Methods Summary |
public synchronized void | changePassword(char[] old_password, char[] new_password)
// ensure old password is correct
use_method_private_key = null;
use_method_public_key = null;
getMyPrivateKey( old_password, "" );
getMyPublicKey( old_password, "" );
storeKeys( new_password );
protected void | createAndStoreKeys(char[] password, java.lang.String reason)
if ( password == null ){
password = manager.getPassword(
reason );
KeyPair keys = createKeys();
use_method_public_key = keys.getPublic();
use_method_private_key = keys.getPrivate();
storeKeys( password );
protected | createKeys()
KeyPairGenerator keyGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("ECDSA", "BC");
return keyGen.genKeyPair();
}catch(Throwable e){
throw( new CryptoManagerException( "Failed to create keys", e ));
public byte[] | decrypt(byte[] other_public_key, byte[] data, char[] password)
return( decrypt( other_public_key, data, password, null ));
public byte[] | decrypt(byte[] other_public_key, byte[] data, java.lang.String reason)
return( decrypt( other_public_key, data, null, reason ));
protected byte[] | decrypt(byte[] other_public_key, byte[] data, char[] password, java.lang.String reason)
IEKeySpec key_spec = new IEKeySpec( getMyPrivateKey( password, reason ), rawdataToPubkey( other_public_key ));
IESParameterSpec param = new IESParameterSpec(ECIES_D, ECIES_E, 128);
InternalECIES cipher = new InternalECIES();
cipher.internalEngineInit( Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key_spec, param, null );
return( cipher.internalEngineDoFinal(data, 0, data.length ));
}catch( CryptoManagerException e ){
throw( e );
}catch( Throwable e){
throw( new CryptoManagerException( "Decrypt failed", e ));
public byte[] | encrypt(byte[] other_public_key, byte[] data, char[] password)
return( encrypt( other_public_key, data, password, null ));
public byte[] | encrypt(byte[] other_public_key, byte[] data, java.lang.String reason)
return( encrypt( other_public_key, data, null, reason ));
protected byte[] | encrypt(byte[] other_public_key, byte[] data, char[] password, java.lang.String reason)
IEKeySpec key_spec = new IEKeySpec( getMyPrivateKey( password, reason ), rawdataToPubkey( other_public_key ));
IESParameterSpec param = new IESParameterSpec(ECIES_D, ECIES_E, 128);
InternalECIES cipher = new InternalECIES();
cipher.internalEngineInit( Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key_spec, param, null );
return( cipher.internalEngineDoFinal(data, 0, data.length ));
}catch( CryptoManagerException e ){
throw( e );
}catch( Throwable e){
throw( new CryptoManagerException( "Encrypt failed", e ));
public byte[] | getEncryptedPrivateKey(char[] password)
return( getEncryptedPrivateKey( password, null ));
public byte[] | getEncryptedPrivateKey(java.lang.String reason)
return( getEncryptedPrivateKey( null, reason ));
protected byte[] | getEncryptedPrivateKey(char[] password, java.lang.String reason)
getMyPrivateKey( password, reason );
byte[] res = COConfigurationManager.getByteParameter( CONFIG_PREFIX + "privatekey", null );
if ( res == null ){
throw( new CryptoManagerException( "Private key unavailable" ));
return( res );
protected synchronized | getMyPrivateKey(char[] password, java.lang.String reason)
if ( use_method_private_key != null ){
int timeout_secs = getUnlockTimeoutSeconds();
if ( timeout_secs > 0 ){
if ( SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - last_unlock_time >= timeout_secs * 1000 ){
use_method_private_key = null;
if ( use_method_private_key == null ){
byte[] encoded = COConfigurationManager.getByteParameter( CONFIG_PREFIX + "privatekey", null );
if ( encoded == null ){
createAndStoreKeys( password, reason );
if ( password == null ){
password = manager.getPassword(
reason );
use_method_private_key = rawdataToPrivkey( manager.decryptWithPBE( encoded, password ));
last_unlock_time = SystemTime.getCurrentTime();
boolean ok = false;
byte[] test_data = "test".getBytes();
ok = verify( keyToRawdata( getMyPublicKey( password, reason )), test_data, sign( test_data, password, reason ));
if ( !ok ){
throw( new CryptoManagerPasswordException());
}catch( CryptoManagerException e ){
throw( e );
}catch( Throwable e ){
throw( new CryptoManagerException( "Password incorrect", e ));
if ( !ok ){
use_method_private_key = null;
if ( use_method_private_key == null ){
throw( new CryptoManagerException( "Failed to get private key" ));
return( use_method_private_key );
protected synchronized | getMyPublicKey(char[] password, java.lang.String reason)
if ( use_method_public_key == null ){
byte[] key_bytes = COConfigurationManager.getByteParameter( CONFIG_PREFIX + "publickey", null );
