DTMManager.javaAPI DocJava SE 6 API14480Tue Jun 10 00:22:56 BST


public abstract class DTMManager extends Object
A DTMManager instance can be used to create DTM and DTMIterator objects, and manage the DTM objects in the system.

The system property that determines which Factory implementation to create is named "". This property names a concrete subclass of the DTMFactory abstract class. If the property is not defined, a platform default is be used.

An instance of this class must be safe to use across thread instances. It is expected that a client will create a single instance of a DTMManager to use across multiple threads. This will allow sharing of DTMs across multiple processes.

Note: this class is incomplete right now. It will be pretty much modeled after javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory in terms of its factory support.

State: In progress!!

Fields Summary
private static final String
The default property name to load the manager.
private static String
The default class name to use as the manager.
protected XMLStringFactory
Factory for creating XMLString objects. %TBD% Make this set by the caller.
public boolean
public boolean
private static boolean
Temp debug code - this will be removed after we test everything
public static final int
This value, set at compile time, controls how many bits of the DTM node identifier numbers are used to identify a node within a document, and thus sets the maximum number of nodes per document. The remaining bits are used to identify the DTM document which contains this node. If you change IDENT_DTM_NODE_BITS, be sure to rebuild _ALL_ the files which use it... including the IDKey testcases. (FuncGenerateKey currently uses the node identifier directly and thus is affected when this changes. The IDKEY results will still be _correct_ (presuming no other breakage), but simple equality comparison against the previous "golden" files will probably complain.)
public static final int
When this bitmask is ANDed with a DTM node handle number, the result is the low bits of the node's index number within that DTM. To obtain the high bits, add the DTM ID portion's offset as assigned in the DTM Manager.
public static final int
When this bitmask is ANDed with a DTM node handle number, the result is the DTM's document identity number.
public static final int
This is the maximum number of DTMs available. The highest DTM is one less than this.
Constructors Summary
protected DTMManager()
Default constructor is protected on purpose.

Methods Summary
public abstract xpathCompiler, int pos)
Create a new DTMIterator based on an XPath UnionExpr.

xpathCompiler ??? Somehow we need to pass in a subpart of the expression. I hate to do this with strings, since the larger expression has already been parsed.
pos The position in the expression.
The newly created DTMIterator.

public abstract xpathString, presolver)
Create a new DTMIterator based on an XPath UnionExpr.

xpathString Must be a valid string expressing a UnionExpr.
presolver An object that can resolve prefixes to namespace URLs.
The newly created DTMIterator.

public abstract whatToShow, filter, boolean entityReferenceExpansion)
Create a new DTMIterator based only on a whatToShow and a DTMFilter. The traversal semantics are defined as the descendant access.

Note that DTMIterators may not be an exact match to DOM NodeIterators. They are initialized and used in much the same way as a NodeIterator, but their response to document mutation is not currently defined.

whatToShow This flag specifies which node types may appear in the logical view of the tree presented by the iterator. See the description of NodeFilter for the set of possible SHOW_ values.These flags can be combined using OR.
filter The NodeFilter to be used with this DTMFilter, or null to indicate no filter.
entityReferenceExpansion The value of this flag determines whether entity reference nodes are expanded.
The newly created DTMIterator.

public abstract node)
Create a new DTMIterator that holds exactly one node.

node The node handle that the DTMIterator will iterate to.
The newly created DTMIterator.

public abstract
Creates a DTM representing an empty DocumentFragment object.

a non-null DTM reference.

public abstract source, boolean unique, whiteSpaceFilter, boolean incremental, boolean doIndexing)
Get an instance of a DTM, loaded with the content from the specified source. If the unique flag is true, a new instance will always be returned. Otherwise it is up to the DTMManager to return a new instance or an instance that it already created and may be being used by someone else. (More parameters may eventually need to be added for error handling and entity resolution, and to better control selection of implementations.)

