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package com.sun.xml.ws.security.trust.sts;
import com.sun.xml.ws.api.security.trust.BaseSTS;
import com.sun.xml.ws.api.security.trust.WSTrustContract;
import com.sun.xml.ws.api.security.trust.WSTrustException;
import com.sun.xml.ws.api.security.trust.config.STSConfiguration;
import com.sun.xml.ws.policy.PolicyAssertion;
import com.sun.xml.ws.security.IssuedTokenContext;
import com.sun.xml.ws.security.impl.IssuedTokenContextImpl;
import com.sun.xml.ws.security.impl.policy.Constants;
import com.sun.xml.ws.security.trust.WSTrustConstants;
import com.sun.xml.ws.security.trust.WSTrustElementFactory;
import com.sun.xml.ws.security.trust.WSTrustFactory;
import com.sun.xml.ws.security.trust.elements.RequestSecurityToken;
import com.sun.xml.ws.security.trust.elements.RequestSecurityTokenResponse;
import com.sun.xml.ws.security.trust.impl.DefaultSTSConfiguration;
import com.sun.xml.ws.security.trust.impl.DefaultTrustSPMetadata;
import com.sun.xml.ws.security.trust.util.WSTrustUtil;
import com.sun.xml.wss.SecurityEnvironment;
import com.sun.xml.wss.SubjectAccessor;
import com.sun.xml.wss.XWSSecurityException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler;
import javax.xml.ws.Provider;
import javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.ws.handler.MessageContext;
//import javax.xml.ws.BindingType;
//import javax.xml.ws.RespectBinding;
import com.sun.xml.ws.policy.impl.bindings.AppliesTo;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
* The Base class of an STS implementation. This could be used to implement
* the actual STS. The sub class could override the methods of this class to
* customize the implementation.
public abstract class BaseSTSImpl implements BaseSTS {
* The default value of the timeout for the tokens issued by this STS
public static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 36000;
public static final String DEFAULT_ISSUER = "SampleSunSTS";
* The xml element tag for STS Configuration
public static final String STS_CONFIGURATION = "STSConfiguration";
* The default implementation class for the Trust contract. This
* class issues SAML tokens.
public static final String DEFAULT_IMPL =
* The default value for AppliesTo if appliesTo is not specified.
public static final String DEFAULT_APPLIESTO = "default";
* The String AppliesTo
public static final String APPLIES_TO = "AppliesTo";
* The String LifeTime that is used to specify lifetime of the tokens
* issued by this STS.
public static final String LIFETIME = "LifeTime";
* The String CertAlias that is used in the configuration.
* This identifies the alias of the Service that this STS serves.
public static final String ALIAS = "CertAlias";
* The String encrypt-issued-key
public static final String ENCRYPT_KEY = "encryptIssuedKey";
* The String encrypt-issued-token
public static final String ENCRYPT_TOKEN = "encryptIssuedToken";
* The String Contract.
public static final String CONTRACT = "Contract";
public static final String ISSUER = "Issuer";
* The String TokenType.
public static final String TOKEN_TYPE = "TokenType";
* The String KeyType.
public static final String KEY_TYPE = "KeyType";
* The String ServiceProviders.
public static final String SERVICE_PROVIDERS = "ServiceProviders";
* The String endPoint.
public static final String END_POINT = "endPoint";
private static final QName Q_EK = new QName("",ENCRYPT_KEY);
private static final QName Q_ET = new QName("",ENCRYPT_TOKEN);
private static final QName Q_EP = new QName("",END_POINT);
/** Implementation of the invoke method of the Provider interface
* @param rstElement The message comprising of RequestSecurityToken.
* @return The response message comprising of RequestSecurityTokenResponse
* @throws WebServiceException if there is an error processing request.
* The cause of the WebServiceException may be set to a subclass
* of ProtocolException to control the protocol level
* representation of the exception.
