PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
// Get some dynamic data to display
Enumeration locales = req.getLocales();
// Create the DOM tree
Snoop snoop = new Snoop();
// Get the first "prototype" list item
// The rest were removed during the xmlc compile
HTMLLIElement item = snoop.getElementLocale();
// Get the prototype's parent so we can manage the children
Node parent = item.getParentNode();
// Loop over the locales adding a node for each
while (locales.hasMoreElements()) {
Locale loc = (Locale)locales.nextElement();
HTMLLIElement newItem = (HTMLLIElement) item.cloneNode(true);
Text text = snoop.createTextNode(loc.toString());
newItem.replaceChild(text, newItem.getLastChild());
parent.insertBefore(newItem, null);
// Remove the prototype item
// Output the document
DOMFormatter formatter = new DOMFormatter(); // can be heavily tweaked
formatter.write(snoop, out);