Methods Summary |
public void | addWrapper(java.lang.String jspUri, org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper jsw)Add a new JspServletWrapper.
// ------------------------------------------------------ Public Methods
jsps.put(jspUri, jsw);
public void | checkCompile()Method used by background thread to check the JSP dependencies
registered with this class for JSP's.
if (lastCheck < 0) {
// Checking was disabled
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (now > (lastCheck + (options.getCheckInterval() * 1000L))) {
lastCheck = now;
} else {
Object [] wrappers = jsps.values().toArray();
for (int i = 0; i < wrappers.length; i++ ) {
JspServletWrapper jsw = (JspServletWrapper)wrappers[i];
JspCompilationContext ctxt = jsw.getJspEngineContext();
// JspServletWrapper also synchronizes on this when
// it detects it has to do a reload
synchronized(jsw) {
try {
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
} catch (Throwable t) {
jsw.getServletContext().log("Background compile failed",
public void | destroy()Process a "destory" event for this web application context.
Iterator servlets = jsps.values().iterator();
while (servlets.hasNext()) {
public java.lang.String | getClassPath()The classpath that is passed off to the Java compiler.
return classpath;
public | getCodeSource()Get the SecurityManager Policy CodeSource for this web
applicaiton context.
return codeSource;
public int | getJspCount()Returns the number of JSPs for which JspServletWrappers exist, i.e.,
the number of JSPs that have been loaded into the webapp.
return jsps.size();
public int | getJspReloadCount()Gets the current value of the JSP reload counter.
return jspReloadCount;
public | getParentClassLoader()Get the parent URLClassLoader.
return parentClassLoader;
public | getPermissionCollection()Get the SecurityManager PermissionCollection for this
web application context.
return permissionCollection;
public org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper | getWrapper(java.lang.String jspUri)Get an already existing JspServletWrapper.
return jsps.get(jspUri);
public synchronized void | incrementJspReloadCount()Increments the JSP reload counter.
private void | initClassPath()Method used to initialize classpath for compiles.
URL [] urls = parentClassLoader.getURLs();
StringBuffer cpath = new StringBuffer();
String sep = System.getProperty("path.separator");
for(int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
// Tomcat 4 can use URL's other than file URL's,
// a protocol other than file: will generate a
// bad file system path, so only add file:
// protocol URL's to the classpath.
if( urls[i].getProtocol().equals("file") ) {
cpath.append(options.getScratchDir() + sep);
String cp = (String) context.getAttribute(Constants.SERVLET_CLASSPATH);
if (cp == null || cp.equals("")) {
cp = options.getClassPath();
classpath = cpath.toString() + cp;
if(log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Compilation classpath initialized: " + getClassPath());
private void | initSecurity()Method used to initialize SecurityManager data.
// Setup the PermissionCollection for this web app context
// based on the permissions configured for the root of the
// web app context directory, then add a file read permission
// for that directory.
Policy policy = Policy.getPolicy();
if( policy != null ) {
try {
// Get the permissions for the web app context
String docBase = context.getRealPath("/");
if( docBase == null ) {
docBase = options.getScratchDir().toString();
String codeBase = docBase;
if (!codeBase.endsWith(File.separator)){
codeBase = codeBase + File.separator;
File contextDir = new File(codeBase);
URL url = contextDir.getCanonicalFile().toURL();
codeSource = new CodeSource(url,(Certificate[])null);
permissionCollection = policy.getPermissions(codeSource);
// Create a file read permission for web app context directory
if (!docBase.endsWith(File.separator)){
(new FilePermission(docBase,"read"));
docBase = docBase + File.separator;
} else {
(new FilePermission
(docBase.substring(0,docBase.length() - 1),"read"));
docBase = docBase + "-";
permissionCollection.add(new FilePermission(docBase,"read"));
// Create a file read permission for web app tempdir (work)
// directory
String workDir = options.getScratchDir().toString();
if (!workDir.endsWith(File.separator)){
(new FilePermission(workDir,"read"));
workDir = workDir + File.separator;
workDir = workDir + "-";
permissionCollection.add(new FilePermission(workDir,"read"));
// Allow the JSP to access org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase
permissionCollection.add( new RuntimePermission(
"") );
if (parentClassLoader instanceof URLClassLoader) {
URL [] urls = parentClassLoader.getURLs();
String jarUrl = null;
String jndiUrl = null;
for (int i=0; i<urls.length; i++) {
if (jndiUrl == null
&& urls[i].toString().startsWith("jndi:") ) {
jndiUrl = urls[i].toString() + "-";
if (jarUrl == null
&& urls[i].toString().startsWith("jar:jndi:")
) {
jarUrl = urls[i].toString();
jarUrl = jarUrl.substring(0,jarUrl.length() - 2);
jarUrl = jarUrl.substring(0,
jarUrl.lastIndexOf('/")) + "/-";
if (jarUrl != null) {
new FilePermission(jarUrl,"read"));
new FilePermission(jarUrl.substring(4),"read"));
if (jndiUrl != null)
new FilePermission(jndiUrl,"read") );
} catch(Exception e) {
context.log("Security Init for context failed",e);
public void | removeWrapper(java.lang.String jspUri)Remove a JspServletWrapper.
public synchronized void | setJspReloadCount(int count)Resets the JSP reload counter.
this.jspReloadCount = count;