Fields Summary |
private | projectThe JDiff Ant task does not inherit from an Ant task, such as the
Javadoc task, though this is usually how most Tasks are
written. This is because JDiff needs to run Javadoc three times
(twice for generating XML, once for generating HTML). The
Javadoc task has not easy way to reset its list of packages, so
we needed to be able to crate new Javadoc task objects.
Note: Don't confuse this class with the ProjectInfo used by JDiff.
This Project class is from Ant. |
static String | DIR_SEPFerward or backward slash, as appropriate. |
private String | jdiffHomeJDIFF_HOME must be set as a property in the Ant build file.
It should be set to the root JDiff directory, ie. the one where
jdiff.jar is found. |
private String | jdiffClassPathThe classpath used by Javadoc to find jdiff.jar and xerces.jar. |
private File | destdirThe destination directory for the generated report.
The default is "./jdiff_report". |
private boolean | verboseIncreases the JDiff Ant task logging verbosity if set with "yes", "on"
or true". Default has to be false.
To increase verbosity of Javadoc, start Ant with -v or -verbose. |
private boolean | verboseAntSet if ant was started with -v or -verbose |
private boolean | docchangesAdd the -docchanges argument, to track changes in Javadoc documentation
as well as changes in classes etc. |
private boolean | statsAdd statistics to the report if set. Default can only be false. |
private String | sourceAllow the source language version to be specified. |
private ProjectInfo | oldProjectA ProjectInfo-derived object for the older version of the project |
private ProjectInfo | newProjectA ProjectInfo-derived object for the newer version of the project |
Methods Summary |
public void | addConfiguredNew(jdiff.JDiffAntTask$ProjectInfo projInfo)Used to store the child element named "new", which is under the
JDiff task XML element.
newProject = projInfo;
public void | addConfiguredOld(jdiff.JDiffAntTask$ProjectInfo projInfo)Used to store the child element named "old", which is under the
JDiff task XML element.
oldProject = projInfo;
protected void | addSourcePaths( jd, jdiff.JDiffAntTask$ProjectInfo proj)Add the root directories for the given project to the Javadoc
Vector dirSets = proj.getDirsets();
int numDirSets = dirSets.size();
for (int i = 0; i < numDirSets; i++) {
DirSet dirSet = (DirSet)dirSets.elementAt(i);
jd.setSourcepath(new Path(project, dirSet.getDir(project).toString()));
protected void | compareXML(java.lang.String oldapiname, java.lang.String newapiname)Convenient method to create a Javadoc task, configure it and run it
to compare the XML representations of two instances of a project's
source files, and generate an HTML report summarizing the differences.
Javadoc jd = initJavadoc("Comparing versions");
// Tell Javadoc which files we want to scan - a dummy file in this case
jd.setSourcefiles(jdiffHome + DIR_SEP + "");
// Create the DocletInfo first so we have a way to use it to add params
DocletInfo dInfo = jd.createDoclet();
jd.setDocletPath(new Path(project, jdiffClassPath));
// Now set up some parameters for the JDiff doclet.
DocletParam dp1 = dInfo.createParam();
DocletParam dp2 = dInfo.createParam();
// Get the generated XML files from the same directory as the report
DocletParam dp3 = dInfo.createParam();
DocletParam dp4 = dInfo.createParam();
// Assume that Javadoc reports already exist in ../"apiname"
DocletParam dp5 = dInfo.createParam();
dp5.setValue(".." + DIR_SEP + oldapiname + DIR_SEP);
DocletParam dp6 = dInfo.createParam();
dp6.setValue(".." + DIR_SEP + newapiname + DIR_SEP);
if (getStats()) {
// There are no arguments to this argument
// We also have to copy two image files for the stats pages
copyFile(jdiffHome + DIR_SEP + "black.gif",
getDestdir().toString() + DIR_SEP + "black.gif");
copyFile(jdiffHome + DIR_SEP + "background.gif",
getDestdir().toString() + DIR_SEP + "background.gif");
if (getDocchanges()) {
// There are no arguments to this argument
// Execute the Javadoc command to compare the two XML files
protected void | copyFile(java.lang.String src, java.lang.String dst)Copy a file from src to dst. Also checks that "destdir/changes" exists
File srcFile = new File(src);
File dstFile = new File(dst);
try {
File reportSubdir = new File(getDestdir().toString() +
DIR_SEP + "changes");
if (!reportSubdir.mkdir() && !reportSubdir.exists()) {
project.log("Warning: unable to create " + reportSubdir,
InputStream in = new FileInputStream(src);
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dst);
// Transfer bytes from in to out
byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
int len;
while ((len = > 0) {
out.write(buf, 0, len);
} catch ( fnfe) {
project.log("Warning: unable to copy " + src.toString() +
" to " + dst.toString(), Project.MSG_WARN);
// Discard the exception
} catch ( ioe) {
project.log("Warning: unable to copy " + src.toString() +
" to " + dst.toString(), Project.MSG_WARN);
// Discard the exception
public void | execute()
jdiffHome = project.getProperty("JDIFF_HOME");
if (jdiffHome == null || jdiffHome.compareTo("") == 0 |
jdiffHome.compareTo("(not set)") == 0) {
throw new BuildException("Error: invalid JDIFF_HOME property. Set it in the build file to the directory where jdiff is installed");
project.log(" JDiff home: " + jdiffHome, Project.MSG_INFO);
jdiffClassPath = jdiffHome + DIR_SEP + "jdiff.jar" +
System.getProperty("path.separator") +
jdiffHome + DIR_SEP + "xerces.jar";
// TODO detect and set verboseAnt
// Create, if necessary, the directory for the JDiff HTML report
if (!destdir.mkdir() && !destdir.exists()) {
throw new BuildException(getDestdir() + " is not a valid directory");
} else {
project.log(" Report location: " + getDestdir() + DIR_SEP
+ "changes.html", Project.MSG_INFO);
// Could also output the other parameters used for JDiff here
// Check that there are indeed two projects to compare. If there
// are no directories in the project, let Javadoc do the complaining
if (oldProject == null || newProject == null) {
throw new BuildException("Error: two projects are needed, one <old> and one <new>");
// Display the directories being compared, and some name information
if (getVerbose()) {
project.log("Older version: " + oldProject.getName(),
project.log("Included directories for older version:",
DirectoryScanner ds =
String[] files = ds.getIncludedDirectories();
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
project.log(" " + files[i], Project.MSG_INFO);
ds = null;
project.log("Newer version: " + newProject.getName(),
project.log("Included directories for newer version:",
ds = newProject.getDirset().getDirectoryScanner(project);
files = ds.getIncludedDirectories();
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
project.log(" " + files[i], Project.MSG_INFO);
// Call Javadoc twice to generate Javadoc for each project
// Call Javadoc three times for JDiff.
