MBeanGenerator.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API14511Fri May 04 22:31:04 BST


public class MBeanGenerator extends Object implements MBeanGeneratorHook
Generate an MBean ".java" file.

Fields Summary
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
public static final String
public static final int
private static final String
private static int
Constructors Summary
public MBeanGenerator()

		mCounts			= null;
		mEmitComments	= true;
Methods Summary
private java.util.MapcountAllTypes( info)

		final Map<String,Integer>	counts	= new HashMap<String,Integer>();
		final MBeanAttributeInfo[]	attrInfos		= info.getAttributes();
		final MBeanOperationInfo[]	operationInfos	= info.getOperations();
		if ( attrInfos != null )
			countTypes( counts, attrInfos );
		if ( operationInfos != null )
			countTypes( counts, operationInfos );
		return( counts );
private static voidcountType(java.util.Map counts, java.lang.String typeIn)

		final String	type	= stripBrackets( ClassUtil.getFriendlyClassname( typeIn ) );
		Integer	count	= counts.get( type );
		if ( count == null )
			count	= new Integer( 1 );
			count	= new Integer( count.intValue() + 1 );
		counts.put( type, count );
public static voidcountTypes(java.util.Map counts,[] infos)
Count how many times an Attribute type is used.

		for( int i = 0; i < infos.length; ++i )
			countType( counts, infos[ i ].getType() );
private static voidcountTypes(java.util.Map counts,[] infos)
Count how many times the return type and parameter types are used.

		for( int i = 0; i < infos.length; ++i )
			countType( counts, infos[ i ].getReturnType() );
			final MBeanParameterInfo[]	params	= infos[ i ].getSignature();
			for( int p = 0; p < params.length; ++p )
				countType( counts, params[ p ].getType() );
protected java.lang.StringformMethod(java.lang.String returnType, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String[] params, java.lang.String[] names)

		final String	begin	= "public " + getCodeClassname( returnType ) + TAB + name + "(";
		String			paramsString	= "";
		if ( params != null && params.length != 0 )
			final StringBuffer	buf	= new StringBuffer();
			buf.append( " " );
			for( int i = 0; i < params.length; ++i )
				buf.append( FINAL_PREFIX );
				buf.append( getCodeClassname( params[ i ] ) );
				buf.append( " " + names[ i ] );
				buf.append( PARAM_DELIM );
			buf.setLength( buf.length() - PARAM_DELIM.length() );	// strip last ","
			buf.append( " " );
			paramsString	= buf.toString();
		return( begin + paramsString + ");" );
public java.lang.Stringgenerate( info, boolean emitComments)

		mEmitComments	= emitComments;
		final StringBuffer	buf	= new StringBuffer();
		if ( mEmitComments )
			buf.append( getHeaderComment( info ) + NEWLINE + NEWLINE );
		buf.append( "package " + getPackageName( info ) + ";" + NEWLINE );
		mCounts	= countAllTypes( info );
		buf.append( NEWLINE + getImportBlock( mCounts ) + NEWLINE );
		if ( mEmitComments )
			buf.append( getInterfaceComment( info ) + NEWLINE + NEWLINE );
		String	interfaceName	= getClassname( info );
		buf.append( "public interface " + interfaceName + " \n{\n" );
		final MBeanAttributeInfo[]	attrInfos		= info.getAttributes();
		final MBeanOperationInfo[]	operationInfos	= info.getOperations();
		if ( attrInfos != null )
			Arrays.sort( attrInfos, MBeanAttributeInfoComparator.INSTANCE );
			buf.append( generateAttributes( attrInfos ) );
		if ( operationInfos != null )
			if ( operationInfos.length != 0 )
				Arrays.sort( operationInfos, MBeanOperationInfoComparator.INSTANCE );
				buf.append( NEWLINE + "// -------------------- Operations --------------------" + NEWLINE );
				buf.append( generateOperations( operationInfos ) );
		buf.append( "\n}" );
		return( buf.toString() );
protected java.lang.StringgenerateAttributes([] infos)

		final StringBuffer	buf	= new StringBuffer();
		final String[]	typeTemp	= new String[ 1 ];
		final String[]	nameTemp	= new String[ 1 ];
		mMapper	= new AttributeNameMapperImpl( JMXUtil.getAttributeNames( infos ) );
		for( int i = 0; i < infos.length; ++i )
			final MBeanAttributeInfo	info	= infos[ i ];
			final String	attributeName	= info.getName();
			final String	type			= info.getType();
			String	comment	= "";
			final String	javaName	= mMapper.originalToDerived( attributeName );
			if ( info.isReadable() )
				if ( mEmitComments )
					comment	= getGetterComment( info, javaName );
					if ( comment.length() != 0 )
						buf.append( indent( comment )  + NEWLINE );
				buf.append( indent( formMethod( type, "get" + javaName, null, null) ) );
			if ( info.isWritable() )
				buf.append( NEWLINE );
				if ( mEmitComments )
					comment	= getSetterComment( info, javaName );
					if ( comment.length() != 0 )
						buf.append( indent( comment )  + NEWLINE );
				typeTemp[ 0 ]	= type;
				nameTemp[ 0 ]	= "value";
				buf.append( indent( formMethod( "void", "set" + javaName, typeTemp, nameTemp ) ) );
			buf.append( NEWLINE + NEWLINE  );
		return( buf.toString() );
protected java.lang.StringgenerateOperations([] infos)

		final StringBuffer	buf	= new StringBuffer();
		for( int i = 0; i < infos.length; ++i )
			final MBeanOperationInfo	info	= infos[ i ];
			final String	name		= info.getName();
			final String	returnType	= info.getReturnType();
			final MBeanParameterInfo[]	paramInfos	= info.getSignature();
			final int		impact		= info.getImpact();
			final String[]	paramTypes	= new String[ paramInfos.length ];
			for( int p = 0; p < paramInfos.length; ++p )
				paramTypes[ p ]	= paramInfos[ p ].getType();
			final String[]	paramNames	= getParamNames( info );
			if ( mEmitComments )
				final String comment	= getOperationComment( info, paramNames );
				if ( comment.length() != 0 )
					buf.append( NEWLINE + indent( comment )  + NEWLINE );
			final String method	= formMethod( returnType, name, paramTypes, paramNames );
			buf.append( indent( method ) + NEWLINE );
		return( buf.toString() );
protected java.lang.StringgetAttributeNameComment(java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String javaName)
Return a comment regarding the Attribute name if it was mapped to a different Java name.

