* @(#)MediaProxy.java 1.2 02/08/21
* Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
package javax.media;
import javax.media.protocol.DataSource;
import java.io.IOException;
* Typically, a <code>MediaProxy</code> reads a text configuration file
* that contains all of the information needed to
* make a connection to a server and obtain media data.
* To produce a <code>Player</code> from a <code>MediaLocator</code>
* referencing the configuration file,
* <code>Manger</code>:
* <ul>
* <li>constructs a <code>DataSource</code>
* for the protocol described by the <code>MediaLocator</code>
* <li>constructs a <code>MediaProxy</code> to read
* the configuration file using the content-type of the
* <code>DataSource</code>
* <li> obtains a new <code>DataSource</code>
* from the <code>MediaProxy</code>
* <li>constructs the <code>Player</code> using the content-type of the new
* <code>DataSource</code>
* </ul>
public interface MediaProxy extends MediaHandler {
* Obtain the new <code>DataSource</code>.
* The <code>DataSource</code> is already connected.
* @exception IOException Thrown when if there are IO
* problems in reading the the original or new
* <code>DataSource</code>.
* @exception NoDataSourceException Thrown if this proxy
* can't produce a <code>DataSource</code>.
* @return the new <code>DataSource</code> for this content.
public DataSource getDataSource()
throws IOException, NoDataSourceException;