APIHandler.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API15160Wed May 06 22:41:22 BST 2009jdiff


public class APIHandler extends DefaultHandler
Handle the parsing of an XML file and the generation of an API object. See the file LICENSE.txt for copyright details.
Matthew Doar,

Fields Summary
public API
The API object which is populated from the XML file.
public static boolean
If set, then check that each comment is a sentence.
private String
Contains the name of the current package element type where documentation is being added. Also used as the level at which to add documentation into an element, i.e. class-level or package-level.
private boolean
If set, then create the global list of comments.
private boolean
Set if inside a doc element.
private String
The current comment text being assembled.
private String
The current text from deprecation, null if empty.
private LinkedList
The stack of SingleComment objects awaiting the comment text currently being assembled.
private static boolean
If set, then attempt to convert @link tags to HTML links. A few of the HTML links may be broken links.
private static boolean
Set to enable increased logging verbosity for debugging.
Constructors Summary
public APIHandler(API api, boolean createGlobalComments)
Default constructor.

        api_ = api;
        createGlobalComments_ = createGlobalComments;
        tagStack = new LinkedList();
Methods Summary
public voidaddEndTagToText(java.lang.String localName)
Add the end tag to the current comment text.

        // Close the current HTML tag
        String currentHTMLTag = (String)(tagStack.removeLast());
        if (!Comments.isMinimizedTag(currentHTMLTag))
            currentText += "</" + currentHTMLTag + ">";
public voidaddStartTagToText(java.lang.String localName, org.xml.sax.Attributes attributes)
Add the start tag to the current comment text.

        // Need to insert the HTML tag into the current text
        String currentHTMLTag = localName;
        // Save the tag in a stack
        String tag = "<" + currentHTMLTag;
        // Now add all the attributes into the current text
        int len = attributes.getLength();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            String name = attributes.getLocalName(i);
            String value = attributes.getValue(i);
            tag += " " + name + "=\"" + value+ "\"";

        // End the tag
        if (Comments.isMinimizedTag(currentHTMLTag)) {
            tag += "/>";
        } else {
            tag += ">";
        // Now insert the HTML tag into the current text
        if (currentText == null)
            currentText = tag;
            currentText += tag;
public voidaddTextToComments()
Trim the current text, check it is a sentence and add it to the current program element.

        // Eliminate any whitespace at each end of the text.
        currentText = currentText.trim();        
        // Convert any @link tags to HTML links.
        if (convertAtLinks) {
            currentText = Comments.convertAtLinks(currentText, currentElement, 
                                                  api_.currPkg_, api_.currClass_);
        // Check that it is a sentence
        if (checkIsSentence && !currentText.endsWith(".") && 
            currentText.compareTo(Comments.placeHolderText) != 0) {
            System.out.println("Warning: text of comment does not end in a period: " + currentText);
        // The construction of the commentID assumes that the 
        // documentation is the final element to be parsed. The format matches
        // the format used in the report generator to look up comments in the
        // the existingComments object.
        String commentID = null;
        // Add this comment to the current API element.
        if (currentElement.compareTo("package") == 0) {
            api_.currPkg_.doc_ = currentText;
            commentID = api_.currPkg_.name_;
        } else if (currentElement.compareTo("class") == 0 ||
                   currentElement.compareTo("interface") == 0) {
            api_.currClass_.doc_ = currentText;
            commentID = api_.currPkg_.name_ + "." + api_.currClass_.name_;
        } else if (currentElement.compareTo("constructor") == 0) {
            api_.currCtor_.doc_ = currentText;
            commentID = api_.currPkg_.name_ + "." + api_.currClass_.name_ +
            if (api_.currCtor_.type_.compareTo("void") == 0)
                commentID = commentID + ")";
                commentID = commentID + api_.currCtor_.type_ + ")";
        } else if (currentElement.compareTo("method") == 0) {
            api_.currMethod_.doc_ = currentText;
            commentID = api_.currPkg_.name_ + "." + api_.currClass_.name_ +
                "." + api_.currMethod_.name_ + "_changed(" + 
                api_.currMethod_.getSignature() + ")";
        } else if (currentElement.compareTo("field") == 0) {
            api_.currField_.doc_ = currentText;
            commentID = api_.currPkg_.name_ + "." + api_.currClass_.name_ +
                "." + api_.currField_.name_;
        // Add to the list of possible comments for use when an
        // element has changed (not removed or added).
        if (createGlobalComments_ && commentID != null) {
            String ct = currentText;
            // Use any deprecation text as the possible comment, ignoring 
            // any other comment text.
            if (currentDepText != null) {
                ct = currentDepText;
                currentDepText = null; // Never reuse it. Bug 469794
            String ctOld = (String)(Comments.allPossibleComments.put(commentID, ct));
            if (ctOld != null) {
                System.out.println("Error: duplicate comment id: " + commentID);
public voidcharacters(char[] ch, int start, int length)
Called to process text.

         if (inDoc) {
            String chunk = new String(ch, start, length);
            if (currentText == null)
                currentText = chunk;
                currentText += chunk;
public voidendDocument()
Called when the end of the document is reached.

        if (trace)
        System.out.println(" finished");
public voidendElement(java.lang.String uri, java.lang.String localName, java.lang.String qName)
Called when the end of an element is reached.

