InCallScreen.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API166806Wed May 06 22:42:46 BST


public class InCallScreen extends implements CallerInfoAsyncQuery.OnQueryCompleteListener, View.OnTouchListener, View.OnClickListener
Phone app "in call" screen.

Fields Summary
private static final String
private static final boolean
private static final boolean
static final boolean
static final String
Intent extra used to specify whether the DTMF dialpad should be initially visible when bringing up the InCallScreen. (If this extra is present, the dialpad will be initially shown if the extra has the boolean value true, and initially hidden otherwise.)
static final String
The in-call UI became active
static final String
User exited the in-call UI
static final String
User clicked one of the touchable in-call buttons
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private InCallScreenMode
Non-interactive UI state. Call card is visible, displaying information about the call that just ended.
private InCallInitStatus
private boolean
private BluetoothHandsfree
private android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset
private boolean
private long
private android.view.ViewGroup
private android.view.ViewGroup
private android.widget.TextView
private CallCard
private InCallMenu
private DTMFTwelveKeyDialer
DTMF Dialer objects, including the model and the sliding drawer / dialer UI container and the dialer display field for landscape presentation.
private android.widget.SlidingDrawer
private android.widget.EditText
private android.view.ViewGroup
private android.widget.Button
private android.view.ViewGroup[]
private int
private android.widget.Chronometer
private android.widget.EditText
private android.view.View
private android.view.View
private android.view.animation.Animation
private long
private boolean
private boolean
private boolean
private android.os.Handler
private final android.content.BroadcastReceiver
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
private voidaddVoiceMailNumberPanel()

        if (mMissingVoicemailDialog != null) {
            mMissingVoicemailDialog = null;
        if (DBG) log("show vm setting, finishing...");

        // navigate to the Voicemail setting in the Call Settings activity.
        Intent intent = new Intent(CallFeaturesSetting.ACTION_ADD_VOICEMAIL);
        intent.setClass(this, CallFeaturesSetting.class);
private voidbailOutAfterErrorDialog()

        if (mGenericErrorDialog != null) {
            if (VDBG) log("bailOutAfterErrorDialog: DISMISSING mGenericErrorDialog.");
            mGenericErrorDialog = null;
        if (DBG) log("bailOutAfterErrorDialog(): finishing...");
Checks the current ServiceState to make sure it's OK to try making an outgoing call to the specified number.

InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS if it's OK to try calling the specified number. If not, like if the radio is powered off or we have no signal, return one of the other InCallInitStatus codes indicating what the problem is.

        // Watch out: do NOT use PhoneStateIntentReceiver.getServiceState() here;
        // that's not guaranteed to be fresh.  To synchronously get the
        // CURRENT service state, ask the Phone object directly:
        int state = mPhone.getServiceState().getState();
        if (VDBG) log("checkIfOkToInitiateOutgoingCall: ServiceState = " + state);

        switch (state) {
            case ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE:
                // Normal operation.  It's OK to make outgoing calls.
                return InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS;

            case ServiceState.STATE_POWER_OFF:
                // Radio is explictly powered off.
                return InCallInitStatus.POWER_OFF;

            case ServiceState.STATE_OUT_OF_SERVICE:
            case ServiceState.STATE_EMERGENCY_ONLY:
                // The phone is registered, but locked. Only emergency
                // numbers are allowed.
                return InCallInitStatus.EMERGENCY_ONLY;
                throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected ServiceState: " + state);

        if (VDBG) log("connectBluetoothAudio()...");
        if (mBluetoothHandsfree != null) {

        // Watch out: The bluetooth connection doesn't happen instantly;
        // the userWantsAudioOn() call returns instantly but does its real
        // work in another thread.  Also, in practice the BT connection
        // takes longer than MENU_DISMISS_DELAY to complete(!) so we need
        // a little trickery here to make the menu item's green LED update
        // instantly.
        // (See isBluetoothAudioConnectedOrPending() above.)
        mBluetoothConnectionPending = true;
        mBluetoothConnectionRequestTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
private android.view.ViewcreateWildPromptView()

        LinearLayout result = new LinearLayout(this);
        result.setPadding(5, 5, 5, 5);

        LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(

        TextView promptMsg = new TextView(this);

        result.addView(promptMsg, lp);

        mWildPromptText = new EditText(this);

        LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp2 = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(
        lp2.setMargins(0, 3, 0, 0);

        result.addView(mWildPromptText, lp2);

        return result;
private voiddelayedCleanupAfterDisconnect()
Do some delayed cleanup after a Phone call gets disconnected. This method gets called a couple of seconds after any DISCONNECT event from the Phone; it's triggered by the DELAYED_CLEANUP_AFTER_DISCONNECT message we send in onDisconnect(). If the Phone is totally idle right now, that means we've already shown the "call ended" state for a couple of seconds, and it's now time to finish() this activity. If the Phone is *not* idle right now, that probably means that one call ended but the other line is still in use. In that case, we *don't* exit the in-call screen, but we at least turn off the backlight (which we turned on in onDisconnect().)

        if (VDBG) log("delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect()...  Phone state = " + mPhone.getState());

        // Clean up any connections in the DISCONNECTED state.
        // [Background: Even after a connection gets disconnected, its
        // Connection object still stays around, in the special
        // DISCONNECTED state.  This is necessary because we we need the
        // caller-id information from that Connection to properly draw the
        // "Call ended" state of the CallCard.
        //   But at this point we truly don't need that connection any
        // more, so tell the Phone that it's now OK to to clean up any
        // connections still in that state.]

        final PhoneApp app = PhoneApp.getInstance();
        if (!phoneIsInUse()) {
            // Phone is idle!  We should exit this screen now.
            if (DBG) log("- delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect: phone is idle...");

            // No need to re-enable keyguard or screen wake state here;
            // that happens in onPause() when we actually exit.

            // And (finally!) exit from the in-call screen
            // (but not if we're already in the process of pausing...)
            if (mIsForegroundActivity) {
                if (DBG) log("- delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect: finishing...");

                // If this is a call that was initiated by the user, and
                // we're *not* in emergency mode, finish the call by
                // taking the user to the Call Log.
                // Otherwise we simply call finish(), which will take us
                // back to wherever we came from.
                if (mShowCallLogAfterDisconnect && !isPhoneStateRestricted()) {
                    if (VDBG) log("- Show Call Log after disconnect...");
                    final Intent intent = PhoneApp.createCallLogIntent();
                    // Even in this case we still call finish() (below),
                    // to make sure we don't stay in the activity history.

        } else {
            // The phone is still in use.  Stay here in this activity, but
            // we don't need to keep the screen on.
            if (DBG) log("- delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect: staying on the InCallScreen...");
            if (DBG) PhoneUtils.dumpCallState(mPhone);
            // No need to re-enable keyguard or screen wake state here;
            // should be taken care of in onPhoneStateChanged();

        if (VDBG) log("disconnectBluetoothAudio()...");
        if (mBluetoothHandsfree != null) {
        mBluetoothConnectionPending = false;
private voiddismissAllDialogs()
Dismisses (and nulls out) all persistent Dialogs managed by the InCallScreen. Useful if (a) we're about to bring up a dialog and want to pre-empt any currently visible dialogs, or (b) as a cleanup step when the Activity is going away.

        if (VDBG) log("dismissAllDialogs()...");

        // Note it's safe to dismiss() a dialog that's already dismissed.
        // (Even if the AlertDialog object(s) below are still around, it's
        // possible that the actual dialog(s) may have already been
        // dismissed by the user.)

        if (mMissingVoicemailDialog != null) {
            if (VDBG) log("- DISMISSING mMissingVoicemailDialog.");
            mMissingVoicemailDialog = null;
        if (mMmiStartedDialog != null) {
            if (VDBG) log("- DISMISSING mMmiStartedDialog.");
            mMmiStartedDialog = null;
        if (mGenericErrorDialog != null) {
            if (VDBG) log("- DISMISSING mGenericErrorDialog.");
            mGenericErrorDialog = null;
        if (mSuppServiceFailureDialog != null) {
            if (VDBG) log("- DISMISSING mSuppServiceFailureDialog.");
            mSuppServiceFailureDialog = null;
        if (mWaitPromptDialog != null) {
            if (VDBG) log("- DISMISSING mWaitPromptDialog.");
            mWaitPromptDialog = null;
        if (mWildPromptDialog != null) {
            if (VDBG) log("- DISMISSING mWildPromptDialog.");
            mWildPromptDialog = null;
voiddismissMenu(boolean dismissImmediate)
Dismisses the menu panel (see onCreatePanelView().)

dismissImmediate If true, hide the panel immediately. If false, leave the menu visible onscreen for a brief interval before dismissing it (so the user can see the state change resulting from his original click.)

        if (VDBG) log("dismissMenu(immediate = " + dismissImmediate + ")...");

        if (dismissImmediate) {
        } else {
            mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(DISMISS_MENU, MENU_DISMISS_DELAY);
            // This will result in a dismissMenu(true) call shortly.
public booleandispatchKeyEvent(android.view.KeyEvent event)

        // if (DBG) log("dispatchKeyEvent(event " + event + ")...");

        // Intercept some events before they get dispatched to our views.
        switch (event.getKeyCode()) {
            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER:
            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP:
            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN:
            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT:
            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT:
                // Disable DPAD keys and trackball clicks if the touch lock
                // overlay is up, since "touch lock" really means "disable
                // the DTMF dialpad" (rather than only disabling touch events.)
                if (mDialer.isOpened() && isTouchLocked()) {
                    if (DBG) log("- ignoring DPAD event while touch-locked...");
                    return true;


        return super.dispatchKeyEvent(event);
private final voiddisplayCallerInfoForConferenceRow( ci, android.widget.TextView nameTextView, android.widget.TextView numberTypeTextView, android.widget.TextView numberTextView)
Helper function to fill out the Conference Call(er) information for each item in the "Manage Conference Call" list.

        // gather the correct name and number information.
        String callerName = "";
        String callerNumber = "";
        String callerNumberType = "";
        if (ci != null) {
            callerName =;
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(callerName)) {
                callerName = ci.phoneNumber;
                if (TextUtils.isEmpty(callerName)) {
                    callerName = getString(R.string.unknown);
            } else {
                callerNumber = ci.phoneNumber;
                callerNumberType = ci.phoneLabel;

        // set the caller name

        // set the caller number in subscript, or make the field disappear.
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(callerNumber)) {
        } else {
private voiddontAddVoiceMailNumber()

        if (mMissingVoicemailDialog != null) {
            mMissingVoicemailDialog = null;
        if (DBG) log("dontAddVoiceMailNumber: finishing...");
private voiddumpBluetoothState()

        log("============== dumpBluetoothState() =============");
        log("= isBluetoothAvailable: " + isBluetoothAvailable());
        log("= isBluetoothAudioConnected: " + isBluetoothAudioConnected());
        log("= isBluetoothAudioConnectedOrPending: " + isBluetoothAudioConnectedOrPending());
        log("= PhoneApp.showBluetoothIndication: "
            + PhoneApp.getInstance().showBluetoothIndication());
        if (mBluetoothHandsfree != null) {
            log("= BluetoothHandsfree.isAudioOn: " + mBluetoothHandsfree.isAudioOn());
            if (mBluetoothHeadset != null) {
                String headsetAddress = mBluetoothHeadset.getHeadsetAddress();
                log("= BluetoothHeadset.getHeadsetAddress: " + headsetAddress);
                if (headsetAddress != null) {
                    log("= BluetoothHeadset.isConnected: "
                        + mBluetoothHeadset.isConnected(headsetAddress));
            } else {
                log("= mBluetoothHeadset is null");
        } else {
            log("= mBluetoothHandsfree is null; device is not BT capable");
private voidenableTouchLock(boolean enable)
Enables or disables the "touch lock" overlay on top of the DTMF dialpad. If enable=true, bring up the overlay immediately using an animated fade-in effect. (Or do nothing if the overlay isn't appropriate right now, like if the dialpad isn't up, or the speaker is on.) If enable=false, immediately take down the overlay. (Or do nothing if the overlay isn't actually up right now.) Note that with enable=false this method will *not* automatically start the touch lock timer. (So when taking down the overlay while the dialer is still up, the caller is also responsible for calling resetTouchLockTimer(), to make sure the overlay will get (re-)enabled later.)

        if (VDBG) log("enableTouchLock(" + enable + ")...");
        if (enable) {
            // The "touch lock" overlay is only ever used on top of the
            // DTMF dialpad.
            if (!mDialer.isOpened()) {
                if (VDBG) log("enableTouchLock: dialpad isn't up, no need to lock screen.");

            // Also, the "touch lock" overlay NEVER appears if the speaker is in use.
            if (PhoneUtils.isSpeakerOn(getApplicationContext())) {
                if (VDBG) log("enableTouchLock: speaker is on, no need to lock screen.");

            // Initialize the UI elements if necessary.
            if (mTouchLockOverlay == null) {

            // First take down the menu if it's up (since it's confusing
            // to see a touchable menu *above* the touch lock overlay.)
            // Note dismissMenu() has no effect if the menu is already closed.
            dismissMenu(true);  // dismissImmediate = true

            // Bring up the touch lock overlay (with an animated fade)
        } else {
            // TODO: it might be nice to immediately kill the animation if
            // we're in the middle of fading-in:
            //   if (mTouchLockFadeIn.hasStarted() && !mTouchLockFadeIn.hasEnded()) {
            //      mTouchLockOverlay.clearAnimation();
            //   }
            // but the fade-in is so quick that this probably isn't necessary.

