Methods Summary |
public static java.lang.String | convertFrameID22To23(java.lang.String identifier)Convert from ID3v22 FrameIdentifier to ID3v23
if (identifier.length() < 3)
return null;
return ID3Frames.convertv22Tov23.get((String)identifier.subSequence(0, 3));
public static java.lang.String | convertFrameID22To24(java.lang.String identifier)Convert from ID3v22 FrameIdentifier to ID3v24
//Idv22 identifiers are only of length 3 times
if (identifier.length() < 3)
return null;
//Has idv22 been mapped to v23
String id = ID3Frames.convertv22Tov23.get(identifier.substring(0, 3));
if (id != null)
//has v2.3 been mapped to v2.4
String v23id = ID3Frames.convertv23Tov24.get(id);
if (v23id == null)
//if not it may be because v2.3 and and v2.4 are same so wont be
//in mapping
if (ID3v24Frames.getInstanceOf().getIdToValueMap().get(id) != null)
return id;
return null;
return v23id;
return null;
public static java.lang.String | convertFrameID23To22(java.lang.String identifier)Convert from ID3v23 FrameIdentifier to ID3v22
if (identifier.length() < 4)
return null;
//If it is a v23 identifier
if (ID3v23Frames.getInstanceOf().getIdToValueMap().containsKey(identifier))
//If only name has changed v22 and modified in v23 return result of.
return ID3Frames.convertv23Tov22.get(identifier.substring(0, 4));
return null;
public static java.lang.String | convertFrameID23To24(java.lang.String identifier)Convert from ID3v23 FrameIdentifier to ID3v24
if (identifier.length() < 4)
return null;
//If it is a ID3v23 identifier
if (ID3v23Frames.getInstanceOf().getIdToValueMap().containsKey(identifier))
//If no change between ID3v23 and ID3v24 should be in ID3v24 list.
if (ID3v24Frames.getInstanceOf().getIdToValueMap().containsKey(identifier))
return identifier;
//If only name has changed ID3v23 and modified in ID3v24 return result of.
return ID3Frames.convertv23Tov24.get(identifier.substring(0, 4));
return null;
public static java.lang.String | convertFrameID24To23(java.lang.String identifier)Convert from ID3v24 FrameIdentifier to ID3v23
String id;
if (identifier.length() < 4)
return null;
id = ID3Frames.convertv24Tov23.get(identifier);
if (id == null)
if (ID3v23Frames.getInstanceOf().getIdToValueMap().containsKey(identifier))
id = identifier;
return id;
public static java.lang.Object | copyObject(java.lang.Object copyObject)Unable to instantiate abstract classes, so can't call the copy
constructor. So find out the instantiated class name and call the copy
constructor through reflection (e.g for a a FrameBody would have to have a constructor
that takes another frameBody as the same type as a parameter)
Constructor<?> constructor;
Class<?>[] constructorParameterArray;
Object[] parameterArray;
if (copyObject == null)
return null;
constructorParameterArray = new Class[1];
constructorParameterArray[0] = copyObject.getClass();
constructor = copyObject.getClass().getConstructor(constructorParameterArray);
parameterArray = new Object[1];
parameterArray[0] = copyObject;
return constructor.newInstance(parameterArray);
catch (NoSuchMethodException ex)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("NoSuchMethodException: Error finding constructor to create copy:"+copyObject.getClass().getName());
catch (IllegalAccessException ex)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("IllegalAccessException: No access to run constructor to create copy"+copyObject.getClass().getName());
catch (InstantiationException ex)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("InstantiationException: Unable to instantiate constructor to copy"+copyObject.getClass().getName());
catch (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException ex)
if (ex.getCause() instanceof Error)
throw (Error) ex.getCause();
else if (ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException)
throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("InvocationTargetException: Unable to invoke constructor to create copy");
public static long | findNumber(java.lang.String str)Find the first whole number that can be parsed from the string
return findNumber(str, 0);
public static long | findNumber(java.lang.String str, int offset)Find the first whole number that can be parsed from the string
if (str == null)
throw new NullPointerException("String is null");
if ((offset < 0) || (offset >= str.length()))
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Offset to image string is out of bounds: offset = " + offset + ", string.length()" + str.length());
int i;
int j;
long num;
i = offset;
while (i < str.length())
if (((str.charAt(i) >= '0") && (str.charAt(i) <= '9")) || (str.charAt(i) == '-"))
j = i + 1;
while (j < str.length())
if (((str.charAt(j) < '0") || (str.charAt(j) > '9")))
if ((j <= str.length()) && (j > i))
num = Long.parseLong(str.substring(i, j));
throw new TagException("Unable to find integer in string: " + str);
return num;
public static java.lang.String | forceFrameID22To23(java.lang.String identifier)Force from ID3v22 FrameIdentifier to ID3v23, this is where the frame and structure
has changed from v2 to v3 but we can still do some kind of conversion.