	if (localName.equals(""))
	    localName = qName;
        // Deal with the end of doc blocks
        if (localName.compareTo("doc") == 0) {
            inDoc = false;
            // Add the assembled comment text to the appropriate current
            // program element, as determined by currentElement.
        } else if (inDoc) {
            // An element was found inside the HTML text
        } else if (currentElement.compareTo("constructor") == 0 && 
                   localName.compareTo("constructor") == 0) {
            currentElement = "class";
        } else if (currentElement.compareTo("method") == 0 && 
                   localName.compareTo("method") == 0) {
            currentElement = "class";
        } else if (currentElement.compareTo("field") == 0 && 
                   localName.compareTo("field") == 0) {
            currentElement = "class";
        } else if (currentElement.compareTo("class") == 0 ||
                   currentElement.compareTo("interface") == 0) {
            // Feature request 510307 and bug 517383: duplicate comment ids.
            // The end of a member element leaves the currentElement at the 
            // "class" level, but the next class may in fact be an interface
            // and so the currentElement here will be "interface".
            if (localName.compareTo("class") == 0 || 
                localName.compareTo("interface") == 0) {
                currentElement = "package";
public voiderror(org.xml.sax.SAXParseException e)

        System.out.println("Error (" + e.getLineNumber() + "): parsing XML API file:" + e);
public voidfatalError(org.xml.sax.SAXParseException e)

        System.out.println("Fatal Error (" + e.getLineNumber() + "): parsing XML API file:" + e);
public ModifiersgetModifiers(org.xml.sax.Attributes attributes)
Extra modifiers which are common to all program elements.

        Modifiers modifiers = new Modifiers();
        modifiers.isStatic = false;
        if (attributes.getValue("static").compareTo("true") == 0)
            modifiers.isStatic = true;
        modifiers.isFinal = false;
        if (attributes.getValue("final").compareTo("true") == 0)
            modifiers.isFinal = true;
        modifiers.isDeprecated = false;
        String cdt = attributes.getValue("deprecated");
        if (cdt.compareTo("not deprecated") == 0) {
            modifiers.isDeprecated = false;
            currentDepText = null;
        } else if (cdt.compareTo("deprecated, no comment") == 0) {
            modifiers.isDeprecated = true;
            currentDepText = null;
        } else {
            modifiers.isDeprecated = true;
            currentDepText = API.showHTMLTags(cdt);
        modifiers.visibility = attributes.getValue("visibility");
        return modifiers;
public voidstartDocument()
Called at the start of the document.

public voidstartElement(java.lang.String uri, java.lang.String localName, java.lang.String qName, org.xml.sax.Attributes attributes)
Called when a new element is started.

	 // The change to JAXP compliance produced this change.
	if (localName.equals(""))
	    localName = qName;
        if (localName.compareTo("api") == 0) {
            String apiName = attributes.getValue("name");
            String version = attributes.getValue("jdversion"); // Not used yet
        } else if (localName.compareTo("package") == 0) {
            currentElement = localName;
            String pkgName = attributes.getValue("name");
        } else if (localName.compareTo("class") == 0) {
            currentElement = localName;
            String className = attributes.getValue("name");
            String parentName = attributes.getValue("extends");
            boolean isAbstract = false;
            if (attributes.getValue("abstract").compareTo("true") == 0)
                isAbstract = true;
            XMLToAPI.addClass(className, parentName, isAbstract, getModifiers(attributes));
        } else if (localName.compareTo("interface") == 0) {
            currentElement = localName;
            String className = attributes.getValue("name");
            String parentName = attributes.getValue("extends");
            boolean isAbstract = false;
            if (attributes.getValue("abstract").compareTo("true") == 0)
                isAbstract = true;
            XMLToAPI.addInterface(className, parentName, isAbstract, getModifiers(attributes));
        } else if (localName.compareTo("implements") == 0) {
            String interfaceName = attributes.getValue("name");
        } else if (localName.compareTo("constructor") == 0) {
            currentElement = localName;
            String ctorType = attributes.getValue("type");
            XMLToAPI.addCtor(ctorType, getModifiers(attributes));
        } else if (localName.compareTo("method") == 0) {
            currentElement = localName;
            String methodName = attributes.getValue("name");
            String returnType = attributes.getValue("return");
            boolean isAbstract = false;
            if (attributes.getValue("abstract").compareTo("true") == 0)
                isAbstract = true;
            boolean isNative = false;
            if (attributes.getValue("native").compareTo("true") == 0)
                isNative = true;
            boolean isSynchronized = false;
            if (attributes.getValue("synchronized").compareTo("true") == 0)
                isSynchronized = true;
            XMLToAPI.addMethod(methodName, returnType, isAbstract, isNative, 
                               isSynchronized, getModifiers(attributes));
        } else if (localName.compareTo("field") == 0) {
            currentElement = localName;
            String fieldName = attributes.getValue("name");
            String fieldType = attributes.getValue("type");
            boolean isTransient = false;
            if (attributes.getValue("transient").compareTo("true") == 0)
                isTransient = true;
            boolean isVolatile = false;
            if (attributes.getValue("volatile").compareTo("true") == 0)
                isVolatile = true;
            String value = attributes.getValue("value");
            XMLToAPI.addField(fieldName, fieldType, isTransient, isVolatile, 
                              value, getModifiers(attributes));
        } else if (localName.compareTo("param") == 0) {
            String paramName = attributes.getValue("name");
            String paramType = attributes.getValue("type");
            XMLToAPI.addParam(paramName, paramType);
        } else if (localName.compareTo("exception") == 0) {
            String paramName = attributes.getValue("name");
            String paramType = attributes.getValue("type");
            XMLToAPI.addException(paramName, paramType, currentElement);
        } else if (localName.compareTo("doc") == 0) {
            inDoc = true;
            currentText = null;
        } else {
            if (inDoc) {
                // Start of an element, probably an HTML element
                addStartTagToText(localName, attributes);
            } else {
                System.out.println("Error: unknown element type: " + localName);
public voidwarning(org.xml.sax.SAXParseException e)

        System.out.println("Warning (" + e.getLineNumber() + "): parsing XML API file:" + e);