SearchRecentSuggestionsProviderTest.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API15313Thu Mar 12 22:22:12 GMT 2015android.provider


public class SearchRecentSuggestionsProviderTest extends android.test.ProviderTestCase2
ProviderTestCase that performs unit tests of SearchRecentSuggestionsProvider. You can run this test in isolation via the commands: $ (cd tests/FrameworkTests/ && mm) && adb sync $ adb shell am instrument -w \ -e class android.provider.SearchRecentSuggestionsProviderTest

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public SearchRecentSuggestionsProviderTest()

        super(TestProvider.class, TestProvider.AUTHORITY);
Methods Summary
private voidcheckOpenCursorCount(int expectCount)
Access an "open" (no selection) suggestions cursor and confirm that it has the specified number of entries.

expectCount The expected number of entries returned by the cursor.

        Cursor c = getQueryCursor(null);
        assertEquals(expectCount, c.getCount());
private voidcheckResultCounts(java.lang.String queryString, int minRows, int maxRows, java.lang.String matchDisplay1, java.lang.String matchDisplay2)
Set up a filter cursor and then scan it for specific results.

queryString The query string to apply.
minRows The minimum number of matching rows that must be found.
maxRows The maximum number of matching rows that must be found.
matchDisplay1 If non-null, must match DISPLAY1 column if row counts as match
matchDisplay2 If non-null, must match DISPLAY2 column if row counts as match

        // get the cursor and apply sanity checks to result
        Cursor c = getQueryCursor(queryString);
        assertTrue("Insufficient rows in filtered cursor", c.getCount() >= minRows);

        // look for minimum set of columns (note, display2 is optional)
        int colQuery = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_QUERY);
        int colDisplay1 = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_TEXT_1);
        int colDisplay2 = c.getColumnIndex(SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_TEXT_2);

        // now loop through rows and look for desired rows
        int foundRows = 0;
        while (!c.isAfterLast()) {
            if (checkRow(c, colQuery, colDisplay1, colDisplay2, matchDisplay1, matchDisplay2)) {

        // now check the results
        assertTrue(minRows <= foundRows);
        assertTrue(foundRows <= maxRows);

private booleancheckRow(android.database.Cursor c, int colQuery, int colDisp1, int colDisp2, java.lang.String matchDisplay1, java.lang.String matchDisplay2)
Check a single row for equality with target strings.

c The cursor, already moved to the row
colQuery The column # containing the query. The query must match display1.
colDisp1 The column # containing display line 1.
colDisp2 The column # containing display line 2, or -1 if no column
matchDisplay1 If non-null, this must be the prefix of display1
matchDisplay2 If non-null, this must be the prefix of display2
Returns true if the row is a "match"

        // Get the data from the row
        String query = c.getString(colQuery);
        String display1 = c.getString(colDisp1);
        String display2 = (colDisp2 >= 0) ? c.getString(colDisp2) : null;

        assertEquals(query, display1);
        boolean result = true;
        if (matchDisplay1 != null) {
            result = result && (display1 != null) && display1.startsWith(matchDisplay1);
        if (matchDisplay2 != null) {
            result = result && (display2 != null) && display2.startsWith(matchDisplay2);

        return result;
private android.database.CursorgetQueryCursor(java.lang.String queryString)
Generate a query cursor in a manner like the search dialog would.

queryString The search string, or, null for "all"
Returns a cursor, or null if there was some problem. Be sure to close the cursor when done with it.

        ContentResolver cr = getMockContext().getContentResolver();

        String uriStr = "content://" + TestProvider.AUTHORITY +
        '/" + SearchManager.SUGGEST_URI_PATH_QUERY;
        Uri contentUri = Uri.parse(uriStr);

        String[] selArgs = new String[] {queryString};

        Cursor c = cr.query(contentUri, null, null, selArgs, null);

        return c;
public voidsetUp()
During setup, grab a helper for DB access


        // Use the recent suggestions helper.  As long as we pass in our isolated context,
        // it should correctly access the provider under test.
        mSearchHelper = new SearchRecentSuggestions(getMockContext(),
                TestProvider.AUTHORITY, TestProvider.MODE);

        // test for empty database at setup time
public voidtestClear()
Test that the clear history code works properly.

