import com.darwinsys.util.Debug;
import org.apache.regexp.*;
/* Simple demo of CSV matching using Regular Expressions.
* Does NOT use the "CSV" class defined in the Java CookBook.
* RE Pattern from Chapter 7, Mastering Regular Expressions (p. 205, first edn.)
public class CSVRE {
/** The rather involved pattern used to match CSV's consists of three
* alternations: the first matches quoted fields, the second unquoted,
* the third null fields
public static final String CSV_PATTERN =
public static void main(String[] argv) throws IOException, RESyntaxException
String line;
// Construct a new Regular Expression parser.
Debug.println("regexp", "PATTERN = " + CSV_PATTERN); // debug
RE csv = new RE(CSV_PATTERN);
BufferedReader is = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
// For each line...
while ((line = is.readLine()) != null) {
System.out.println("line = `" + line + "'");
// For each field
for (int fieldNum = 0, offset = 0; csv.match(line, offset); fieldNum++) {
// Print the field (0=null, 1=quoted, 3=unquoted).
int n = csv.getParenCount()-1;
if (n==0) // null field
System.out.println("field[" + fieldNum + "] = `'");
System.out.println("field[" + fieldNum + "] = `" + csv.getParen(n) + "'");
// Skip what already matched.
offset += csv.getParen(0).length();