AssertionSet.javaAPI DocExample15652Tue May 29 16:56:34 BST


public final class AssertionSet extends Object implements Comparable, Iterable
The AssertionSet is a set of assertions. It represents a single policy alternative.
Fabian Ritzmann, Marek Potociar

Fields Summary
private static final AssertionSet
private static final Comparator
The comparator comapres policy assertions according to their publicly accessible attributes, in the following order of attributes: 1. namespace (not null String) 2. local name (not null String) 3. value (String): null < "" < "not empty" 4. has nested assertions (boolean): false < true 5. has nested policy (boolean): false < true 6. hashCode comparison
private final List
private final Set
private final Collection
Constructors Summary
private AssertionSet(List list)

        assert (list != null) : LocalizationMessages.WSP_0037_PRIVATE_CONSTRUCTOR_DOES_NOT_TAKE_NULL();
        this.assertions = list;
private AssertionSet(Collection alternatives)

        this.assertions = new LinkedList<PolicyAssertion>();
        for (AssertionSet alternative : alternatives) {
Methods Summary
private booleanadd(PolicyAssertion assertion)

        if (assertion == null) {
            return false;
        if (this.assertions.contains(assertion)) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;
private booleanaddAll(java.util.Collection assertions)

        boolean result = true;
        if (assertions != null) {
            for (PolicyAssertion assertion : assertions) {
                result &= add(assertion); // this is here to ensure that vocabulary is built correctly as well
        return result;
public intcompareTo( that)
An {@code Comparable.compareTo(T o)} interface method implementation.

        if (this.equals(that)) {
            return 0;
        // comparing vocabularies
        final Iterator<QName> vIterator1 = this.getVocabulary().iterator();
        final Iterator<QName> vIterator2 = that.getVocabulary().iterator();
        while (vIterator1.hasNext()) {
            final QName entry1 =;
            if (vIterator2.hasNext()) {
                final QName entry2 =;
                final int result =, entry2);
                if (result != 0) {
                    return result;
            } else {
                return 1; // we have more entries in this vocabulary
        if (vIterator2.hasNext()) {
            return -1;  // we have more entries in that vocabulary
        // vocabularies are equal => comparing assertions
        final Iterator<PolicyAssertion> pIterator1 = this.getAssertions().iterator();
        final Iterator<PolicyAssertion> pIterator2 = that.getAssertions().iterator();
        while (pIterator1.hasNext()) {
            final PolicyAssertion pa1 =;
            if (pIterator2.hasNext()) {
                final PolicyAssertion pa2 =;
                final int result =, pa2);
                if (result != 0) {
                    return result;
            } else {
                return 1; // we have more entries in this assertion set
        if (pIterator2.hasNext()) {
            return -1;  // we have more entries in that assertion set
        // seems like objects are very simmilar although not equal => we must not return 0 otherwise the TreeSet
        // holding this element would discard the newly added element. Thus we return that the first argument is
        // greater than second (just because it is first...)
        return 1;
public booleancontains(javax.xml.namespace.QName assertionName)
Returns true if the assertion set contains the assertion name specified in its vocabulary

assertionName the fully qualified name of the assertion
{@code true}, if an assertion with the given name could be found in the assertion set vocabulary {@code false} otherwise.

        return vocabulary.contains(assertionName);
public static assertions)
Creates and returns new assertion set holding a set of provided policy assertions.

assertions collection of provided policy assertions to be stored in the assertion set. May be {@code null}.
new instance of assertion set holding the provided policy assertions

        if (assertions == null || assertions.isEmpty()) {
            return EMPTY_ASSERTION_SET;
        final AssertionSet result = new AssertionSet(new LinkedList<PolicyAssertion>());
        Collections.sort(result.assertions, ASSERTION_COMPARATOR);
        return result;
public static alternatives)
Creates and returns new assertion set holding content of all provided policy assertion sets.

This method should not be used to perform a merge of general Policy instances. A client should be aware of the method's result meaning and the difference between merge of Policy instances and merge of AssertionSet instances.

alternatives collection of provided policy assertion sets which content is to be stored in the assertion set. May be {@code null} - empty assertion set is returned in such case.
new instance of assertion set holding the content of all provided policy assertion sets.

        if (alternatives == null || alternatives.isEmpty()) {
            return EMPTY_ASSERTION_SET;
        final AssertionSet result = new AssertionSet(alternatives);
        Collections.sort(result.assertions, ASSERTION_COMPARATOR);
        return result;
public static

        return EMPTY_ASSERTION_SET;
public booleanequals(java.lang.Object obj)
An {@code Object.equals(Object obj)} method override.

        if (this == obj) {
            return true;
        if (!(obj instanceof AssertionSet)) {
            return false;
        final AssertionSet that = (AssertionSet) obj;        
        boolean result = true;
        result = result && this.vocabulary.equals(that.vocabulary);
        result = result && this.assertions.size() == that.assertions.size() && this.assertions.containsAll(that.assertions);
        return result;
public java.util.Collectionget(javax.xml.namespace.QName name)
Searches for assertions with given name. Only assertions that are contained as immediate children of the assertion set are searched, i.e. nested policies are not searched.

name The fully qualified name of searched assertion
List of all assertions matching the requested name. If no assertions are found, the returned list is empty (i.e. {@code null} value is never returned).

        final List<PolicyAssertion> matched = new LinkedList<PolicyAssertion>();
        if (vocabulary.contains(name)) {
            // we iterate the assertion set only if we are sure we contain such assertion name in our vocabulary
            for (PolicyAssertion assertion : assertions) {
                if (assertion.getName().equals(name)) {
        return matched;
Return all assertions contained in this assertion set.

All assertions contained in this assertion set

        return assertions;
Retrieves the vocabulary of this policy expression. The vocabulary is represented by an immutable collection of unique QName objects. Each of those objects represents single assertion type contained in the assertion set.

immutable collection of assertion types contained in the assertion set (a policy vocabulary).

        return immutableVocabulary;
public inthashCode()
An {@code Object.hashCode()} method override.

        int result = 17;
        result = 37 * result + vocabulary.hashCode();
        result = 37 * result + assertions.hashCode();
        return result;
booleanisCompatibleWith( alternative)
Checks whether this policy alternative is compatible with the provided policy alternative.

alternative policy alternative used for compatibility test
{@code true} if the two policy alternatives are compatible, {@code false} otherwise

        return this.vocabulary.equals(alternative.vocabulary);
public booleanisEmpty()
Returns {@code true} if this assertion set contains no assertions.

{@code true} if this assertion set contains no assertions.

        return assertions.isEmpty();
public java.util.Iteratoriterator()
Returns an iterator over a set of child policy assertion objects.

policy assertion Iterator.

        return this.assertions.iterator();
public java.lang.StringtoString()
An {@code Object.toString()} method override.

        return toString(0, new StringBuffer()).toString();
java.lang.StringBuffertoString(int indentLevel, java.lang.StringBuffer buffer)
A helper method that appends indented string representation of this instance to the input string buffer.

indentLevel indentation level to be used.
buffer buffer to be used for appending string representation of this instance
modified buffer containing new string representation of the instance

        final String indent = PolicyUtils.Text.createIndent(indentLevel);
        final String innerIndent = PolicyUtils.Text.createIndent(indentLevel + 1);
        buffer.append(indent).append("assertion set {").append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE);
        if (assertions.isEmpty()) {
            buffer.append(innerIndent).append("no assertions").append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE);
        } else {
            for (PolicyAssertion assertion : assertions) {
                assertion.toString(indentLevel + 1, buffer).append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE);
        return buffer;