return ID3Frames.forcev22Tov23.get(identifier);
public static java.lang.String | forceFrameID23To22(java.lang.String identifier)Force from ID3v22 FrameIdentifier to ID3v23, this is where the frame and structure
has changed from v2 to v3 but we can still do some kind of conversion.
return ID3Frames.forcev23Tov22.get(identifier);
public static java.lang.String | forceFrameID23To24(java.lang.String identifier)Force from ID3v2.30 FrameIdentifier to ID3v2.40, this is where the frame and structure
has changed from v3 to v4 but we can still do some kind of conversion.
return ID3Frames.forcev23Tov24.get(identifier);
public static java.lang.String | forceFrameID24To23(java.lang.String identifier)Force from ID3v2.40 FrameIdentifier to ID3v2.30, this is where the frame and structure
has changed between v4 to v3 but we can still do some kind of conversion.
return ID3Frames.forcev24Tov23.get(identifier);
public static long | getWholeNumber(java.lang.Object value)Given an datatype, try to return it as a long . This tries to
parse a string, and takes Long, Short, Byte, Integer
objects and gets their value. An exception is not explicitly thrown
here because it would causes too many other methods to also throw it.
long number;
if (value instanceof String)
number = Long.parseLong((String) value);
else if (value instanceof Byte)
number = (Byte) value;
else if (value instanceof Short)
number = (Short) value;
else if (value instanceof Integer)
number = (Integer) value;
else if (value instanceof Long)
number = (Long) value;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported value class: " + value.getClass().getName());
return number;
public static boolean | isID3v22FrameIdentifier(java.lang.String identifier)Returns true if the identifier is a valid ID3v2.2 frame identifier
//If less than 3 cant be an identifier
if (identifier.length() < 3)
return false;
//If 3 is it a known identifier
else return identifier.length() == 3 && ID3v22Frames.getInstanceOf().getIdToValueMap().containsKey(identifier);
public static boolean | isID3v23FrameIdentifier(java.lang.String identifier)Returns true if the identifier is a valid ID3v2.3 frame identifier
return identifier.length() >= 4 && ID3v23Frames.getInstanceOf().getIdToValueMap().containsKey(identifier.substring(0, 4));
public static boolean | isID3v24FrameIdentifier(java.lang.String identifier)Returns true if the identifier is a valid ID3v2.4 frame identifier
return identifier.length() >= 4 && ID3v24Frames.getInstanceOf().getIdToValueMap().containsKey(identifier.substring(0, 4));
public static java.lang.String | stripChar(java.lang.String str, char ch)Remove all occurances of the given character from the string argument.
if (str != null)
char[] buffer = new char[str.length()];
int next = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
if (str.charAt(i) != ch)
buffer[next++] = str.charAt(i);
return new String(buffer, 0, next);
return null;
public static java.lang.String | truncate(java.lang.String str, int len)truncate a string if it longer than the argument
if (str == null)
return null;
if (len < 0)
return null;
if (str.length() > len)
return str.substring(0, len);
return str;