CompositeDataSupport.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API16351Fri Aug 26 14:57:36 BST


public class CompositeDataSupport extends Object implements Serializable, CompositeData
The CompositeDataSupport class is the open data class which implements the CompositeData interface.
3.27 04/03/24
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
JMX 1.1

Fields Summary
static final long
private SortedMap
private CompositeType
Constructors Summary
public CompositeDataSupport(CompositeType compositeType, String[] itemNames, Object[] itemValues)

Constructs a CompositeDataSupport instance with the specified compositeType, whose item values are specified by itemValues[], in the same order as in itemNames[]. As a CompositeType does not specify any order on its items, the itemNames[] parameter is used to specify the order in which the values are given in itemValues[]. The items contained in this CompositeDataSupport instance are internally stored in a TreeMap, thus sorted in ascending lexicographic order of their names, for faster retrieval of individual item values.

The constructor checks that all the constraints listed below for each parameter are satisfied, and throws the appropriate exception if they are not.

compositeType the composite type of this composite data instance; must not be null.

itemNames itemNames must list, in any order, all the item names defined in compositeType; the order in which the names are listed, is used to match values in itemValues[]; must not be null or empty.

itemValues the values of the items, listed in the same order as their respective names in itemNames; each item value can be null, but if it is non-null it must be a valid value for the open type defined in compositeType for the corresponding item; must be of the same size as itemNames; must not be null or empty.

IllegalArgumentException compositeType is null, or itemNames[] or itemValues[] is null or empty, or one of the elements in itemNames[] is a null or empty string, or itemNames[] and itemValues[] are not of the same size.

OpenDataException itemNames[] or itemValues[]'s size differs from the number of items defined in compositeType, or one of the elements in itemNames[] does not exist as an item name defined in compositeType, or one of the elements in itemValues[] is not a valid value for the corresponding item as defined in compositeType.



	// Check compositeType is not null 
	if (compositeType == null) {
	    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument compositeType cannot be null.");

	// item names defined in compositeType:
	Set namesSet = compositeType.keySet();

	// Check the array itemNames is not null or empty (length!=0) and 
	// that there is no null element or empty string in it
	checkForNullElement(itemNames, "itemNames");
	checkForEmptyString(itemNames, "itemNames");

	// Check the array itemValues is not null or empty (length!=0)
	// (NOTE: we allow null values as array elements) 
	if ( (itemValues == null) || (itemValues.length == 0) ) {
	    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument itemValues[] cannot be null or empty.");

	// Check that the sizes of the 2 arrays itemNames and itemValues are the same
	if (itemNames.length != itemValues.length) {
	    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Array arguments itemNames[] and itemValues[] "+
					       "should be of same length (got "+ itemNames.length +
					       " and "+ itemValues.length +").");
	// Check the size of the 2 arrays is equal to the number of items defined in compositeType
	if (itemNames.length != namesSet.size()) {
	    throw new OpenDataException("The size of array arguments itemNames[] and itemValues[] should be equal to the number of items defined"+
					" in argument compositeType (found "+ itemNames.length +" elements in itemNames[] and itemValues[],"+
					" expecting "+ namesSet.size() +" elements according to compositeType.");

	// Check parameter itemNames[] contains all names defined in the compositeType of this instance
	if ( ! Arrays.asList(itemNames).containsAll(namesSet) ) {
	    throw new OpenDataException("Argument itemNames[] does not contain all names defined in the compositeType of this instance.");
	// Check each element of itemValues[], if not null, is of the open type defined for the corresponding item
	OpenType itemType;
	for (int i=0; i<itemValues.length; i++) {
	    itemType = compositeType.getType(itemNames[i]);
	    if ( (itemValues[i] != null) && (! itemType.isValue(itemValues[i])) ) {
		throw new OpenDataException("Argument's element itemValues["+ i +"]=\""+ itemValues[i] +"\" is not a valid value for"+
					    " this item (itemName="+ itemNames[i] +",itemType="+ itemType +").");
	// Initialize internal fields: compositeType and contents 
	this.compositeType = compositeType;
	for (int i=0; i<itemNames.length; i++) {
	    this.contents.put(itemNames[i], itemValues[i]);
public CompositeDataSupport(CompositeType compositeType, Map items)

Constructs a CompositeDataSupport instance with the specified compositeType, whose item names and corresponding values are given by the mappings in the map items. This constructor converts the keys to a string array and the values to an object array and calls CompositeDataSupport(, java.lang.String[], java.lang.Object[]).

compositeType the composite type of this composite data instance; must not be null.

items the mappings of all the item names to their values; items must contain all the item names defined in compositeType; must not be null or empty.

IllegalArgumentException compositeType is null, or items is null or empty, or one of the keys in items is a null or empty string, or one of the values in items is null.

OpenDataException items' size differs from the number of items defined in compositeType, or one of the keys in items does not exist as an item name defined in compositeType, or one of the values in items is not a valid value for the corresponding item as defined in compositeType.

ArrayStoreException one or more keys in items is not of the class java.lang.String.

