Methods Summary |
protected org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.SubPartitionsInfo | computeCompatibleComposition(org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.SubPartitionsInfo splitingInfo, java.util.ArrayList replicants)
// In a first step, we purge the current spliting to remove dead members
SubPartitionInfo[] newSpliting = null;
ArrayList newSubParts = new ArrayList ();
for (int i=0; i<splitingInfo.partitions.length; i++)
SubPartitionInfo currentSubPart = splitingInfo.partitions[i];
SubPartitionInfo newCurrent = null;
Iterator iter = currentSubPart.memberNodeNames.iterator ();
while (iter.hasNext ())
String node = (String) ();
if (replicants.contains (node))
if (newCurrent == null)
newCurrent = (SubPartitionInfo)currentSubPart.clone ();
newCurrent.memberNodeNames.clear ();
newCurrent.memberNodeNames.add (node);
if (newCurrent != null)
newSubParts.add (newCurrent);
// we now create a list of new nodes that are not yet part of any group
Iterator iter = replicants.iterator ();
ArrayList newMembersNotInAGroup = new ArrayList ();
while (iter.hasNext ())
boolean found = false;
String aMember = (String) ();
Iterator iterNewSubPart = newSubParts.iterator ();
while (iterNewSubPart.hasNext () && !found)
if (((SubPartitionInfo) ()).memberNodeNames.contains (aMember))
found = true;
if (!found)
newMembersNotInAGroup.add (aMember);
iter = null;
// we now have purged our current sub-partition structure from its dead members
// we now check if some sub-partitions need to be merged to remove singleton groups
// or if there is a group with n>(nodesPerSubPartition) that may be reduced to its ideal size
// we remove elements that are less than the group size and put them in a new sorted list
ArrayList smallerGroups = new ArrayList ();
ArrayList correctlySizedGroups = new ArrayList ();
ArrayList biggerGroups = new ArrayList ();
for (int i=0; i<newSubParts.size (); i++)
int groupSize = ((SubPartitionInfo)newSubParts.get (i)).memberNodeNames.size ();
if (groupSize < this.nodesPerSubPartition)
smallerGroups.add (newSubParts.get (i));
else if (groupSize > this.nodesPerSubPartition)
biggerGroups.add (newSubParts.get (i));
correctlySizedGroups.add (newSubParts.get (i));
// for our algo, we need to sort smallerGroups
java.util.Collections.sort (smallerGroups);
// Our algo is not perfect and could, for example, take in account, the actual group load in order to minimize
// the synchronization time
// 1st step: we place newly started nodes (not yet part of a group) in smallerGroups
// by first feeding small groups
iter = newMembersNotInAGroup.iterator ();
while (iter.hasNext ())
String member = (String) ();
SubPartitionInfo target = null;
if (smallerGroups.size () > 0)
target = (SubPartitionInfo)smallerGroups.get (0); // array is sorted
target.memberNodeNames.add (member);
if (target.memberNodeNames.size () == this.nodesPerSubPartition)
// we have a complete sub-partition, we change its owning group
smallerGroups.remove (0);
correctlySizedGroups.add (target);
// we create an singleton group
target = new SubPartitionInfo ();
target.setIsNewGroup ();
target.subPartitionName = getSubPartitionName (splitingInfo);
target.memberNodeNames.add (member);
smallerGroups.add (target);
java.util.Collections.sort (smallerGroups);
// 2nd step: we reduce the size of any too-big sub-partition (biggerGroups)
// by removing the last component and feeding elements in smallerGroups
// If smallerGroups is empty, we don't modify biggerGroups (minimize
// involved state transfer)
iter = biggerGroups.iterator ();
while (iter.hasNext ())
SubPartitionInfo big = (SubPartitionInfo) ();
if (smallerGroups.size () > 0)
String member = (String)big.memberNodeNames.get (big.memberNodeNames.size ()-1); // get last one
SubPartitionInfo target = null;
target = (SubPartitionInfo)smallerGroups.get (0); // array is sorted
target.memberNodeNames.add (member);
big.memberNodeNames.remove (big.memberNodeNames.size () -1);
if (target.memberNodeNames.size () == this.nodesPerSubPartition)
// we have a complete sub-partition, we change its owning group
smallerGroups.remove (0);
correctlySizedGroups.add (target);
// biggerGroups is now processed, we can move it to the correctly sized group
correctlySizedGroups.addAll (biggerGroups);
// 3rd step: we now try to merge sub-partitions belonging to smallerGroups to form bigger groups (up to the
// max size of a sub-partition). We travel in descending order to keep max granularity when forming groups
boolean thirdStepFinished = (smallerGroups.size () == 0);
while (!thirdStepFinished)
//thirdStepFinished = (smallerGroups.size () == 0);
SubPartitionInfo current = (SubPartitionInfo)smallerGroups.get (smallerGroups.size ()-1);
for (int i = smallerGroups.size ()-2; i >= 0; i--)
// test if the merge is possible
SubPartitionInfo merger = (SubPartitionInfo)smallerGroups.get (i);
if ((merger.memberNodeNames.size () + current.memberNodeNames.size ()) <= this.nodesPerSubPartition)
// it is possible to merge both
current.merge (merger);
smallerGroups.remove (i);
// we check if we need to go further or not
if (current.memberNodeNames.size () == this.nodesPerSubPartition)
if (current.memberNodeNames.size () > 1)
// we only move non-singleton groups
smallerGroups.remove (smallerGroups.size ()-1);
correctlySizedGroups.add (current);
thirdStepFinished = ( (smallerGroups.size () == 0) ||
((smallerGroups.size () == 1) && ( ((SubPartitionInfo)smallerGroups.get (0)).memberNodeNames.size () == 1)) );
// 4th step: if smallerGroups is not empty, it means that we have a singleton. In that case,
// we merge it with the smallest group we can find.
