HWPFDocumentpublic class HWPFDocument extends POIDocument This class acts as the bucket that we throw all of the Word data structures
into. |
Fields Summary |
protected FileInformationBlock | _fibThe FIB | private byte[] | _mainStreammain document stream buffer | private byte[] | _tableStreamtable stream buffer | protected byte[] | _dataStreamdata stream buffer | protected DocumentProperties | _dopDocument wide Properties | protected ComplexFileTable | _cftContains text of the document wrapped in a obfuscated Word data
structure | protected TextPieceTable | _tpt | protected CHPBinTable | _cbtContains formatting properties for text | protected PAPBinTable | _pbtContains formatting properties for paragraphs | protected SectionTable | _stContains formatting properties for sections. | protected StyleSheet | _ssHolds styles for this document. | protected FontTable | _ftHolds fonts for this document. | protected ListTables | _ltHold list tables | protected SavedByTable | _sbtHolds the save history for this document. | protected PicturesTable | _picturesHolds pictures table |
Constructors Summary |
protected HWPFDocument()
| public HWPFDocument(InputStream istream)This constructor loads a Word document from an InputStream.
//do Ole stuff
this( verifyAndBuildPOIFS(istream) );
| public HWPFDocument(POIFSFileSystem pfilesystem)This constructor loads a Word document from a POIFSFileSystem
// Sort out the hpsf properties
filesystem = pfilesystem;
// read in the main stream.
DocumentEntry documentProps =
_mainStream = new byte[documentProps.getSize()];
// use the fib to determine the name of the table stream.
_fib = new FileInformationBlock(_mainStream);
String name = "0Table";
if (_fib.isFWhichTblStm())
name = "1Table";
// Grab the table stream.
DocumentEntry tableProps;
try {
tableProps =
} catch(FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Table Stream '" + name + "' wasn't found - Either the document is corrupt, or is Word95 (or earlier)");
// read in the table stream.
_tableStream = new byte[tableProps.getSize()];
_fib.fillVariableFields(_mainStream, _tableStream);
// read in the data stream.
DocumentEntry dataProps =
(DocumentEntry) filesystem.getRoot().getEntry("Data");
_dataStream = new byte[dataProps.getSize()];
catch(java.io.FileNotFoundException e)
_dataStream = new byte[0];
// read in the pictures stream
_pictures = new PicturesTable(_dataStream);
// get the start of text in the main stream
int fcMin = _fib.getFcMin();
// load up our standard structures.
_dop = new DocumentProperties(_tableStream, _fib.getFcDop());
_cft = new ComplexFileTable(_mainStream, _tableStream, _fib.getFcClx(), fcMin);
_tpt = _cft.getTextPieceTable();
_cbt = new CHPBinTable(_mainStream, _tableStream, _fib.getFcPlcfbteChpx(), _fib.getLcbPlcfbteChpx(), fcMin);
_pbt = new PAPBinTable(_mainStream, _tableStream, _dataStream, _fib.getFcPlcfbtePapx(), _fib.getLcbPlcfbtePapx(), fcMin);
// Word XP puts in a zero filled buffer in front of the text and it screws
// up my system for offsets. This is an adjustment.