            // Take down the touch lock overlay (immediately)
            if (mTouchLockOverlay != null) mTouchLockOverlay.setVisibility(View.GONE);
private voidendConferenceConnection(int i, connection)
Ends the specified connection on a conference call. This method is run (via a closure containing a row index and Connection) when the user clicks the "End" button on a specific row in the Manage conference UI.

        if (VDBG) log("===> ENDING conference connection " + i
                      + ": Connection " + connection);
        // The actual work of ending the connection:
        // No need to manually update the "Manage conference" UI here;
        // that'll happen automatically very soon (when we get the
        // onDisconnect() callback triggered by this hangup() call.)
public voidfinish()
Dismisses the in-call screen. We never *really* finish() the InCallScreen, since we don't want to get destroyed and then have to be re-created from scratch for the next call. Instead, we just move ourselves to the back of the activity stack. This also means that we'll no longer be reachable via the BACK button (since moveTaskToBack() puts us behind the Home app, but the home app doesn't allow the BACK key to move you any farther down in the history stack.) (Since the Phone app itself is never killed, this basically means that we'll keep a single InCallScreen instance around for the entire uptime of the device. This noticeably improves the UI responsiveness for incoming calls.)

        if (DBG) log("finish()...");
Get the DTMF dialer display field.

        return mDTMFDisplay;
private java.lang.StringgetInitialNumber(android.content.Intent intent)
Given the Intent we were initially launched with, figure out the actual phone number we should dial.

the phone number corresponding to the specified Intent, or null if the Intent is not a ACTION_CALL intent or if the intent's data is malformed or missing.
VoiceMailNumberMissingException if the intent contains a "voicemail" URI, but there's no voicemail number configured on the device.

        String action = intent.getAction();

        if (action == null) {
            return null;

        if (action != null && action.equals(Intent.ACTION_CALL) &&
                intent.hasExtra(Intent.EXTRA_PHONE_NUMBER)) {
            return intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_PHONE_NUMBER);

        return PhoneUtils.getNumberFromIntent(this, mPhone, intent);
private booleanhandleBackKey()
Handles a DOWN keypress on the BACK key.

        if (VDBG) log("handleBackKey()...");

        // While an incoming call is ringing, BACK behaves just like
        // ENDCALL: it stops the ringing and rejects the current call.
        final CallNotifier notifier = PhoneApp.getInstance().notifier;
        if (notifier.isRinging()) {
            if (DBG) log("BACK key while ringing: reject the call");

            // Don't consume the key; instead let the BACK event *also*
            // get handled normally by the framework (which presumably
            // will cause us to exit out of this activity.)
            return false;

        // BACK is also used to exit out of any "special modes" of the
        // in-call UI:

        if (mDialer.isOpened()) {
            // Take down the "touch lock" overlay *immediately* to let the
            // user clearly see the DTMF dialpad's closing animation.

            mDialer.closeDialer(true);  // do the "closing" animation
            return true;

        if (mInCallScreenMode == InCallScreenMode.MANAGE_CONFERENCE) {
            // Hide the Manage Conference panel, return to NORMAL mode.
            return true;

        return false;
private booleanhandleCallKey()
Handles the green CALL key while in-call.

true if we consumed the event.

        // The green CALL button means either "Answer", "Unhold", or
        // "Swap calls", or can be a no-op, depending on the current state
        // of the Phone.

        final boolean hasRingingCall = !mRingingCall.isIdle();
        final boolean hasActiveCall = !mForegroundCall.isIdle();
        final boolean hasHoldingCall = !mBackgroundCall.isIdle();

        if (hasRingingCall) {
            // If an incoming call is ringing, the CALL button is actually
            // handled by the PhoneWindowManager.  (We do this to make
            // sure that we'll respond to the key even if the InCallScreen
            // hasn't come to the foreground yet.)
            // We'd only ever get here in the extremely rare case that the
            // incoming call started ringing *after*
            // PhoneWindowManager.interceptKeyTq() but before the event
            // got here, or else if the PhoneWindowManager had some
            // problem connecting to the ITelephony service.
            Log.w(LOG_TAG, "handleCallKey: incoming call is ringing!"
                  + " (PhoneWindowManager should have handled this key.)");
            // But go ahead and handle the key as normal, since the
            // PhoneWindowManager presumably did NOT handle it:

            // There's an incoming ringing call: CALL means "Answer".
            if (hasActiveCall && hasHoldingCall) {
                if (DBG) log("handleCallKey: ringing (both lines in use) ==> answer!");
            } else {
                if (DBG) log("handleCallKey: ringing ==> answer!");
                internalAnswerCall();  // Automatically holds the current active call,
                                       // if there is one
        } else if (hasActiveCall && hasHoldingCall) {
            // Two lines are in use: CALL means "Swap calls".
            if (DBG) log("handleCallKey: both lines in use ==> swap calls.");
        } else if (hasHoldingCall) {
            // There's only one line in use, AND it's on hold.
            // In this case CALL is a shortcut for "unhold".
            if (DBG) log("handleCallKey: call on hold ==> unhold.");
            PhoneUtils.switchHoldingAndActive(mPhone);  // Really means "unhold" in this state
        } else {
            // The most common case: there's only one line in use, and
            // it's an active call (i.e. it's not on hold.)
            // In this case CALL is a no-op.
            // (This used to be a shortcut for "add call", but that was a
            // bad idea because "Add call" is so infrequently-used, and
            // because the user experience is pretty confusing if you
            // inadvertently trigger it.)
            if (VDBG) log("handleCallKey: call in foregound ==> ignoring.");
            // But note we still consume this key event; see below.

        // We *always* consume the CALL key, since the system-wide default
        // action ("go to the in-call screen") is useless here.
        return true;
private booleanhandleDialerKeyDown(int keyCode, android.view.KeyEvent event)

        if (VDBG) log("handleDialerKeyDown: keyCode " + keyCode + ", event " + event + "...");

        // As soon as the user starts typing valid dialable keys on the
        // keyboard (presumably to type DTMF tones) we start passing the
        // key events to the DTMFDialer's onDialerKeyDown.  We do so
        // only if the okToDialDTMFTones() conditions pass.
        if (okToDialDTMFTones()) {
            return mDialer.onDialerKeyDown(event);

        return false;
private voidhandleMissingVoiceMailNumber()

        if (DBG) log("handleMissingVoiceMailNumber");

        final Message msg = Message.obtain(mHandler);
        msg.what = DONT_ADD_VOICEMAIL_NUMBER;

        final Message msg2 = Message.obtain(mHandler);
        msg2.what = ADD_VOICEMAIL_NUMBER;

        mMissingVoicemailDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                            if (VDBG) log("Missing voicemail AlertDialog: POSITIVE click...");
                            msg.sendToTarget();  // see dontAddVoiceMailNumber()
                                   new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                            if (VDBG) log("Missing voicemail AlertDialog: NEGATIVE click...");
                            msg2.sendToTarget();  // see addVoiceMailNumber()
                .setOnCancelListener(new OnCancelListener() {
                        public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) {
                            if (VDBG) log("Missing voicemail AlertDialog: CANCEL handler...");
                            msg.sendToTarget();  // see dontAddVoiceMailNumber()

        // When the dialog is up, completely hide the in-call UI
        // underneath (which is in a partially-constructed state).
private voidhandlePostOnDialChars(android.os.AsyncResult r, char ch)
Handles the POST_ON_DIAL_CHARS message from the Phone (see our call to mPhone.setOnPostDialCharacter() above.) TODO: NEED TO TEST THIS SEQUENCE now that we no longer handle "dialable" key events here in the InCallScreen: we do directly to the Dialer UI instead. Similarly, we may now need to go directly to the Dialer to handle POST_ON_DIAL_CHARS too.

        Connection c = (Connection) r.result;

        if (c != null) {
            Connection.PostDialState state =
                    (Connection.PostDialState) r.userObj;

            if (VDBG) log("handlePostOnDialChar: state = " +
                    state + ", ch = " + ch);

            switch (state) {
                case STARTED:
                    // TODO: is this needed, now that you can't actually
                    // type DTMF chars or dial directly from here?
                    // If so, we'd need to yank you out of the in-call screen
                    // here too (and take you to the 12-key dialer in "in-call" mode.)
                    // displayPostDialedChar(ch);

                case WAIT:
                    //if (DBG) log("show wait prompt...");
                    String postDialStr = c.getRemainingPostDialString();
                    showWaitPromptDialog(c, postDialStr);

                case WILD:
                    //if (DBG) log("prompt user to replace WILD char");

                case COMPLETE:

private voidhandleStartupError($InCallInitStatus status)
Brings up UI to handle the various error conditions that can occur when first initializing the in-call UI. This is called from onResume() if we encountered an error while processing our initial Intent.

status one of the InCallInitStatus error codes.

        if (DBG) log("handleStartupError(): status = " + status);

        // NOTE that the regular Phone UI is in an uninitialized state at
        // this point, so we don't ever want the user to see it.
        // That means:
        // - Any cases here that need to go to some other activity should
        //   call startActivity() AND immediately call finish() on this one.
        // - Any cases here that bring up a Dialog must ensure that the
        //   Dialog handles both OK *and* cancel by calling finish() on this
        //   Activity.  (See showGenericErrorDialog() for an example.)

        switch(status) {

                // Bring up the "Missing Voicemail Number" dialog, which
                // will ultimately take us to some other Activity (or else
                // just bail out of this activity.)

            case POWER_OFF:
                // Radio is explictly powered off.

                // TODO: This UI is ultra-simple for 1.0.  It would be nicer
                // to bring up a Dialog instead with the option "turn on radio
                // now".  If selected, we'd turn the radio on, wait for
                // network registration to complete, and then make the call.

                showGenericErrorDialog(R.string.incall_error_power_off, true);

            case EMERGENCY_ONLY:
                // Only emergency numbers are allowed, but we tried to dial
                // a non-emergency number.
                showGenericErrorDialog(R.string.incall_error_emergency_only, true);

            case PHONE_NOT_IN_USE:
                // This error is handled directly in onResume() (by bailing
                // out of the activity.)  We should never see it here.
                      "handleStartupError: unexpected PHONE_NOT_IN_USE status");

            case NO_PHONE_NUMBER_SUPPLIED:
                // The supplied Intent didn't contain a valid phone number.
                // TODO: Need UI spec for this failure case; for now just
                // show a generic error.
                showGenericErrorDialog(R.string.incall_error_no_phone_number_supplied, true);

            case DIALED_MMI:
                // Our initial phone number was actually an MMI sequence.
                // There's no real "error" here, but we do bring up the
                // a Toast (as requested of the New UI paradigm).
                // In-call MMIs do not trigger the normal MMI Initiate
                // Notifications, so we should notify the user here.
                // Otherwise, the code in should handle
                // user notifications in the form of Toasts or Dialogs.
                if (mPhone.getState() == Phone.State.OFFHOOK) {
                    Toast.makeText(this, R.string.incall_status_dialed_mmi, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)

            case CALL_FAILED:
                // We couldn't successfully place the call; there was some
                // failure in the telephony layer.
                // TODO: Need UI spec for this failure case; for now just
                // show a generic error.
                showGenericErrorDialog(R.string.incall_error_call_failed, true);

                Log.w(LOG_TAG, "handleStartupError: unexpected status code " + status);
                showGenericErrorDialog(R.string.incall_error_call_failed, true);
private voidinitInCallScreen()

        if (VDBG) log("initInCallScreen()...");

        // Have the WindowManager filter out touch events that are "too fat".

        mMainFrame = (ViewGroup) findViewById(;
        mInCallPanel = (ViewGroup) findViewById(;


