TextRun.javaAPI DocApache Poi 3.0.115649Thu May 31 18:45:28 BST 2007org.apache.poi.hslf.model


public class TextRun extends Object
This class represents a run of text in a powerpoint document. That run could be text on a sheet, or text in a note. It is only a very basic class for now
Nick Burch

Fields Summary
protected TextHeaderAtom
protected TextBytesAtom
protected TextCharsAtom
protected StyleTextPropAtom
protected boolean
protected RichTextRun[]
private SlideShow
private Sheet
private int
protected Record[]
all text run records that follow TextHeaderAtom. (there can be misc InteractiveInfo, TxInteractiveInfo and other records)
Constructors Summary
public TextRun(TextHeaderAtom tha, TextCharsAtom tca, StyleTextPropAtom sta)
Constructs a Text Run from a Unicode text block

tha the TextHeaderAtom that defines what's what
tca the TextCharsAtom containing the text
sta the StyleTextPropAtom which defines the character stylings

public TextRun(TextHeaderAtom tha, TextBytesAtom tba, StyleTextPropAtom sta)
Constructs a Text Run from a Ascii text block

tha the TextHeaderAtom that defines what's what
tba the TextBytesAtom containing the text
sta the StyleTextPropAtom which defines the character stylings

private TextRun(TextHeaderAtom tha, TextBytesAtom tba, TextCharsAtom tca, StyleTextPropAtom sta)
Internal constructor and initializer

		_headerAtom = tha;
		_styleAtom = sta;
		if(tba != null) {
			_byteAtom = tba;
			_isUnicode = false;
		} else {
			_charAtom = tca;
			_isUnicode = true;
		String runRawText = getText();
		// Figure out the rich text runs
		LinkedList pStyles = new LinkedList();
		LinkedList cStyles = new LinkedList();
		if(_styleAtom != null) {
			// Get the style atom to grok itself
			pStyles = _styleAtom.getParagraphStyles();
			cStyles = _styleAtom.getCharacterStyles();

		// Handle case of no current style, with a default
		if(pStyles.size() == 0 || cStyles.size() == 0) { 
			_rtRuns = new RichTextRun[1];
			_rtRuns[0] = new RichTextRun(this, 0, runRawText.length());
		} else {
			// Build up Rich Text Runs, one for each 
			//  character/paragraph style pair
			Vector rtrs = new Vector();

			int pos = 0;
			int curP = 0;
			int curC = 0;
			int pLenRemain = -1;
			int cLenRemain = -1;
			// Build one for each run with the same style
			while(pos <= runRawText.length() && curP < pStyles.size() && curC < cStyles.size()) {
				// Get the Props to use
				TextPropCollection pProps = (TextPropCollection)pStyles.get(curP);
				TextPropCollection cProps = (TextPropCollection)cStyles.get(curC);
				int pLen = pProps.getCharactersCovered();
				int cLen = cProps.getCharactersCovered();
				// Handle new pass
				boolean freshSet = false;
				if(pLenRemain == -1 && cLenRemain == -1) { freshSet = true; }
				if(pLenRemain == -1) { pLenRemain = pLen; }
				if(cLenRemain == -1) { cLenRemain = cLen; }
				// So we know how to build the eventual run
				int runLen = -1;
				boolean pShared = false;
				boolean cShared = false;
				// Same size, new styles - neither shared
				if(pLen == cLen && freshSet) {
					runLen = cLen;
					pShared = false;
					cShared = false;
					pLenRemain = -1;
					cLenRemain = -1;
				} else {
					// Some sharing
					// See if we are already in a shared block
					if(pLenRemain < pLen) {
						// Existing shared p block
						pShared = true;
						// Do we end with the c block, or either side of it?
						if(pLenRemain == cLenRemain) {
							// We end at the same time
							cShared = false;
							runLen = pLenRemain;
							pLenRemain = -1;
							cLenRemain = -1;
						} else if(pLenRemain < cLenRemain) {
							// We end before the c block
							cShared = true;
							runLen = pLenRemain;
							cLenRemain -= pLenRemain;
							pLenRemain = -1;
						} else {
							// We end after the c block
							cShared = false;
							runLen = cLenRemain;
							pLenRemain -= cLenRemain;
							cLenRemain = -1;
					} else if(cLenRemain < cLen) {
						// Existing shared c block
						cShared = true;
						// Do we end with the p block, or either side of it?
						if(pLenRemain == cLenRemain) {
							// We end at the same time
							pShared = false;
							runLen = cLenRemain;
							pLenRemain = -1;
							cLenRemain = -1;
						} else if(cLenRemain < pLenRemain) {
							// We end before the p block
							pShared = true;
							runLen = cLenRemain;
							pLenRemain -= cLenRemain;
							cLenRemain = -1;
						} else {
							// We end after the p block
							pShared = false;
							runLen = pLenRemain;
							cLenRemain -= pLenRemain;
							pLenRemain = -1;
					} else {
						// Start of a shared block
						if(pLenRemain < cLenRemain) {
							// Shared c block
							pShared = false;
							cShared = true;
							runLen = pLenRemain;
							cLenRemain -= pLenRemain;
							pLenRemain = -1;
						} else {
							// Shared p block
							pShared = true;
							cShared = false;
							runLen = cLenRemain;
							pLenRemain -= cLenRemain;
							cLenRemain = -1;
				// Wind on
				int prevPos = pos;
				pos += runLen;
				// Adjust for end-of-run extra 1 length
				if(pos > runRawText.length()) {
				// Save
				RichTextRun rtr = new RichTextRun(this, prevPos, runLen, pProps, cProps, pShared, cShared);
			// Build the array
			_rtRuns = new RichTextRun[rtrs.size()];
Methods Summary
public synchronized voidchangeTextInRichTextRun(org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.RichTextRun run, java.lang.String s)
Handles an update to the text stored in one of the Rich Text Runs


