Manifestpublic class Manifest extends Object This program creates a manifest file for the specified files, or verifies
an existing manifest file. By default the manifest file is named
MANIFEST, but the -m option can be used to override this. The -v
option specifies that the manifest should be verified. Verification is
also the default option if no files are specified. |
Fields Summary |
public static byte[] | bufferThis static buffer is used by getFileDigest() above | static final char[] | digitsThis array is used to convert from bytes to hexadecimal numbers |
Methods Summary |
public static void | create(java.lang.String manifestfile, java.lang.String digestAlgorithm, java.lang.String signername, java.lang.String signatureAlgorithm, keystore, java.lang.String password, java.util.List filelist)This method creates a manifest file with the specified name, for
the specified vector of files, using the named message digest
algorithm. If signername is non-null, it adds a digital signature
to the manifest, using the named signature algorithm. This method can
throw a bunch of exceptions.
// For computing a signature, we have to process the files in a fixed,
// repeatable order, so sort them alphabetically.
int numfiles = filelist.size();
Properties manifest = new Properties(), metadata = new Properties();
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance(digestAlgorithm);
Signature signature = null;
byte[] digest;
// If a signer name was specified, then prepare to sign the manifest
if (signername != null) {
// Get a Signature object
signature = Signature.getInstance(signatureAlgorithm);
// Look up the private key of the signer from the keystore
PrivateKey key = (PrivateKey)
keystore.getKey(signername, password.toCharArray());
// No prepare to create a signature for the specified signer
// Now, loop through the files, in a well-known alphabetical order
System.out.print("Computing message digests");
for(int i = 0; i < numfiles; i++) {
String filename = (String)filelist.get(i);
// Compute the digest for each, and skip files that don't exist.
try { digest = getFileDigest(filename, md); }
catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("\nSkipping " + filename + ": " + e);
// If we're computing a signature, use the bytes of the filename
// and of the digest as part of the data to sign.
if (signature != null) {
// Store the filename and the encoded digest bytes in the manifest
manifest.put(filename, hexEncode(digest));
// If a signer was specified, compute signature for the manifest
byte[] signaturebytes = null;
if (signature != null) {
System.out.print("done\nComputing digital signature...");
// Compute the digital signature by encrypting a message digest of
// all the bytes passed to the update() method using the private
// key of the signer. This is a time consuming operation.
signaturebytes = signature.sign();
// Tell the user what comes next
System.out.print("done\nWriting manifest...");
// Store some metadata about this manifest, including the name of the
// message digest algorithm it uses
metadata.put("__META.DIGESTALGORITHM", digestAlgorithm);
// If we're signing the manifest, store some more metadata
if (signername != null) {
// Store the name of the signer
metadata.put("__META.SIGNER", signername);
// Store the name of the algorithm
metadata.put("__META.SIGNATUREALGORITHM", signatureAlgorithm);
// And generate the signature, encode it, and store it
metadata.put("__META.SIGNATURE", hexEncode(signaturebytes));
// Now, save the manifest data and the metadata to the manifest file
FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream(manifestfile);, "Manifest message digests");, "Manifest metadata");
| public static byte[] | getFileDigest(java.lang.String filename, md)This convenience method is used by both create() and verify(). It
reads the contents of a named file and computes a message digest
for it, using the specified MessageDigest object.
// Make sure there is nothing left behind in the MessageDigest
// Create a stream to read from the file and compute the digest
DigestInputStream in =
new DigestInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename),md);
// Read to the end of the file, discarding everything we read.
// The DigestInputStream automatically passes all the bytes read to
// the update() method of the MessageDigest
while( != -1) /* do nothing */ ;
// Finally, compute and return the digest value.
return md.digest();
| public static byte[] | hexDecode(java.lang.String s)A convenience method to convert in the other direction, from a string
of hexadecimal digits to an array of bytes.
try {
int len = s.length();
byte[] r = new byte[len/2];
for(int i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
int digit1 = s.charAt(i*2), digit2 = s.charAt(i*2 + 1);
if ((digit1 >= '0")&& (digit1 <= '9")) digit1 -= '0";
else if ((digit1 >= 'a")&& (digit1 <= 'f")) digit1 -= 'a" - 10;
if ((digit2 >= '0")&& (digit2 <= '9")) digit2 -= '0";
else if ((digit2 >= 'a")&& (digit2 <= 'f")) digit2 -= 'a" - 10;
r[i] = (byte)((digit1 << 4) + digit2);
return r;
catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("hexDecode(): invalid input");
| public static java.lang.String | hexEncode(byte[] bytes)A convenience method to convert an array of bytes to a String. We do
this simply by converting each byte to two hexadecimal digits.
Something like Base 64 encoding is more compact, but harder to encode.
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(bytes.length * 2);
for(int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
byte b = bytes[i];
s.append(digits[(b& 0xf0) >> 4]);
s.append(digits[b& 0x0f]);
return s.toString();
| public static void | main(java.lang.String[] args)
// Set the default values of the command-line arguments
boolean verify = false; // Verify manifest or create one?