        // Create a CallCard and add it to our View hierarchy.
        // TODO: there's no good reason for call_card_popup to be a
        // separate layout that we need to manually inflate here.
        // (That design is left over from when the call card was drawn in
        // its own PopupWindow.)
        // Instead, the CallCard should just be <include>d directly from
        // incall_screen.xml.
        View callCardLayout = getLayoutInflater().inflate(
        mCallCard = (CallCard) callCardLayout.findViewById(;
        if (VDBG) log("  - mCallCard = " + mCallCard);

        // Menu Button hint
        mMenuButtonHint = (TextView) findViewById(;

        // Make any final updates to our View hierarchy that depend on the
        // current configuration.
private voidinitManageConferencePanel()

        if (VDBG) log("initManageConferencePanel()...");
        if (mManageConferencePanel == null) {
            mManageConferencePanel = (ViewGroup) findViewById(;

            // set up the Conference Call chronometer
            mConferenceTime = (Chronometer) findViewById(;

            // Create list of conference call widgets
            mConferenceCallList = new ViewGroup[MAX_CALLERS_IN_CONFERENCE];
                final int[] viewGroupIdList = {,,,
                for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CALLERS_IN_CONFERENCE; i++) {
                    mConferenceCallList[i] = (ViewGroup) findViewById(viewGroupIdList[i]);

            mButtonManageConferenceDone =
                    (Button) findViewById(;
private voidinitTouchLock()
Initializes the "touch lock" UI widgets. We do this lazily to avoid slowing down the initial launch of the InCallScreen.

        if (VDBG) log("initTouchLock()...");
        if (mTouchLockOverlay != null) {
            Log.w(LOG_TAG, "initTouchLock: already initialized!");

        mTouchLockOverlay = (View) findViewById(;
        // Note mTouchLockOverlay's visibility is initially GONE.
        mTouchLockIcon = (View) findViewById(;

        // Handle touch events.  (Basically mTouchLockOverlay consumes and
        // discards any touch events it sees, and mTouchLockIcon listens
        // for the "double-tap to unlock" gesture.)

        mTouchLockFadeIn = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.touch_lock_fade_in);
Answer the ringing call *and* hang up the ongoing call.

        if (DBG) log("internalAnswerAndEnd()...");
        // if (DBG) PhoneUtils.dumpCallState(mPhone);
Answer the ringing call.

        if (DBG) log("internalAnswerCall()...");
        // if (DBG) PhoneUtils.dumpCallState(mPhone);
        PhoneUtils.answerCall(mPhone);  // Automatically holds the current active call,
                                        // if there is one
Answer the ringing call, in the special case where both lines are already in use. We "answer incoming, end ongoing" in this case, according to the current UI spec.

        if (DBG) log("internalAnswerCallBothLinesInUse()...");
        // if (DBG) PhoneUtils.dumpCallState(mPhone);

        // Alternatively, we could use
        //    PhoneUtils.answerAndEndHolding(mPhone);
        // here to end the on-hold call instead.
Hang up the ringing call (aka "Don't answer").

        if (DBG) log("internalHangupRingingCall()...");
private$InCallInitStatusinternalResolveIntent(android.content.Intent intent)

        if (intent == null || intent.getAction() == null) {
            return InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS;

        String action = intent.getAction();
        if (DBG) log("internalResolveIntent: action=" + action);

        // The calls to setRestoreMuteOnInCallResume() inform the phone
        // that we're dealing with new connections (either a placing an
        // outgoing call or answering an incoming one, and NOT handling
        // an aborted "Add Call" request), so we should let the mute state
        // be handled by the PhoneUtils phone state change handler.
        final PhoneApp app = PhoneApp.getInstance();
        if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_ANSWER)) {
            return InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS;
        } else if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_CALL)
                || action.equals(Intent.ACTION_CALL_EMERGENCY)) {
            return placeCall(intent);
        } else if (action.equals(intent.ACTION_MAIN)) {
            // The MAIN action is used to bring up the in-call screen without
            // doing any other explicit action, like when you return to the
            // current call after previously bailing out of the in-call UI.
            // SHOW_DIALPAD_EXTRA can be used here to specify whether the DTMF
            // dialpad should be initially visible.  If the extra isn't
            // present at all, we just leave the dialpad in its previous state.
            if (intent.hasExtra(SHOW_DIALPAD_EXTRA)) {
                boolean showDialpad = intent.getBooleanExtra(SHOW_DIALPAD_EXTRA, false);
                if (VDBG) log("- internalResolveIntent: SHOW_DIALPAD_EXTRA value = " + showDialpad);
                if (showDialpad) {
                    mDialer.openDialer(false);  // no "opening" animation
                } else {
                    mDialer.closeDialer(false);  // no "closing" animation
            return InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS;
        } else {
            Log.w(LOG_TAG, "internalResolveIntent: unexpected intent action: " + action);
            // But continue the best we can (basically treating this case
            // like ACTION_MAIN...)
            return InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS;
private voidinternalSwapCalls()
InCallScreen-specific wrapper around PhoneUtils.switchHoldingAndActive().

        if (VDBG) log("internalSwapCalls()...");

        // Any time we swap calls, force the DTMF dialpad to close.
        // (We want the regular in-call UI to be visible right now, so the
        // user can clearly see which call is now in the foreground.)
        mDialer.closeDialer(true);  // do the "closing" animation

        // Also, clear out the "history" of DTMF digits you typed, to make
        // sure you don't see digits from call #1 while call #2 is active.
        // (Yes, this does mean that swapping calls twice will cause you
        // to lose any previous digits from the current call; see the TODO
        // comment on DTMFTwelvKeyDialer.clearDigits() for more info.)

        // Swap the fg and bg calls.

true if a BT device is available, and its audio is currently connected.

        if (mBluetoothHandsfree == null) {
            if (VDBG) log("isBluetoothAudioConnected: ==> FALSE (null mBluetoothHandsfree)");
            return false;
        boolean isAudioOn = mBluetoothHandsfree.isAudioOn();
        if (VDBG) log("isBluetoothAudioConnected: ==> isAudioOn = " + isAudioOn);
        return isAudioOn;
Helper method used to control the state of the green LED in the "Bluetooth" menu item.

true if a BT device is available and its audio is currently connected, or if we issued a BluetoothHandsfree.userWantsAudioOn() call within the last 5 seconds (which presumably means that the BT audio connection is currently being set up, and will be connected soon.)

        if (isBluetoothAudioConnected()) {
            if (VDBG) log("isBluetoothAudioConnectedOrPending: ==> TRUE (really connected)");
            return true;

        // If we issued a userWantsAudioOn() call "recently enough", even
        // if BT isn't actually connected yet, let's still pretend BT is
        // on.  This is how we make the green LED in the menu item turn on
        // right away.
        if (mBluetoothConnectionPending) {
            long timeSinceRequest =
                    SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mBluetoothConnectionRequestTime;
            if (timeSinceRequest < 5000 /* 5 seconds */) {
                if (VDBG) log("isBluetoothAudioConnectedOrPending: ==> TRUE (requested "
                             + timeSinceRequest + " msec ago)");
                return true;
            } else {
                if (VDBG) log("isBluetoothAudioConnectedOrPending: ==> FALSE (request too old: "
                             + timeSinceRequest + " msec ago)");
                mBluetoothConnectionPending = false;
                return false;

        if (VDBG) log("isBluetoothAudioConnectedOrPending: ==> FALSE");
        return false;

true if the Bluetooth on/off switch in the UI should be available to the user (i.e. if the device is BT-capable and a headset is connected.)

        if (VDBG) log("isBluetoothAvailable()...");
        if (mBluetoothHandsfree == null) {
            // Device is not BT capable.
            if (VDBG) log("  ==> FALSE (not BT capable)");
            return false;

        // There's no need to ask the Bluetooth system service if BT is enabled:
        //    BluetoothDevice bluetoothDevice =
        //            (BluetoothDevice) getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE);
        //    if ((bluetoothDevice == null) || !bluetoothDevice.isEnabled()) {
        //        if (DBG) log("  ==> FALSE (BT not enabled)");
        //        return false;
        //    }
        //    if (DBG) log("  - BT enabled!  device name " + bluetoothDevice.getName()
        //                 + ", address " + bluetoothDevice.getAddress());
        // ...since we already have a BluetoothHeadset instance.  We can just
        // call isConnected() on that, and assume it'll be false if BT isn't
        // enabled at all.

        // Check if there's a connected headset, using the BluetoothHeadset API.
        boolean isConnected = false;
        if (mBluetoothHeadset != null) {
            if (VDBG) log("  - headset state = " + mBluetoothHeadset.getState());
            String headsetAddress = mBluetoothHeadset.getHeadsetAddress();
            if (VDBG) log("  - headset address: " + headsetAddress);
            if (headsetAddress != null) {
                isConnected = mBluetoothHeadset.isConnected(headsetAddress);
                if (VDBG) log("  - isConnected: " + isConnected);

        if (VDBG) log("  ==> " + isConnected);
        return isConnected;

true if the DTMF dialpad is currently visible.

        return (mDialer != null && mDialer.isOpened());

        return mIsForegroundActivity;
booleanisKeyEventAcceptableDTMF(android.view.KeyEvent event)

        return (mDialer != null && mDialer.isKeyEventAcceptable(event));

true if the "Manage conference" UI is currently visible.

        return (mInCallScreenMode == InCallScreenMode.MANAGE_CONFERENCE);
public booleanisPhoneStateRestricted()

true if we're in restricted / emergency dialing only mode.

        // TODO:  This needs to work IN TANDEM with the KeyGuardViewMediator Code.
        // Right now, it looks like the mInputRestricted flag is INTERNAL to the
        // KeyGuardViewMediator and SPECIFICALLY set to be FALSE while the emergency
        // phone call is being made, to allow for input into the InCallScreen.
        // Having the InCallScreen judge the state of the device from this flag
        // becomes meaningless since it is always false for us.  The mediator should
        // have an additional API to let this app know that it should be restricted.
        return ((mPhone.getServiceState().getState() == ServiceState.STATE_EMERGENCY_ONLY) ||
                (mPhone.getServiceState().getState() == ServiceState.STATE_OUT_OF_SERVICE) ||
private booleanisTouchLocked()

        return (mTouchLockOverlay != null) && (mTouchLockOverlay.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE);
private voidlog(java.lang.String msg)

        Log.d(LOG_TAG, msg);
private booleanokToDialDTMFTones()
Determines when we can dial DTMF tones.

        final boolean hasRingingCall = !mRingingCall.isIdle();
        final Call.State fgCallState = mForegroundCall.getState();

        // We're allowed to send DTMF tones when there's an ACTIVE
        // foreground call, and not when an incoming call is ringing
        // (since DTMF tones are useless in that state), or if the
        // Manage Conference UI is visible (since the tab interferes
        // with the "Back to call" button.)

        // We can also dial while in ALERTING state because there are
        // some connections that never update to an ACTIVE state (no
        // indication from the network).
        boolean canDial =
            (fgCallState == Call.State.ACTIVE || fgCallState == Call.State.ALERTING)
            && !hasRingingCall
            && (mInCallScreenMode != InCallScreenMode.MANAGE_CONFERENCE);

        if (VDBG) log ("[okToDialDTMFTones] foreground state: " + fgCallState +
                ", ringing state: " + hasRingingCall +
                ", call screen mode: " + mInCallScreenMode +
                ", result: " + canDial);

        return canDial;

true if the in-call DTMF dialpad should be available to the user, given the current state of the phone and the in-call UI. (This is used to control the visiblity of the dialer's SlidingDrawer handle, and the enabledness of the "Show dialpad" menu item.)

