RegistryInstaller.javaAPI DocphoneME MR2 API (J2ME)16599Wed May 02 18:00:44 BST 2007com.sun.midp.content


public final class RegistryInstaller extends Object
Support for parsing attributes and installing from the manifest or application descriptors.

Fields Summary
private static final String
Attribute prefix for ContentHandler attributes.
private static final String
Attribute suffix for ContentHandler ID attribute.
private static final String
Attribute suffix for ContentHandler visibility attribute.
private Vector
Parced handlers to be installed.
private Vector
Old handlers to be removed.
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
private static java.util.VectorgetDelimSeparatedValues(java.lang.String input, char delim)
Create a vector of values from a string containing delimiter separated values. The values cannot contain the delimiter. The output values will be trimmed of whitespace. The vector may contain zero length strings where there are 2 delimiters in a row or a comma at the end of the input string.

input input string of delimiter separated values
delim the delimiter separating values
vector of string values.

        Vector output = new Vector(5, 5);
        int len;
        int start;
        int end;

        input = input.trim();
        len = input.length();
        if (len == 0) {
            return output;

        for (start = end = 0; end < len; ) {
            // Skip leading spaces and control chars
            while (start < len && (input.charAt(start) <= ' ")) {
                start += 1;

            // Scan for end delimiter (tab also if delim is space)
            for (end = start; end < len; end++) {
                char c = input.charAt(end);
                if (c == delim || (c == '\t" && delim == ' ")) {
                    output.addElement(input.substring(start, end).trim());
                    start = end + 1;

        end = len;
        output.addElement(input.substring(start, end).trim());

        return output;
Performs static installation (registration) the application to handle the specified type and to provide a set of actions.

InvalidJadException if there is a content handlers IDs conflict

        int i, sz;

        // Remove static and conflicted handlers.
        sz = (remHandlers == null? 0: remHandlers.size());
        for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
            ContentHandlerImpl handler =

        // Install new handlers.
        sz = (instHandlers == null? 0: instHandlers.size());
        for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
            ContentHandlerImpl handler =
            if (AppProxy.LOG_INFO) {
                AppProxy.getCurrent().logInfo("Register: " +
                            handler.classname +
                            ", id: " + handler.getID());
private static javax.microedition.content.ActionNameMap[]parseActionNames(java.lang.String[] actions, java.lang.String[] locales, java.lang.String prefix, AppProxy appl)
Scan the available properties for the locale specific attribute names and parse and The actionname maps for each.

actions the actions parsed for the handler
locales the list of locales to check for action names
prefix the prefix of the current handler attribute name
appl the AppProxy context with one or more applications
an array of ActionNameMap's
IllegalArgumentException if locale is missing

        if (locales == null || locales.length == 0) {
            return null;
        prefix = prefix.concat("-");
        Vector maps = new Vector();
        for (int i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) {
            String localeAttr = prefix.concat(locales[i]);
            String localeValue = appl.getProperty(localeAttr);
            if (localeValue == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("missing locale");
            String[] actionnames = split(localeValue, ',");
            ActionNameMap map =
                new ActionNameMap(actions, actionnames, locales[i]);
        if (maps.size() > 0) {
            ActionNameMap[] result = new ActionNameMap[maps.size()];
            return result;
        } else {
            return null;
private static java.util.VectorparseAttributes(AppProxy appl)
Parse the ContentHandler attributes and check for errors.

appl the AppProxy context with one or more applications
a Vector of the ContentHandlers parsed from the attributes
IllegalArgumentException if there is no classname field, or if there are more than five comma separated fields on the line.
NullPointerException if missing components
ContentHandlerException if there are conflicts between content handlers
ClassNotFoundException if an application class cannot be found

        Vector handlers = new Vector();
        for (int index = 1; ; index++) {
            String sindex = Integer.toString(index);
            String handler_n = CH_PREFIX.concat(sindex);
            String value = appl.getProperty(handler_n);
            if (value == null) {
            String[] types = null;
            String[] suffixes = null;
            String[] actions = null;
            String[] locales = null;
            String classname;
            String[] fields = split(value, ',");

            switch (fields.length) {
            case 5: // Has locales
                locales = split(fields[4], ' ");
                // Fall through
            case 4: // Has actions
                actions = split(fields[3], ' ");
                // Fall through
            case 3: // Has suffixes
                suffixes = split(fields[2], ' ");
                // Fall through
            case 2: // Has types
                    // Parse out the types (if any)
                types = split(fields[1], ' ");
                    // Fall through
            case 1: // Has classname
                classname = fields[0];
                if (classname != null && classname.length() > 0) {
                    // Has non-empty classname
                // No classname, fall through to throw exception
            case 0: // no nothing; error
            default: // too many fields, error
                    new IllegalArgumentException("Too many or too few fields");

            // Get the application info for this new class;
            // Throws ClassNotFoundException or IllegalArgumentException
            AppProxy newAppl = appl.forClass(classname);

            ActionNameMap[] actionnames =
                parseActionNames(actions, locales, handler_n, newAppl);

