Methods Summary |
public java.lang.Object | clone()
FormulaRecord rec = new FormulaRecord();
rec.field_1_row = field_1_row;
rec.field_2_column = field_2_column;
rec.field_3_xf = field_3_xf;
rec.field_4_value = field_4_value;
rec.field_5_options = field_5_options;
rec.field_6_zero = field_6_zero;
rec.field_7_expression_len = field_7_expression_len;
rec.field_8_parsed_expr = new Stack();
int size = 0;
if (field_8_parsed_expr != null)
size = field_8_parsed_expr.size();
for (int i=0; i< size; i++) {
Ptg ptg = (Ptg)((Ptg)field_8_parsed_expr.get(i)).clone();
rec.field_8_parsed_expr.add(i, ptg);
rec.value_data = value_data;
rec.all_data = all_data;
return rec;
public int | compareTo(java.lang.Object obj)
CellValueRecordInterface loc = ( CellValueRecordInterface ) obj;
if ((this.getRow() == loc.getRow())
&& (this.getColumn() == loc.getColumn()))
return 0;
if (this.getRow() < loc.getRow())
return -1;
if (this.getRow() > loc.getRow())
return 1;
if (this.getColumn() < loc.getColumn())
return -1;
if (this.getColumn() > loc.getColumn())
return 1;
return -1;
public boolean | equals(java.lang.Object obj)
if (!(obj instanceof CellValueRecordInterface))
return false;
CellValueRecordInterface loc = ( CellValueRecordInterface ) obj;
if ((this.getRow() == loc.getRow())
&& (this.getColumn() == loc.getColumn()))
return true;
return false;
protected void | fillFields(org.apache.poi.hssf.record.RecordInputStream in)
try {
field_1_row = in.readUShort();
field_2_column = in.readShort();
field_3_xf = in.readShort();
field_4_value = in.readDouble();
field_5_options = in.readShort();
if (Double.isNaN(field_4_value)) {
value_data = in.getNANData();
field_6_zero = in.readInt();
field_7_expression_len = in.readShort();
field_8_parsed_expr = Ptg.createParsedExpressionTokens(field_7_expression_len, in);
} catch (java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
throw new RecordFormatException(uoe);
public short | getColumn()
return field_2_column;
public short | getExpressionLength()get the length (in number of tokens) of the expression
return field_7_expression_len;
public int | getNumberOfExpressionTokens()get the size of the stack
if (this.field_8_parsed_expr == null) {
return 0;
} else {
return field_8_parsed_expr.size();
public short | getOptions()get the option flags
return field_5_options;
public java.util.List | getParsedExpression()get the stack as a list
return field_8_parsed_expr;
public int | getRecordSize()
int retval =0;
if (this.field_8_parsed_expr != null) {
retval = getTotalPtgSize() + 26;
} else {
retval =all_data.length;
return retval;
// return getTotalPtgSize() + 28;
public int | getRow()
return field_1_row;
public short | getSid()
return sid;
private int | getTotalPtgSize()
List list = getParsedExpression();
int retval = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < list.size(); k++)
Ptg ptg = ( Ptg ) list.get(k);
retval += ptg.getSize();
return retval;
public double | getValue()get the calculated value of the formula
return field_4_value;
public short | getXFIndex()
return field_3_xf;
public boolean | isAfter(org.apache.poi.hssf.record.CellValueRecordInterface i)
if (this.getRow() < i.getRow())
return false;
if ((this.getRow() == i.getRow())
&& (this.getColumn() < i.getColumn()))
return false;
if ((this.getRow() == i.getRow())
&& (this.getColumn() == i.getColumn()))
return false;
return true;
public boolean | isBefore(org.apache.poi.hssf.record.CellValueRecordInterface i)
if (this.getRow() > i.getRow())
return false;
if ((this.getRow() == i.getRow())
&& (this.getColumn() > i.getColumn()))
return false;
if ((this.getRow() == i.getRow())
&& (this.getColumn() == i.getColumn()))
return false;
return true;
public boolean | isEqual(org.apache.poi.hssf.record.CellValueRecordInterface i)
return ((this.getRow() == i.getRow())
&& (this.getColumn() == i.getColumn()));
public boolean | isInValueSection()
return true;
public boolean | isSharedFormula()
return sharedFormula.isSet(field_5_options);
public boolean | isValue()
return true;
public org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.Ptg | peekExpressionToken()peek at the token on the top of stack
return ( Ptg ) field_8_parsed_expr.peek();
public org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.Ptg | popExpressionToken()pop a token off of the stack
return ( Ptg ) field_8_parsed_expr.pop();
public void | pushExpressionToken(org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.Ptg ptg)push a token onto the stack
public int | serialize(int offset, byte[] data)called by the class that is responsible for writing this sucker.