	// Let the other constructor do the job, as the call to another constructor must be the first call
	this( compositeType, 
	      (items==null  ?  null  :  (String[]) items.keySet().toArray(new String[items.size()])), // may raise an ArrayStoreException
	      (items==null  ?  null  :  items.values().toArray()) );
Methods Summary
private static voidcheckForEmptyString(java.lang.String[] arg, java.lang.String argName)

	for (int i=0; i<arg.length; i++) {
	    if (arg[i].trim().equals("")) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument's element "+ argName +"["+ i +"] cannot be an empty string.");
private static voidcheckForNullElement(java.lang.Object[] arg, java.lang.String argName)

	if ( (arg == null) || (arg.length == 0) ) {
	    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument "+ argName +"[] cannot be null or empty.");
	for (int i=0; i<arg.length; i++) {
	    if (arg[i] == null) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument's element "+ argName +"["+ i +"] cannot be null.");
public booleancontainsKey(java.lang.String key)
Returns true if and only if this CompositeData instance contains an item whose name is key. If key is a null or empty String, this method simply returns false.


	if ( (key == null) || (key.trim().equals("")) ) {
	    return false;
	return contents.containsKey(key);
public booleancontainsValue(java.lang.Object value)
Returns true if and only if this CompositeData instance contains an item whose value is value.


	return contents.containsValue(value);
public booleanequals(java.lang.Object obj)
Compares the specified obj parameter with this CompositeDataSupport instance for equality.

Returns true if and only if all of the following statements are true:

  • obj is non null,
  • obj also implements the CompositeData interface,
  • their composite types are equal
  • their contents, i.e. (name, value) pairs are equal.
This ensures that this equals method works properly for obj parameters which are different implementations of the CompositeData interface, with the restrictions mentioned in the {@link java.util.Collection#equals(Object) equals} method of the java.util.Collection interface.

obj the object to be compared for equality with this CompositeDataSupport instance;
true if the specified object is equal to this CompositeDataSupport instance.


	// if obj is null, return false
	if (obj == null) {
	    return false;

	// if obj is not a CompositeData, return false
	CompositeData other;
	try {
	    other = (CompositeData) obj;
	} catch (ClassCastException e) {
	    return false;

	// their compositeType should be equal
	if ( ! this.getCompositeType().equals(other.getCompositeType()) ) {
	    return false;
	    // Currently this test returns false if we have different Array instances with same contents.
	    // Array objects are equals only if their references are equal, ie they are the same object!
	    // CompositeData equals() method need to be modified to compare Array contents... 

	// their content, i.e. (name, value) pairs, should be equal
	Map.Entry entry;
	boolean ok;
	for (Iterator iter = contents.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();  ) {
	    entry = (Map.Entry);
	    ok = ( entry.getValue() == null ?
		   other.get((String)entry.getKey()) == null :
		   entry.getValue().equals(other.get((String)entry.getKey())) );
	    if ( ! ok ) { 
		return false;
	// All tests for equality were successfull
	return true;
public java.lang.Objectget(java.lang.String key)
Returns the value of the item whose name is key.

IllegalArgumentException if key is a null or empty String.
InvalidKeyException if key is not an existing item name for this CompositeData instance.

	if ( (key == null) || (key.trim().equals("")) ) {
	    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument key cannot be a null or empty String.");
	if ( ! contents.containsKey(key.trim())) {
	    throw new InvalidKeyException("Argument key=\""+ key.trim() +"\" is not an existing item name for this CompositeData instance.");
	return contents.get(key.trim());
public java.lang.Object[]getAll(java.lang.String[] keys)
Returns an array of the values of the items whose names are specified by keys, in the same order as keys.

IllegalArgumentException if an element in keys is a null or empty String.
InvalidKeyException if an element in keys is not an existing item name for this CompositeData instance.

	if ( (keys == null) || (keys.length == 0) ) {
	    return new Object[0];
	Object[] results = new Object[keys.length];
	for (int i=0; i<keys.length; i++) {
	    results[i] = this.get(keys[i]);
	return results;
Returns the composite type of this composite data instance.

	return compositeType;
public inthashCode()
Returns the hash code value for this CompositeDataSupport instance.

The hash code of a CompositeDataSupport instance is the sum of the hash codes of all elements of information used in equals comparisons (ie: its composite type and all the item values).

This ensures that t1.equals(t2) implies that t1.hashCode()==t2.hashCode() for any two CompositeDataSupport instances t1 and t2, as required by the general contract of the method {@link Object#hashCode() Object.hashCode()}.

However, note that another instance of a class implementing the CompositeData interface may be equal to this CompositeDataSupport instance as defined by {@link #equals}, but may have a different hash code if it is calculated differently.

the hash code value for this CompositeDataSupport instance


	int result = 0;
	result += compositeType.hashCode();
	Map.Entry entry;
	for (Iterator iter = contents.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();  ) {
	    entry = (Map.Entry);
	    result += ( entry.getValue() == null ?  0 :  entry.getValue().hashCode() );
	return result;
public java.lang.StringtoString()
Returns a string representation of this CompositeDataSupport instance.

The string representation consists of the name of this class (ie, the string representation of the composite type of this instance, and the string representation of the contents (ie list the itemName=itemValue mappings).

a string representation of this CompositeDataSupport instance


	return new StringBuffer()
public java.util.Collectionvalues()
Returns an unmodifiable Collection view of the item values contained in this CompositeData instance. The returned collection's iterator will return the values in the ascending lexicographic order of the corresponding item names.


	return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(contents.values());