ReportGenerator.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API16067Wed May 06 22:41:16 BST


public final class ReportGenerator extends implements com.vladium.emma.IAppErrorCodes
Vlad Roubtsov, (C) 2003

Fields Summary
private IndentingWriter
private static final String
private static final int
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidcleanup()

        close ();
        super.cleanup ();
private voidclose()

        if (m_out != null)
                m_out.flush ();
                m_out.close ();
            catch (IOException ioe)
                throw new EMMARuntimeException (IAppErrorCodes.REPORT_IO_FAILURE, ioe);
                m_out = null;
private voidcloseElementTag(boolean simple)

        if (simple)
            m_out.write ("/>");
            m_out.write ('>");
private voidemitItem( item, childrenOrder)

        final IItemMetadata metadata = item.getMetadata (); 
        final int [] columns = m_settings.getColumnOrder ();            
        final String tag = metadata.getTypeName ();
        eol ();
        // emit opening tag with name attribute:
            openElementTag (tag);
            m_out.write (" name=\"");
            m_out.write (Strings.HTMLEscape (item.getName ()));
            m_out.write ('"");
            closeElementTag (false);
        eol ();
        m_out.incIndent ();       

        emitItemCoverage (item, columns);
        final boolean deeper = (childrenOrder != null) && (m_settings.getDepth () > metadata.getTypeID ()) && (item.getChildCount () > 0);
        if (deeper)
            for (Iterator packages = item.getChildren (childrenOrder); packages.hasNext (); )
                ((IItem) ()).accept (this, null);
            eol ();

        m_out.decIndent ();
        // emit closing tag:
            endElement (tag);
private voidemitItemCoverage( item, int[] columns)

        final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer (64);
        for (int c = 0, cLimit = columns.length; c < cLimit; ++ c)
            final int attrID = columns [c];
            if (attrID != IItemAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_ID)
                final IItemAttribute attr = item.getAttribute (attrID, m_settings.getUnitsType ());
                if (attr != null)
                    openElementTag ("coverage");

                    m_out.write (" type=\"");
                    m_out.write (Strings.HTMLEscape (attr.getName ()));
                    m_out.write ("\" value=\"");
                    attr.format (item, buf);
                    m_out.write (Strings.HTMLEscape (buf.toString ()));
                    m_out.write ('"");
                    buf.setLength (0);
                    closeElementTag (true);
                    eol ();
private voidemitStatsCount(java.lang.String name, int value)

     // end of nested class
        eol ();
        openElementTag (name);
        m_out.write (" value=\"" + value);
        m_out.write ('"");
        closeElementTag (true);
private voidendElement(java.lang.String tag)

        m_out.write ("</");
        m_out.write (tag);
        m_out.write ('>");
private voideol()

        m_out.newLine ();
public java.lang.StringgetType()

        return TYPE;
private voidopenElementTag(java.lang.String tag)

        m_out.write ('<");
        m_out.write (tag);
private voidopenOutFile( file, java.lang.String encoding, boolean mkdirs)

            if (mkdirs)
                final File parent = file.getParentFile ();
                if (parent != null) parent.mkdirs ();
            m_out = new IndentingWriter (new OutputStreamWriter (new FileOutputStream (file), encoding), IO_BUF_SIZE, 0);
        catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee)
            // TODO: error code
            throw new EMMARuntimeException (uee);
        // note: in J2SDK 1.3 FileOutputStream constructor's throws clause
        // was narrowed to FileNotFoundException:
        catch (IOException fnfe) // FileNotFoundException
            // TODO: error code
            throw new EMMARuntimeException (fnfe);
public voidprocess( mdata, cdata, cache, com.vladium.util.IProperties properties)

        initialize (mdata, cdata, cache, properties);
        long start = 0, end;
        final boolean trace1 = m_log.atTRACE1 ();
        if (trace1) start = System.currentTimeMillis ();
            m_view.getRoot ().accept (this, null);
            close ();
        if (trace1)
            end = System.currentTimeMillis ();
            m_log.trace1 ("process", "[" + getType () + "] report generated in " + (end - start) + " ms");
public java.lang.Objectvisit( item, java.lang.Object ctx)

