Fields Summary |
public static final int | DESKTOPThe array index for the
desktop system color. |
public static final int | ACTIVE_CAPTIONThe array index for the
activeCaption system color. |
public static final int | ACTIVE_CAPTION_TEXTThe array index for the
activeCaptionText system color. |
public static final int | ACTIVE_CAPTION_BORDERThe array index for the
activeCaptionBorder system color. |
public static final int | INACTIVE_CAPTIONThe array index for the
inactiveCaption system color. |
public static final int | INACTIVE_CAPTION_TEXTThe array index for the
inactiveCaptionText system color. |
public static final int | INACTIVE_CAPTION_BORDERThe array index for the
inactiveCaptionBorder system color. |
public static final int | WINDOWThe array index for the
window system color. |
public static final int | WINDOW_BORDERThe array index for the
windowBorder system color. |
public static final int | WINDOW_TEXTThe array index for the
windowText system color. |
public static final int | MENUThe array index for the
menu system color. |
public static final int | MENU_TEXTThe array index for the
menuText system color. |
public static final int | TEXTThe array index for the
text system color. |
public static final int | TEXT_TEXTThe array index for the
textText system color. |
public static final int | TEXT_HIGHLIGHTThe array index for the
textHighlight system color. |
public static final int | TEXT_HIGHLIGHT_TEXTThe array index for the
textHighlightText system color. |
public static final int | TEXT_INACTIVE_TEXTThe array index for the
textInactiveText system color. |
public static final int | CONTROLThe array index for the
control system color. |
public static final int | CONTROL_TEXTThe array index for the
controlText system color. |
public static final int | CONTROL_HIGHLIGHTThe array index for the
controlHighlight system color. |
public static final int | CONTROL_LT_HIGHLIGHTThe array index for the
controlLtHighlight system color. |
public static final int | CONTROL_SHADOWThe array index for the
controlShadow system color. |
public static final int | CONTROL_DK_SHADOWThe array index for the
controlDkShadow system color. |
public static final int | SCROLLBARThe array index for the
scrollbar system color. |
public static final int | INFOThe array index for the
info system color. |
public static final int | INFO_TEXTThe array index for the
infoText system color. |
public static final int | NUM_COLORSThe number of system colors in the array. |
public static final SystemColor | desktop/
The color rendered for the background of the desktop. |
public static final SystemColor | activeCaptionThe color rendered for the window-title background of the currently active window. |
public static final SystemColor | activeCaptionTextThe color rendered for the window-title text of the currently active window. |
public static final SystemColor | activeCaptionBorderThe color rendered for the border around the currently active window. |
public static final SystemColor | inactiveCaptionThe color rendered for the window-title background of inactive windows. |
public static final SystemColor | inactiveCaptionTextThe color rendered for the window-title text of inactive windows. |
public static final SystemColor | inactiveCaptionBorderThe color rendered for the border around inactive windows. |
public static final SystemColor | windowThe color rendered for the background of interior regions inside windows. |
public static final SystemColor | windowBorderThe color rendered for the border around interior regions inside windows. |
public static final SystemColor | windowTextThe color rendered for text of interior regions inside windows. |
public static final SystemColor | menuThe color rendered for the background of menus. |
public static final SystemColor | menuTextThe color rendered for the text of menus. |
public static final SystemColor | textThe color rendered for the background of text control objects, such as
textfields and comboboxes. |
public static final SystemColor | textTextThe color rendered for the text of text control objects, such as textfields
and comboboxes. |
public static final SystemColor | textHighlightThe color rendered for the background of selected items, such as in menus,
comboboxes, and text. |
public static final SystemColor | textHighlightTextThe color rendered for the text of selected items, such as in menus, comboboxes,
and text. |
public static final SystemColor | textInactiveTextThe color rendered for the text of inactive items, such as in menus. |
public static final SystemColor | controlThe color rendered for the background of control panels and control objects,
such as pushbuttons. |
public static final SystemColor | controlTextThe color rendered for the text of control panels and control objects,
such as pushbuttons. |
public static final SystemColor | controlHighlightThe color rendered for light areas of 3D control objects, such as pushbuttons.
This color is typically derived from the control background color
to provide a 3D effect. |
public static final SystemColor | controlLtHighlightThe color rendered for highlight areas of 3D control objects, such as pushbuttons.
This color is typically derived from the control background color
to provide a 3D effect. |
public static final SystemColor | controlShadowThe color rendered for shadow areas of 3D control objects, such as pushbuttons.
This color is typically derived from the control background color
to provide a 3D effect. |
public static final SystemColor | controlDkShadowThe color rendered for dark shadow areas on 3D control objects, such as pushbuttons.
This color is typically derived from the control background color
to provide a 3D effect. |
public static final SystemColor | scrollbarThe color rendered for the background of scrollbars. |
public static final SystemColor | infoThe color rendered for the background of tooltips or spot help. |
public static final SystemColor | infoTextThe color rendered for the text of tooltips or spot help. |
private static int[] | systemColors |
private static final long | serialVersionUID |