        // first we'll make 10 queries named "group1 x"
        final int GROUP_1_COUNT = 10;
        final String GROUP_1_QUERY = "group1 ";
        final String GROUP_1_LINE2 = "line2 ";
        writeEntries(GROUP_1_COUNT, GROUP_1_QUERY, GROUP_1_LINE2);

        // next we'll add 10 entries named "group2 x"
        final int GROUP_2_COUNT = 10;
        final String GROUP_2_QUERY = "group2 ";
        final String GROUP_2_LINE2 = "line2 ";
        writeEntries(GROUP_2_COUNT, GROUP_2_QUERY, GROUP_2_LINE2);

        // check totals
        checkOpenCursorCount(GROUP_1_COUNT + GROUP_2_COUNT);

        // delete all

        // check totals
public voidtestMixedQueries()
Simple test to see if we can write and read back a diverse set of queries

        // we'll make 10 queries named "query x" and 10 queries named "test x"
        final String TEST_GROUP_1 = "query ";
        final String TEST_GROUP_2 = "test ";
        final String TEST_LINE2 = "line2 ";
        final int GROUP_COUNT = 10;

        writeEntries(GROUP_COUNT, TEST_GROUP_1, TEST_LINE2);
        writeEntries(GROUP_COUNT, TEST_GROUP_2, TEST_LINE2);

        // check counts
        checkOpenCursorCount(2 * GROUP_COUNT);

        // check that each query returns the right result counts
        checkResultCounts(TEST_GROUP_1, GROUP_COUNT, GROUP_COUNT, null, null);
        checkResultCounts(TEST_GROUP_2, GROUP_COUNT, GROUP_COUNT, null, null);
        checkResultCounts(TEST_LINE2, 2 * GROUP_COUNT, 2 * GROUP_COUNT, null, null);
public voidtestOneQuery()
Simple test to see if we can write and read back a single query

        final String TEST_LINE1 = "test line 1";
        final String TEST_LINE2 = "test line 2";
        mSearchHelper.saveRecentQuery(TEST_LINE1, TEST_LINE2);

        // make sure that there are is exactly one entry returned by a non-filtering cursor

        // test non-filtering cursor for correct entry
        checkResultCounts(null, 1, 1, TEST_LINE1, TEST_LINE2);

        // test filtering cursor for correct entry
        checkResultCounts(TEST_LINE1, 1, 1, TEST_LINE1, TEST_LINE2);
        checkResultCounts(TEST_LINE2, 1, 1, TEST_LINE1, TEST_LINE2);

        // test that a different filter returns zero results
        checkResultCounts("bad filter", 0, 0, null, null);
public voidtestPruning()
Test that the pruning code works properly, The database should not go beyond 250 entries, and the oldest entries should always be discarded first. TODO: This is a slow test, do we have annotation for that?

        // first we'll make 50 queries named "group1 x"
        final int GROUP_1_COUNT = 50;
        final String GROUP_1_QUERY = "group1 ";
        final String GROUP_1_LINE2 = "line2 ";
        writeEntries(GROUP_1_COUNT, GROUP_1_QUERY, GROUP_1_LINE2);

        // check totals

        // guarantee that group 1 has older timestamps (and will be pruned first)

        // next we'll add 200 entries named "group2 x"
        final int GROUP_2_COUNT = 200;
        final String GROUP_2_QUERY = "group2 ";
        final String GROUP_2_LINE2 = "line2 ";
        writeEntries(GROUP_2_COUNT, GROUP_2_QUERY, GROUP_2_LINE2);

        // check totals
        checkOpenCursorCount(GROUP_1_COUNT + GROUP_2_COUNT);

        // Finally we'll add 10 more entries named "group3 x"
        // These should push out 10 entries from group 1
        final int GROUP_3_COUNT = 10;
        final String GROUP_3_QUERY = "group3 ";
        final String GROUP_3_LINE2 = "line2 ";
        writeEntries(GROUP_3_COUNT, GROUP_3_QUERY, GROUP_3_LINE2);

        // total should still be 250
        checkOpenCursorCount(GROUP_1_COUNT + GROUP_2_COUNT);

        // there should be 40 group 1, 200 group 2, and 10 group 3
        int group1NewCount = GROUP_1_COUNT-GROUP_3_COUNT;
        checkResultCounts(GROUP_1_QUERY, group1NewCount, group1NewCount, null, null);
        checkResultCounts(GROUP_2_QUERY, GROUP_2_COUNT, GROUP_2_COUNT, null, null);
        checkResultCounts(GROUP_3_QUERY, GROUP_3_COUNT, GROUP_3_COUNT, null, null);
public voidtestReordering()
Test that the reordering code works properly. The most recently injected queries should replace existing queries and be sorted to the top of the list.