            File outFile = m_settings.getOutFile ();
            if (outFile == null)
                outFile = new File ("coverage.xml");
                m_settings.setOutFile (outFile);
            final File fullOutFile = Files.newFile (m_settings.getOutDir (), outFile);
   ("writing [" + getType () + "] report to [" + fullOutFile.getAbsolutePath () + "] ...");
            openOutFile (fullOutFile, m_settings.getOutEncoding (), true);
            // XML header:
            m_out.write ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" + m_settings.getOutEncoding () + "\"?>");
            // build ID stamp:
                final StringBuffer label = new StringBuffer (101);
                label.append ("<!-- ");
                label.append (IAppConstants.APP_NAME);
                label.append (" v"); label.append (IAppConstants.APP_VERSION_WITH_BUILD_ID_AND_TAG);
                label.append (" report, generated ");
                label.append (new Date (EMMAProperties.getTimeStamp ()));
                label.append (" -->");
                m_out.write (label.toString ());
                m_out.newLine ();
                m_out.flush ();
            catch (IOException ioe)
                throw new EMMARuntimeException (IAppErrorCodes.REPORT_IO_FAILURE, ioe);
            eol ();
            openElementTag ("report");
            closeElementTag (false);
            m_out.incIndent ();
            // stats summary section:
            eol ();
            openElementTag ("stats");
            closeElementTag (false);
            m_out.incIndent ();
                emitStatsCount ("packages", item.getChildCount ());
                emitStatsCount ("classes", item.getAggregate (IItem.TOTAL_CLASS_COUNT));
                emitStatsCount ("methods", item.getAggregate (IItem.TOTAL_METHOD_COUNT));
                if (m_srcView && m_hasSrcFileInfo)
                    emitStatsCount ("srcfiles", item.getAggregate (IItem.TOTAL_SRCFILE_COUNT));
                    if (m_hasLineNumberInfo)
                        emitStatsCount ("srclines", item.getAggregate (IItem.TOTAL_LINE_COUNT));
            m_out.decIndent ();
            eol ();
            endElement ("stats");
            // actual coverage data:
            eol ();
            openElementTag ("data");
            closeElementTag (false);
            m_out.incIndent ();
                final ItemComparator childrenOrder = m_typeSortComparators [PackageItem.getTypeMetadata ().getTypeID ()];
                emitItem (item, childrenOrder);
            m_out.decIndent ();
            eol ();
            endElement ("data");
            m_out.decIndent ();
            eol ();
            endElement ("report");            
        catch (IOException ioe)
            throw new EMMARuntimeException (IAppErrorCodes.REPORT_IO_FAILURE, ioe);

        return ctx;
public java.lang.Objectvisit( item, java.lang.Object ctx)

        if (m_verbose) m_log.verbose ("  report: processing package [" + item.getName () + "] ...");
            final ItemComparator childrenOrder = m_typeSortComparators [m_srcView ? SrcFileItem.getTypeMetadata ().getTypeID () : ClassItem.getTypeMetadata ().getTypeID ()];
            emitItem (item, childrenOrder);
        catch (IOException ioe)
            throw new EMMARuntimeException (IAppErrorCodes.REPORT_IO_FAILURE, ioe);

        return ctx;
public java.lang.Objectvisit( item, java.lang.Object ctx)

            final ItemComparator childrenOrder = m_typeSortComparators [ClassItem.getTypeMetadata ().getTypeID ()];
            emitItem (item, childrenOrder);
        catch (IOException ioe)
            throw new EMMARuntimeException (IAppErrorCodes.REPORT_IO_FAILURE, ioe);

        return ctx;
public java.lang.Objectvisit( item, java.lang.Object ctx)

            final ItemComparator childrenOrder = m_typeSortComparators [MethodItem.getTypeMetadata ().getTypeID ()];
            emitItem (item, childrenOrder);
        catch (IOException ioe)
            throw new EMMARuntimeException (IAppErrorCodes.REPORT_IO_FAILURE, ioe);

        return ctx;
public java.lang.Objectvisit( item, java.lang.Object ctx)

            emitItem (item, null);
        catch (IOException ioe)
            throw new EMMARuntimeException (IAppErrorCodes.REPORT_IO_FAILURE, ioe);

        return ctx;