        // The dialpad is never used in landscape mode.  And even in
        // portrait mode, it's available only when it's OK to dial DTMF
        // tones given the current state of the current call.
        return !ConfigurationHelper.isLandscape() && okToDialDTMFTones();
private voidonBluetoothClick(android.content.Context context)

        if (VDBG) log("onBluetoothClick()...");

        if (isBluetoothAvailable()) {
            // Toggle the bluetooth audio connection state:
            if (isBluetoothAudioConnected()) {
            } else {
                // Manually turn the speaker phone off, instead of allowing the
                // Bluetooth audio routing handle it.  This ensures that the rest
                // of the speakerphone code is executed, and reciprocates the
                // menuSpeaker code above in onClick().  The onClick() code
                // disconnects the active bluetooth headsets when the
                // speakerphone is turned on.
                if (PhoneUtils.isSpeakerOn(context)) {
                    PhoneUtils.turnOnSpeaker(context, false);

        } else {
            // Bluetooth isn't available; the "Audio" button shouldn't have
            // been enabled in the first place!
            Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Got onBluetoothClick, but bluetooth is unavailable");
public voidonClick(android.view.View view)

        int id = view.getId();
        if (VDBG) log("onClick(View " + view + ", id " + id + ")...");
        if (VDBG && view instanceof InCallMenuItemView) {
            InCallMenuItemView item = (InCallMenuItemView) view;
            log("  ==> menu item! " + item);

        // Most menu items dismiss the menu immediately once you click
        // them.  But some items (the "toggle" buttons) are different:
        // they want the menu to stay visible for a second afterwards to
        // give you feedback about the state change.
        boolean dismissMenuImmediate = true;
        Context context = getApplicationContext();

        switch (id) {
                if (VDBG) log("onClick: AnswerAndHold...");
                internalAnswerCall();  // Automatically holds the current active call

                if (VDBG) log("onClick: AnswerAndEnd...");

                if (VDBG) log("onClick: SwapCalls...");

                if (VDBG) log("onClick: MergeCalls...");

                if (VDBG) log("onClick: ManageConference...");
                // Show the Manage Conference panel.

                if (VDBG) log("onClick: Show/hide dialpad...");
                if (mDialer.isOpened()) {
                    mDialer.closeDialer(true);  // do the "closing" animation
                } else {
                    mDialer.openDialer(true);  // do the "opening" animation

            case  // mButtonManageConferenceDone
                if (VDBG) log("onClick: mButtonManageConferenceDone...");
                // Hide the Manage Conference panel, return to NORMAL mode.

                if (VDBG) log("onClick: Speaker...");
                // TODO: Turning on the speaker seems to enable the mic
                //   whether or not the "mute" feature is active!
                // Not sure if this is an feature of the telephony API
                //   that I need to handle specially, or just a bug.
                boolean newSpeakerState = !PhoneUtils.isSpeakerOn(context);
                if (newSpeakerState && isBluetoothAvailable() && isBluetoothAudioConnected()) {
                PhoneUtils.turnOnSpeaker(context, newSpeakerState);

                if (newSpeakerState) {
                    // The "touch lock" overlay is NEVER used when the speaker is on.
                } else {
                    // User just turned the speaker *off*.  If the dialpad
                    // is open, we need to start the timer that will
                    // eventually bring up the "touch lock" overlay.
                    if (mDialer.isOpened() && !isTouchLocked()) {

                // This is a "toggle" button; let the user see the new state for a moment.
                dismissMenuImmediate = false;

                if (VDBG) log("onClick: Bluetooth...");
                // This is a "toggle" button; let the user see the new state for a moment.
                dismissMenuImmediate = false;

                if (VDBG) log("onClick: Mute...");
                boolean newMuteState = !PhoneUtils.getMute(mPhone);
                PhoneUtils.setMute(mPhone, newMuteState);
                // This is a "toggle" button; let the user see the new state for a moment.
                dismissMenuImmediate = false;

                if (VDBG) log("onClick: Hold...");
                // This is a "toggle" button; let the user see the new state for a moment.
                dismissMenuImmediate = false;

                if (VDBG) log("onClick: AddCall...");
                PhoneUtils.startNewCall(mPhone);  // Fires off a ACTION_DIAL intent

                if (VDBG) log("onClick: EndCall...");

                      "Got click from unexpected View ID " + id + " (View = " + view + ")");

            // TODO: For now we care only about whether the user uses the
            // in-call buttons at all.  But in the future we may want to
            // log exactly which buttons are being clicked.  (Maybe just
            // call view.getText() here, and append that to the event value?)

        // If the user just clicked a "stateful" menu item (i.e. one of
        // the toggle buttons), we keep the menu onscreen briefly to
        // provide visual feedback.  Since we want the user to see the
        // *new* current state, force the menu items to update right now.
        // Note that some toggle buttons ("Hold" in particular) do NOT
        // immediately change the state of the Phone.  In that case, the
        // updateItems() call below won't have any visible effect.
        // Instead, the menu will get updated by the updateScreen() call
        // that happens from onPhoneStateChanged().

        if (!dismissMenuImmediate) {
            // TODO: mInCallMenu.updateItems() is a very big hammer; it
            // would be more efficient to update *only* the menu item(s)
            // we just changed.  (Doing it this way doesn't seem to cause
            // a noticeable performance problem, though.)
            if (VDBG) log("- onClick: updating menu to show 'new' current state...");
            boolean okToShowMenu = mInCallMenu.updateItems(mPhone);
            if (!okToShowMenu) {
                // Uh oh.  All we tried to do was update the state of the
                // menu items, but the logic in InCallMenu.updateItems()
                // just decided the menu shouldn't be visible at all!
                // (That probably means that the call ended asynchronously
                // while the menu was up.)
                // That's OK; just make sure to take the menu down ASAP.
                if (VDBG) log("onClick: Tried to update menu, but now need to take it down!");
                dismissMenuImmediate = true;

        // Any menu item counts as explicit "user activity".

        // Finally, *any* action handled here closes the menu (either
        // immediately, or after a short delay).
        // Note that some of the clicks we handle here aren't even menu
        // items in the first place, like the mButtonManageConferenceDone
        // button.  That's OK; if the menu is already closed, the
        // dismissMenu() call does nothing.
protected voidonCreate(android.os.Bundle icicle)

        if (DBG) log("onCreate()...  this = " + this);



        final PhoneApp app = PhoneApp.getInstance();

        setPhone(;  // Sets mPhone and mForegroundCall/mBackgroundCall/mRingingCall

        mBluetoothHandsfree = app.getBluetoothHandsfree();
        if (VDBG) log("- mBluetoothHandsfree: " + mBluetoothHandsfree);

        if (mBluetoothHandsfree != null) {
            // The PhoneApp only creates a BluetoothHandsfree instance in the
            // first place if getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE)
            // succeeds.  So at this point we know the device is BT-capable.
            mBluetoothHeadset = new BluetoothHeadset(this, null);
            if (VDBG) log("- Got BluetoothHeadset: " + mBluetoothHeadset);


        // Inflate everything in incall_screen.xml and add it to the screen.
        mDialerDrawer = (SlidingDrawer) findViewById(;


        // Create the dtmf dialer.  Note that mDialer is instantiated
        // regardless of screen orientation, although the onscreen touchable
        // dialpad is used only in portrait mode.
        mDialer = new DTMFTwelveKeyDialer(this);


        // No need to change wake state here; that happens in onResume() when we
        // are actually displayed.

        // Handle the Intent we were launched with, but only if this is the
        // the very first time we're being launched (ie. NOT if we're being
        // re-initialized after previously being shut down.)
        // Once we're up and running, any future Intents we need
        // to handle will come in via the onNewIntent() method.
        if (icicle == null) {
            if (DBG) log("onCreate(): this is our very first launch, checking intent...");

            // Stash the result code from internalResolveIntent() in the
            // mInCallInitialStatus field.  If it's an error code, we'll
            // handle it in onResume().
            mInCallInitialStatus = internalResolveIntent(getIntent());
            if (mInCallInitialStatus != InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS) {
                Log.w(LOG_TAG, "onCreate: status " + mInCallInitialStatus
                      + " from internalResolveIntent()");
                // See onResume() for the actual error handling.
        } else {
            mInCallInitialStatus = InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS;

        // When in landscape mode, the user can enter dtmf tones
        // at any time.  We need to make sure the DTMFDialer is
        // setup correctly.
        if (ConfigurationHelper.isLandscape()) {
            if (VDBG) log("Dialer initialized (in landscape mode).");

public android.view.ViewonCreatePanelView(int featureId)
Override onCreatePanelView(), in order to get complete control over the UI that comes up when the user presses MENU. This callback allows me to return a totally custom View hierarchy (with custom layout and custom "item" views) to be shown instead of a standard android.view.Menu hierarchy. This gets called (with featureId == FEATURE_OPTIONS_PANEL) every time we need to bring up the menu. (And in cases where we return non-null, that means that the "standard" menu callbacks onCreateOptionsMenu() and onPrepareOptionsMenu() won't get called at all.)

        if (VDBG) log("onCreatePanelView(featureId = " + featureId + ")...");

        // We only want this special behavior for the "options panel"
        // feature (i.e. the standard menu triggered by the MENU button.)
        if (featureId != Window.FEATURE_OPTIONS_PANEL) {
            return null;

        // TODO: May need to revisit the wake state here if this needs to be
        // tweaked.

        // Make sure there are no pending messages to *dismiss* the menu.

        if (mInCallMenu == null) {
            if (VDBG) log("onCreatePanelView: creating mInCallMenu (first time)...");
            mInCallMenu = new InCallMenu(this);

        boolean okToShowMenu = mInCallMenu.updateItems(mPhone);
        return okToShowMenu ? mInCallMenu.getView() : null;
protected voidonDestroy()

        if (DBG) log("onDestroy()...");

        // Set the magic flag that tells us NOT to handle any handler
        // messages that come in asynchronously after we get destroyed.
        mIsDestroyed = true;

        final PhoneApp app = PhoneApp.getInstance();

        // Clear out the InCallScreen references in various helper objects
        // (to let them know we've been destroyed).
        if (mInCallMenu != null) {
        if (mCallCard != null) {

        // Make sure that the dialer session is over and done with.
        // 1. In Landscape mode, we stop the tone generator directly
        // 2. In portrait mode, the tone generator is stopped
        // whenever the dialer is closed by the framework, (either
        // from a user request or calling close on the drawer
        // directly), so all we have to do is to make sure the
        // dialer is closed {see DTMFTwelvKeyDialer.onDialerClose}
        // (it is ok to call this even if the dialer is not open).
        if (ConfigurationHelper.isLandscape()) {
        } else {
            // make sure the dialer drawer is closed.
        mDialer = null;

        // No need to change wake state here; that happens in onPause() when we
        // are moving out of the foreground.

        if (mBluetoothHeadset != null) {
            mBluetoothHeadset = null;
Called any time the DTMF dialpad is closed.


        if (VDBG) log("onDialerClose()...");

        // Dismiss the "touch lock" overlay if it was visible.
        // (The overlay is only ever used on top of the dialpad).

        // This counts as explicit "user activity".
Called any time the DTMF dialpad is opened.


        if (VDBG) log("onDialerOpen()...");

        // ANY time the dialpad becomes visible, start the timer that will
        // eventually bring up the "touch lock" overlay.

        // This counts as explicit "user activity".
private voidonDisconnect(android.os.AsyncResult r)
Updates the UI after a phone connection is disconnected, as follows: - If this was a missed or rejected incoming call, and no other calls are active, dismiss the in-call UI immediately. (The CallNotifier will still create a "missed call" notification if necessary.) - With any other disconnect cause, if the phone is now totally idle, display the "Call ended" state for a couple of seconds. - Or, if the phone is still in use, stay on the in-call screen (and update the UI to reflect the current state of the Phone.)

r r.result contains the connection that just ended

        Connection c = (Connection) r.result;
        Connection.DisconnectCause cause = c.getDisconnectCause();
        if (DBG) log("onDisconnect: " + c + ", cause=" + cause);

        // Any time a call disconnects, clear out the "history" of DTMF
        // digits you typed (to make sure it doesn't persist from one call
        // to the next.)

        // Under certain call disconnected states, we want to alert the user
        // with a dialog instead of going through the normal disconnect
        // routine.
        if (cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.CALL_BARRED) {
            showGenericErrorDialog(R.string.callFailed_cb_enabled, false);
        } else if (cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.FDN_BLOCKED) {
            showGenericErrorDialog(R.string.callFailed_fdn_only, false);
        } else if (cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.CS_RESTRICTED) {
            showGenericErrorDialog(R.string.callFailed_dsac_restricted, false);
        } else if (cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.CS_RESTRICTED_EMERGENCY) {
            showGenericErrorDialog(R.string.callFailed_dsac_restricted_emergency, false);
        } else if (cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.CS_RESTRICTED_NORMAL) {
            showGenericErrorDialog(R.string.callFailed_dsac_restricted_normal, false);

        final PhoneApp app = PhoneApp.getInstance();
        boolean currentlyIdle = !phoneIsInUse();

        // Explicitly clean up up any DISCONNECTED connections
        // in a conference call.
        // [Background: Even after a connection gets disconnected, its
        // Connection object still stays around for a few seconds, in the
        // DISCONNECTED state.  With regular calls, this state drives the
        // "call ended" UI.  But when a single person disconnects from a
        // conference call there's no "call ended" state at all; in that
        // case we blow away any DISCONNECTED connections right now to make sure
        // the UI updates instantly to reflect the current state.]
        Call call = c.getCall();
        if (call != null) {
            // We only care about situation of a single caller
            // disconnecting from a conference call.  In that case, the
            // call will have more than one Connection (including the one
            // that just disconnected, which will be in the DISCONNECTED
            // state) *and* at least one ACTIVE connection.  (If the Call
            // has *no* ACTIVE connections, that means that the entire
            // conference call just ended, so we *do* want to show the
            // "Call ended" state.)
            List<Connection> connections = call.getConnections();
            if (connections != null && connections.size() > 1) {
                for (Connection conn : connections) {
                    if (conn.getState() == Call.State.ACTIVE) {
                        // This call still has at least one ACTIVE connection!
                        // So blow away any DISCONNECTED connections
                        // (including, presumably, the one that just
                        // disconnected from this conference call.)

