Defines the management interface for Queue
using the standard MBean design patterns.
There are ten attributes:
1. QueueSize (int) - Read/Write
2. NumberOfItemsProcessed (long) - READ-ONLY
3. AddWaitTime (long) - READ-ONLY
4. RemoveWaitTime (long) - READ-ONLY
5. QueueFull (boolean) - READ-ONLY
6. QueueEmpty (boolean) - READ-ONLY
7. Suspended (boolean) - READ-ONLY
8. EndOfInput (boolean) - READ-ONLY
9. NumberOfSuppliers (boolean) - READ-ONLY
10. NumberOfConsumers (boolean) - READ-ONLY
and three operations:
1. suspend() - suspends the activity in the queue. Allows
no items to be removed from, or added to, the queue.
2. resume() - resumes processing in the queue.
3. reset() - resets the state of the queue. This method is
inherited from BasicMBean. |