		// Figure out which run it is
		int runID = -1;
		for(int i=0; i<_rtRuns.length; i++) {
			if(run.equals(_rtRuns[i])) {
				runID = i;
		if(runID == -1) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Supplied RichTextRun wasn't from this TextRun");
		// Ensure a StyleTextPropAtom is present, adding if required
		// Update the text length for its Paragraph and Character stylings
		// If it's shared:
		//   * calculate the new length based on the run's old text
		//   * this should leave in any +1's for the end of block if needed
		// If it isn't shared:
		//   * reset the length, to the new string's length
		//   * add on +1 if the last block
		// The last run needs its stylings to be 1 longer than the raw
		//  text is. This is to define the stylings that any new text
		//  that is added will inherit
		TextPropCollection pCol = run._getRawParagraphStyle();
		TextPropCollection cCol = run._getRawCharacterStyle();
		int newSize = s.length();
		if(runID == _rtRuns.length-1) {
		if(run._isParagraphStyleShared()) {
			pCol.updateTextSize( pCol.getCharactersCovered() - run.getLength() + s.length() );
		} else {
		if(run._isCharacterStyleShared()) {
			cCol.updateTextSize( cCol.getCharactersCovered() - run.getLength() + s.length() );
		} else {
		// Build up the new text
		// As we go through, update the start position for all subsequent runs
		// The building relies on the old text still being present
		StringBuffer newText = new StringBuffer();
		for(int i=0; i<_rtRuns.length; i++) {
			int newStartPos = newText.length();
			// Build up the new text
			if(i != runID) {
				// Not the affected run, so keep old text
			} else {
				// Affected run, so use new text
			// Do we need to update the start position of this run?
			// (Need to get the text before we update the start pos)
			if(i <= runID) {
				// Change is after this, so don't need to change start position
			} else {
				// Change has occured, so update start position
		// Now we can save the new text
public synchronized voidensureStyleAtomPresent()
Ensure a StyleTextPropAtom is present for this run, by adding if required. Normally for internal TextRun use.

		if(_styleAtom != null) {
			// All there
		// Create a new one at the right size
		_styleAtom = new StyleTextPropAtom(getRawText().length() + 1);
		// Use the TextHeader atom to get at the parent
		RecordContainer runAtomsParent = _headerAtom.getParentRecord();
		// Add the new StyleTextPropAtom after the TextCharsAtom / TextBytesAtom
		Record addAfter = _byteAtom;
		if(_byteAtom == null) { addAfter = _charAtom; }
		runAtomsParent.addChildAfter(_styleAtom, addAfter);
		// Feed this to our sole rich text run
		if(_rtRuns.length != 1) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("Needed to add StyleTextPropAtom when had many rich text runs");
		// These are the only styles for now 
public org.apache.poi.hslf.model.Hyperlink[]getHyperlinks()
Returns the array of all hyperlinks in this text run

the array of all hyperlinks in this text run or null if not found.