                        // We also force the wake state to refresh, just in
                        // case the disconnected connections are removed
                        // before the phone state change.
                        if (VDBG) log("- Still-active conf call; clearing DISCONNECTED...");
                        mPhone.clearDisconnected();  // This happens synchronously.

        // Retrieve the emergency call retry count from this intent, in
        // case we need to retry the call again.
        int emergencyCallRetryCount = getIntent().getIntExtra(

        // Note: see CallNotifier.onDisconnect() for some other behavior
        // that might be triggered by a disconnect event, like playing the
        // busy/congestion tone.

        // Keep track of whether this call was user-initiated or not.
        // (This affects where we take the user next; see delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect().)
        mShowCallLogAfterDisconnect = !c.isIncoming();

        // We bail out immediately (and *don't* display the "call ended"
        // state at all) in a couple of cases, including those where we
        // are waiting for the radio to finish powering up for an
        // emergency call:
        boolean bailOutImmediately =
                ((cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.INCOMING_MISSED)
                 || (cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.INCOMING_REJECTED)
                 || ((cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.OUT_OF_SERVICE)
                         && (emergencyCallRetryCount > 0)))
                && currentlyIdle;

        if (bailOutImmediately) {
            if (VDBG) log("- onDisconnect: bailOutImmediately...");
            // Exit the in-call UI!
            // (This is basically the same "delayed cleanup" we do below,
            // just with zero delay.  Since the Phone is currently idle,
            // this call is guaranteed to immediately finish() this activity.)

            // Retry the call, by resending the intent to the emergency
            // call handler activity.
            if ((cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.OUT_OF_SERVICE)
                    && (emergencyCallRetryCount > 0)) {
                        .setClassName(this, EmergencyCallHandler.class.getName()));
        } else {
            if (VDBG) log("- onDisconnect: delayed bailout...");
            // Stay on the in-call screen for now.  (Either the phone is
            // still in use, or the phone is idle but we want to display
            // the "call ended" state for a couple of seconds.)

            // Force a UI update in case we need to display anything
            // special given this connection's DisconnectCause (see
            // CallCard.getCallFailedString()).

            // Display the special "Call ended" state when the phone is idle
            // but there's still a call in the DISCONNECTED state:
            if (currentlyIdle
                && ((mForegroundCall.getState() == Call.State.DISCONNECTED)
                    || (mBackgroundCall.getState() == Call.State.DISCONNECTED))) {
                if (VDBG) log("- onDisconnect: switching to 'Call ended' state...");

            // Some other misc cleanup that we do if the call that just
            // disconnected was the foreground call.
            final boolean hasActiveCall = !mForegroundCall.isIdle();
            if (!hasActiveCall) {
                if (VDBG) log("- onDisconnect: cleaning up after FG call disconnect...");

                // Dismiss any dialogs which are only meaningful for an
                // active call *and* which become moot if the call ends.
                if (mWaitPromptDialog != null) {
                    if (VDBG) log("- DISMISSING mWaitPromptDialog.");
                    mWaitPromptDialog.dismiss();  // safe even if already dismissed
                    mWaitPromptDialog = null;
                if (mWildPromptDialog != null) {
                    if (VDBG) log("- DISMISSING mWildPromptDialog.");
                    mWildPromptDialog.dismiss();  // safe even if already dismissed
                    mWildPromptDialog = null;

            // Updating the screen wake state is done in onPhoneStateChanged().

            // Finally, arrange for delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect() to get
            // called after a short interval (during which we display the
            // "call ended" state.)  At that point, if the
            // Phone is idle, we'll finish() out of this activity.
            int callEndedDisplayDelay =
                    (cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.LOCAL)
private voidonHoldClick()

        if (VDBG) log("onHoldClick()...");

        final boolean hasActiveCall = !mForegroundCall.isIdle();
        final boolean hasHoldingCall = !mBackgroundCall.isIdle();
        if (VDBG) log("- hasActiveCall = " + hasActiveCall
                      + ", hasHoldingCall = " + hasHoldingCall);
        boolean newHoldState;
        boolean holdButtonEnabled;
        if (hasActiveCall && !hasHoldingCall) {
            // There's only one line in use, and that line is active.
            PhoneUtils.switchHoldingAndActive(mPhone);  // Really means "hold" in this state
            newHoldState = true;
            holdButtonEnabled = true;
        } else if (!hasActiveCall && hasHoldingCall) {
            // There's only one line in use, and that line is on hold.
            PhoneUtils.switchHoldingAndActive(mPhone);  // Really means "unhold" in this state
            newHoldState = false;
            holdButtonEnabled = true;
        } else {
            // Either zero or 2 lines are in use; "hold/unhold" is meaningless.
            newHoldState = false;
            holdButtonEnabled = false;
        // TODO: we *could* now forcibly update the "Hold" button based on
        // "newHoldState" and "holdButtonEnabled".  But for now, do
        // nothing here, and instead let the menu get updated when the
        // onPhoneStateChanged() callback comes in.  (This seems to be
        // responsive enough.)
public booleanonKeyDown(int keyCode, android.view.KeyEvent event)

        // if (DBG) log("onKeyDown(keycode " + keyCode + ")...");

        switch (keyCode) {
            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_CALL:
                boolean handled = handleCallKey();
                if (!handled) {
                    Log.w(LOG_TAG, "InCallScreen should always handle KEYCODE_CALL in onKeyDown");
                // Always consume CALL to be sure the PhoneWindow won't do anything with it
                return true;

            // Note there's no KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENDCALL case here.
            // The standard system-wide handling of the ENDCALL key
            // (see PhoneWindowManager's handling of KEYCODE_ENDCALL)
            // already implements exactly what the UI spec wants,
            // namely (1) "hang up" if there's a current active call,
            // or (2) "don't answer" if there's a current ringing call.

            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK:
                if (handleBackKey()) {
                    return true;

            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_CAMERA:
                // Disable the CAMERA button while in-call since it's too
                // easy to press accidentally.
                return true;

            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP:
            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN:
                if (mPhone.getState() == Phone.State.RINGING) {
                    // If an incoming call is ringing, the VOLUME buttons are
                    // actually handled by the PhoneWindowManager.  (We do
                    // this to make sure that we'll respond to them even if
                    // the InCallScreen hasn't come to the foreground yet.)
                    // We'd only ever get here in the extremely rare case that the
                    // incoming call started ringing *after*
                    // PhoneWindowManager.interceptKeyTq() but before the event
                    // got here, or else if the PhoneWindowManager had some
                    // problem connecting to the ITelephony service.
                    Log.w(LOG_TAG, "VOLUME key: incoming call is ringing!"
                          + " (PhoneWindowManager should have handled this key.)");
                    // But go ahead and handle the key as normal, since the
                    // PhoneWindowManager presumably did NOT handle it:

                    final CallNotifier notifier = PhoneApp.getInstance().notifier;
                    if (notifier.isRinging()) {
                        // ringer is actually playing, so silence it.
                        if (DBG) log("VOLUME key: silence ringer");

                    // As long as an incoming call is ringing, we always
                    // consume the VOLUME keys.
                    return true;

            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU:
                // Special case for the MENU key: if the "touch lock"
                // overlay is up (over the DTMF dialpad), allow MENU to
                // dismiss the overlay just as if you had double-tapped
                // the onscreen icon.
                // (We do this because MENU is normally used to bring the
                // UI back after the screen turns off, and the touch lock
                // overlay "feels" very similar to the screen going off.
                // This is also here to be "backward-compatibile" with the
                // 1.0 behavior, where you *needed* to hit MENU to bring
                // back the dialpad after 6 seconds of idle time.)
                if (mDialer.isOpened() && isTouchLocked()) {
                    if (VDBG) log("- allowing MENU to dismiss touch lock overlay...");
                    // Take down the touch lock overlay, but post a
                    // message in the future to bring it back later.
                    return true;

            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MUTE:
                PhoneUtils.setMute(mPhone, !PhoneUtils.getMute(mPhone));
                return true;

            // Various testing/debugging features, enabled ONLY when VDBG == true.
            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SLASH:
                if (VDBG) {
                    log("----------- InCallScreen View dump --------------");
                    // Dump starting from the top-level view of the entire activity:
                    Window w = this.getWindow();
                    View decorView = w.getDecorView();
                    return true;
            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_EQUALS:
                if (VDBG) {
                    log("----------- InCallScreen call state dump --------------");
                    return true;
            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_GRAVE:
                if (VDBG) {
                    // Placeholder for other misc temp testing
                    log("------------ Temp testing -----------------");
                    return true;

        if (event.getRepeatCount() == 0 && handleDialerKeyDown(keyCode, event)) {
            return true;

        return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);
public booleanonKeyUp(int keyCode, android.view.KeyEvent event)

        // if (DBG) log("onKeyUp(keycode " + keyCode + ")...");

        // push input to the dialer.
        if ((mDialer != null) && (mDialer.onDialerKeyUp(event))){
            return true;
        } else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_CALL) {
            // Always consume CALL to be sure the PhoneWindow won't do anything with it
            return true;
        return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event);
private voidonMMICancel()
Handles an MMI_CANCEL event, which is triggered by the button (labeled either "OK" or "Cancel") on the "MMI Started" dialog.


        if (VDBG) log("onMMICancel()...");

        // First of all, cancel the outstanding MMI code (if possible.)

        // Regardless of whether the current MMI code was cancelable, the
        // PhoneApp will get an MMI_COMPLETE event very soon, which will
        // take us to the MMI Complete dialog (see
        // PhoneUtils.displayMMIComplete().)
        // But until that event comes in, we *don't* want to stay here on
        // the in-call screen, since we'll be visible in a
        // partially-constructed state as soon as the "MMI Started" dialog
        // gets dismissed.  So let's forcibly bail out right now.
        if (DBG) log("onMMICancel: finishing...");
private voidonMMIInitiate(android.os.AsyncResult r)
Brings up the "MMI Started" dialog.

        if (VDBG) log("onMMIInitiate()...  AsyncResult r = " + r);

        // Watch out: don't do this if we're not the foreground activity,
        // mainly since in the might fail if we don't have a
        // valid window token any more...
        // (Note that this exact sequence can happen if you try to start
        // an MMI code while the radio is off or out of service.)
        if (!mIsForegroundActivity) {
            if (VDBG) log("Activity not in foreground! Bailing out...");

        // Also, if any other dialog is up right now (presumably the
        // generic error dialog displaying the "Starting MMI..."  message)
        // take it down before bringing up the real "MMI Started" dialog
        // in its place.

        MmiCode mmiCode = (MmiCode) r.result;
        if (VDBG) log("  - MmiCode: " + mmiCode);

        Message message = Message.obtain(mHandler, PhoneApp.MMI_CANCEL);
        mMmiStartedDialog = PhoneUtils.displayMMIInitiate(this, mmiCode,
                                                          message, mMmiStartedDialog);
protected voidonNewIntent(android.content.Intent intent)

        if (DBG) log("onNewIntent: intent=" + intent);

        // We're being re-launched with a new Intent.  Since we keep
        // around a single InCallScreen instance for the life of the phone
        // process (see finish()), this sequence will happen EVERY time
        // there's a new incoming or outgoing call except for the very
        // first time the InCallScreen gets created.  This sequence will
        // also happen if the InCallScreen is already in the foreground
        // (e.g. getting a new ACTION_CALL intent while we were already
        // using the other line.)

        // Stash away the new intent so that we can get it in the future
        // by calling getIntent().  (Otherwise getIntent() will return the
        // original Intent from when we first got created!)

        // Activities are always paused before receiving a new intent, so
        // we can count on our onResume() method being called next.

