Fields Summary |
public static final int | TYPE_MASK_CLASSMask of bits that determine the overall class
of text being given. Currently supported classes are:
IME authors: If the class is not one you
understand, assume {@link #TYPE_CLASS_TEXT} with NO variation
or flags. |
public static final int | TYPE_MASK_VARIATIONMask of bits that determine the variation of
the base content class. |
public static final int | TYPE_MASK_FLAGSMask of bits that provide addition bit flags
of options. |
public static final int | TYPE_NULLSpecial content type for when no explicit type has been specified.
This should be interpreted to mean that the target input connection
is not rich, it can not process and show things like candidate text nor
retrieve the current text, so the input method will need to run in a
limited "generate key events" mode, if it supports it. Note that some
input methods may not support it, for example a voice-based input
method will likely not be able to generate key events even if this
flag is set. |
public static final int | TYPE_CLASS_TEXTClass for normal text. This class supports the following flags (only
one of which should be set):
{@link #TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_SENTENCES}. It also supports the
following variations:
{@link #TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_URI}. If you do not recognize the
variation, normal should be assumed. |
public static final int | TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_CHARACTERSFlag for {@link #TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}: capitalize all characters. Overrides
{@link #TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_SENTENCES}. This value is explicitly defined
to be the same as {@link TextUtils#CAP_MODE_CHARACTERS}. Of course,
this only affects languages where there are upper-case and lower-case letters. |
public static final int | TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_WORDSFlag for {@link #TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}: capitalize the first character of
every word. Overrides {@link #TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_SENTENCES}. This
value is explicitly defined
to be the same as {@link TextUtils#CAP_MODE_WORDS}. Of course,
this only affects languages where there are upper-case and lower-case letters. |
public static final int | TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_SENTENCESFlag for {@link #TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}: capitalize the first character of
each sentence. This value is explicitly defined
to be the same as {@link TextUtils#CAP_MODE_SENTENCES}. For example
in English it means to capitalize after a period and a space (note that other
languages may have different characters for period, or not use spaces,
or use different grammatical rules). Of course,
this only affects languages where there are upper-case and lower-case letters. |
public static final int | TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_CORRECTFlag for {@link #TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}: the user is entering free-form
text that should have auto-correction applied to it. Without this flag,
the IME will not try to correct typos. You should always set this flag
unless you really expect users to type non-words in this field, for
example to choose a name for a character in a game.
Contrast this with {@link #TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_COMPLETE} and
{@code TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_CORRECT} means that the IME will try to
auto-correct typos as the user is typing, but does not define whether
the IME offers an interface to show suggestions. |
public static final int | TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_COMPLETEFlag for {@link #TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}: the text editor (which means
the application) is performing auto-completion of the text being entered
based on its own semantics, which it will present to the user as they type.
This generally means that the input method should not be showing
candidates itself, but can expect the editor to supply its own
completions/candidates from
{@link android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodSession#displayCompletions
InputMethodSession.displayCompletions()} as a result of the editor calling
{@link android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager#displayCompletions
Note the contrast with {@link #TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_CORRECT} and
{@code TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_COMPLETE} means the editor should show an
interface for displaying suggestions, but instead of supplying its own
it will rely on the Editor to pass completions/corrections. |
public static final int | TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_MULTI_LINEFlag for {@link #TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}: multiple lines of text can be
entered into the field. If this flag is not set, the text field
will be constrained to a single line. The IME may also choose not to
display an enter key when this flag is not set, as there should be no
need to create new lines. |
public static final int | TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_IME_MULTI_LINEFlag for {@link #TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}: the regular text view associated
with this should not be multi-line, but when a fullscreen input method
is providing text it should use multiple lines if it can. |
public static final int | TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_NO_SUGGESTIONSFlag for {@link #TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}: the input method does not need to
display any dictionary-based candidates. This is useful for text views that
do not contain words from the language and do not benefit from any
dictionary-based completions or corrections. It overrides the
{@link #TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_CORRECT} value when set.
Please avoid using this unless you are certain this is what you want.
Many input methods need suggestions to work well, for example the ones
based on gesture typing. Consider clearing
{@link #TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_CORRECT} instead if you just do not
want the IME to correct typos.