if (smallerGroups.size () > 0)
if (correctlySizedGroups.size ()>0)
java.util.Collections.sort (correctlySizedGroups);
SubPartitionInfo merger = (SubPartitionInfo)smallerGroups.get (0);
SubPartitionInfo master = (SubPartitionInfo)correctlySizedGroups.get (0);
master.merge (merger);
// we have a single singleton group!
correctlySizedGroups.add (smallerGroups.get (0));
// we now commit our new splitting. All members will consequently receive a message indicating
// that the spliting has changed and act accordingly
newSpliting = new SubPartitionInfo[1];
newSpliting = (SubPartitionInfo[])correctlySizedGroups.toArray (newSpliting);
splitingInfo.partitions = newSpliting;
return splitingInfo;
public org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.SubPartitionsInfo | computeNewTopology(org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.SubPartitionsInfo currentTopology, java.util.ArrayList newReplicants)
if (newReplicants.size () < 1)
currentTopology.partitions = null;
else if (newReplicants.size () == 1)
// we are alone! Are we already in a partition? If this is the case, we do not change!
if (currentTopology.partitions != null)
currentTopology = computeCompatibleComposition (currentTopology, newReplicants);
SubPartitionInfo aPartition = new SubPartitionInfo ();
aPartition.subPartitionName = getSubPartitionName (currentTopology);
aPartition.memberNodeNames.add (newReplicants.get (0));
SubPartitionInfo[] thePartition =
{ aPartition };
currentTopology.partitions = thePartition;
else if (currentTopology == null || currentTopology.partitions == null)
// this is the first time we will have to decide of a spliting
currentTopology = computerFirstComposition (currentTopology, newReplicants);
// There is a spliting already in place: we will need to take care of it in order to minimize group changes
// i.e. state transfer that will occur from these changes
currentTopology = computeCompatibleComposition (currentTopology, newReplicants);
return currentTopology;
protected org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.SubPartitionsInfo | computerFirstComposition(org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.SubPartitionsInfo splitingInfo, java.util.ArrayList replicants)
int i=0;
String rep = null;
ArrayList newConfig = new ArrayList ();
SubPartitionInfo aPartition = null;
int grpNumber = 0;
// Build groups sequentially
for (Iterator reps = replicants.iterator (); reps.hasNext (); i++)
rep = (String) ();
if ( (i%nodesPerSubPartition) == 0 )
aPartition = new SubPartitionInfo ();
aPartition.subPartitionName = getSubPartitionName (splitingInfo);
newConfig.add (aPartition);
aPartition.memberNodeNames.add (rep);
// we don't like singleton nodes for HA...
if (aPartition.memberNodeNames.size () == 1)
rep = (String) aPartition.memberNodeNames.get (0); // get singleton info
newConfig.remove (grpNumber-1); // remove last singleton group
aPartition = (SubPartitionInfo)(newConfig.get (grpNumber-1)); // access last built group
aPartition.memberNodeNames.add (rep); // add singleton to last built group
SubPartitionInfo[] newSpliting = new SubPartitionInfo[1];
newSpliting = (SubPartitionInfo[]) newConfig.toArray (newSpliting);
splitingInfo.partitions = newSpliting;
return splitingInfo;
protected java.lang.String | getSubPartitionName(org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.SubPartitionsInfo manager)
return this.sessionStateIdentifier + "-Group-" + manager.getNextGroupId ();
public void | init(java.lang.String sessionStateName, long nodesPerSubPartition)
this.sessionStateIdentifier = sessionStateName;
this.nodesPerSubPartition = nodesPerSubPartition;
public void | start()