        // Just like in onCreate(), handle this intent, and stash the
        // result code from internalResolveIntent() in the
        // mInCallInitialStatus field.  If it's an error code, we'll
        // handle it in onResume().
        mInCallInitialStatus = internalResolveIntent(intent);
        if (mInCallInitialStatus != InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS) {
            Log.w(LOG_TAG, "onNewIntent: status " + mInCallInitialStatus
                  + " from internalResolveIntent()");
            // See onResume() for the actual error handling.
public voidonPanelClosed(int featureId, android.view.Menu menu)
Override onPanelClosed() to capture the panel closing event, allowing us to set the poke lock correctly whenever the option menu panel goes away.

        if (VDBG) log("onPanelClosed(featureId = " + featureId + ")...");

        // We only want this special behavior for the "options panel"
        // feature (i.e. the standard menu triggered by the MENU button.)
        if (featureId == Window.FEATURE_OPTIONS_PANEL) {
            // TODO: May need to return to the original wake state here
            // if onCreatePanelView ends up changing the wake state.

        super.onPanelClosed(featureId, menu);
protected voidonPause()

        if (DBG) log("onPause()...");

        mIsForegroundActivity = false;

        final PhoneApp app = PhoneApp.getInstance();

        // make sure the chronometer is stopped when we move away from
        // the foreground.
        if (mConferenceTime != null) {

        // as a catch-all, make sure that any dtmf tones are stopped
        // when the UI is no longer in the foreground.

        // If the device is put to sleep as the phone call is ending,
        // we may see cases where the DELAYED_CLEANUP_AFTER_DISCONNECT
        // event gets handled AFTER the device goes to sleep and wakes
        // up again.

        // This is because it is possible for a sleep command
        // (executed with the End Call key) to come during the 2
        // seconds that the "Call Ended" screen is up.  Sleep then
        // pauses the device (including the cleanup event) and
        // resumes the event when it wakes up.

        // To fix this, we introduce a bit of code that pushes the UI
        // to the background if we pause and see a request to

        // Note: We can try to finish directly, by:
        //  1. Removing the DELAYED_CLEANUP_AFTER_DISCONNECT messages
        //  2. Calling delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect directly

        // However, doing so can cause problems between the phone
        // app and the keyguard - the keyguard is trying to sleep at
        // the same time that the phone state is changing.  This can
        // end up causing the sleep request to be ignored.
        if (mHandler.hasMessages(DELAYED_CLEANUP_AFTER_DISCONNECT)) {
            if (DBG) log("onPause(): DELAYED_CLEANUP_AFTER_DISCONNECT detected, finishing...");

            // InCallScreen is no longer active.

        // Clean up the menu, in case we get paused while the menu is up
        // for some reason.
        dismissMenu(true);  // dismiss immediately

        // Dismiss any dialogs we may have brought up, just to be 100%
        // sure they won't still be around when we get back here.

        // Re-enable the status bar (which we disabled in onResume().)

        // Unregister for broadcast intents.  (These affect the visible UI
        // of the InCallScreen, so we only care about them while we're in the
        // foreground.)

        // Re-enable "user activity" for touch events.
        // We actually do this slightly *after* onPause(), to work around a
        // race condition where a touch can come in after we've paused
        // but before the device actually goes to sleep.
        // TODO: The PowerManager itself should prevent this from happening.
        mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
            }, 500);

        // The keyguard was disabled the entire time the InCallScreen was
        // active (see onResume()).  Re-enable it now.

        // Make sure we revert the poke lock and wake lock when we move to
        // the background.
private voidonPhoneStateChanged(android.os.AsyncResult r)
Something has changed in the phone's state. Update the UI.

        if (VDBG) log("onPhoneStateChanged()...");

        // There's nothing to do here if we're not the foreground activity.
        // (When we *do* eventually come to the foreground, we'll do a
        // full update then.)
        if (!mIsForegroundActivity) {
            if (VDBG) log("onPhoneStateChanged: Activity not in foreground! Bailing out...");


        // Make sure we update the poke lock and wake lock when certain
        // phone state changes occur.
public voidonQueryComplete(int token, java.lang.Object cookie, ci)
Implemented for CallerInfoAsyncQuery.OnQueryCompleteListener interface. refreshes the nameTextView when called.

        if (VDBG) log("callerinfo query complete, updating UI.");

        // get the viewgroup (conference call list item) and make it visible
        ViewGroup vg = (ViewGroup) cookie;

        // update the list item with this information.
        displayCallerInfoForConferenceRow (ci,
                (TextView) vg.findViewById(,
                (TextView) vg.findViewById(,
                (TextView) vg.findViewById(;
protected voidonResume()

        if (DBG) log("onResume()...");

        mIsForegroundActivity = true;

        final PhoneApp app = PhoneApp.getInstance();

        // Disable the keyguard the entire time the InCallScreen is
        // active.  (This is necessary only for the case of receiving an
        // incoming call while the device is locked; we need to disable
        // the keyguard so you can answer the call and use the in-call UI,
        // but we always re-enable the keyguard as soon as you leave this
        // screen (see onPause().))

        // Touch events are never considered "user activity" while the
        // InCallScreen is active, so that unintentional touches won't
        // prevent the device from going to sleep.

        // Disable the status bar "window shade" the entire time we're on
        // the in-call screen.

        // Listen for broadcast intents that might affect the onscreen UI.
        registerReceiver(mReceiver, new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG));

        // Check for any failures that happened during onCreate() or onNewIntent().
        if (DBG) log("- onResume: initial status = " + mInCallInitialStatus);
        if (mInCallInitialStatus != InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS) {
            if (DBG) log("- onResume: failure during startup: " + mInCallInitialStatus);

            // Don't bring up the regular Phone UI!  Instead bring up
            // something more specific to let the user deal with the
            // problem.

            // But it *is* OK to continue with the rest of onResume(),
            // since any further setup steps (like updateScreen() and the
            // CallCard setup) will fall back to a "blank" state if the
            // phone isn't in use.
            mInCallInitialStatus = InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS;

        // Set the volume control handler while we are in the foreground.
        if (isBluetoothAudioConnected()) {
        } else {


        // Always start off in NORMAL mode.

        // Before checking the state of the phone, clean up any
        // connections in the DISCONNECTED state.
        // (The DISCONNECTED state is used only to drive the "call ended"
        // UI; it's totally useless when *entering* the InCallScreen.)

        InCallInitStatus status = syncWithPhoneState();
        if (status != InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS) {
            if (DBG) log("- syncWithPhoneState failed! status = " + status);
            // Couldn't update the UI, presumably because the phone is totally
            // idle.  But don't finish() immediately, since we might still
            // have an error dialog up that the user needs to see.
            // (And in that case, the error dialog is responsible for calling
            // finish() when the user dismisses it.)

            // InCallScreen is now active.

        // Update the poke lock and wake lock when we move to
        // the foreground.
        // But we need to do something special if we're coming
        // to the foreground while an incoming call is ringing:
        if (mPhone.getState() == Phone.State.RINGING) {
            // If the phone is ringing, we *should* already be holding a
            // full wake lock (which we would have acquired before
            // firing off the intent that brought us here; see
            // PhoneUtils.showIncomingCallUi().)
            // We also called preventScreenOn(true) at that point, to
            // avoid cosmetic glitches while we were being launched.
            // So now we need to post an ALLOW_SCREEN_ON message to
            // (eventually) undo the prior preventScreenOn(true) call.
            // (In principle we shouldn't do this until after our first
            // layout/draw pass.  But in practice, the delay caused by
            // simply waiting for the end of the message queue is long
            // enough to avoid any flickering of the lock screen before
            // the InCallScreen comes up.)
            if (VDBG) log("- posting ALLOW_SCREEN_ON message...");

            // TODO: There ought to be a more elegant way of doing this,
            // probably by having the PowerManager and ActivityManager
            // work together to let apps request that the screen on/off
            // state be synchronized with the Activity lifecycle.
            // (See bug 1648751.)
        } else {
            // The phone isn't ringing; this is either an outgoing call, or
            // we're returning to a call in progress.  There *shouldn't* be
            // any prior preventScreenOn(true) call that we need to undo,
            // but let's do this just to be safe:

        // The "touch lock" overlay is NEVER visible when we resume.
        // (In particular, this check ensures that we won't still be
        // locked after the user wakes up the screen by pressing MENU.)
        // ...but if the dialpad is open we DO need to start the timer
        // that will eventually bring up the "touch lock" overlay.
        if (mDialer.isOpened()) resetTouchLockTimer();

        // Restore the mute state if the last mute state change was NOT
        // done by the user.
        if (app.getRestoreMuteOnInCallResume()) {

        Profiler.profileViewCreate(getWindow(), InCallScreen.class.getName());
        if (VDBG) log("onResume() done.");
protected voidonSaveInstanceState(android.os.Bundle outState)

        if (VDBG) log("onSaveInstanceState()...");

        // TODO: Save any state of the UI that needs to persist across
        // configuration changes (ie. switching between portrait and
        // landscape.)
protected voidonStop()

        if (VDBG) log("onStop()...");


        Phone.State state = mPhone.getState();
        if (VDBG) log("onStop: state = " + state);

        if (state == Phone.State.IDLE) {
            // we don't want the call screen to remain in the activity history
            // if there are not active or ringing calls.
            if (DBG) log("- onStop: calling finish() to clear activity history...");
voidonSuppServiceFailed(android.os.AsyncResult r)
Handle a failure notification for a supplementary service (i.e. conference, switch, separate, transfer, etc.).

        Phone.SuppService service = (Phone.SuppService) r.result;
        if (DBG) log("onSuppServiceFailed: " + service);

        int errorMessageResId;
        switch (service) {
            case SWITCH:
                // Attempt to switch foreground and background/incoming calls failed
                // ("Failed to switch calls")
                errorMessageResId = R.string.incall_error_supp_service_switch;

            case SEPARATE:
                // Attempt to separate a call from a conference call
                // failed ("Failed to separate out call")
                errorMessageResId = R.string.incall_error_supp_service_separate;

            case TRANSFER:
                // Attempt to connect foreground and background calls to
                // each other (and hanging up user's line) failed ("Call
                // transfer failed")
                errorMessageResId = R.string.incall_error_supp_service_transfer;

            case CONFERENCE:
                // Attempt to add a call to conference call failed
                // ("Conference call failed")
                errorMessageResId = R.string.incall_error_supp_service_conference;

            case REJECT:
                // Attempt to reject an incoming call failed
                // ("Call rejection failed")
                errorMessageResId = R.string.incall_error_supp_service_reject;

            case HANGUP:
                // Attempt to release a call failed ("Failed to release call(s)")
                errorMessageResId = R.string.incall_error_supp_service_hangup;

            case UNKNOWN:
                // Attempt to use a service we don't recognize or support
                // ("Unsupported service" or "Selected service failed")
                errorMessageResId = R.string.incall_error_supp_service_unknown;

        // mSuppServiceFailureDialog is a generic dialog used for any
        // supp service failure, and there's only ever have one
        // instance at a time.  So just in case a previous dialog is
        // still around, dismiss it.
        if (mSuppServiceFailureDialog != null) {
            if (DBG) log("- DISMISSING mSuppServiceFailureDialog.");
            mSuppServiceFailureDialog.dismiss();  // It's safe to dismiss() a dialog
                                                  // that's already dismissed.
            mSuppServiceFailureDialog = null;

        mSuppServiceFailureDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, null)
public booleanonTouch(android.view.View v, android.view.MotionEvent event)

        if (VDBG) log ("onTouch(View " + v + ")...");

        // Handle touch events on the "touch lock" overlay.
        // (v == mTouchLockIcon) means the user hit the lock icon in the
        // middle of the screen, and (v == mTouchLockOverlay) is a touch
        // anywhere else on the overlay.

        // We only care about touch events while the touch lock UI is
        // visible (including the time during the fade-in animation.)
        if (((v == mTouchLockIcon) || (v == mTouchLockOverlay)) && !isTouchLocked()) {
            // Got an event from the touch lock UI, but we're not locked!
            // (This was probably a touch-UP right after we unlocked.
            // Ignore it.)
            return false;

        if (v == mTouchLockIcon) {
            // Direct hit on the "lock" icon.  Handle the double-tap gesture.
            if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
                long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
                if (VDBG) log("- touch lock icon: handling a DOWN event, t = " + now);

                // Look for the double-tap gesture:
                if (now < mTouchLockLastTouchTime + ViewConfiguration.getDoubleTapTimeout()) {
                    if (VDBG) log("==> touch lock icon: DOUBLE-TAP!");
                    // This was the 2nd tap of a double-tap gesture.
                    // Take down the touch lock overlay, but post a
                    // message in the future to bring it back later.
                    // This counts as explicit "user activity".
            } else if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
                // Stash away the current time in case this is the first
                // tap of a double-tap gesture.  (We measure the time from
                // the first tap's UP to the second tap's DOWN.)
                mTouchLockLastTouchTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();

            // And regardless of what just happened, we *always* consume
            // touch events while the touch lock UI is (or was) visible.
            return true;

        } else if (v == mTouchLockOverlay) {
            // User touched the "background" area of the touch lock overlay.