source the specification of the source object, which may be null, in which case it is assumed that node construction will take by some other means.
unique true if the returned DTM must be unique, probably because it is going to be mutated.
whiteSpaceFilter Enables filtering of whitespace nodes, and may be null.
incremental true if the DTM should be built incrementally, if possible.
doIndexing true if the caller considers it worth it to use indexing schemes.
a non-null DTM reference.

public abstract nodeHandle)
Get the instance of DTM that "owns" a node handle.

nodeHandle the nodeHandle.
a non-null DTM reference.

public abstract intgetDTMHandleFromNode(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
Given a W3C DOM node, try and return a DTM handle. Note: calling this may be non-optimal.

node Non-null reference to a DOM node.
a valid DTM handle.

public abstract intgetDTMIdentity( dtm)
%TBD% Doc NEEDSDOC @param dtm NEEDSDOC ($objectName$) @return

public intgetDTMIdentityMask()
%TBD% Doc NEEDSDOC ($objectName$) @return


public booleangetIncremental()
Get a flag indicating whether an incremental transform is desired

incremental boolean.

    return m_incremental;  
public intgetNodeIdentityMask()
%TBD% Doc NEEDSDOC ($objectName$) @return

public booleangetSource_location()
Get a flag indicating whether the transformation phase should keep track of line and column numbers for the input source document.

source location boolean

    return m_source_location;  
Get the XMLStringFactory used for the DTMs.

a valid XMLStringFactory object, or null if it hasn't been set yet.

    return m_xsf;
public static xsf)
Obtain a new instance of a DTMManager. This static method creates a new factory instance This method uses the following ordered lookup procedure to determine the DTMManager implementation class to load:
  • Use the system property.
  • Use the JAVA_HOME(the parent directory where jdk is installed)/lib/ for a property file that contains the name of the implementation class keyed on the same value as the system property defined above.
  • Use the Services API (as detailed in the JAR specification), if available, to determine the classname. The Services API will look for a classname in the file META-INF/services/ in jars available to the runtime.
  • Use the default DTMManager classname, which is
Once an application has obtained a reference to a DTMManager it can use the factory to configure and obtain parser instances.

new DTMManager instance, never null.
DTMConfigurationException if the implementation is not available or cannot be instantiated.

    DTMManager factoryImpl = null;
      factoryImpl = (DTMManager) ObjectFactory
        .createObject(defaultPropName, defaultClassName);
    catch (ObjectFactory.ConfigurationError e)
      throw new DTMConfigurationException(XMLMessages.createXMLMessage(
        XMLErrorResources.ER_NO_DEFAULT_IMPL, null), e.getException());
        //"No default implementation found");

    if (factoryImpl == null)
      throw new DTMConfigurationException(XMLMessages.createXMLMessage(
        XMLErrorResources.ER_NO_DEFAULT_IMPL, null));
        //"No default implementation found");


    return factoryImpl;
public abstract booleanrelease( dtm, boolean shouldHardDelete)
Release a DTM either to a lru pool, or completely remove reference. DTMs without system IDs are always hard deleted. State: experimental.

dtm The DTM to be released.
shouldHardDelete True if the DTM should be removed no matter what.
true if the DTM was removed, false if it was put back in a lru pool.

public voidsetIncremental(boolean incremental)
Set a flag indicating whether an incremental transform is desired This flag should have the same value as the FEATURE_INCREMENTAL feature which is set by the TransformerFactory.setAttribut() method before a DTMManager is created

incremental boolean to use to set m_incremental.

    m_incremental = incremental;  
public voidsetSource_location(boolean sourceLocation)
Set a flag indicating whether the transformation phase should keep track of line and column numbers for the input source document. This flag should have the same value as the FEATURE_SOURCE_LOCATION feature which is set by the TransformerFactory.setAttribut() method before a DTMManager is created

sourceLocation boolean to use to set m_source_location

    m_source_location = sourceLocation;
public voidsetXMLStringFactory( xsf)
Set the XMLStringFactory used for the DTMs.

xsf a valid XMLStringFactory object, should not be null.

    m_xsf = xsf;