        // first we'll make 10 queries named "group1 x"
        final int GROUP_1_COUNT = 10;
        final String GROUP_1_QUERY = "group1 ";
        final String GROUP_1_LINE2 = "line2 ";
        writeEntries(GROUP_1_COUNT, GROUP_1_QUERY, GROUP_1_LINE2);

        // check totals

        // guarantee that group 1 has older timestamps

        // next we'll add 10 entries named "group2 x"
        final int GROUP_2_COUNT = 10;
        final String GROUP_2_QUERY = "group2 ";
        final String GROUP_2_LINE2 = "line2 ";
        writeEntries(GROUP_2_COUNT, GROUP_2_QUERY, GROUP_2_LINE2);

        // check totals
        checkOpenCursorCount(GROUP_1_COUNT + GROUP_2_COUNT);

        // guarantee that group 2 has older timestamps

        // now refresh 5 of the 10 from group 1
        // change line2 so they can be more easily tracked
        final int GROUP_3_COUNT = 5;
        final String GROUP_3_QUERY = GROUP_1_QUERY;
        final String GROUP_3_LINE2 = "refreshed ";
        writeEntries(GROUP_3_COUNT, GROUP_3_QUERY, GROUP_3_LINE2);

        // confirm that the total didn't change (those were replacements, not adds)
        checkOpenCursorCount(GROUP_1_COUNT + GROUP_2_COUNT);

        // confirm that the are now 5 in group 1, 10 in group 2, and 5 in group 3
        int newGroup1Count = GROUP_1_COUNT - GROUP_3_COUNT;
        checkResultCounts(GROUP_1_QUERY, newGroup1Count, newGroup1Count, null, GROUP_1_LINE2);
        checkResultCounts(GROUP_2_QUERY, GROUP_2_COUNT, GROUP_2_COUNT, null, null);
        checkResultCounts(GROUP_3_QUERY, GROUP_3_COUNT, GROUP_3_COUNT, null, GROUP_3_LINE2);

        // finally, spot check that the right groups are in the right places
        // the ordering should be group 3 (newest), group 2, group 1 (oldest)
        Cursor c = getQueryCursor(null);
        int colQuery = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_QUERY);
        int colDisplay1 = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_TEXT_1);
        int colDisplay2 = c.getColumnIndex(SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_TEXT_2);

        // Spot check the first and last expected entries of group 3
        assertTrue("group 3 did not properly reorder to head of list",
                checkRow(c, colQuery, colDisplay1, colDisplay2, GROUP_3_QUERY, GROUP_3_LINE2));
        c.move(GROUP_3_COUNT - 1);
        assertTrue("group 3 did not properly reorder to head of list",
                checkRow(c, colQuery, colDisplay1, colDisplay2, GROUP_3_QUERY, GROUP_3_LINE2));

        // Spot check the first and last expected entries of group 2
        assertTrue("group 2 not in expected position after reordering",
                checkRow(c, colQuery, colDisplay1, colDisplay2, GROUP_2_QUERY, GROUP_2_LINE2));
        c.move(GROUP_2_COUNT - 1);
        assertTrue("group 2 not in expected position after reordering",
                checkRow(c, colQuery, colDisplay1, colDisplay2, GROUP_2_QUERY, GROUP_2_LINE2));

        // Spot check the first and last expected entries of group 1
        assertTrue("group 1 not in expected position after reordering",
                checkRow(c, colQuery, colDisplay1, colDisplay2, GROUP_1_QUERY, GROUP_1_LINE2));
        c.move(newGroup1Count - 1);
        assertTrue("group 1 not in expected position after reordering",
                checkRow(c, colQuery, colDisplay1, colDisplay2, GROUP_1_QUERY, GROUP_1_LINE2));

public voidtestSetup()
Simple test to see if we can instantiate the whole mess.

private voidwriteDelay()
A very slight delay to ensure that successive groups of queries in the DB cannot have the same timestamp.

        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            fail("Interrupted sleep.");
private voidwriteEntries(int groupCount, java.lang.String line1Base, java.lang.String line2Base)
Write a sequence of queries into the database, with incrementing counters in the strings.

        for (int i = 0; i < groupCount; i++) {
            final String line1 = line1Base + i;
            final String line2 = line2Base + i;
            mSearchHelper.saveRecentQuery(line1, line2);