Worker.javaAPI DocExample15753Thu May 23 09:32:50 BST 2002 sample.dynamic


public abstract class Worker extends Basic implements DynamicMBean, Runnable
Base class for the workers in the sample application.

Fields Summary
public static final String
private MBeanInfo
Constructors Summary
public Worker(Queue queue, int workFactor)

        _queue = queue;
        _workFactor = workFactor;
        MBeanInfo parentInfo = super.getMBeanInfo();
        // Attributes
        MBeanAttributeInfo[] attributeInfo = new MBeanAttributeInfo[7];
        attributeInfo[0] = new MBeanAttributeInfo(
            "WorkFactor",               // name
            Integer.TYPE.getName(),     // type
            "The amount of work to do.",// description
            true,                       // isReadable?
            false,                      // isWritable?
            false                       // isIs?
        attributeInfo[1] = new MBeanAttributeInfo(
            "NumberOfUnitsProcessed",   // name
            Long.TYPE.getName(),        // type
            "The number of units processed.",       // description
            true,                       // isReadable?
            false,                      // isWritable?
            false                       // isIs?
        attributeInfo[2] = new MBeanAttributeInfo(
            "AverageUnitProcessingTime",// name
            Float.TYPE.getName(),       // type
            "Avg. no. milliseconds to process each work unit.",                     // description
            true,                       // isReadable?
            false,                      // isWritable?
            false                       // isIs?
        attributeInfo[3] = new MBeanAttributeInfo(
            "Suspended",            // name
            Boolean.TYPE.getName(), // type
            "Whether or not this thread is suspended.",             // description
            true,                   // isReadable?
            false,                  // isWritable?
            true                    // isIs?
        attributeInfo[4] = new MBeanAttributeInfo(
            "NumberOfResets",       // name
            Integer.TYPE.getName(), // type
            "The number of times this MBean has been reset.",       // description
            true,                   // isReadable?
            false,                  // isWritable?
            false                   // isIs?
        attributeInfo[5] = new MBeanAttributeInfo(
            "TraceOn",              // name
            Boolean.TYPE.getName(), // type
            "Whether or not tracing is on.",        // description
            true,                   // isReadable?
            false,                  // isWritable?
            true                    // isIs?
        attributeInfo[6] = new MBeanAttributeInfo(
            "DebugOn",              // name
            Boolean.TYPE.getName(), // type
            "Whether or not debugging is on.",        // description
            true,                   // isReadable?
            false,                  // isWritable?
            true                    // isIs?
        // Constructors
        Constructor[] constructors = this.getClass().getConstructors();
        MBeanConstructorInfo[] constructorInfo = new MBeanConstructorInfo[constructors.length];
        for (int aa = 0; aa < constructors.length; aa++) {
            constructorInfo[aa] = new MBeanConstructorInfo(
                "Constructs a Worker MBean.",        // description
                constructors[aa]                    // java.lang.reflect.Constructor
        // Operations
        MBeanOperationInfo[] parentOperations = parentInfo.getOperations();
        int numParentOps = parentOperations.length;
        MBeanOperationInfo[] operationInfo = new MBeanOperationInfo[numParentOps + 3];
        System.arraycopy(parentOperations, 0, operationInfo, 0, numParentOps);
        operationInfo[numParentOps + 0] = new MBeanOperationInfo(
            "stop",                     // name
            "Stops this Worker thread.",// description
            null,                       // MBeanParameterInfo[]
            Void.TYPE.getName(),        // return type
            MBeanOperationInfo.ACTION   // impact
        operationInfo[numParentOps + 1] = new MBeanOperationInfo(
            "suspend",                  // name
            "Suspends this Worker thread.",         // description
            null,                       // MBeanParameterInfo[]
            Void.TYPE.getName(),        // return type
            MBeanOperationInfo.ACTION   // impact
        operationInfo[numParentOps + 2] = new MBeanOperationInfo(
            "resume",                   // name
            "Resumes this Worker thread.",          // description
            null,                       // MBeanParameterInfo[]
            Void.TYPE.getName(),        // return type
            MBeanOperationInfo.ACTION   // impact
        // Notifications - NONE
        // MBeanInfo!
        _MBeanInfo = new MBeanInfo(
            this.getClass().getName(),  // DynamicMBean implementing class name
            "Worker Dynamic MBean.",    // description
            attributeInfo,              // MBeanAttributeInfo[]
            constructorInfo,            // MBeanConstructorInfo[]
            operationInfo,              // MBeanOperationInfo[]
            null                        // MBeanNotificationInfo[]
Methods Summary
voidcalculatePrimes(int numberOfPrimesToCalculate)
In this method is where the "work" takes place. We need a way to simulate the application doing something, so we calculate the first workFactor primes, starting with zero. So, the work factor is equal to the number of primes that are calculated.