		String	comment	= "";
		if ( ! attributeName.equals( javaName ) )

		return( comment );
public java.lang.StringgetClassname( info)

		// mangle the ObjectName into a class name
		return( "Interface" + getCounter() );
java.lang.StringgetCodeClassname(java.lang.String classname)

		String	name	= ClassUtil.getFriendlyClassname( classname );
		if ( typeMayBeAbbreviated( name ) )
			name	= ClassUtil.stripPackagePrefix( name );
		return( name );
private static final synchronized intgetCounter()

		return( sCounter++ );
public java.lang.StringgetExceptions( info)

		return( "" );
public java.lang.StringgetGetterComment( info, java.lang.String actualName)

		return( getGetterSetterComment( info, actualName ) );
public java.lang.StringgetGetterSetterComment( info, java.lang.String actualName)

		String	description	= info.getDescription() == null ? "" : info.getDescription();
		if ( isBoilerplateDescription( description ) )
			description	= "";
		final String	nameComment	= getAttributeNameComment( info.getName(), actualName );
		String			result	= null;
		if ( description.length() == 0 && nameComment.length() == 0 )
			result	= "";
			result	= description;
			if ( nameComment.length() != 0 )
				if ( description.length() != 0 )
					result	= result + NEWLINE;
				result	= result + nameComment;
			result	= makeJavadocComment( result );

		return( result );
public java.lang.StringgetHeaderComment( info)

		return( makeJavadocComment( "" ) );
private java.lang.StringgetImportBlock(java.util.Map counts)

		final StringBuffer	buf		= new StringBuffer();
		final Iterator		iter	= counts.keySet().iterator();
		while ( iter.hasNext() )
			final String	key	= (String);
			final Integer	count	= (Integer)counts.get( key );
			// if used twice or more, generate an import statement
			if ( count.intValue() >= IMPORT_THRESHOLD && ! isUnqualifiedType( key ) )
				buf.append( "import " + key + ";" + NEWLINE );
		return( buf.toString() );
public java.lang.StringgetInterfaceComment( info)

		final String	comment	= "Implementing class was: " + info.getClassName();
		return( makeJavadocComment( comment ) );
public java.lang.StringgetOperationComment( info, java.lang.String[] paramNames)

		final String	description	= info.getDescription();
		if ( description == null || isBoilerplateDescription( description ) )
			return( "" );
		final StringBuffer	buf	= new StringBuffer();
		final MBeanParameterInfo[]	signature	= info.getSignature();
		for( int i = 0; i < paramNames.length; ++i )
			final String paramDescription	= signature[i].getDescription();
			buf.append( "@param " + paramNames[ i ] + TAB + paramDescription + NEWLINE );
		final String	returnType	= getCodeClassname( info.getReturnType() );
		if ( ! returnType.equals( "void" ) )
			buf.append( "@return " + returnType + NEWLINE );

		return( makeJavadocComment( buf.toString() ) );
public java.lang.StringgetPackageName( info)

		return( "mbeans" );
public java.lang.String[]getParamNames( info)

		final MBeanParameterInfo[]	params	= info.getSignature();
		final String[]	names	= new String[ params.length ];
		for( int i = 0; i < params.length; ++i )
			names[ i ]	= params[ i ].getName();
		return( names );
public java.lang.StringgetSetterComment( info, java.lang.String actualName)

		return( getGetterSetterComment( info, actualName ) );
protected java.lang.Stringindent(java.lang.String contents, java.lang.String prefix)

		final StringBuffer	buf	= new StringBuffer();
		if ( contents.length() != 0 )
			final String[]		lines	= contents.split( NEWLINE );
			for( int i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i )
				buf.append( prefix + lines[ i ] + NEWLINE);
			buf.setLength( buf.length() - 1 );
		return( buf.toString() );
protected java.lang.Stringindent(java.lang.String contents)

		return( indent( contents, TAB ) );
protected booleanisBoilerplateDescription(java.lang.String description)

		return( description == null || description.length() == 0 ||
			description.indexOf( "Attribute exposed for management" ) >= 0 ||
			description.indexOf( "Operation exposed for management" ) >= 0 ||
			description.indexOf( "No Description was available" ) >= 0);
protected booleanisUnqualifiedType(java.lang.String type)

		return( type.indexOf( "." ) < 0 );
protected java.lang.StringmakeJavadocComment(java.lang.String contents)

		return( "/**" + NEWLINE + indent( contents ) + NEWLINE + "*/" );
static java.lang.StringstripBrackets(java.lang.String name)

		String result	= name;
		while( result.endsWith( BRACKETS ) )
			result	= result.substring( 0, result.length() - BRACKETS.length() );
		return( result );
protected booleantypeMayBeAbbreviated(java.lang.String type)
type must be the "friendly" name.

		final Integer	count	= mCounts.get( type );
		if ( count == null )
			return( false );
		return( count.intValue() >= IMPORT_THRESHOLD );