Methods Summary |
public abstract java.lang.String | getAbstractBeanClassForEjbName(java.lang.String name)Gets the name of the abstract bean class which corresponds to the
specified ejb name.
public abstract java.lang.String | getAbstractSchemaForEjbName(java.lang.String name)Gets the name of the abstract schema which corresponds to the
specified ejb.
public java.lang.String[] | getEjbFieldForGeneratedField(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String fieldName)Gets the name of the ejb field which corresponds to the specified
generated ejb name and field name pair.
List field = (List)getGeneratedFieldsMap().get(
Arrays.asList(new String[]{name, fieldName}));
return ((field != null) ?
(String[])field.toArray(new String[2]) : null);
public abstract java.lang.String | getEjbFieldForPersistenceField(java.lang.String className, java.lang.String fieldName)Gets the name of the field in the ejb which corresponds to the
specified persistence-capable class name and field name pair.
public abstract java.lang.String | getEjbNameForLocalInterface(java.lang.String ejbName, java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String interfaceName)Gets the name of the ejb which corresponds to the specified
local interface name.
public abstract java.lang.String | getEjbNameForPersistenceClass(java.lang.String className)Gets the name of the ejb name which corresponds to the
specified persistence-capable class name.
public java.lang.String | getEjbNameForPersistenceKeyClass(java.lang.String className)Gets the name of the ejb name which corresponds to the
specified persistence-capable key class name. Returns
null if the supplied className is not a
persistence-capable key class name.
if (className.toUpperCase().endsWith("OID")) { // NOI18N
return getEjbNameForPersistenceClass(
className.substring(0, className.length() - 4));
return null;
public abstract java.lang.String | getEjbNameForRemoteInterface(java.lang.String ejbName, java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String interfaceName)Gets the name of the ejb which corresponds to the specified
remote interface name.
public java.lang.String[] | getGeneratedFieldForEjbField(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String fieldName)Gets the name of the generated field in the ejb which corresponds to
the specified ejb name and field name pair.
List field = (List)getInverseFieldsMap().get(
Arrays.asList(new String[]{name, fieldName}));
return ((field != null) ?
(String[])field.toArray(new String[2]) : null);
protected abstract java.util.Map | getGeneratedFieldsMap()
public java.util.List | getGeneratedRelationshipsForEjbName(java.lang.String name)The list contains generated relationship field names.
Map generatedFieldsMap = getGeneratedFieldsMap();
Iterator iterator = generatedFieldsMap.keySet().iterator();
List returnList = new ArrayList();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
List nextField = (List);
if (nextField.get(0).equals(name))
return returnList;
protected abstract java.util.Map | getInverseFieldsMap()
public abstract java.lang.String | getKeyClassForEjbName(java.lang.String name)Gets the name of the key class which corresponds to the specified
ejb name.
public java.lang.String | getKeyClassForPersistenceKeyClass(java.lang.String className)Gets the name of the key class which corresponds to the specified
persistence-capable key class name. Returns null if the
supplied className is not a persistence-capable key class name. // NOI18N
String ejbName = getEjbNameForPersistenceKeyClass(className);
return ((ejbName != null) ? getKeyClassForEjbName(ejbName) : null);
public abstract int | getKeyClassTypeForEjbName(java.lang.String name)Get the type of key class of this ejb.
public abstract java.lang.String | getLocalInterfaceForEjbName(java.lang.String name)Gets the name of the local interface which corresponds to the
specified ejb name.
public abstract java.lang.String | getPersistenceClassForEjbName(java.lang.String name)Gets the name of the persistence-capable class which corresponds to
the specified ejb name.
public java.lang.String | getPersistenceClassForLocalInterface(java.lang.String className, java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String interfaceName)Gets the name of the persistence-capable class which corresponds to
the specified local interface name.
if (isLocalInterface(interfaceName)) {
String ejbName = getEjbNameForPersistenceClass(className);
String ejbField =
getEjbFieldForPersistenceField(className, fieldName);
return getPersistenceClassForEjbName(
getEjbNameForLocalInterface(ejbName, ejbField, interfaceName));
return null;
public java.lang.String | getPersistenceClassForRemoteInterface(java.lang.String className, java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String interfaceName)Gets the name of the persistence-capable class which corresponds to
the specified remote interface name.
if (isRemoteInterface(interfaceName)) {
String ejbName = getEjbNameForPersistenceClass(className);
String ejbField =
getEjbFieldForPersistenceField(className, fieldName);
return getPersistenceClassForEjbName(
getEjbNameForRemoteInterface(ejbName, ejbField, interfaceName));
return null;
public abstract java.lang.String | getPersistenceFieldForEjbField(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String fieldName)Gets the name of the field in the persistence-capable class which
corresponds to the specified ejb name and field name pair.
public abstract java.lang.String | getRemoteInterfaceForEjbName(java.lang.String name)Gets the name of the remote interface which corresponds to the
specified ejb name.
public abstract boolean | isEjbName(java.lang.String name)Determines if the specified name represents an ejb.
public boolean | isGeneratedEjbRelationship(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String fieldName)Returns true if the field in the persistence-capable
class which corresponds to the specified ejb name and field name pair
is one which was generated automatically for 2 way managed
relationships in the case that the ejb specifies one way
return getGeneratedFieldsMap().keySet().contains(
Arrays.asList(new String[]{name, fieldName}));
public boolean | isGeneratedField(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String fieldName)Returns true if the field is a generated field.
That includes: relationships generated for 2 way managed relationships,
key fields generated for use with {@link #UNKNOWN_KEY_CLASS}, or
version fields generated to hold a version consistency column.
return isGeneratedEjbRelationship(name, fieldName) ||
fieldName.equals(GENERATED_KEY_FIELD_NAME) ||
public abstract boolean | isLocalInterface(java.lang.String name)Determines if the specified name represents a local interface.
public abstract boolean | isRemoteInterface(java.lang.String name)Determines if the specified name represents a remote interface.