int cpMin = _tpt.getCpMin();
if (cpMin > 0)
_cbt.adjustForDelete(0, 0, cpMin);
_pbt.adjustForDelete(0, 0, cpMin);
_st = new SectionTable(_mainStream, _tableStream, _fib.getFcPlcfsed(), _fib.getLcbPlcfsed(), fcMin, getTextTable().getTextPieces());
_ss = new StyleSheet(_tableStream, _fib.getFcStshf());
_ft = new FontTable(_tableStream, _fib.getFcSttbfffn(), _fib.getLcbSttbfffn());
int listOffset = _fib.getFcPlcfLst();
int lfoOffset = _fib.getFcPlfLfo();
if (listOffset != 0 && _fib.getLcbPlcfLst() != 0)
_lt = new ListTables(_tableStream, _fib.getFcPlcfLst(), _fib.getFcPlfLfo());
int sbtOffset = _fib.getFcSttbSavedBy();
int sbtLength = _fib.getLcbSttbSavedBy();
if (sbtOffset != 0 && sbtLength != 0)
_sbt = new SavedByTable(_tableStream, sbtOffset, sbtLength);
PlexOfCps plc = new PlexOfCps(_tableStream, _fib.getFcPlcffldMom(), _fib.getLcbPlcffldMom(), 2);
for (int x = 0; x < plc.length(); x++)
GenericPropertyNode node = plc.getProperty(x);
byte[] fld = node.getBytes();
int breakpoint = 0;
Methods Summary |
public int | characterLength()Returns the character length of a document.
java.util.List textPieces = _tpt.getTextPieces();
Iterator textIt = textPieces.iterator();
int length = 0;
TextPiece tp = (TextPiece)textIt.next();
length += tp.characterLength();
return length;
| public void | delete(int start, int length)
Range r = new Range(start, start + length, this);
| public org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.CHPBinTable | getCharacterTable()
return _cbt;
| public byte[] | getDataStream()
return _dataStream;
| public org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.DocumentProperties | getDocProperties()
return _dop;
| public org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.FileInformationBlock | getFileInformationBlock()
return _fib;
| public org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.FontTable | getFontTable()
return _ft;
| public org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.ListTables | getListTables()
return _lt;
| public org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.PAPBinTable | getParagraphTable()
return _pbt;
| public org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.PicturesTable | getPicturesTable()
return _pictures;
| public org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.Range | getRange()
// hack to get the ending cp of the document, Have to revisit this.
java.util.List text = _tpt.getTextPieces();
PropertyNode p = (PropertyNode)text.get(text.size() - 1);
return new Range(0, p.getEnd(), this);
| public org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.SavedByTable | getSavedByTable()Gets a reference to the saved -by table, which holds the save history for the document.
return _sbt;
| public org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.SectionTable | getSectionTable()
return _st;
| public org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.StyleSheet | getStyleSheet()
return _ss;
| public org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.TextPieceTable | getTextTable()
return _cft.getTextPieceTable();
| public static void | main(java.lang.String[] args)Takes two arguments, 1) name of the Word file to read in 2) location to
write it out at.
HWPFDocument doc = new HWPFDocument(new FileInputStream(args[0]));
Range r = doc.getRange();
String str = r.text();
int x = 0;
// CharacterRun run = new CharacterRun();
// run.setBold(true);
// run.setItalic(true);
// run.setCapitalized(true);
// Range range = doc.getRange();
// range.insertBefore("Hello World!!! HAHAHAHAHA I DID IT!!!", run);
// OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(args[1]);
// doc.write(out);
// out.flush();
// out.close();
catch (Throwable t)
| public int | registerList(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.HWPFList list)
if (_lt == null)
_lt = new ListTables();
return _lt.addList(list.getListData(), list.getOverride());
| public static org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem | verifyAndBuildPOIFS(java.io.InputStream istream)Takens an InputStream, verifies that it's not RTF, builds a
POIFSFileSystem from it, and returns that.
// Open a PushbackInputStream, so we can peek at the first few bytes
PushbackInputStream pis = new PushbackInputStream(istream,6);
byte[] first6 = new byte[6];
// Does it start with {\rtf ? If so, it's really RTF
if(first6[0] == '{" && first6[1] == '\\" && first6[2] == 'r"
&& first6[3] == 't" && first6[4] == 'f") {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The document is really a RTF file");
// OK, so it's not RTF
// Open a POIFSFileSystem on the (pushed back) stream
return new POIFSFileSystem(pis);
| public void | write(java.io.OutputStream out)Writes out the word file that is represented by an instance of this class.
// initialize our streams for writing.