Note the contrast with {@link #TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_CORRECT} and
{@code TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_NO_SUGGESTIONS} means the IME should never
show an interface to display suggestions. Most IMEs will also take this to
mean they should not try to auto-correct what the user is typing. |
public static final int | TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_NORMALDefault variation of {@link #TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}: plain old normal text. |
public static final int | TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_URIVariation of {@link #TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}: entering a URI. |
public static final int | TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_EMAIL_ADDRESSVariation of {@link #TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}: entering an e-mail address. |
public static final int | TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_EMAIL_SUBJECTVariation of {@link #TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}: entering the subject line of
an e-mail. |
public static final int | TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_SHORT_MESSAGEVariation of {@link #TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}: entering a short, possibly informal
message such as an instant message or a text message. |
public static final int | TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_LONG_MESSAGEVariation of {@link #TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}: entering the content of a long, possibly
formal message such as the body of an e-mail. |
public static final int | TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PERSON_NAMEVariation of {@link #TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}: entering the name of a person. |
public static final int | TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_POSTAL_ADDRESSVariation of {@link #TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}: entering a postal mailing address. |
public static final int | TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORDVariation of {@link #TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}: entering a password. |
public static final int | TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_VISIBLE_PASSWORDVariation of {@link #TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}: entering a password, which should
be visible to the user. |
public static final int | TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_WEB_EDIT_TEXTVariation of {@link #TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}: entering text inside of a web form. |
public static final int | TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_FILTERVariation of {@link #TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}: entering text to filter contents
of a list etc. |
public static final int | TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PHONETICVariation of {@link #TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}: entering text for phonetic
pronunciation, such as a phonetic name field in contacts. This is mostly
useful for languages where one spelling may have several phonetic
readings, like Japanese. |
public static final int | TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_WEB_EMAIL_ADDRESSVariation of {@link #TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}: entering e-mail address inside
of a web form. This was added in
{@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#HONEYCOMB}. An IME must target
this API version or later to see this input type; if it doesn't, a request
for this type will be seen as {@link #TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_EMAIL_ADDRESS}
when passed through {@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#makeCompatible(int)
EditorInfo.makeCompatible(int)}. |
public static final int | TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_WEB_PASSWORDVariation of {@link #TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}: entering password inside
of a web form. This was added in
{@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#HONEYCOMB}. An IME must target
this API version or later to see this input type; if it doesn't, a request
for this type will be seen as {@link #TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD}
when passed through {@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#makeCompatible(int)
EditorInfo.makeCompatible(int)}. |
public static final int | TYPE_CLASS_NUMBERClass for numeric text. This class supports the following flags:
{@link #TYPE_NUMBER_FLAG_DECIMAL}. It also supports the following
variations: {@link #TYPE_NUMBER_VARIATION_NORMAL} and
IME authors: If you do not recognize
the variation, normal should be assumed. |
public static final int | TYPE_NUMBER_FLAG_SIGNEDFlag of {@link #TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER}: the number is signed, allowing
a positive or negative sign at the start. |
public static final int | TYPE_NUMBER_FLAG_DECIMALFlag of {@link #TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER}: the number is decimal, allowing
a decimal point to provide fractional values. |
public static final int | TYPE_NUMBER_VARIATION_NORMALDefault variation of {@link #TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER}: plain normal
numeric text. This was added in
{@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#HONEYCOMB}. An IME must target
this API version or later to see this input type; if it doesn't, a request
for this type will be dropped when passed through
{@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#makeCompatible(int)
EditorInfo.makeCompatible(int)}. |
public static final int | TYPE_NUMBER_VARIATION_PASSWORDVariation of {@link #TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER}: entering a numeric password.
This was added in {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#HONEYCOMB}. An
IME must target this API version or later to see this input type; if it
doesn't, a request for this type will be dropped when passed
through {@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#makeCompatible(int)
EditorInfo.makeCompatible(int)}. |
public static final int | TYPE_CLASS_PHONEClass for a phone number. This class currently supports no variations
or flags. |
public static final int | TYPE_CLASS_DATETIMEClass for dates and times. It supports the
following variations:
public static final int | TYPE_DATETIME_VARIATION_NORMALDefault variation of {@link #TYPE_CLASS_DATETIME}: allows entering
both a date and time. |
public static final int | TYPE_DATETIME_VARIATION_DATEDefault variation of {@link #TYPE_CLASS_DATETIME}: allows entering
only a date. |
public static final int | TYPE_DATETIME_VARIATION_TIMEDefault variation of {@link #TYPE_CLASS_DATETIME}: allows entering
only a time. |