            // Parse the ID if any and the Access attribute
            String idAttr = handler_n.concat(CH_ID_SUFFIX);
            String id = newAppl.getProperty(idAttr);
            String visAttr = handler_n.concat(CH_ACCESS_SUFFIX);
            String visValue = newAppl.getProperty(visAttr);
            String[] accessRestricted = split(visValue, ' ");

            // Default the ID if not supplied
            if (id == null) {
                // Generate a unique ID based on the MIDlet suite
                id = newAppl.getApplicationID();

            // Now create the handler
            ContentHandlerImpl handler =
                new ContentHandlerImpl(types, suffixes, actions,
                                       actionnames, id, accessRestricted,

            // Fill in the non-public fields
            handler.classname = classname;
            handler.storageId = newAppl.getStorageId();
            handler.appname = newAppl.getApplicationName();
            handler.version = newAppl.getVersion();

            /* Check new registration does not conflict with others. */
            for (int i = 0; i < handlers.size(); i++) {
                ContentHandlerImpl curr =
                if (curr.classname.equals(handler.classname)) {
                    handlers.insertElementAt(handler, i);
                    handler = null;
            if (handler != null) { // not yet inserted
        return handlers;
intpreInstall(AppProxy appl)
Parse the ContentHandler attributes and check for errors.
  • Parse attributes into set of ContentHandlers.
  • If none, return
  • Check for permission to install handlers
  • Check each for simple invalid arguments
  • Check each for MIDlet is registered
  • Check each for conflicts with other application registrations
  • Find any current registrations
  • Remove current dynamic registrations from set to be removed
  • Check and resolve any conflicts between static and curr dynamic

appl the AppProxy context with one or more applications
number of handlers prepared for installation.
IllegalArgumentException if there is no classname field, or if there are more than five comma separated fields on the line.
NullPointerException if missing components
ContentHandlerException if handlers are ambiguous
ClassNotFoundException if an application class cannot be found
SecurityException if not allowed to register

        int i, j, sz;
        int suiteId = appl.getStorageId();
        ContentHandlerImpl[] chs;

         * Check for any CHAPI attributes;
         * if so, then the MIDlet suite must have permission.
        remHandlers = new Vector();
        instHandlers = parseAttributes(appl);

         * Remove all static registrations.
        chs = RegistryStore.forSuite(suiteId);
        sz = (chs == null? 0: chs.length);
        for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
            if (chs[i] == null)
            if (chs[i].registrationMethod != 
                                    ContentHandlerImpl.REGISTERED_STATIC) {
                // Verify dynamic handler.
                try {
                    // is it a valid application?
                    // is there new handler to replace this one?
                    for (j = 0; j < instHandlers.size(); j++) {
                        ContentHandlerImpl handler =
                        if (handler.classname.equals(chs[i].classname)) {
                            throw new Throwable("Replace dynamic handler");
                    // The handler remains.
                } catch(Throwable t) {
                    // Pass down to remove handler

            // Remove handler -- either [static] or [replaced] or [invalid]
            chs[i] = null;

        /* Verify new registrations */
        for (i = 0; i < instHandlers.size(); i++) {
            ContentHandlerImpl handler =

            // Verify ID ...
            // ... look through Registry
            ContentHandlerImpl[] conf = RegistryStore.findConflicted(handler.ID);
            if (conf != null) {
                for (j = 0; j < conf.length; j++) {
                    if (conf[j].storageId != suiteId || !willRemove(conf[j].ID))
                        throw new ContentHandlerException(
                            "Content Handler ID: "+handler.ID,

            // ... look through newbies
            j = i;
            while (j-- > 0) {
                ContentHandlerImpl other =
                if (handler.ID.startsWith(other.ID) ||
                    other.ID.startsWith(handler.ID)) {
                        throw new ContentHandlerException(
                            "Content Handler ID: "+handler.ID,

            // Check permissions for each new handler

        return instHandlers.size();
static java.lang.String[]split(java.lang.String string, char delim)
Split the values in a field by delimiter and return a string array.

string the string containing the values
delim the delimiter that separates the values
a String array of the values; must be null

        String[] ret = ContentHandlerImpl.ZERO_STRINGS;
        if (string != null) {
            Vector values = getDelimSeparatedValues(string, delim);
            ret = new String[values.size()];
        return ret;
static voiduninstallAll(int suiteId, boolean update)
Performs static uninstallation (unregistration) of the application.

suiteId suite ID to be unregistered
update flag indicated whether the given suite is about remove or update

        ContentHandlerImpl[] chs = RegistryStore.forSuite(suiteId);
        for (int i = 0; i < chs.length; i++) {
            if (!update || chs[i].registrationMethod == 
                                    ContentHandlerImpl.REGISTERED_STATIC) {
private booleanwillRemove(java.lang.String ID)

        Enumeration en = remHandlers.elements();
        while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
            ContentHandlerImpl handler = (ContentHandlerImpl) en.nextElement();
            if (handler.ID.equals(ID))
                return true;
        return false;