String manifestfile = "MANIFEST"; // Manifest file name
String digestAlgorithm = "MD5"; // Algorithm for message digests
String signername = null; // Signer. No sig. by default
String signatureAlgorithm = "DSA"; // Algorithm for digital sig.
String password = null; // Private keys are protected
File keystoreFile = null; // Where are keys stored
String keystoreType = null; // What kind of keystore
String keystorePassword = null; // How to access keystore
List filelist = new ArrayList(); // The files to digest
// Parse the command-line arguments, overriding the defaults above
for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (args[i].equals("-v")) verify = true;
else if (args[i].equals("-m")) manifestfile = args[++i];
else if (args[i].equals("-da")&& !verify)
digestAlgorithm = args[++i];
else if (args[i].equals("-s")&& !verify)
signername = args[++i];
else if (args[i].equals("-sa")&& !verify)
signatureAlgorithm = args[++i];
else if (args[i].equals("-p"))
password = args[++i];
else if (args[i].equals("-keystore"))
keystoreFile = new File(args[++i]);
else if (args[i].equals("-keystoreType"))
keystoreType = args[++i];
else if (args[i].equals("-keystorePassword"))
keystorePassword = args[++i];
else if (!verify) filelist.add(args[i]);
else throw new IllegalArgumentException(args[i]);
// If certain arguments weren't supplied, get default values.
if (keystoreFile == null) {
File dir = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"));
keystoreFile = new File(dir, ".keystore");
if (keystoreType == null) keystoreType = KeyStore.getDefaultType();
if (keystorePassword == null) keystorePassword = password;
if (!verify && signername != null && password == null) {
System.out.println("Use -p to specify a password.");
// Get the keystore we'll use for signing or verifying signatures
// If no password was provided, then assume we won't be dealing with
// signatures, and skip the keystore.
KeyStore keystore = null;
if (keystorePassword != null) {
keystore = KeyStore.getInstance(keystoreType);
InputStream in =
new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(keystoreFile));
keystore.load(in, keystorePassword.toCharArray());
// If -v was specified or no file were given, verify a manifest
// Otherwise, create a new manifest for the specified files
if (verify || (filelist.size() == 0)) verify(manifestfile, keystore);
else create(manifestfile, digestAlgorithm,
signername, signatureAlgorithm,
keystore, password, filelist);
| public static void | verify(java.lang.String manifestfile, keystore)This method verifies the digital signature of the named manifest
file, if it has one, and if that verification succeeds, it verifies
the message digest of each file in filelist that is also named in the
manifest. This method can throw a bunch of exceptions
Properties manifest = new Properties();
manifest.load(new FileInputStream(manifestfile));
String digestAlgorithm =
String signername = manifest.getProperty("__META.SIGNER");
String signatureAlgorithm =
String hexsignature = manifest.getProperty("__META.SIGNATURE");
// Get a list of filenames in the manifest.
List files = new ArrayList();
Enumeration names = manifest.propertyNames();
while(names.hasMoreElements()) {
String s = (String)names.nextElement();
if (!s.startsWith("__META")) files.add(s);
int numfiles = files.size();
// If we've got a signature but no keystore, warn the user
if (signername != null && keystore == null)
System.out.println("Can't verify digital signature without " +
"a keystore.");
// If the manifest contained metadata about a digital signature, then
// verify that signature first
if (signername != null && keystore != null) {
System.out.print("Verifying digital signature...");
// To verify the signature, we must process the files in exactly
// the same order we did when we created the signature. We
// guarantee this order by sorting the filenames.
// Create a Signature object to do signature verification with.
// Initialize it with the signer's public key from the keystore
Signature signature = Signature.getInstance(signatureAlgorithm);
PublicKey publickey =
// Now loop through these files in their known sorted order For
// each one, send the bytes of the filename and of the digest to
// the signature object for use in computing the signature. It is
// important that this be done in exactly the same order when
// verifying the signature as it was done when creating the
// signature.
for(int i = 0; i < numfiles; i++) {
String filename = (String) files.get(i);
// Now decode the signature read from the manifest file and pass
// it to the verify() method of the signature object. If the
// signature is not verified, print an error message and exit.
if (!signature.verify(hexDecode(hexsignature))) {
System.out.println("\nManifest has an invalid signature");
// Tell the user we're done with this lengthy computation
// Tell the user we're starting the next phase of verification
System.out.print("Verifying file message digests");
// Get a MessageDigest object to compute digests
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance(digestAlgorithm);
// Loop through all files
for(int i = 0; i < numfiles; i++) {
String filename = (String)files.get(i);
// Look up the encoded digest from the manifest file
String hexdigest = manifest.getProperty(filename);
// Compute the digest for the file.
byte[] digest;
try { digest = getFileDigest(filename, md); }
catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("\nSkipping " + filename + ": " + e);
// Encode the computed digest and compare it to the encoded digest
// from the manifest. If they are not equal, print an error
// message.
if (!hexdigest.equals(hexEncode(digest)))
System.out.println("\nFile '" + filename +
"' failed verification.");
// Send one dot of output for each file we process. Since
// computing message digests takes some time, this lets the user
// know that the program is functioning and making progress
// And tell the user we're done with verification.