HWPFFileSystem docSys = new HWPFFileSystem();
HWPFOutputStream mainStream = docSys.getStream("WordDocument");
HWPFOutputStream tableStream = docSys.getStream("1Table");
//HWPFOutputStream dataStream = docSys.getStream("Data");
int tableOffset = 0;
// FileInformationBlock fib = (FileInformationBlock)_fib.clone();
// clear the offsets and sizes in our FileInformationBlock.
// determine the FileInformationBLock size
int fibSize = _fib.getSize();
fibSize += POIFSConstants.BIG_BLOCK_SIZE -
(fibSize % POIFSConstants.BIG_BLOCK_SIZE);
// preserve space for the FileInformationBlock because we will be writing
// it after we write everything else.
byte[] placeHolder = new byte[fibSize];
int mainOffset = mainStream.getOffset();
// write out the StyleSheet.
_fib.setLcbStshf(tableStream.getOffset() - tableOffset);
tableOffset = tableStream.getOffset();
// get fcMin and fcMac because we will be writing the actual text with the
// complex table.
int fcMin = mainOffset;
// write out the Complex table, includes text.
_fib.setLcbClx(tableStream.getOffset() - tableOffset);
tableOffset = tableStream.getOffset();
int fcMac = mainStream.getOffset();
// write out the CHPBinTable.
_cbt.writeTo(docSys, fcMin);
_fib.setLcbPlcfbteChpx(tableStream.getOffset() - tableOffset);
tableOffset = tableStream.getOffset();
// write out the PAPBinTable.
_pbt.writeTo(docSys, fcMin);
_fib.setLcbPlcfbtePapx(tableStream.getOffset() - tableOffset);
tableOffset = tableStream.getOffset();
// write out the SectionTable.
_st.writeTo(docSys, fcMin);
_fib.setLcbPlcfsed(tableStream.getOffset() - tableOffset);
tableOffset = tableStream.getOffset();
// write out the list tables
if (_lt != null)
_fib.setLcbPlcfLst(tableStream.getOffset() - tableOffset);
_fib.setLcbPlfLfo(tableStream.getOffset() - tableOffset);
tableOffset = tableStream.getOffset();
// write out the saved-by table.
if (_sbt != null)
_fib.setLcbSttbSavedBy(tableStream.getOffset() - tableOffset);
tableOffset = tableStream.getOffset();
// write out the FontTable.
_fib.setLcbSttbfffn(tableStream.getOffset() - tableOffset);
tableOffset = tableStream.getOffset();
// write out the DocumentProperties.
byte[] buf = new byte[_dop.getSize()];
_dop.serialize(buf, 0);
// set some variables in the FileInformationBlock.
// make sure that the table, doc and data streams use big blocks.
byte[] mainBuf = mainStream.toByteArray();
if (mainBuf.length < 4096)
byte[] tempBuf = new byte[4096];
System.arraycopy(mainBuf, 0, tempBuf, 0, mainBuf.length);
mainBuf = tempBuf;
// write out the FileInformationBlock.
//_fib.serialize(mainBuf, 0);
_fib.writeTo(mainBuf, tableStream);
byte[] tableBuf = tableStream.toByteArray();
if (tableBuf.length < 4096)
byte[] tempBuf = new byte[4096];
System.arraycopy(tableBuf, 0, tempBuf, 0, tableBuf.length);
tableBuf = tempBuf;
byte[] dataBuf = _dataStream;
if (dataBuf == null)
dataBuf = new byte[4096];
if (dataBuf.length < 4096)
byte[] tempBuf = new byte[4096];
System.arraycopy(dataBuf, 0, tempBuf, 0, dataBuf.length);
dataBuf = tempBuf;
// spit out the Word document.
POIFSFileSystem pfs = new POIFSFileSystem();
pfs.createDocument(new ByteArrayInputStream(mainBuf), "WordDocument");
pfs.createDocument(new ByteArrayInputStream(tableBuf), "1Table");
pfs.createDocument(new ByteArrayInputStream(dataBuf), "Data");