DeployCommandpublic class DeployCommand extends S1ASCommand This is the Deploy command |
Fields Summary |
private static final String | TARGET_OPTION | private static final String | CONTEXT_ROOT_OPTION | private static final String | FORCE_OPTION | private static final String | PRECOMPILE_JSP_OPTION | private static final String | VERIFY_OPTION | private static final String | UPLOAD_OPTION | private static final String | ENABLED_OPTION | private static final String | COMPONENT_NAME | private static final String | RETRIEVE_DIR | private static final String | VIRTUALSERVERS_OPTION | private static final String | DB_VENDOR_NAME_OPTION | private static final String | CREATE_TABLES_OPTION | private static final String | DROP_AND_CREATE_TABLES_OPTION | private static final String | UNIQUE_TABLENAMES_OPTION | private static final String | DEPLOYMENTPLAN_OPTION | private static final String | AVAILABILITY_ENABLED_OPTION | private static final String | GENERATE_RMI_STUBS_OPTION | private static final String | LIBRARIES_OPTION | private String | filePath | private String | componentName | com.sun.enterprise.deployment.client.DeploymentFacility | df |
Methods Summary |
private com.sun.enterprise.deployment.client.JESProgressObject | callDeploy()
df = DeploymentFacilityFactory.getDeploymentFacility();
ServerConnectionIdentifier conn = createServerConnectionIdentifier(
getHost(), getPort(), getUser(), getPassword());
//prepare data
final String targetName = getOption(TARGET_OPTION);
final String deploymentPlan = getOption(DEPLOYMENTPLAN_OPTION);
JESProgressObject progressObject = null;
try {
AbstractArchive arch = (new ArchiveFactory()).openArchive(filespecToJarURI(filePath));
AbstractArchive plan = null;
if (deploymentPlan != null) {
plan = (new ArchiveFactory()).openArchive(filespecToJarURI(deploymentPlan));
//value of the map is String only
Map deployOptions = createDeploymentProperties();
if (df.isConnected())
Target[] targets = df.createTargets(new String[]{targetName});
if (targets == null)
throw new CommandException(getLocalizedString("InvalidTarget", new Object[] {targetName}));
progressObject = df.deploy(targets, arch, plan, deployOptions);
} else
catch (Exception e)
if (e.getLocalizedMessage() != null)
throw new CommandException(getLocalizedString(
"CommandUnSuccessful", new Object[] {name} ), e);
return progressObject;
| private void | checkDeployStatus(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.DeploymentStatus status, java.lang.String statusString)Check the deployment status returned from the backend deployment.
This method will iterate through the stages of the DeploymentStatus.
If the first stage fails then it's a j2eec phase failure.
CommandException will be thrown if j2eec phase failed.
The next stages are the associate, start phases. If the j2eec phase
passed but start phase failed then the deployment was successfull but
not loaded. The backend message will be displayed.
if (status != null && status.getStatus() == DeploymentStatus.FAILURE) {
throw new CommandException(getLocalizedString(
"CommandUnSuccessfulWithMsg", new Object[] {name,
statusString} ));
| private java.util.Map | createDeploymentProperties()creates the DeployProperties which is used as a parameter to the
deploy operation.