        return Hyperlink.find(this);
public java.lang.StringgetRawText()
Returns the raw text content of the run. This hasn't had any changes applied to it, and so is probably unlikely to print out nicely.

		if(_isUnicode) {
			return _charAtom.getText();
		} else {
			return _byteAtom.getText();
public org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.RichTextRun[]getRichTextRuns()
Fetch the rich text runs (runs of text with the same styling) that are contained within this block of text


		return 	_rtRuns;
public intgetRunType()
Returns the type of the text, from the TextHeaderAtom. Possible values can be seen from TextHeaderAtom


		return _headerAtom.getTextType();
protected intgetShapeId()

Shape ID

        return shapeId;
public org.apache.poi.hslf.model.SheetgetSheet()

        return this.sheet;        
public java.lang.StringgetText()
Returns the text content of the run, which has been made safe for printing and other use.

		String rawText = getRawText();

		// PowerPoint seems to store files with \r as the line break
		// The messes things up on everything but a Mac, so translate
		//  them to \n
		String text = rawText.replace('\r",'\n");
		return text;
public voidsetRunType(int type)
Changes the type of the text. Values should be taken from TextHeaderAtom. No checking is done to ensure you set this to a valid value!


protected voidsetShapeId(int id)

id Shape ID

        shapeId = id;
public voidsetSheet(org.apache.poi.hslf.model.Sheet sheet)

        this.sheet = sheet;
public synchronized voidsetText(java.lang.String s)
Changes the text, and sets it all to have the same styling as the the first character has. If you care about styling, do setText on a RichTextRun instead

		// Save the new text to the atoms
		RichTextRun fst = _rtRuns[0];

		// Finally, zap and re-do the RichTextRuns
		for(int i=0; i<_rtRuns.length; i++) { _rtRuns[i] = null; }
		_rtRuns = new RichTextRun[1];
        _rtRuns[0] = fst;

		// Now handle record stylings:
		// If there isn't styling
		//  no change, stays with no styling
		// If there is styling:
		//  everthing gets the same style that the first block has
		if(_styleAtom != null) {
			LinkedList pStyles = _styleAtom.getParagraphStyles();
			while(pStyles.size() > 1) { pStyles.removeLast(); }
			LinkedList cStyles = _styleAtom.getCharacterStyles();
			while(cStyles.size() > 1) { cStyles.removeLast(); }
		} else {
			// Recreate rich text run with no styling
			_rtRuns[0] = new RichTextRun(this,0,s.length());
private voidstoreText(java.lang.String s)
Saves the given string to the records. Doesn't touch the stylings.

		// Remove a single trailing \n, as there is an implicit one at the
		//  end of every record
		if(s.endsWith("\n")) {
			s = s.substring(0, s.length()-1);
		// Store in the appropriate record
		if(_isUnicode) {
			// The atom can safely convert to unicode
		} else {
			// Will it fit in a 8 bit atom?
			boolean hasMultibyte = StringUtil.hasMultibyte(s);
			if(! hasMultibyte) {
				// Fine to go into 8 bit atom
				byte[] text = new byte[s.length()];
			} else {
				// Need to swap a TextBytesAtom for a TextCharsAtom
				// Build the new TextCharsAtom
				_charAtom = new TextCharsAtom();
				// Use the TextHeaderAtom to do the swap on the parent
				RecordContainer parent = _headerAtom.getParentRecord();
				Record[] cr = parent.getChildRecords();
				for(int i=0; i<cr.length; i++) {
					// Look for TextBytesAtom
					if(cr[i].equals(_byteAtom)) {
						// Found it, so replace, then all done
						cr[i] = _charAtom;
				// Flag the change
				_byteAtom = null;
				_isUnicode = true;
public voidsupplySlideShow(org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel.SlideShow ss)
Supply the SlideShow we belong to. Also passes it on to our child RichTextRuns

		slideShow = ss;
		if(_rtRuns != null) {
			for(int i=0; i<_rtRuns.length; i++) {