public Source invoke(final Source rstElement){
Source rstrEle = null;
// Get RequestSecurityToken
final WSTrustElementFactory eleFac = WSTrustElementFactory.newInstance();
final RequestSecurityToken rst = eleFac.createRSTFrom(rstElement);
//String tokenType = null;
String appliesTo = null;
final AppliesTo applTo = rst.getAppliesTo();
if(applTo != null){
appliesTo = WSTrustUtil.getAppliesToURI(applTo);
if (appliesTo == null){
// if(rst.getTokenType()!=null){
// tokenType = rst.getTokenType().toString();
// }
final STSConfiguration config = getConfiguration();
rstrEle = issue(config, appliesTo, eleFac, rst);
}else if(rst.getRequestType().toString().equals(WSTrustConstants.CANCEL_REQUEST)){
rstrEle = cancel(config, appliesTo, eleFac, rst);
}else if(rst.getRequestType().toString().equals(WSTrustConstants.RENEW_REQUEST)){
rstrEle = renew(config, appliesTo, eleFac, rst);
}else if(rst.getRequestType().toString().equals(WSTrustConstants.VALIDATE_REQUEST)){
rstrEle = validate(config, appliesTo, eleFac, rst);
} catch (Exception ex){
throw new WebServiceException(ex);
return rstrEle;
/** The actual STS class should override this method to return the
* correct MessageContext
* @return The MessageContext
protected abstract MessageContext getMessageContext();
STSConfiguration getConfiguration() {
final MessageContext msgCtx = getMessageContext();
//final CallbackHandler handler = (CallbackHandler)msgCtx.get(WSTrustConstants.STS_CALL_BACK_HANDLER);
final SecurityEnvironment secEnv = (SecurityEnvironment)msgCtx.get(WSTrustConstants.SECURITY_ENVIRONMENT);
//Get Runtime STSConfiguration
STSConfiguration rtConfig = WSTrustFactory.getRuntimeSTSConfiguration();
if (rtConfig != null){
if (rtConfig.getCallbackHandler() == null){
rtConfig.getOtherOptions().put(WSTrustConstants.SECURITY_ENVIRONMENT, secEnv);
return rtConfig;
// Get default STSConfiguration
DefaultSTSConfiguration config = new DefaultSTSConfiguration();
config.getOtherOptions().put(WSTrustConstants.SECURITY_ENVIRONMENT, secEnv);
final Iterator iterator = (Iterator)msgCtx.get(
if (iterator == null){
throw new WebServiceException("STS configuration information is not available");
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
final PolicyAssertion assertion = (PolicyAssertion)iterator.next();
if (!STS_CONFIGURATION.equals(assertion.getName().getLocalPart())) {
final Iterator<PolicyAssertion> stsConfig =
final PolicyAssertion serviceSTSPolicy = stsConfig.next();
final Iterator<PolicyAssertion> serviceProviders =
String endpointUri = null;
final PolicyAssertion serviceProvider = serviceProviders.next();
endpointUri = serviceProvider.getAttributeValue(Q_EP);
if (endpointUri == null){
endpointUri = serviceProvider.getAttributeValue(new QName("", END_POINT.toLowerCase()));
final DefaultTrustSPMetadata data = new DefaultTrustSPMetadata(endpointUri);
final Iterator<PolicyAssertion> spConfig = serviceProvider.getNestedAssertionsIterator();
final PolicyAssertion policy = spConfig.next();
}else if (TOKEN_TYPE.equals(policy.getName().getLocalPart())){
}else if (KEY_TYPE.equals(policy.getName().getLocalPart())){
config.addTrustSPMetadata(data, endpointUri);
return config;
private Source issue(final STSConfiguration config, final String appliesTo,
final WSTrustElementFactory eleFac, final RequestSecurityToken rst)
throws WSTrustException {
// Create the RequestSecurityTokenResponse message
final WSTrustContract<RequestSecurityToken, RequestSecurityTokenResponse> contract = WSTrustFactory.newWSTrustContract(config,
final IssuedTokenContext context = new IssuedTokenContextImpl();
try {
} catch (XWSSecurityException ex) {
throw new WSTrustException("error getting subject",ex);
final RequestSecurityTokenResponse rstr = contract.issue(rst, context);
/* Token samlToken = rstr.getRequestedSecurityToken().getToken();
Element samlEle = (Element)samlToken.getTokenValue();
Element rstrEle = eleFac.toElement(rstr);
Document doc = rstrEle.getOwnerDocument();
samlEle = (Element)doc.importNode(samlEle, true);
NodeList list = rstrEle.getElementsByTagNameNS("*", "RequestedSecurityToken");
Element rdstEle = (Element)list.item(0);
return new DOMSource(rstrEle);*/
return eleFac.toSource(rstr);
private Source cancel(final STSConfiguration config,
final String appliesTo, final WSTrustElementFactory eleFac,
final RequestSecurityToken rst) {
return null;
private Source renew(final STSConfiguration config,final String appliesTo,
final WSTrustElementFactory eleFac, final RequestSecurityToken rst)
throws WSTrustException {
Source rstrEle;
// Create the RequestSecurityTokenResponse message
final WSTrustContract<RequestSecurityToken, RequestSecurityTokenResponse> contract = WSTrustFactory.newWSTrustContract(config,
final IssuedTokenContext context = new IssuedTokenContextImpl();
final RequestSecurityTokenResponse rstr = contract.renew(rst, context);
rstrEle = eleFac.toSource(rstr);
return rstrEle;
private Source validate(final STSConfiguration config,final String appliesTo,
final WSTrustElementFactory eleFac, final RequestSecurityToken rst)
throws WSTrustException {
Source rstrEle;
// Create the RequestSecurityTokenResponse message
final WSTrustContract<RequestSecurityToken, RequestSecurityTokenResponse> contract = WSTrustFactory.newWSTrustContract(config,
final IssuedTokenContext context = new IssuedTokenContextImpl();
final RequestSecurityTokenResponse rstr = contract.validate(rst, context);
rstrEle = eleFac.toSource(rstr);
return rstrEle;