            // TODO: If we're in the middle of the fade-in animation,
            // consider making a touch *anywhere* immediately unlock the
            // UI.  This could be risky, though, if the user tries to
            // *double-tap* during the fade-in (in which case the 2nd tap
            // might 't become a false touch on the dialpad!)
            //if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
            //    if (DBG) log("- touch lock overlay background: handling a DOWN event.");
            //    if (mTouchLockFadeIn.hasStarted() && !mTouchLockFadeIn.hasEnded()) {
            //        // If we're still fading-in, a touch *anywhere* onscreen
            //        // immediately unlocks.
            //        if (DBG) log("==> touch lock: tap during fade-in!");
            //        mTouchLockOverlay.clearAnimation();
            //        enableTouchLock(false);
            //        // ...but post a message in the future to bring it
            //        // back later.
            //        resetTouchLockTimer();
            //    }

            // And regardless of what just happened, we *always* consume
            // touch events while the touch lock UI is (or was) visible.
            return true;

        } else {
            Log.w(LOG_TAG, "onTouch: event from unexpected View: " + v);
            return false;
public voidonUserInteraction()

        if (mDialer.isOpened() && !isTouchLocked()) {
public voidonWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus)
Overriden to track relevant focus changes. If a key is down and some time later the focus changes, we may NOT recieve the keyup event; logically the keyup event has not occured in this window. This issue is fixed by treating a focus changed event as an interruption to the keydown, making sure that any code that needs to be run in onKeyUp is ALSO run here. Note, this focus change event happens AFTER the in-call menu is displayed, so mIsMenuDisplayed should always be correct by the time this method is called in the framework, please see: {@link onCreatePanelView}, {@link onOptionsMenuClosed}

        // the dtmf tones should no longer be played
        if (VDBG) log("onWindowFocusChanged(" + hasFocus + ")...");
        if (!hasFocus && mDialer != null) {
            if (VDBG) log("- onWindowFocusChanged: faking onDialerKeyUp()...");
private booleanphoneIsInUse()
Returns true if the phone is "in use", meaning that at least one line is active (ie. off hook or ringing or dialing). Conversely, a return value of false means there's currently no phone activity at all.

        return mPhone.getState() != Phone.State.IDLE;
private$InCallInitStatusplaceCall(android.content.Intent intent)
Make a call to whomever the intent tells us to.

intent the Intent we were launched with
InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS if we successfully initiated an outgoing call. If there was some kind of failure, return one of the other InCallInitStatus codes indicating what went wrong.

        if (VDBG) log("placeCall()...  intent = " + intent);

        String number;

        // Check the current ServiceState to make sure it's OK
        // to even try making a call.
        InCallInitStatus okToCallStatus = checkIfOkToInitiateOutgoingCall();

        try {
            number = getInitialNumber(intent);
        } catch (PhoneUtils.VoiceMailNumberMissingException ex) {
            // If the call status is NOT in an acceptable state, it
            // may effect the way the voicemail number is being
            // retrieved.  Mask the VoiceMailNumberMissingException
            // with the underlying issue of the phone state.
            if (okToCallStatus != InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS) {
                if (DBG) log("Voicemail number not reachable in current SIM card state.");
                return okToCallStatus;
            if (DBG) log("VoiceMailNumberMissingException from getInitialNumber()");
            return InCallInitStatus.VOICEMAIL_NUMBER_MISSING;

        if (number == null) {
            Log.w(LOG_TAG, "placeCall: couldn't get a phone number from Intent " + intent);
            return InCallInitStatus.NO_PHONE_NUMBER_SUPPLIED;

        boolean isEmergencyNumber = PhoneNumberUtils.isEmergencyNumber(number);
        boolean isEmergencyIntent = Intent.ACTION_CALL_EMERGENCY.equals(intent.getAction());

        if (isEmergencyNumber && !isEmergencyIntent) {
            Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Non-CALL_EMERGENCY Intent " + intent
                    + " attempted to call emergency number " + number
                    + ".");
            return InCallInitStatus.CALL_FAILED;
        } else if (!isEmergencyNumber && isEmergencyIntent) {
            Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Received CALL_EMERGENCY Intent " + intent
                    + " with non-emergency number " + number
                    + " -- failing call.");
            return InCallInitStatus.CALL_FAILED;

        // need to make sure that the state is adjusted if we are ONLY
        // allowed to dial emergency numbers AND we encounter an
        // emergency number request.
        if (isEmergencyNumber && okToCallStatus == InCallInitStatus.EMERGENCY_ONLY) {
            okToCallStatus = InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS;
            if (DBG) log("Emergency number detected, changing state to: " + okToCallStatus);

        if (okToCallStatus != InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS) {
            // If this is an emergency call, we call the emergency call
            // handler activity to turn on the radio and do whatever else
            // is needed. For now, we finish the InCallScreen (since were
            // expecting a callback when the emergency call handler dictates
            // it) and just return the success state.
            if (isEmergencyNumber && (okToCallStatus == InCallInitStatus.POWER_OFF)) {
                startActivity(intent.setClassName(this, EmergencyCallHandler.class.getName()));
                if (DBG) log("placeCall: starting EmergencyCallHandler, finishing...");
                return InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS;
            } else {
                return okToCallStatus;

        // We have a valid number, so try to actually place a call:
        //make sure we pass along the URI as a reference to the contact.
        int callStatus = PhoneUtils.placeCall(mPhone, number, intent.getData());
        switch (callStatus) {
            case PhoneUtils.CALL_STATUS_DIALED:
                if (VDBG) log("placeCall: PhoneUtils.placeCall() succeeded for regular call '"
                             + number + "'.");

                // Any time we initiate a call, force the DTMF dialpad to
                // close.  (We want to make sure the user can see the regular
                // in-call UI while the new call is dialing, and when it
                // first gets connected.)
                mDialer.closeDialer(false);  // no "closing" animation

                // Also, in case a previous call was already active (i.e. if
                // we just did "Add call"), clear out the "history" of DTMF
                // digits you typed, to make sure it doesn't persist from the
                // previous call to the new call.
                // TODO: it would be more precise to do this when the actual
                // phone state change happens (i.e. when a new foreground
                // call appears and the previous call moves to the
                // background), but the InCallScreen doesn't keep enough
                // state right now to notice that specific transition in
                // onPhoneStateChanged().

                return InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS;
            case PhoneUtils.CALL_STATUS_DIALED_MMI:
                if (DBG) log("placeCall: specified number was an MMI code: '" + number + "'.");
                // The passed-in number was an MMI code, not a regular phone number!
                // This isn't really a failure; the Dialer may have deliberately
                // fired a ACTION_CALL intent to dial an MMI code, like for a
                // USSD call.
                // Presumably an MMI_INITIATE message will come in shortly
                // (and we'll bring up the "MMI Started" dialog), or else
                // an MMI_COMPLETE will come in (which will take us to a
                // different Activity; see PhoneUtils.displayMMIComplete()).
                return InCallInitStatus.DIALED_MMI;
            case PhoneUtils.CALL_STATUS_FAILED:
                Log.w(LOG_TAG, "placeCall: PhoneUtils.placeCall() FAILED for number '"
                      + number + "'.");
                // We couldn't successfully place the call; there was some
                // failure in the telephony layer.
                return InCallInitStatus.CALL_FAILED;
                Log.w(LOG_TAG, "placeCall: unknown callStatus " + callStatus
                      + " from PhoneUtils.placeCall() for number '" + number + "'.");
                return InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS;  // Try to continue anyway...
private voidregisterForPhoneStates()

        if (!mRegisteredForPhoneStates) {
            mPhone.registerForPhoneStateChanged(mHandler, PHONE_STATE_CHANGED, null);
            mPhone.registerForDisconnect(mHandler, PHONE_DISCONNECT, null);
            mPhone.registerForMmiInitiate(mHandler, PhoneApp.MMI_INITIATE, null);

            // register for the MMI complete message.  Upon completion,
            // PhoneUtils will bring up a system dialog instead of the
            // message display class in PhoneUtils.displayMMIComplete().
            // We'll listen for that message too, so that we can finish
            // the activity at the same time.
            mPhone.registerForMmiComplete(mHandler, PhoneApp.MMI_COMPLETE, null);

            mPhone.setOnPostDialCharacter(mHandler, POST_ON_DIAL_CHARS, null);
            mPhone.registerForSuppServiceFailed(mHandler, SUPP_SERVICE_FAILED, null);
            mRegisteredForPhoneStates = true;
private voidresetTouchLockTimer()
Schedule the "touch lock" overlay to begin fading in after a short delay, but only if the DTMF dialpad is currently visible. (This is designed to be triggered on any user activity while the dialpad is up but not locked, and also whenever the user "unlocks" the touch lock overlay.) Calling this method supersedes any previous resetTouchLockTimer() calls (i.e. we first clear any pending TOUCH_LOCK_TIMER messages.)

        if (VDBG) log("resetTouchLockTimer()...");
        if (mDialer.isOpened() && !isTouchLocked()) {
            // The touch lock delay value comes from Gservices; we use
            // the same value that's used for the PowerManager's
            // POKE_LOCK_SHORT_TIMEOUT flag (i.e. the fastest possible
            // screen timeout behavior.)

            // Do a fresh lookup each time, since Gservices values can
            // change on the fly.  (The Settings.Gservices helper class
            // caches these values so this call is usually cheap.)
            int touchLockDelay = Settings.Gservices.getInt(
            mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(TOUCH_LOCK_TIMER, touchLockDelay);
private voidseparateConferenceConnection(int i, connection)
Separates out the specified connection on a conference call. This method is run (via a closure containing a row index and Connection) when the user clicks the "Separate" (i.e. "Private") button on a specific row in the Manage conference UI.

        if (VDBG) log("===> SEPARATING conference connection " + i
                      + ": Connection " + connection);


        // Note that separateCall() automagically makes the
        // newly-separated call into the foreground call (which is the
        // desired UI), so there's no need to do any further
        // call-switching here.
        // There's also no need to manually update (or hide) the "Manage
        // conference" UI; that'll happen on its own in a moment (when we
        // get the phone state change event triggered by the call to
        // separateCall().)
private voidsetInCallScreenMode($InCallScreenMode newMode)
Sets the current high-level "mode" of the in-call UI. NOTE: if newMode is CALL_ENDED, the caller is responsible for posting a delayed DELAYED_CLEANUP_AFTER_DISCONNECT message, to make sure the "call ended" state goes away after a couple of seconds.

        if (VDBG) log("setInCallScreenMode: " + newMode);
        mInCallScreenMode = newMode;
        switch (mInCallScreenMode) {
            case MANAGE_CONFERENCE:
                if (!PhoneUtils.isConferenceCall(mForegroundCall)) {
                    Log.w(LOG_TAG, "MANAGE_CONFERENCE: no active conference call!");
                    // Hide the Manage Conference panel, return to NORMAL mode.
                List<Connection> connections = mForegroundCall.getConnections();
                // There almost certainly will be > 1 connection,
                // since isConferenceCall() just returned true.
                if ((connections == null) || (connections.size() <= 1)) {
                          "MANAGE_CONFERENCE: Bogus TRUE from isConferenceCall(); connections = "
                          + connections);
                    // Hide the Manage Conference panel, return to NORMAL mode.

                initManageConferencePanel();  // if necessary

                // The "Manage conference" UI takes up the full main frame,
                // replacing the inCallPanel and CallCard PopupWindow.

                // start the chronometer.
                long callDuration = mForegroundCall.getEarliestConnection().getDurationMillis();
                mConferenceTime.setBase(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - callDuration);



            case CALL_ENDED:
                // Display the CallCard (in the "Call ended" state)
                // and hide all other UI.

                if (mManageConferencePanel != null) {
                    // stop the timer if the panel is hidden.
                updateMenuButtonHint();  // Hide the Menu button hint

                // Make sure the CallCard (which is a child of mInCallPanel) is visible.


            case NORMAL:
                if (mManageConferencePanel != null) {
                    // stop the timer if the panel is hidden.

        // Update the visibility of the DTMF dialer tab on any state
        // change.
voidsetPhone( phone)
Sets the Phone object used internally by the InCallScreen. In normal operation this is called from onCreate(), and the passed-in Phone object comes from the PhoneApp. For testing, test classes can use this method to inject a test Phone instance.

        mPhone = phone;
        // Hang onto the three Call objects too; they're singletons that
        // are constant (and never null) for the life of the Phone.
        mForegroundCall = mPhone.getForegroundCall();
        mBackgroundCall = mPhone.getBackgroundCall();
        mRingingCall = mPhone.getRingingCall();
private voidshowGenericErrorDialog(int resid, boolean isStartupError)
Utility function to bring up a generic "error" dialog, and then bail out of the in-call UI when the user hits OK (or the BACK button.)