if ( key_bytes == null ){
createAndStoreKeys( password, reason );
use_method_public_key = rawdataToPubkey( key_bytes );
if ( use_method_public_key == null ){
throw( new CryptoManagerException( "Failed to get public key" ));
return( use_method_public_key );
public byte[] | getPublicKey(char[] password)
return( keyToRawdata( getMyPublicKey( password, null )));
public byte[] | getPublicKey(java.lang.String reason)
return( keyToRawdata( getMyPublicKey( null, reason )));
protected byte[] | getPublicKey(char[] password, java.lang.String reason)
return( keyToRawdata( getMyPublicKey( password, reason )));
public | getSTSEngine(char[] password)
return( getSTSEngine( password, null ));
public | getSTSEngine(java.lang.String reason)
return( getSTSEngine( null, reason ));
protected | getSTSEngine(char[] password, java.lang.String reason)
return( new CryptoSTSEngineImpl( this, getMyPublicKey( password, reason ), getMyPrivateKey( password, reason )));
public | getSignature( key)
Signature ECCsig = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withECDSA", "BC");
if( key instanceof ECPrivateKey ){
}else if( key instanceof ECPublicKey ){
throw new CryptoManagerException("Invalid Key Type, ECC keys required");
return ECCsig;
}catch( CryptoManagerException e ){
throw( e );
}catch( Throwable e ){
throw( new CryptoManagerException( "Failed to create Signature", e ));
public int | getUnlockTimeoutSeconds()
return( COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( CONFIG_PREFIX + "timeout", TIMEOUT_DEFAULT_SECS ));
protected byte[] | keyToRawdata( privkey)
if(!(privkey instanceof ECPrivateKey)){
throw( new CryptoManagerException( "Invalid private key" ));
return ((ECPrivateKey)privkey).getD().toByteArray();
protected byte[] | keyToRawdata( pubkey)
if(!(pubkey instanceof ECPublicKey)){
throw( new CryptoManagerException( "Invalid public key" ));
return ((ECPublicKey)pubkey).getQ().getEncoded();
public synchronized void | lock()
use_method_private_key = null;
protected | rawdataToPrivkey(byte[] input)
BigInteger D = new BigInteger(input);
KeySpec keyspec = new ECPrivateKeySpec(D,(ECParameterSpec)ECCparam);
PrivateKey privkey = null;
privkey = KeyFactory.getInstance("ECDSA","BC").generatePrivate(keyspec);
return privkey;
}catch( Throwable e ){
throw( new CryptoManagerException( "Failed to decode private key" ));
protected | rawdataToPubkey(byte[] input)
ECPoint W = ECCparam.getCurve().decodePoint(input);
KeySpec keyspec = new ECPublicKeySpec(W,(ECParameterSpec)ECCparam);
return KeyFactory.getInstance("ECDSA", "BC").generatePublic(keyspec);
}catch (Throwable e){
throw( new CryptoManagerException( "Failed to decode private key" ));
public synchronized void | recoverKeys(byte[] public_key, byte[] encrypted_private_key)
use_method_private_key = null;
use_method_public_key = null;
COConfigurationManager.setParameter( CONFIG_PREFIX + "publickey", public_key );
COConfigurationManager.setParameter( CONFIG_PREFIX + "privatekey", encrypted_private_key );;
public synchronized void | resetKeys(char[] password)
use_method_private_key = null;
use_method_public_key = null;
COConfigurationManager.removeParameter( CONFIG_PREFIX + "publickey" );
COConfigurationManager.removeParameter( CONFIG_PREFIX + "privatekey" );;
createAndStoreKeys( password, "" );
public void | setUnlockTimeoutSeconds(int secs)
COConfigurationManager.setParameter( CONFIG_PREFIX + "timeout", secs );
public byte[] | sign(byte[] data, char[] password)
return( sign( data, password, null ));
public byte[] | sign(byte[] data, java.lang.String reason)
return( sign( data, null, reason ));
protected byte[] | sign(byte[] data, char[] password, java.lang.String reason)
PrivateKey priv = getMyPrivateKey( password, reason );
Signature sig = getSignature( priv );
sig.update( data );
return( sig.sign());
}catch( Throwable e ){
throw( new CryptoManagerException( "Signature failed", e ));
protected void | storeKeys(char[] password)
COConfigurationManager.setParameter( CONFIG_PREFIX + "publickey", keyToRawdata( use_method_public_key ));
byte[] priv_raw = keyToRawdata( use_method_private_key );
byte[] priv_enc = manager.encryptWithPBE( priv_raw, password );
COConfigurationManager.setParameter( CONFIG_PREFIX + "privatekey", priv_enc );;
public void | unlock(char[] password)
getMyPrivateKey( password, "" );
public boolean | verify(byte[] public_key, byte[] data, byte[] signature)
PublicKey pub = rawdataToPubkey( public_key );
Signature sig = getSignature( pub );
sig.update( data );
return( sig.verify( signature ));
}catch( Throwable e ){
throw( new CryptoManagerException( "Signature failed", e ));