API.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API15673Wed May 06 22:41:22 BST 2009jdiff


public class API extends Object
The internal representation of an API. RootDoc could have been used for representing this, but you cannot serialize a RootDoc object - see You might be able use Javadoc.Main() to create another RootDoc, but the methods are package private. You can run javadoc in J2SE1.4, see: but you still can't get the RootDoc object. The advantage of writing out an XML representation of each API is that later runs of JDiff don't have to have Javadoc scan all the files again, a possibly lengthy process. XML also permits other source code in languages other than Java to be scanned to produce XML, and then versions of JDiff can be used to create documents describing the difference in those APIs. See the file LICENSE.txt for copyright details.
Matthew Doar,

Fields Summary
public List
The list of all the top-level packages. Each package contains classes, each class contains members, and so on.
public Hashtable
The list of all the classes. This is used to generate the methods and fields which are inherited, rather than storing them in the XML file.
public String
The String which identifies this API, e.g. "SuperProduct 1.3".
public PackageAPI
The current package being added to during parsing.
public ClassAPI
The current class being added to during parsing.
public ConstructorAPI
The current constructor being added to during parsing.
public MethodAPI
The current method being added to during parsing.
public FieldAPI
The current field being added to during parsing.
public static final int
Amount by which to increment each indentation.
Constructors Summary
public API()
Default constructor.

        packages_ = new ArrayList(); //PackageAPI[]
        classes_ = new Hashtable(); //ClassAPI
Methods Summary
public static java.lang.StringconvertHTMLTagsToXHTML(java.lang.String htmlText)
NOT USED. Replace all instances of


. Just for the small number of HMTL tags which don't require a matching end tag. Also make HTML conform to the simple HTML requirements such as no double hyphens. Double hyphens are replaced by - and the character entity for a hyphen. Cases where this fails and has to be corrected in the XML by hand: Attributes' values missing their double quotes , e.g. size=-2 Mangled HTML tags e.g. <ttt>

NOT USED. There is often too much bad HTML in doc blocks to try to handle every case correctly. Better just to stuff the *lt; and &: characters with stuffHTMLTags(). Though the resulting XML is not as elegant, it does the job with less intervention by the user.

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(htmlText);
        int i = 0;
        boolean inTag = false;
        String tag = null;
        // Needs to re-evaluate this length at each loop
        while (i < sb.length()) {
            char c = sb.charAt(i);
            if (inTag) {
                if (c == '>") {
                    // OPTION Could fail at or fix some errorneous tags here
                    // Make the best guess as to whether this tag is terminated
                    if (Comments.isMinimizedTag(tag) &&
                        htmlText.indexOf("</" + tag + ">", i) == -1)
                        sb.insert(i, "/");
                    inTag = false;
                } else {
                    // OPTION could also make sure that attribute values are
                    // surrounded by quotes.
                    tag += c;
            if (c == '<") {
                inTag = true;
                tag = "";
            // -- is not allowed in XML, but !-- is part of an comment,
            // and --> is also part of a comment
            if (c == '-" && i > 0 && sb.charAt(i-1) == '-") {
                if (!(i > 1 && sb.charAt(i-2) == '!")) { 
                    sb.setCharAt(i, '&");
                    sb.insert(i+1, "#045;");
                    i += 5;
        if (inTag) {
            // Oops. Someone forgot to close their HTML tag, e.g. "<code."
            // Close it for them.
            sb.insert(i, ">");
        return sb.toString();
public voiddump()
Display the contents of the API object.

        int indent = 0;
        Iterator iter = packages_.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            dumpPackage((PackageAPI)(, indent);
public static voiddumpClass(ClassAPI c, int indent)
Display the contents of a ClassAPI object.

c The given ClassAPI object.
indent The number of spaces to indent the output.