compareXML(oldProject.getName(), newProject.getName());
// Repeat some useful information
project.log(" Report location: " + getDestdir() + DIR_SEP
+ "changes.html", Project.MSG_INFO);
protected void | generateJavadoc(jdiff.JDiffAntTask$ProjectInfo proj)Generate the Javadoc for the project. If you want to generate
the Javadoc report for the project with different parameters from the
simple ones used here, then use the Javadoc Ant task directly, and
set the javadoc attribute to the "old" or "new" element.
String javadoc = proj.getJavadoc();
if (javadoc != null && javadoc.compareTo("generated") != 0) {
project.log("Configured to use existing Javadoc located in " +
javadoc, Project.MSG_INFO);
String apiname = proj.getName();
Javadoc jd = initJavadoc("Javadoc for " + apiname);
jd.setDestdir(new File(getDestdir().toString() + DIR_SEP + apiname));
addSourcePaths(jd, proj);
// Execute the Javadoc command to generate a regular Javadoc report
protected void | generateXML(jdiff.JDiffAntTask$ProjectInfo proj)Convenient method to create a Javadoc task, configure it and run it
to generate the XML representation of a project's source files.
String apiname = proj.getName();
Javadoc jd = initJavadoc("Analyzing " + apiname);
addSourcePaths(jd, proj);
// Tell Javadoc which packages we want to scan.
// JDiff works with packagenames, not sourcefiles.
// Create the DocletInfo first so we have a way to use it to add params
DocletInfo dInfo = jd.createDoclet();
jd.setDocletPath(new Path(project, jdiffClassPath));
// Now set up some parameters for the JDiff doclet.
DocletParam dp1 = dInfo.createParam();
DocletParam dp2 = dInfo.createParam();
// Put the generated file in the same directory as the report
DocletParam dp3 = dInfo.createParam();
// Execute the Javadoc command to generate the XML file.
public | getDestdir()
return this.destdir;
public boolean | getDocchanges()
return this.docchanges;
protected java.lang.String | getPackageList(jdiff.JDiffAntTask$ProjectInfo proj)Return the comma-separated list of packages. The list is
generated from Ant DirSet tasks, and includes all directories
in a hierarchy, e.g. com, com/acme. com/acme/foo. Duplicates are
String packageList = "";
java.lang.StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
Vector dirSets = proj.getDirsets();
int numDirSets = dirSets.size();
boolean addComma = false;
for (int i = 0; i < numDirSets; i++) {
DirSet dirSet = (DirSet)dirSets.elementAt(i);
DirectoryScanner dirScanner = dirSet.getDirectoryScanner(project);
String[] files = dirScanner.getIncludedDirectories();
for (int j = 0; j < files.length; j++) {
if (!addComma){
addComma = true;
} else {
packageList = sb.toString();
if (packageList.compareTo("") == 0) {
throw new BuildException("Error: no packages found to scan");
project.log(" Package list: " + packageList, Project.MSG_INFO);
return packageList;
public java.lang.String | getSource()
return source;
public boolean | getStats()
return this.stats;
public boolean | getVerbose()
return this.verbose;
protected | initJavadoc(java.lang.String logMsg)Create a fresh new Javadoc task object and initialize it.
Javadoc jd = new Javadoc();
jd.setProject(project); // Vital, otherwise Ant crashes
jd.setSource(getSource()); // So we can set the language version
// Set up some common parameters for the Javadoc task
if (verboseAnt) {
return jd;
public void | setDestdir( value)Used to store the destdir attribute of the JDiff task XML element.
this.destdir = value;
public void | setDocchanges(boolean value)
this.docchanges = value;
public void | setProject( proj)Used as part of Ant's startup.
project = proj;
public void | setSource(java.lang.String source) // Default is 1.5, so generics will work
this.source = source;
public void | setStats(boolean value)
this.stats = value;
public void | setVerbose(boolean value)
this.verbose = value;