        // There is probably an easier way to do this,
        /// but it seemed a good way to chew up some CPU
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long number = 1;
        int numberOfPrimesCalculated = 0;
        while (numberOfPrimesCalculated < numberOfPrimesToCalculate) {
            long currentNumber = 1;             // start with 1
            long numberOfFactors = 0;
            while (currentNumber <= number) {
                if ((number%currentNumber) == 0) {
                    // This is *definitely* the long way around, but
                    /// remember, we *want* to eat up lots of CPU...
            // The number is prime if it only has two factors
            /// (i.e., itself and 1)
            if (numberOfFactors == 2) {
                //                System.out.println("Supplier.calculatePrimes(): INFO: " +
                //                    "Prime number found - " + number);
        _totalProcessingTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
public java.lang.ObjectgetAttribute(java.lang.String attributeName)
Obtains the value of a specific attribute of the Dynamic MBean.

attribute The name of the attribute to be retrieved
The value of the attribute retrieved.
MBeanException Wraps a java.lang.Exception thrown by the MBean's getter.
ReflectionException Wraps a java.lang.Exception thrown while trying to invoke the getter.

        Object ret = null;
        // Using exlicit superclass exposure as the means of
        /// management interface inheritance.
        if (attributeName.equals("WorkFactor")) {
            ret = new Integer(getWorkFactor());
        else if (attributeName.equals("NumberOfUnitsProcessed")) {
            ret = new Long(getNumberOfUnitsProcessed());
        else if (attributeName.equals("AverageUnitProcessingTime")) {
            ret = new Float(getAverageUnitProcessingTime());
        else if (attributeName.equals("Suspended")) {
            ret = new Boolean(isSuspended());
        else if (attributeName.equals("NumberOfResets")) {
            ret = new Integer(getNumberOfResets());
        else if (attributeName.equals("TraceOn")) {
            ret = new Boolean(isTraceOn());
        else if (attributeName.equals("DebugOn")) {
            ret = new Boolean(isDebugOn());
            throw  new AttributeNotFoundException("Worker.getAttribute(): ERROR: "
                    + "Attribute \'" + attributeName + "\' not found.");
        return  ret;
public[] attributeNames)
Enables the values of several attributes of the Dynamic MBean.

attributes A list of the attributes to be retrieved.
The list of attributes retrieved.

        AttributeList ret = new AttributeList();
        for (int aa = 0; aa < attributeNames.length; aa++) {
            try {
                Object value = getAttribute((String)attributeNames[aa]);
                ret.add(new Attribute(attributeNames[aa], value));
            } catch (Exception e) {
        return  ret;
public floatgetAverageUnitProcessingTime()

        return  (_numberOfUnitsProcessed > 0) ? (float)_totalProcessingTime/(float)_numberOfUnitsProcessed :
Provides the exposed attributes and actions of the Dynamic MBean using an MBeanInfo object.

An instance of MBeanInfo allowing all attributes and actions exposed by this Dynamic MBean to be retrieved.

        return  (_MBeanInfo);
public longgetNumberOfUnitsProcessed()

        return  _numberOfUnitsProcessed;
public intgetWorkFactor()

        return  _workFactor;
public java.lang.Objectinvoke(java.lang.String operationName, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)
Allows an action to be invoked on the Dynamic MBean.

actionName The name of the action to be invoked.
params An array containing the parameters to be set when the action is invoked.
signature An array containing the signature of the action. The class objects will be loaded through the same class loader as the one used for loading the MBean on which the action is invoked.
The object returned by the action, which represents the result of invoking the action on the MBean specified.
MBeanException Wraps a java.lang.Exception thrown by the MBean's invoked method.
ReflectionException Wraps a

        Object ret = Void.TYPE;
        // Turn the signature into a Class array so we can get the Method
        /// object and invoke the method, passing params
        try {
            Class[] sign = new Class[signature.length];
            for (int aa = 0; aa < signature.length; aa++) {
                try {
                    sign[aa] = this.getClassFromString(signature[aa]);
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                    throw  new RuntimeOperationsException(new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "Controller.invoke(): ERROR: " + "Bad argument \'"
                            + sign[aa] + " found when attempting to invoke operation \'"
                            + operationName + "\'!"));
            Method theMethod = this.getClass().getMethod(operationName, sign);
            // If we got this far, then the requested method is on the
            /// Class, but is it on the management interface?
            if (operationName.equals("stop") || operationName.equals("suspend")
                    || operationName.equals("resume")) {
                theMethod.invoke(this, params);
            } else  {
                // delegate to parent class
                ret = super.invoke(operationName, params, signature);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            throw  new ReflectionException(e, e.getClass().getName());
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            throw  new ReflectionException(e, e.getClass().getName());
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
            throw  new ReflectionException(e, e.getClass().getName());
        return  ret;
public booleanisSuspended()

        return  _suspended;
public voidreset()

        setNumberOfResets(getNumberOfResets() + 1);
public synchronized voidresume()

        _suspended = false;
public abstract voidrun()

public voidsetAttribute( attribute)
Sets the value of a specific attribute of the Dynamic MBean

attribute The identification of the attribute to be set and the value it is to be set to.
MBeanException Wraps a java.lang.Exception thrown by the MBean's setter.
ReflectionException Wraps a java.lang.Exception thrown while trying to invoke the MBean's setter.

    // No writeable attributes on the management interface.
public attributes)
Sets the values of several attributes of the Dynamic MBean

name The object name of the MBean within which the attributes are to be set.
attributes A list of attributes: The identification of the attributes to be set and the values they are to be set to.
The list of attributes that were set, with their new values.

        // No writeable attributes on the management interface...
        AttributeList ret = new AttributeList();
        return  ret;
public voidsetNumberOfUnitsProcessed(long value)

        _numberOfUnitsProcessed = value;
public synchronized voidstop()

        _stopCalled = true;
public synchronized voidsuspend()

        _suspended = true;