        for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) System.out.print(" ");
        if (c.isInterface_)
            System.out.println("Interface name: " + c.name_);
            System.out.println("Class Name: " + c.name_);
        if (c.extends_ != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) System.out.print(" ");
            System.out.println("Extends: " + c.extends_);
        if (c.implements_.size() != 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) System.out.print(" ");
            System.out.println("Implements: ");
            Iterator iter = c.implements_.iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                String interfaceImpl = (String)(;
                for (int i = 0; i < indent + 2; i++) System.out.print(" ");
                System.out.println("  " + interfaceImpl);
        // Dump modifiers specific to a class
        if (c.isAbstract_)
            System.out.print("abstract ");
        // Dump modifiers common to all
        dumpModifiers(c.modifiers_, indent);
        // Dump ctors
        Iterator iter = c.ctors_.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            dumpCtor((ConstructorAPI)(, indent + indentInc);
        // Dump methods
        iter = c.methods_.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            dumpMethod((MethodAPI)(, indent + indentInc);
        // Dump fields
        iter = c.fields_.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            dumpField((FieldAPI)(, indent + indentInc);
        // Display documentation
        if (c.doc_ != null) {
            System.out.print("Class doc block:");
            System.out.println("\"" + c.doc_ + "\"");
        } else
public static voiddumpCtor(ConstructorAPI c, int indent)
Display the contents of a constructor.

c The given constructor object.
indent The number of spaces to indent the output.

        for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) System.out.print(" ");
        System.out.println("Ctor type: " + c.type_);
        // Display exceptions 
        System.out.print("exceptions: " + c.exceptions_ + " ");
        // Dump modifiers common to all
        dumpModifiers(c.modifiers_, indent);
        // Display documentation
        if (c.doc_ != null) {
            System.out.print("Ctor doc block:");
            System.out.println("\"" + c.doc_ + "\"");
public static voiddumpField(FieldAPI f, int indent)
Display the contents of a field. Does not show inherited fields.

f The given field object.
indent The number of spaces to indent the output.

        if (f.inheritedFrom_ != null)
        for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) System.out.print(" ");
        System.out.println("Field Name: " + f.name_ + ", type: " + f.type_);
        if (f.inheritedFrom_ != null)
            System.out.println(", inherited from: " + f.inheritedFrom_);
        if (f.isTransient_)
            System.out.print("transient ");
        if (f.isVolatile_)
            System.out.print("volatile ");
        // Dump modifiers common to all
        dumpModifiers(f.modifiers_, indent);
        // Display documentation
        if (f.doc_ != null)
            System.out.print("Field doc block:");
            System.out.println("\"" + f.doc_ + "\"");
public static voiddumpMethod(MethodAPI m, int indent)
Display the contents of a MethodAPI object.

m The given MethodAPI object.
indent The number of spaces to indent the output.

        if (m.inheritedFrom_ != null)
        for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) System.out.print(" ");
        System.out.print("Method Name: " + m.name_);
        if (m.inheritedFrom_ != null)
            System.out.println(", inherited from: " + m.inheritedFrom_);
        if (m.returnType_ != null)
            System.out.println(", return type: " + m.returnType_);
        // Dump modifiers specific to a method
        if (m.isAbstract_)
            System.out.print("abstract ");
        if (m.isNative_)
            System.out.print("native ");
        if (m.isSynchronized_)
            System.out.print("synchronized ");
        // Display exceptions 
        System.out.print("exceptions: " + m.exceptions_ + " ");
        // Dump modifiers common to all
        dumpModifiers(m.modifiers_, indent);
        Iterator iter = m.params_.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            dumpParam((ParamAPI)(, indent + indentInc);
        // Display documentation
        if (m.doc_ != null) {
            System.out.print("Method doc block:");
            System.out.println("\"" + m.doc_ + "\"");
public static voiddumpModifiers(Modifiers m, int indent)
Display the contents of the Modifiers object.

c The given Modifiers object.
indent The number of spaces to indent the output.

        for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) System.out.print(" ");
        if (m.isStatic)
            System.out.print("static ");
        if (m.isFinal)
            System.out.print("final ");
        if (m.visibility != null)
            System.out.print("visibility = " + m.visibility + " ");
        // Flush the line
public voiddumpPackage(PackageAPI pkg, int indent)
Display the contents of a PackageAPI object.