Subclasses should implement this so that their data is passed back in a
byte array.
if (this.field_8_parsed_expr != null) {
int ptgSize = getTotalPtgSize();
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0 + offset, sid);
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 2 + offset, ( short ) (22 + ptgSize));
//LittleEndian.putShort(data, 4 + offset, getRow());
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 4 + offset, ( short ) getRow());
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 6 + offset, getColumn());
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 8 + offset, getXFIndex());
//only reserialize if the value is still NaN and we have old nan data
if (Double.isNaN(this.getValue()) && value_data != null) {
System.arraycopy(value_data,0,data,10 + offset,value_data.length);
} else {
LittleEndian.putDouble(data, 10 + offset, field_4_value);
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 18 + offset, getOptions());
//when writing the chn field (offset 20), it's supposed to be 0 but ignored on read
//Microsoft Excel Developer's Kit Page 318
LittleEndian.putInt(data, 20 + offset, 0);
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 24 + offset, getExpressionLength());
Ptg.serializePtgStack(field_8_parsed_expr, data, 26+offset);
} else {
return getRecordSize();
public void | setColumn(short column)
field_2_column = column;
public void | setExpressionLength(short len)set the length (in number of tokens) of the expression
field_7_expression_len = len;
public void | setOptions(short options)set the option flags
field_5_options = options;
public void | setParsedExpression(java.util.Stack ptgs)
field_8_parsed_expr = ptgs;
public void | setRow(int row)
field_1_row = row;
public void | setSharedFormula(boolean flag)
sharedFormula.setBoolean(field_5_options, flag);
public void | setValue(double value)set the calculated value of the formula
field_4_value = value;
public void | setXFIndex(short xf)
field_3_xf = xf;
public java.lang.String | toString()
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append(" .row = ")
buffer.append(" .column = ")
buffer.append(" .xf = ")
if (Double.isNaN(this.getValue()) && value_data != null)
buffer.append(" .value (NaN) = ")
buffer.append(" .value = ").append(getValue())
buffer.append(" .options = ").append(getOptions())
buffer.append(" .alwaysCalc = ").append(alwaysCalc.isSet(getOptions()))
buffer.append(" .calcOnLoad = ").append(calcOnLoad.isSet(getOptions()))
buffer.append(" .sharedFormula = ").append(sharedFormula.isSet(getOptions()))
buffer.append(" .zero = ").append(field_6_zero)
buffer.append(" .expressionlength= ").append(getExpressionLength())
if (field_8_parsed_expr != null) {
buffer.append(" .numptgsinarray = ").append(field_8_parsed_expr.size())
for (int k = 0; k < field_8_parsed_expr.size(); k++ ) {
buffer.append(" Ptg(")
}else {
buffer.append("Formula full data \n")
return buffer.toString();
protected void | validateSid(short id)called by constructor, should throw runtime exception in the event of a
record passed with a differing ID.
if (id != sid)
throw new RecordFormatException("NOT A FORMULA RECORD");