final String virtualServers = getOption(VIRTUALSERVERS_OPTION);
final String contextRoot = getContextRoot();
final String dbVendorName = getOption(DB_VENDOR_NAME_OPTION);
final String createTable = getOption(CREATE_TABLES_OPTION);
final String dropCreateTable = getOption(DROP_AND_CREATE_TABLES_OPTION);
final String uniqueTableNames = getOption(UNIQUE_TABLENAMES_OPTION);
final String target = getOption(TARGET_OPTION);
final String libraries = getOption(LIBRARIES_OPTION);
final String upload = getOption(UPLOAD_OPTION);
Properties props = new Properties();
if (target != null)
props.put(DeploymentProperties.TARGET, target);
if(filePath != null)
props.put(DeploymentProperties.ARCHIVE_NAME, filePath);
if(contextRoot != null)
props.put(DeploymentProperties.CONTEXT_ROOT, contextRoot);
if(virtualServers != null)
if(dbVendorName != null)
props.put(Constants.CMP_DB_VENDOR_NAME, dbVendorName);
if(createTable != null)
props.put(Constants.CMP_CREATE_TABLES, createTable);
if(dropCreateTable != null)
props.put(Constants.CMP_DROP_AND_CREATE_TABLES, dropCreateTable);
if(uniqueTableNames != null)
props.put(Constants.CMP_UNIQUE_TABLE_NAMES, uniqueTableNames);
if(libraries != null)
props.put(DeploymentProperties.DEPLOY_OPTION_LIBRARIES_KEY, libraries);
if(upload != null)
props.put(DeploymentProperties.UPLOAD, upload);
//the following properties is either a required option/operand
//or it contains a default value in the CLIDescriptors.xml
//so do not neet to check for "null"
props.put(DeploymentProperties.NAME, componentName);
final String retrievePath = getOption(RETRIEVE_DIR);
if (retrievePath != null){
props.put(DeploymentProperties.CLIENTJARREQUESTED, "true");
return props;
| private | filespecToJarURI(java.lang.String fileSpec)Convert a file spec into a jar URI.
File archiveFile = new File(fileSpec);
String prefix = (archiveFile.isDirectory()) ? "file" : "jar";
URI archiveFileURI = archiveFile.toURI();
URI archiveJarURI = new URI(prefix, "" /* authority */, archiveFileURI.getSchemeSpecificPart(), null, null);
return archiveJarURI;
| private java.lang.String | getComponentName()get the component name. if component name is null then get it from
the file path in the operand
String name = getOption(COMPONENT_NAME);
if (name == null)
name = getNameFromFilePath();
//if name is still null or empty then throw an exception
if ((name == null) || (name.equals("")))
throw new CommandValidationException(getLocalizedString("ComponentNameNull"));
return name;
| private java.lang.String | getContextRoot()get the context root from command option. If context root is null
then it will get from the filepath in the operand.
String contextRoot = getOption(CONTEXT_ROOT_OPTION);
return contextRoot;
| private java.lang.String | getNameFromFilePath()get the file name from the filepath
final File file = new File(filePath);
final String fileName = file.getName();
if (file.isFile()) {
int toIndex = fileName.lastIndexOf('.");
if (toIndex > 1)
return fileName.substring(0, toIndex);
return fileName;
| public void | runCommand()An abstract method that Executes the command
System.setProperty(DefaultConfiguration.REDIRECTION, "false");
JESProgressObject progressObject = callDeploy();
DeploymentStatus status = df.waitFor(progressObject);
String statusString = status.getStageStatusMessage();
if (statusString.indexOf("302")>-1) {
setOption(SECURE, "true");
progressObject = this.callDeploy();
status = df.waitFor(progressObject);
statusString = status.getStageStatusMessage();
if (status != null && status.getStatus() == DeploymentStatus.FAILURE) {
checkDeployStatus(status, statusString);
final String retrievePath = getOption(RETRIEVE_DIR);
if (retrievePath != null){
try {
CLILogger.getInstance().printDebugMessage("componentName = " + componentName +
" retrievePath = " + retrievePath);
final String fileName = df.downloadFile(new File(retrievePath), componentName, null);
CLILogger.getInstance().printDebugMessage("downloaded stubs to : " + fileName );
catch(Exception e){
throw new CommandException((getLocalizedString(
"InvalidValueInOption", new Object[] {RETRIEVE_DIR,
retrievePath})) + "\n"+ e.getLocalizedMessage());
if (status != null && status.getStatus() == DeploymentStatus.WARNING) {
new Object[] {name, statusString}));
} else {
new Object[] {name} ) );
| public boolean | validateOptions()An abstract method that validates the options
on the specification in the xml properties file
This method verifies for the correctness of number of
operands and if all the required options are supplied by the client.
if (getOption(CREATE_TABLES_OPTION) !=null &&
throw new CommandValidationException(getLocalizedString(
filePath = (String) getOperands().get(0);
componentName = getComponentName();
return true;