pkg The given PackageAPI object.
indent The number of spaces to indent the output.

        for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) System.out.print(" ");
        System.out.println("Package Name: " + pkg.name_);
        Iterator iter = pkg.classes_.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            dumpClass((ClassAPI)(, indent + indentInc);
        // Display documentation
        if (pkg.doc_ != null) {
            System.out.print("Package doc block:");
            System.out.println("\"" + pkg.doc_ + "\"");
public static voiddumpParam(ParamAPI p, int indent)
Display the contents of a parameter.

p The given parameter object.
indent The number of spaces to indent the output.

        for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) System.out.print(" ");
        System.out.println("Param Name: " + p.name_ + ", type: " + p.type_);
public static java.lang.StringhideHTMLTags(java.lang.String htmlText)
Convert all HTML tags to text by stuffing text into the HTML tag to stop it being an HTML or XML tag. E.g. "foo" becomes "lEsS_tHaNcode>foolEsS_tHaN/code>". Replace all < characters with the string "lEsS_tHaN". Also replace & character with the string "aNd_cHaR" to avoid text entities. Also replace " character with the string "qUoTe_cHaR".

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(htmlText);
        int i = 0;
        while (i < sb.length()) {
            if (sb.charAt(i) == '<") {
                sb.setCharAt(i ,'l");
                sb.insert(i+1, "EsS_tHaN");
            } else if (sb.charAt(i) == '&") {
                sb.setCharAt(i ,'a");
                sb.insert(i+1, "Nd_cHaR");
            } else if (sb.charAt(i) == '"") {
                sb.setCharAt(i ,'q");
                sb.insert(i+1, "uote_cHaR");
        return sb.toString();
public static java.lang.StringshowHTMLTags(java.lang.String text)
Convert text with stuffed HTML tags ("lEsS_tHaN", etc) into HTML text.

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(text);
        StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer();
        int len = sb.length();
        int i = 0;
        int resIdx = 0;
        while (i < len) {
            char c = sb.charAt(i);
            if (len - i > 8 && c == 'l" && 
                sb.charAt(i+1) == 'E" &&
                sb.charAt(i+2) == 's" &&
                sb.charAt(i+3) == 'S" &&
                sb.charAt(i+4) == '_" &&
                sb.charAt(i+5) == 't" &&
                sb.charAt(i+6) == 'H" &&
                sb.charAt(i+7) == 'a" &&
                sb.charAt(i+8) == 'N") {
                res.setCharAt(resIdx ,'<");
                i += 8;
            } else if (len - i > 9 && c == 'q" && 
                sb.charAt(i+1) == 'U" &&
                sb.charAt(i+2) == 'o" &&
                sb.charAt(i+3) == 'T" &&
                sb.charAt(i+4) == 'e" &&
                sb.charAt(i+5) == '_" &&
                sb.charAt(i+6) == 'c" &&
                sb.charAt(i+7) == 'H" &&
                sb.charAt(i+8) == 'a" &&
                sb.charAt(i+9) == 'R") {
                res.setCharAt(resIdx ,'"");
                i += 9;
            } else if (len - i > 7 && c == 'a" && 
                sb.charAt(i+1) == 'N" &&
                sb.charAt(i+2) == 'd" &&
                sb.charAt(i+3) == '_" &&
                sb.charAt(i+4) == 'c" &&
                sb.charAt(i+5) == 'H" &&
                sb.charAt(i+6) == 'a" &&
                sb.charAt(i+7) == 'R") {
                res.setCharAt(resIdx ,'&");
                i += 7;
            } else {
                res.setCharAt(resIdx, c);
        return res.toString();
public static java.lang.StringstuffHTMLTags(java.lang.String htmlText)
Convert all HTML tags to text by placing them inside a CDATA element. Characters still have to be valid Unicode characters as defined by the parser.

        if (htmlText.indexOf("]]>") != -1) {
            System.out.println("Warning: illegal string ]]> found in text. Ignoring the comment.");
            return "";
        return "<![CDATA[" + htmlText + "]]>";