TO, SENDER, SUBJECT, BODY);
mFolder.appendMessages(new Message[]{ message });
String localUid = message.getUid();
// Now try to read it back from the database using getMessage()
MimeMessage retrieved = (MimeMessage) mFolder.getMessage(localUid);
assertEquals(MESSAGE_ID, retrieved.getMessageId());
// Now change the Message-ID and try to update() the message
// Note, due to a weakness in the API, you have to use a message object you got from
// LocalStore when making the update call
// And read back once more to confirm the change (using getMessages() to confirm "just one")
Message[] retrievedArray = mFolder.getMessages(null);
assertEquals(1, retrievedArray.length);
MimeMessage retrievedEntry = (MimeMessage) retrievedArray[0];
assertEquals(MESSAGE_ID_2, retrieved.getMessageId());