        CharSequence msg = getResources().getText(resid);
        if (DBG) log("showGenericErrorDialog('" + msg + "')...");

        // create the clicklistener and cancel listener as needed.
        DialogInterface.OnClickListener clickListener;
        OnCancelListener cancelListener;
        if (isStartupError) {
            clickListener = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
            cancelListener = new OnCancelListener() {
                public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) {
        } else {
            clickListener = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
            cancelListener = new OnCancelListener() {
                public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) {

        // TODO: Consider adding a setTitle() call here (with some generic
        // "failure" title?)
        mGenericErrorDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, clickListener)

        // When the dialog is up, completely hide the in-call UI
        // underneath (which is in a partially-constructed state).
private voidshowWaitPromptDialog( c, java.lang.String postDialStr)

        Resources r = getResources();
        StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();

        if (mWaitPromptDialog != null) {
            if (VDBG) log("- DISMISSING mWaitPromptDialog.");
            mWaitPromptDialog.dismiss();  // safe even if already dismissed
            mWaitPromptDialog = null;

        mWaitPromptDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                .setPositiveButton(R.string.send_button, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {
                            if (VDBG) log("handle WAIT_PROMPT_CONFIRMED, proceed...");
                .setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() {
                        public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) {
                            if (VDBG) log("handle POST_DIAL_CANCELED!");
private voidshowWildPromptDialog( c)

        View v = createWildPromptView();

        if (mWildPromptDialog != null) {
            if (VDBG) log("- DISMISSING mWildPromptDialog.");
            mWildPromptDialog.dismiss();  // safe even if already dismissed
            mWildPromptDialog = null;

        mWildPromptDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                        new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {
                                if (VDBG) log("handle WILD_PROMPT_CHAR_ENTERED, proceed...");
                                String replacement = null;
                                if (mWildPromptText != null) {
                                    replacement = mWildPromptText.getText().toString();
                                    mWildPromptText = null;
                        new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() {
                            public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) {
                                if (VDBG) log("handle POST_DIAL_CANCELED!");

private voidstopTimer()

        if (mCallCard != null) mCallCard.stopTimer();
(Re)synchronizes the onscreen UI with the current state of the Phone.

InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS if we successfully updated the UI, or InCallInitStatus.PHONE_NOT_IN_USE if there was no phone state to sync with (ie. the phone was completely idle). In the latter case, we shouldn't even be in the in-call UI in the first place, and it's the caller's responsibility to bail out of this activity (by calling finish()) if appropriate.

        boolean updateSuccessful = false;
        if (DBG) log("syncWithPhoneState()...");
        if (VDBG) PhoneUtils.dumpCallState(mPhone);
        if (VDBG) dumpBluetoothState();

        // Make sure the Phone is "in use".  (If not, we shouldn't be on
        // this screen in the first place.)

        // Need to treat running MMI codes as a connection as well.
        if (!mForegroundCall.isIdle() || !mBackgroundCall.isIdle() || !mRingingCall.isIdle()
            || !mPhone.getPendingMmiCodes().isEmpty()) {
            if (VDBG) log("syncWithPhoneState: it's ok to be here; update the screen...");
            return InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS;

        if (DBG) log("syncWithPhoneState: phone is idle; we shouldn't be here!");
        return InCallInitStatus.PHONE_NOT_IN_USE;
private voidtouchLockTimerExpired()
Handles the TOUCH_LOCK_TIMER event.


        // Ok, it's been long enough since we had any user activity with
        // the DTMF dialpad up.  If the dialpad is still up, start fading
        // in the "touch lock" overlay.
private voidunregisterForPhoneStates()

        mPhone.setOnPostDialCharacter(null, POST_ON_DIAL_CHARS, null);
        mRegisteredForPhoneStates = false;
Posts a message to our handler saying to update the onscreen UI based on a bluetooth headset state change.

        if (VDBG) log("updateBluetoothIndication()...");
        // No need to look at the current state here; any UI elements that
        // care about the bluetooth state (i.e. the CallCard) get
        // the necessary state directly from PhoneApp.showBluetoothIndication().
private voidupdateDialpadVisibility()
Updates the visibility of the DTMF dialpad and the "sliding drawer" handle, based on the current state of the phone and/or the current InCallScreenMode.

        // (1) The dialpad itself:
        // If an incoming call is ringing, make sure the dialpad is
        // closed.  (We do this to make sure we're not covering up the
        // "incoming call" UI, and especially to make sure that the "touch
        // lock" overlay won't appear.)
        if (mPhone.getState() == Phone.State.RINGING) {
            mDialer.closeDialer(false);  // don't do the "closing" animation

            // Also, clear out the "history" of DTMF digits you may have typed
            // into the previous call (so you don't see the previous call's
            // digits if you answer this call and then bring up the dialpad.)
            // TODO: it would be more precise to do this when you *answer* the
            // incoming call, rather than as soon as it starts ringing, but
            // the InCallScreen doesn't keep enough state right now to notice
            // that specific transition in onPhoneStateChanged().

        // (2) The "sliding drawer" handle:
        // This handle should be visible only if it's OK to actually open
        // the dialpad.
        if (mDialerDrawer != null) {
            int visibility = okToShowDialpad() ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE;
private voidupdateManageConferencePanel(java.util.List connections)
Updates the "Manage conference" UI based on the specified List of connections.

connections the List of connections belonging to the current foreground call; size must be greater than 1 (or it wouldn't be a conference call in the first place.)

        mNumCallersInConference = connections.size();
        if (VDBG) log("updateManageConferencePanel()... num connections in conference = "
                     + mNumCallersInConference);

        // Can we give the user the option to separate out ("go private with") a single
        // caller from this conference?
        final boolean hasActiveCall = !mForegroundCall.isIdle();
        final boolean hasHoldingCall = !mBackgroundCall.isIdle();
        boolean canSeparate = !(hasActiveCall && hasHoldingCall);

        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CALLERS_IN_CONFERENCE; i++) {
            if (i < mNumCallersInConference) {
                // Fill in the row in the UI for this caller.
                Connection connection = (Connection) connections.get(i);
                updateManageConferenceRow(i, connection, canSeparate);
            } else {
                // Blank out this row in the UI
                updateManageConferenceRow(i, null, false);
private voidupdateManageConferencePanelIfNecessary()
Checks if the "Manage conference" UI needs to be updated. If the state of the current conference call has changed since our previous call to updateManageConferencePanel()), do a fresh update.

        if (VDBG) log("updateManageConferencePanel: mForegroundCall " + mForegroundCall + "...");

        List<Connection> connections = mForegroundCall.getConnections();
        if (connections == null) {
            if (VDBG) log("==> no connections on foreground call!");
            // Hide the Manage Conference panel, return to NORMAL mode.
            InCallInitStatus status = syncWithPhoneState();
            if (status != InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS) {
                Log.w(LOG_TAG, "- syncWithPhoneState failed! status = " + status);
                // We shouldn't even be in the in-call UI in the first
                // place, so bail out:
                if (DBG) log("updateManageConferencePanelIfNecessary: finishing...");

        int numConnections = connections.size();
        if (numConnections <= 1) {
            if (VDBG) log("==> foreground call no longer a conference!");
            // Hide the Manage Conference panel, return to NORMAL mode.
            InCallInitStatus status = syncWithPhoneState();
            if (status != InCallInitStatus.SUCCESS) {
                Log.w(LOG_TAG, "- syncWithPhoneState failed! status = " + status);
                // We shouldn't even be in the in-call UI in the first
                // place, so bail out:
                if (DBG) log("updateManageConferencePanelIfNecessary: finishing...");
        if (numConnections != mNumCallersInConference) {
            if (VDBG) log("==> Conference size has changed; need to rebuild UI!");
private voidupdateManageConferenceRow(int i, connection, boolean canSeparate)
Updates a single row of the "Manage conference" UI. (One row in this UI represents a single caller in the conference.)

i the row to update
connection the Connection corresponding to this caller. If null, that means this is an "empty slot" in the conference, so hide this row in the UI.
canSeparate if true, show a "Separate" (i.e. "Private") button on this row in the UI.

        if (VDBG) log("updateManageConferenceRow(" + i + ")...  connection = " + connection);

        if (connection != null) {
            // Activate this row of the Manage conference panel:

            // get the relevant children views
            ImageButton endButton = (ImageButton) mConferenceCallList[i].findViewById(
            ImageButton separateButton = (ImageButton) mConferenceCallList[i].findViewById(
            TextView nameTextView = (TextView) mConferenceCallList[i].findViewById(
            TextView numberTextView = (TextView) mConferenceCallList[i].findViewById(
            TextView numberTypeTextView = (TextView) mConferenceCallList[i].findViewById(

            if (VDBG) log("- button: " + endButton + ", nameTextView: " + nameTextView);

            // Hook up this row's buttons.
            View.OnClickListener endThisConnection = new View.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(View v) {
                        endConferenceConnection(i, connection);
            if (canSeparate) {
                View.OnClickListener separateThisConnection = new View.OnClickListener() {
                        public void onClick(View v) {
                            separateConferenceConnection(i, connection);
            } else {

            // Name/number for this caller.
            // TODO: need to deal with private or blocked caller id?
            PhoneUtils.CallerInfoToken info = PhoneUtils.startGetCallerInfo(this, connection,
                    this, mConferenceCallList[i]);

            // display the CallerInfo.
            displayCallerInfoForConferenceRow (info.currentInfo, nameTextView,
                    numberTypeTextView, numberTextView);
        } else {
            // Disable this row of the Manage conference panel:
private voidupdateMenuButtonHint()
Updates the "Press Menu for more options" hint based on the current state of the Phone.

        if (VDBG) log("updateMenuButtonHint()...");
        boolean hintVisible = true;

        final boolean hasRingingCall = !mRingingCall.isIdle();
        final boolean hasActiveCall = !mForegroundCall.isIdle();
        final boolean hasHoldingCall = !mBackgroundCall.isIdle();

        // The hint is hidden only when there's no menu at all,
        // which only happens in a few specific cases:
        if (mInCallScreenMode == InCallScreenMode.CALL_ENDED) {
            // The "Call ended" state.
            hintVisible = false;
        } else if (hasRingingCall && !(hasActiveCall && !hasHoldingCall)) {
            // An incoming call where you *don't* have the option to
            // "answer & end" or "answer & hold".
            hintVisible = false;
        } else if (!phoneIsInUse()) {
            // Or if the phone is totally idle (like if an error dialog
            // is up, or an MMI is running.)
            hintVisible = false;
        int hintVisibility = (hintVisible) ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE;

        // We actually have two separate "menu button hint" TextViews; one
        // used only in portrait mode (part of the CallCard) and one used
        // only in landscape mode (part of the InCallScreen.)
        TextView callCardMenuButtonHint = mCallCard.getMenuButtonHint();
        if (ConfigurationHelper.isLandscape()) {
        } else {

        // TODO: Consider hiding the hint(s) whenever the menu is onscreen!
        // (Currently, the menu is rendered on top of the hint, but the
        // menu is semitransparent so you can still see the hint
        // underneath, and the hint is *just* visible enough to be
        // distracting.)
private voidupdateScreen()
Updates the state of the in-call UI based on the current state of the Phone.

        if (VDBG) log("updateScreen()...");

        // Don't update anything if we're not in the foreground (there's
        // no point updating our UI widgets since we're not visible!)
        // Also note this check also ensures we won't update while we're
        // in the middle of pausing, which could cause a visible glitch in
        // the "activity ending" transition.
        if (!mIsForegroundActivity) {
            if (VDBG) log("- updateScreen: not the foreground Activity! Bailing out...");

        // Update the state of the in-call menu items.
        if (mInCallMenu != null) {
            // TODO: do this only if the menu is visible!
            if (VDBG) log("- updateScreen: updating menu items...");
            boolean okToShowMenu = mInCallMenu.updateItems(mPhone);
            if (!okToShowMenu) {
                // Uh oh: we were only trying to update the state of the
                // menu items, but the logic in InCallMenu.updateItems()
                // just decided the menu shouldn't be visible at all!
                // (That's probably means that the call ended
                // asynchronously while the menu was up.)
                // So take the menu down ASAP.
                if (VDBG) log("- updateScreen: Tried to update menu; now need to dismiss!");
                // dismissMenu() has no effect if the menu is already closed.
                dismissMenu(true);  // dismissImmediate = true

        if (mInCallScreenMode == InCallScreenMode.MANAGE_CONFERENCE) {
            if (VDBG) log("- updateScreen: manage conference mode (NOT updating in-call UI)...");
        } else if (mInCallScreenMode == InCallScreenMode.CALL_ENDED) {
            if (VDBG) log("- updateScreen: call ended state (NOT updating in-call UI)...");

        if (VDBG) log("- updateScreen: updating the in-call UI...");